-Home Sweet Home-

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{Delania POV}

I took Nathan into the kitchen and leant again the kitchen side with her cup of coffee in one hand. I was, nervous. Not only to tell him, I wasn't completely sure whether this was even something I should be telling him. Fuck, shit don't swear at yourself. I had no idea what I was to say.


"So do you think they'll have this place up and running by September?" He asked me, I placed the coffee mug down on the side and sighed.

"Probably, the students loved them when they were at school. I am worried though." I expressed my concerns, Nathan hated it when I was dishonest. "In case people don't come-"

"Yeah cause that's gonna happen." Nathan scoffed. The silence that followed was, somewhat unsettling, and seemed to stick. We both just stood in our own thoughts and sipped out hot beverages every minute like clockwork.



"Yeah?" I replied to him, as I was standing only two metres away it would've seemed rude, and strange.

"Why did you send Rosie to a cafe with Monty?" Nathan asked, a small smirk played on his lips.

"Why, Mr Diggory? Whatever do you mean?" I tried only to reply in my most posh accent, although I usually made him laugh.

"You're either up to something, or need to tell me something."

Now the guilt was setting in. I didn't know why I was doing this.

"I don't..." I guessed rather than said that one, by this point everything that came out of my mouth was either bollocks or didn't make sense.

Nathan cocked his head to a side and gave me 'the look'. 'The look' came about in second year when me and Nathan were Potion partners, I suck at Potions and back then Nathan annoyed the hell out of me, so therefore every time I took charge something or other would go wrong. And he'd just smile, but behind his smile was a small voice screaming; "fucking told you so you slag".

I sighed, again. "Nathan, promise not to freak out, or scream."

"Name one time I screamed when you told me something."

"Sixth year, October the fifth. When I told you Cedric was dating Cho Chang."

"Shut it, tell me."

"Rosie's pregnant." I said. It didn't seem like much of a chore afterwards, although the look on Nathan's face was worrying. He stared straight ahead and almost through me, his eyes looked hollow, as if someone had stabbed him in his side. "Nathan?"

"R-Really?" He stammered. I nodded cautiously. "Which cafe is she in?"

I smiled as I saw his face brighten. "Our favourite one."

Nathan scrambled to get his coat and with one swift movement placed his coffee mug on the side and pulled on his jacket as he left.

Of course I was still nervous. What if he was just going to leave? But I couldn't see him doing that. I shuffled in my uncomfortable position leaning on the kitchen side, and spotted the Daily Prophet. Fred and George never read the newspaper, and it couldn't have been Nathan or Rosi because they didn't walk in with one.

I picked it up and flicked through it and soon enough I got to a page that was full of houses. I knew the ministry put previous wizards houses in the Prophet in case they were struggling with accommodation, but some of them were circled.

"Delania!" Fred walked in. "Where did-"

"I'm sorry I didn't know you read the paper." I said in a questioning tone.

"I don't..." Fred came over and folded the newspaper back up.

"Who did that then?" I stopped him on the houses page, and raised my eyebrows. He looked as unsettled as I probably had a few minutes ago when Nathan was here.

"It was me." Fred came over and placed his hands on my waist. "We can't live here, so I've been looking at houses. And I found one."

"You what?!" I whispered-shouted banging one hand against his chest gently. He just smiled down at me.

"Well, do you remember when Harry won the Triwizard Tournament and gave some of his winnings to us? Well some was a lot, so George said he'd live here and let us have the house seeing as, we're technically married." Fred said, gathering his stuff.

"Uhm, we're engaged. Fred!"

"I didn't have to buy it, the winnings were used to help 'renovate' as it were." Fred continued to explain. "It was completely abandoned, they needed someone to live in it and Mum and dad thought it would be perfect." All I could so was smile at him. "You'll love it. Honestly." He leant down and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too."


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