The Original Witch

By lenaf327

409K 10.2K 2.1K

"Always and forever." That's what her family lived by when they were human until forced to become the first v... More

Author's note
PART 1-Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ending of Part 1-Chapter 27
Part 2-Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending of Part 2-Chapter 46
Part 3-Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Authors note
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Voting for new story face claim (please vote!)
Face claim + cover
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
New Book Out!!
New cover, update, and a thank you
New Avengers book out

Chapter 31

4.4K 133 17
By lenaf327

As I walk to Defense Against the Dark Arts, I hear multiple whispers growing around me. I listen in and realize that both Harry and I are the talk of the school. 

My ears tune in to hear two Ravenclaws. One says to the other, "What if she is lying about that herb that is supposed to protect us?"

The boy peers over at his friend and says under his breath, "There is not way to know for sure, but I hope we are safe." 

"Me too," the girl responds. As I pass the pair, I softly smile, attempting to alleviate some of their concern. The boy nods his head in acknowledgment as the girl looks away surprised at my action. 

Outside the classroom, Harry leans back against the stone wall with his eyes shut closed. It almost seems as though he is asleep, yet I hear his racing heartbeat. I make my way over to him and lightly place my hand on his shoulder, resulting in him jumping, alarmed. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Harry shakes his head at my words, "I'm just on edge. You're good."

Curious, I ask, "Is everything alright?"

He is quiet for a moment, contemplating his future response. A sigh escapes his lips and I notice how tired he looks by the dark circles under his eyes."All the talk, the newspapers...I know what happened in that graveyard. It haunts me to relive Cedric's death. The fact that people don't believe me makes it so much worse."

His head looks over to his left to a trio, looking over at Harry and rolling their eyes.

I listen into the conversation, hearing the Slytherins discuss how Harry is not only a coward, but a liar as well. One even thinks that Harry is not sane. I feel for Harry, also understand what if feels like for people to not believe you. 

"Close your eyes and think about the moment Cedric died." Harry nods hesitantly, but does as he is told. 

I place my hands gently on his cheeks ad enter his mind to see Cedric's awful death. Voldemort orders someone to 'kill the spare', and a rat-like follower casts the killing curse. Cedric crumbles to the ground in an instant as Harry screams.

My hands withdraw, seeing Harry's eyes still forced closed, probably preventing tears from escaping.

I softly say, "I wish I could say it goes away, but it will get better." He opens his eyes, and I can tell he is grateful for some truthful words. "I'll be back."

I walk over promptly to the Slytherins as their eyes widen. Before anything can be said, I place my hands forcefully on their temples one by one, showing them what I had just witnessed myself.

I walk away right after, leaving the trio stunned, confused, and fearful. A smirk appears on my face as I walk past Harry, his face trying to piece together what I had just done.

Ravenclaws enter class with me. Deciding to sit near the front, I take my place three rows back. Moments later, Draco finds his way to me, sitting on my right side.

Professor Umbridge walks in with her pointed noise help up in a snotty way. She lets out a 'hem hem' to get the class to quiet down. 

We all sit, watching the woman in all pink expectantly. Her squeaky voice fills the room, "Wands away and books out." I glance at Draco, the two of us sharing a confused look as to why we aren't using wands. "You will start reading Chapter 1."

People break out in conversation, questioning why we have to read about material learned in first year. My eyes narrow at Professor Umbridge, if I can even call her a professor, analyzing her motives. She is here because of the wintry, so this entire situation seems corrupt. 

A Ravenclaw speaks up on behalf of the rest, "Professor, we love to learn and want to continue where we left off. With wands."

She walks in front of the Ravenclaw, "I don't see why you need to learn more since you know everything you need to."

Another one pipes up, frustrated but remaining as respectful as possible, "We don't know enough about casting spells to defend ourselves."

"Defend yourselves from what?" She demands, not happy with people speaking up. 

Some discuss Harry and the possibility of Voldemort being back, which Umbridge overhears with weed eyes. "I will hear none of this talk about those lies!" Her rushed voice slows down to a more controlled voice, "See, there is nothing else to worry about."

Not worried about what she can do to me, my voice chimes in, "We have to defend ourselves against the likes of you. How else are we supposed to put up with hearing your squeaky voice all the time?"

Some people in the room laugh at this but stop when they see the fiery look on Professor Umbridge's face. She stalks over to me, and I can sense Draco stiffen up at this. "I will not put up with any of these insulting comments."

