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A/N I have changed the scene up a bit, for warning.

{Delania POV}

"You've got the fireworks?" Delania ran after Fred and George as they made their way towards the Great Hall, where OWLs were underway.

"Yes, love." Fred said, turning to her and taking her hand. "I love you."

Delania sighed, looking up to Fred lovingly. "I love you too."

"What about me!" George ran over to the both of us and we all shared a hug before the twins mounted their brooms and I threw a small firework at the big door. It let off a bang and I looked back at Fred and smiled, he gave me a thumbs up and mimed 'I love you so much' with his mouth before the big creak of the doors finally emerged. It was Frilly Pink.

"Miss Black, what in Godrics name are you doing?" She whispered in her sharp tone, I tried so goddamn desperately to hold back my laugh when I replied.

"Miss, you can't say Godric. You're not exactly a Gryffindor. More like a squib I'd say." I cocked my head to one side and gave her a sour smile.

Her hands went straight into her hips as she smirked. "And what makes you say that?!"

"You won't let us do magic." I told her, her face going pink then red. "Is that because you can't?"

She was about to go off on one when Fred and George flew round the corner and threw fireworks into the hall, I watched as they all caused mayhem and gave Draco a piece of their mind, to which I just smiled. Harry caught my eye from inside and smiled at me. I shut the doors quickly as the big firework Fred and George had been working on for at least a month came whizzing towards Frilly Pink, all I saw was the doors opening and everyone crowding round in the courtyard, watching.

"Is that your boyfriend again?" Rosie laughed as she came and grabbed my hand. I just nodded and smiled up to the sky.

"Oh, Miss Black!" Fred came closer to the floor. "I forgot to give you this." He threw down a small velvet box, I opened it to see the ring. I could've sworn I was crying but I couldn't think twice. With one last firework, the two were gone. And that last firework had been set off by Fred, and it read simply; "I love you".


{Delania POV}

"Well, this is boring." Monty moaned for the third time that hour.

"Yes, Montague, you've told us all that about twelve hundred times since the twins left and I'm sorry to say, it's not going to change anything." Rosie said from her book, why is it books? Well, one thing was for sure, Rosi had probably passed all, of her NEWTs with flying colours. Slytherin had won the quidditch cup again, and nothing much had changed.

It'd been two weeks. Harry and Delania were civil now thanks to Ron who took it upon himself to approach Delania after seeing her sitting on her own one breakfast. Maybe it was because she was his future sister-in-law, or maybe the fact he could see she'd normally be sitting with his brothers that made him go sit with her and tell her how he and Harry were sorry. Delania had just turned to him and smiled, she'd said he knew why and Ron didn't understand then , but he would soon enough.

"Anyone seen my sister?" Delania asked around the table but Monty just stared at her and Rosi was too engrossed in her book, Nathan laughed. "Anyone? No, okay then."

She stood up and left, bumping into Ella straight away. "Nia!"

"Hi, I heard you're heading back to France for the summer." Delania said to her sister who grimaced.

"Yeah but that means a whole nine weeks with Sacha. Help me." She said, her face softening. "Give my love to George, tell him I'll see him soon." She said as she ran off the join her new found friends. Delania was happy enough for her sister, it was just a shame she'd only joined the school for her last year. Delania carried on walking until she reached the Gryffindor common room and saw, no one. No one was there. Now Delania's certainly not a patient person but she waited, however, the only people who walked in were Angie and Alicia Spinnet followed by Seamus and Dean, who were holding hands. Delania smiled to herself and thought of Monty.

But apart from that, no one. No Harry, Ron or Hermione. No Neville or Ginny either.

Then she heard the door open. "Moony? Dad!" Delania ran towards them both and almost strangled them both. "What why are you here?"

"Thank Merlin, you're dressed." Lupin said as Tonks, Mad-Eye and Kingsley also entered.

"What's going on? Dad?" She turned to Sirius.

"Harry's gone to find the prophecy." Sirius said, still not making any sense whatsoever. She turned to Tonks.

"Basically shits gonna happen, you in or not?"

A smiled crept onto Delania's face as she nodded. Shit's gonna happen.


They arrived with a bang, Delania clinging onto her wand in one hand and her locket with the other. There were death Eaters left, right and centre. Delania saw that Ron and Neville were both about to get their arses kicked and so ran to their rescue. "Get out!" She screamed as she pushed them both out the door along with Luna and Ginny. Sirius saw his daughter and beckoned her to the rock where he was sheltering.

"Don't fall into that?" He told her pointing at the Veil, when Delania questioned why he just said; "It's like suicide, it's death."

She nodded and ran to Remus as Sirius aided Harry. From the corner of his eye he saw his daughter, Remus was her father, not him. He'd been with her for two years only, Remus had brought her up and for that he was grateful. It was in the moment Bellatrix, his cousin, appeared in front of him and told him his daughter was going to die he'd wished he'd spent more time with her. Bellatrix disappeared though, and she reappeared right near his daughter, who was standing in front of the Veil. It all happened in slow motion, Sirius ran towards her and pushed her out of the way.

"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix cackled.

"NO!" Delania screamed and ran towards him.

"Delania, no. Stay there darling." He said calmly as he fell into the Veil. "Close your eyes."

Delania looked at the blankness in her dads eyes and the scene from fifteen years earlier made so much more sense. He was leaving, she wasn't going to stop him this time. She couldn't watch as he fell, she turned to Remus who was crying silently and they both smiled at each other, in ease, remembering.

"Delania no."

"But daddy I want to come with you!"

"No, stay there, the bad men want me, not you."

"Daddy? I don't want you to go."

"Uncle Lupin will be here soon sweetheart."

"Daddy, mummy's gone. Where is she?"

"It's okay, Nia. I'll be back one day."


"Yes, Pup."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now, close your eyes."

And for the second time in her life. He was gone.


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