-Fears and Lies-

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{Delania POV}

It was the first day of school and Fred and I were walking to DADA together, Angie and George just ahead of us, every now and then I would steal looks at him, he really had changed over the summer, he was taller for a start and much more handsome in the face. As I looked forward to see Angie and George, I could feel him looking down at me. "What?" I laughed.

He panicked and looked back up again. "What do you mean what?"

I shook my head at him. "Nothing." I sighed as we continued to walk in silence, slightly awkward silence. "Merlin, I just realised I have to call Remus Professor Lupin for the rest of the year."

"Oh gosh, you won't manage! How will you survive?" Fred gushed, I slapped his arm which only made him laugh harder.

In DADA, I felt as if I had to make sure everyone else was behaving, I didn't want Remus to feel like he was doing anything wrong. As we all stood around a big cupboard I gave Remus a big thumbs up before starting. "Right class. Today, we will be learning about boggarts." Professor Lupin said loud and clear, looking over to me for comfort. He was so scared about teaching, because of his 'furry little problem'.

I knew all too well what a boggart was.

"Does anyone want to go first?" He asked, looking round for volunteers. No hands went up, I felt really bad for him. But I didn't want to put my hand up because I felt as if something awful would happen if I stood in front of the cupboard.

"I feel kinda bad for him." Fred bent down to whisper in my ear, then he raised his hand in the air.

"Fred?" Lupin asked. Fred shrugged but stepped out of the line and walked over to the cupboard thing the boggart was in. "Now, when it gets a bit too scary, you point your wand at it and say 'ridikkulous'. Okay?" Fred nodded.

The cupboard opened and a pale, snake like figure walked towards Fred. It took everyone a while but we all soon realised what it was, Fred shouted the spell and the dark wizard turned into a clown. I spun round to Angie. "How is that any better?"

"Right, who's next in line?" Professor Lupin asked as he caught my eye. "Miss Black?"

I took a deep breath in and stood myself in front of the clown, which was scary enough might I add. Then, slowly but surely, the clown began to change and what followed was least expected. The figure that was looking me dead in the eye, was myself. I froze up, I had no idea what was happening but I couldn't move, all I could manage was to raise my hand and as I did, the boggart did the same, copying me. Remus saw that I clearly wasn't going to do anything about it and he moved in from of me, shouting the spell. 

I stood there staring at him, eyes wide. "Who's next?" Lupin voiced as the whole class stuck their hands in the air and I just stumbled back to Fred who threw his arm round my shoulder.

Fred asked. "Are you okay?" I didn't answer, I just stood there, looking up at him.

After class I left quickly and left my friends, I decided to take a walk. A long walk, in fact it was a five hour walk. I arrived back in the common room when it was 9:00pm and way past being dark, as I walked in, Fred was on the sofa. He stood up on my arrival as if he'd been waiting for hours.

"Hey, Nia!" He put his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. "Here," he handed me some food in a napkin. "Thought you might be hungry since you kinda missed dinner." He rubbed his neck, Fred tends to do this when he's nervous. I smiled weakly. We sat down on the sofa in silence. "So, what happened?" Fred asked cautiously.

"I don't know, I guess I just kind of feel like everyone is judging me because of my dad, I guess I'm just worried that I'll turn out the same." I replied looking down at my wasted slippers.

"I don't think you will." He looked up at me and smiled before clearing his throat. "Rosie, Monty and Nathan were looking for you afterwards. Where were you by the way?" He put his arm around me, pulling me closer towards him. There goes that firework feeling.

"I don't remember." I whimpered. Around that point we must've fallen asleep cause I don't remember much.


"Delania?" There was a voice in my head.

"Delania?" There it was again. It was painful when it spoke.

"Come to Malfoy manor, I'm in need of you and your father." I didn't know who I was but I was angry.

"NO!" I screamed. "He wouldn't do that, whoever you are! Go away!"

"Oh, but he was my favourite servant, and since you helped him escape-"

"I never helped him!"

"Do what I ask of you Delania. Or your friends and loved ones will be in deep danger..."


I shot up, sweating and breathing heavily, then I realised Fred was still asleep, it was still dark. There was a clatter of something falling on the floor outside the common room. I ran out of the portrait and looked around, it was dark in Hogwarts at night, scary too. Something moved to the left of me, a dog like figure came out of the shadows.

"Hello, Nia." The voice sounded so familiar, the he came out of the shadows. He looked shattered. As if he hadn't slept in days.

"Dad?" I breathed as he came closer. "Dad!" I ran up and hugged him.

"Oof! You're getting bigger, how old are you now?" He said, laughing under his breath.

"Fifteen, well sixteen in May." I smiled. My dad, the man I'd visited in prison almost a year ago now was standing in front of me. Then it hit me, like the Hogwarts Express. "Dad, if they find you here they'll kill you!" I said, now more cautious about my surroundings. Anyone could be watching us.

"Don't worry Nia."

"Then go. Into the forbidden forest, far away, where they won't find you!" I looked in his eyes. He was worried, troubled, scared almost.

"Okay." He said. "I'll see you soon." He turned to go and morphed back into the ghostly dog like figure. As he left, I wondered what he'd meant by 'see you soon', was he coming back? I had so many questions. Some people thought my dad was a crazy psychopath, I just knew him as my dad. The filthy liars that write the Daily Prophet know nothing.


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