I put on my best innocent face, "They aren't meant as insults since I am just speaking the truth."

"I suggest you quiet yourself now before I have to give you detention."

I stand up swiftly and look her in the eyes with a gut feeling, "Go sit at your desk in silence and don't move." Her pupils dilate, and I smile knowingly since Dumbledore didn't let Umbridge receive any vervain. She does as told, and the class lets out a cheer. 

My body turns towards the class, ushering Draco to come up with me. "So, what spell do you guys want to learn?"


Class time finishes, so I walk up to a stuck Umbridge, "You will remember none of this class." She repeats my words, so I walk back to collect my belongings on my way out, laving with everyone's admiring eyes following me.

Draco catches up to me, "That was amazing."

My shoulders shrug, "Thank you, although that was nothing."

"You are so talented though with being able to cast without a wand." I smile as a thanks, "Granger has nothing on you."

I stop and look at him, "I think this is the first time you called her Granger to my face and not made a comment about her being a mud blood." He rolls his eyes, ignoring my words as I continue, "She is brilliant though, and you can't compare us since I have centuries of experience on her." 

He neglects to agree because it gives Hermione the credit she deserves, so he changes the subject, "So, I've noticed that you and Weasley are not talking." I remain silent, still confused myself about where we stand. "He's an idiot for not taking you back in an instant."

I don't think George is dumb, but it hurts to know that whatever love we had was not enough to overcome this obstacle smoothly. Draco notices my silence and says one last thing before heading to his next class, "Does this mean you will give me a chance now, love?"

My eyes roll at my friend as he scurries off after sending a smirk my way.

A second year Gryffindor girl comes up to me hesitantly with a frightened look on her face, "Headmaster Dumbledore wants to see you in his office. He really likes lemon drops."

"Thank you," I respond with a smile.


"Lemon drops." The statue moves to present a staircase to the Headmaster's office. I walk up and knock on the large wooden door at the top of the stairs. A "come in" can be heard, so I push the door open.

My eyes scan his office, somewhat amazed at all the trinkets and knowledge in this room. Dumbledore stands in front of a portrait of Queen Maeve, the assumed Original Witch.

I walk over to him as he remains with his eyes focused on the painting as he says, "I heard Defense Against the Dark Arts was unique today."

Of course he already knows, he is all knowing and has his ways. My voice is firm yet apologetic at the same time, "She is awful and I had to do something-"

He politely cuts me off, "It is perfectly fine. All I ask is for it to not happen in the future so the Ministry does not get word of this." I nod my head in understanding. "I knew I made the right decision in making sure her water had no vervain in it."

A bright smile appears on my lips, glad he knows my compulsion can protect the students and that he trusts me enough to do it.

"Is that all?"

When he doesn't respond immediately, I swivel my body to face the door. 

His voice is light as he narrows his eyes at the painting, "It's curious, don't you think?" I turn my body around to face him once more with my head tilted, unsure of what he is talking about.

Dumbledore continues on, sensing my confusion, "It's curious that so many people have a truth that has actually been a lie all along."

I cross my arms protectively, still wondering his intent.

"You know, I sensed how powerful your magic was when you tried to compel me during the sorting hat ceremony. The magic radiates from you." My eyes widen at his words, struck that I was filled by a wizard and was unaware.

He chuckles lowly at this, "I may be very old but that means I am quite wise. I even noticed your lack of need for a wand, although you made that known your first day back."

I sense he still has words to share, so I remain quiet yet thoughtful.

"I believe that when the time comes, you will be able to save some from their fate with death. You won't be able to save everyone but you are hope. You are the light at the end of the tunnel as we enter these dark times."

I furrow my eyebrows, "People think I bring darkness...I doubt anyone will want me to save them."

Dumbledore nods, seemingly done with our conversation, so I walk towards the door to leave. From behind I hear him say, "I think Queen Maeve will be dethroned in a sense soon and when she is, I am confident you will finally take your rightful place."

My eyes widen once again with my back facing the headmaster, except this time, my face softens with a smile as I reach for the door without looking back. 

My time will come on day and Dumbledore reassured me of this. 

I would like to give a huge shoutout to @sannexgek for the amazing new cover! I am incompetent with editing, so I am super thankful to have a much better looking cover now. Thank you Sanne!!

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