Beating the System (bnha fanf...

By caity-devil788

334K 11.2K 7.8K

-"Why don't we beat the system? They all told me I could never be a hero, and that the idea of me being a vil... More

Beating the System
A Bird Always Falls Before It Flies
Wolf King
That's about as practical as a screen door on a submarine.
Thin as a Twig
VCU Urge?
The Letter
One Week.
His Letter
What Does it Mean To You?
Liar Liar Soul On Fire
This is What it Means to Him
Try It Again, Deku
I Was Just Testing...
He Didn't Know What It Meant to Him
Iron Man, Bitch
Look Like a Badass (part 1)
Look Like a Badass (part 2)
You Thought You Knew What it Meant to You
Look Like a Badass (part 3 [out of 5])
Look Like a Badass (part 4 [out of 5])
Kind of a PSA
He May Never Get Back What He Once Had
(edited) Look Like a Badass (5/5)
Christmas Special!
Uh.... hi.... mom...?
Jesus Christ What Have I Done
Its Okay to be Angry
Izuku's Hair UWU
Flower Boy
Weather Boy
Pick your Poison
Time Skips?

So You Wanna Talk, Eh?

7.2K 262 125
By caity-devil788

"YAAAAS!!! In yo face, HA! I told you he would say yes!"

Torako was happily gloating about her victory. There may or may not have been a bet between her and Alliko about whether Izuku would join or not.

"I except your offer! Ha! Ya hear that, emo? EXCEPT! I would say told ya so, but... wait, there is no but! Told ya so! Shave them legs, cause I'm ordering the outfit right this minute!" Torako was on her phone buying Alliko's punishment using his money.

Motashiro spoke up. "Don't get too excited just yet, sis. He wrote specifically that he needed to tell us something. About his quirk, no less. This could be a very concerning matter."

"Gah, how bad could it be? Worst thing that could happen is that he can't lie. And I sincerely don't believe that would be it. I trust my gut, and right now it's saying that he's probably an amazing liar! He can bend and shape the truth as if it were a piece of thin wire!"


"Well I think it's saying your hungry, hehe!" Kisha giggled softly, her innocent persona causing smiles all around her. Her slender, pale hands were clasped in front of her neatly.

A short tempered emo looking kid, a young, shy, quiet girl, an eccentric twin to a stoic older twin brother of which neither looked alike to the other.

A truly odd group.


Izuku was panicking. What would they do when he told them? Yeah, hey, I'm Quirkless! You still want me in your group of people meant to save people and defeat villains, right?

What a fucking joke. He was never gonna be good enough. If the years of physical and verbal abuse from Katsuki didn't prove anything, then what fucking did?!

Once this washes over and they throw him out, he can truly give up. Maybe just end it all. That wouldn't be the worst, would it? It would be better than being worthless. Weed out the weak ones.

Despite that, he still left his house to check the mail. In the mail box sat a single letter.

He tore it open, not even bothering to go back inside.

Whenever you're ready, go to Tonekasho Avenue. Keep going down the road till you reach the vacant lots. Large warehouse, should have red doors. That's what we call The Bin. It's basically home. Good luck getting there. Make sure no one follows you. Make sure to shake that explosive dumbass that follows you around. Wimp.


Izuku sent his mom a text, not even hesitating.

:3 I'm heading out for a bit. I'll be back by dinner, don't worry!

Mom: kk honey! Make sure you stay safe!

Tch. Meeting stranger in an abandoned warehouse. That's safe, right?

He shoved his phone in his pocket, his hands shaking and clammy. It's finally sinking in fully. What he's doing. He's meeting a possible vigilante group! Scratch that, a DEFINITE vigilante group! If this isn't illegal, I don't know what is.

What the hell is wrong with me?

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