-I Will Save You-

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{Narrator POV}

Fred was working. He was always working, but it was five and the shop would soon be closing and he could go home to Delania. It was dark outside with only a few dim streetlights left standing alone. The light coming from them made them look as if they were dying, the light collided through the soft fog outside making them look even more distorted and, alive. Fred better it was cold as well, the kind of cold that hit you as if it were a bitter, lonely man.

"Fred, you okay to lock upstairs, me and Druella are round mum's tonight." George threw him the keys.

"You're welcome to come back to mine, Delania's probably home already." Fred told his brother who was now on his way down to get his coat, as they passed on the stairs George shoved his shoulder.

"Good thanks. Maybe some other time though, mum says it's best for you and Delania to spend some time together." Fred nodded, he agreed.

George's brother carried on up the stairs and he took his coat off the hanger as Fred disappeared. George turned some lights off, leaving some in just so Fred wouldn't fall down the stairs helplessly in the dark. It was so silent as well, the shop was normally filled with bustling children and arguing customers. But the silence was disrupted.

The door opened, someone in a hurry.

"Hello?" George took out his wand as he turned the corner to face the out of breath intruder. "Nathan?"

"G-George." The youngest Diggory was bent over, his red cold hands placed on his knees for support. "I-I-I came as q-quick as I could."

"Nathan, what do you mean?" George took off his scarf and gave it to his friend. "Is it Rosie?"

Nathan shook his head vigorously. "D-Delania and Monty." His energy was coming back but he was still shaking.

George was filled with panic. "What happened to them?" He asked.

Nathan looked up at him with watery eyes. "They've been snatched."

George's whole face dropped, he had probably gone pale. But he should've seen this coming, Voldemort wanted Delania because of her patronus and now he had her but she wouldn't break easily. She'd have to be forced to use her patronus for him.

"F-F-Fred." Nathan whimpered.

George frowned. "How are we going to tell him?" He thought aloud.

Fred was upstairs thinking about the fire back at home and how him and his fiancé would most likely cuddle up on the sofa in front of it that night. They would never talk, just knowing the other person was there gave them the comfort of finally being with each other again. Usually Delania would have her head on his chest and he'd just sit there, stroking her hair, he loved her.

And as all these thoughts flooded into his head, a smile took control of his face. George saw this and was filled with more grief. He'd left Nathan on the shop floor with his red puffy eyes.

I should just tell him. George thought as he watched his brother. Or not...

"Oh, hey George." Fred greeted his twin with his beaming smile.

"Hi Fred." I can't do this. George replied, walking up to him and helping him put all the tea mugs away. Fred knew something was wrong.

"You just gonna stand there in silence, or you gonna tell me what's up?" Fred inquired.

More guilt. "I'm fine. Everything's fine." It's really not. I should just tell him. George knew that whenever Fred was upset, he was just quiet, wouldn't talk. At all.

"No it's not, come on mate." He playfully punched George's shoulder before the two of them heard the door open, again. They both made their way downstairs and were greeted with an Auror.

Shit. George forced his eyes shut, keeping them shut until a tiny little universe came into his sight and the stinging forced him to open his eyes again.

"How can we help you?" Fred shook the Auror's hand.

"Mr Weasley?" The Auror responded. Fred and George just exchanged glances. "The one who's fiancé is Miss Black."

Fred's insides fell. "That would be me." He replied, trying his best not to make his voice quiver.

"I'm very sorry sir." The Auror came up to Fred. "She was snatched by Death Eaters and we know not of her whereabouts."



Molly looked at her son, who was sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. She'd told him he couldn't sleep in that house on his own, it would possible haunt him, so he'd obeyed his mother and was now staying in the Burrow. Arthur was doing his best to find out what'd happened to the two young adults but Remus was supposed to be helping as well, and he was too distracted to try.

Everyone was scared.

But all Fred could think about was her screams. He'd heard her scream after her father's death and he couldn't take it, but he had to be strong for her. He never cried when he was mad or upset, he blocked everyone out. But right now he was on the verge of crying, he really was.

"Molly!" Someone from the fireplace ran towards the kitchen. Tonks with Remus. "Turn on the radio."

Molly looked at Fred who nodded.

"Early this afternoon, two young adults were snatched off of Diagon Alley. People are now questioning whether it is safe to go out, well it seems like it is as moments ago one of them reappeared. Montague Turret was found on the street in the exact place he was snatched. He had this to say:

'She's still there, h-he wants her to join him because he thinks she can produce a Phoenix patronus and he's right. He told her if she didn't join him he was going to kill her but she's too clever, she knows he won't. We need to help her though, we need to save her. Please. They're torturing her! They're going to kill her-'"

Molly switched it off. Monty had practically shouted the last bit. George was standing at the door and he knew he had to go talk to him but he couldn't take Fred, too risky. Fred, himself, stood up. His eyes were hollow and there was no emotion left on his face, until he started to cry.


Black's Daughter ➳ F.Wजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें