Beyond The Murder Of Emilia J...

By Sidewalk

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Sixteen year old Emilia Johnson was murdered, then revived in an unfamiliar body to find the one who murdered... More

Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson: Chapter Two
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter Three
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter Four
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter Five
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter Six
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter 7
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter 8....
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson Chapter Nine
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson Chapter 10
Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson Chapter 12
BTMOEJ. Whatever Whatever. I know you don't care about this story.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14..

Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson Chapter 11

42 1 55
By Sidewalk

    Chapter Eleven. Here it is. 

   The car sped down the dirt road into the forest. Spring break, finally. Liah, Ryan, Matt and I were all heading to Liah and Ryan's cabin in the forest to spend the break together. It was by a lake and suppoedly really fun. And, it was my seventeenth birthday tomorrow. What better place to spend my birthday then with my three closest friends away from the busy world we call home?

 "Are we there yet?" Matt whines from the back seat like a five year old.

"Almost!" Ryan exclaims cheerfully. It's humid out, I'm exhausted and I have too pee. Talk about being uncomfortable.

"How much longer do you think, Ry?" Liah leans her head on her brothers seat.

"About twenty minutes or so."

"Good. Wait 'till you guys see! It's gorgeous there!" Liah says to Matt and I.

"Lakeside cabin in the middle of nowhere? Sounds boring as hell to me." Matt rolls his eyes.

"Stop being so negative. It's really nice, with nice rooms and an awesome jacuzzi. And it's all ours." Liah retorts.

"Jaccuzi?" I ask.

"Yes, you'll love it."

"You guys don't even need to go in the hot tub. Can you even feel the hot water?"

"Course we can, why else would we own a jacuzzi? We can feel it alright, it just doesn't affect us." Liah grins.

"I see..." I stare out the window and the cool scenery passing by.

"It's almost six." Ryan declares.

"Damn, we won't have time to go to the lake tonight. I mean, mosquitos are terrible for Evalin at this time."

"Don't let me ruin your fun time, you guys." I whine in annoyance.

"Your not, Eva. We're looking out for you. And we don't care." Ryan smiles at me.

"If you say so."

"What's with the grump?" Matt huffs at me.

"Speak for yourself." I roll my eyes.

"Now, now. Let's all settle down, children." Ryan jokes. Ryan turned to me to fash me a boyish grin. He's toussles up his hair in a different way than usual. It looks cute, but I liked it better the way it used to be.

" we are!" He exclaimed. 

Ryan pulls his silver Coupe into the driveway in front of the cabin. It's cute, with a nice patio out in the back and a bench under a large willow. We all get out of the car and stare at it silently.

"It's going to be fun, you guys. Just wait until you get inside, it's quite glamorous." Liah says, hoping to raise our spirits. She always wants everything perfect, and if we don't agree, she does all she can to make it so we do. We walk around the front of the cabin. The house has worn shingles and cute windows with flower boxes. It looks homey, the opposite of Ryan and Avalin's lifestyle back home.

"Let's go inside, I'll make some OJ for Evalin." Liah smiles. I groan.

"I honestly don't want you to do extra stuff for me just becuase I need it. I can do it myself, Liah."

"I like doing it! Seriously, it makes me feel more normal, I guess. Just let me do my thing okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's go inside then." I yawn, my eyes becoming droopier by the second. My expectations of what the cabin would be like inside completely diminished once we opened the front door. It was even more gorgeous than Ryan and Liah's house. The floors were so clean that they reflected the furniture and everything on top of it. Everything was insanely elegant and clean.

"Wooow......." I ponder quietly.

"I know! Let me show you your room, Evalin. Ryan, show Matt his." Liah grabs my arm and leads me down a short hallway. She flings open the door to reveal the room I would be staying in.

"I'm staying here?!" I gasp like I'a peice of dirt and the room is royalty. The room is the most beautiful room I've ever seen, with a see through canopy draping over the bed like a fairytale and a closet with sparkly clothes already in it.

"Yes, silly. This is my parents room, but they come here about every five years anyway...those clothes are yours, Eva. They're just one of the birthday presents I got you."

"Your kidding!" I run to the closet. I sift through the clothing, there a five gorgeous, elegant dresses hanging on the rack just for me, and two pairs of adorable gladiator shoes.

"You didn't!" 

"I did, stupid!"

"Oh my god, Liah. I can't accept this." I breathe in despair.

"Oh shut up, yes you can. Don't use reverse physicology."

"Fine." I laugh in agreement, snatching a magnificant dress and holding it up against my body. "I can't thank you enough, seriously. Your the best, Liah. I love you!" I run to my best friend, throwing myself into her arms violently.

"Your welcome."

"I feel like a princess. A queen."

"Well, you deserve to, birthday girl."

"It's not 'till tomorrow."

"So? I couldn't wait." Liah grins widely, her fangs sharp against her soft lips.

"Oh god, this is so awesome! This is amazing! I love you!" I repeat, dancing around the room.

"Try one on, will you?"

"Yes!" I grab a dress and my clothes are flying off. I slip on a short, velvet blue dress that hugs my thin waist and cuts low the perfect amount above my boobs. I do a little dance and shake my butt to show it off.

Liah laughs, "You look great in that, seriously. It matches you perfectly."

"Thank you, my stylist is only the best." I say in a weird french accent.

"Of course she is. Now, I'm going to get started on that orange juice and a grilled cheese for you."

"You know what - don't. I think I'm going to take a quick nap, I'm exhausted from the drive."

"Okay. Don't go to sleep in that." Liah warns.

"Never!" I gasp dramatically, wriggling out of it and hanging it back on the rack with it's alluring friends.

"Have a good sleep." I fall back onto my princess bed with a sigh and shut my eyes. My body sinks into the bed and lets sleep enter me. I have a dream, as usual, but this one gives me an oddly good feeling. It's Gavin and I, we're sitting together just talking and having a nice time. He puts his arm around me, and kisses my cheek. And I smile. I don't know why, but for some reason the dream made me feel good. I think about how I could have invited Gavin to come here, after all, he helped save me. We were becoming better of friends, just the other day he invited me to grab an ice cream and just talk. We had a really fun time. For some reason, at this moment, I longed for the company of Gavin. He could be so understanding and caring sometimes, or if I just needed to talk, he was always there. But so was Ryan, and Ryan was who I should be thinking about instead of Gavin. I force Gavin out of my mind and try to dream of other things, if that's even possible. I wake up to the serene darkness, and I can hear the faint sound of laughing coming from the patio outside. It's so humid in here, my skin is sweaty and sticky. I stretch, getting up form my restful nap. Out the window, everyone is lounging in the hottub. I figure I'll join them, so I rummage through the suitcases Liah must have brought in when I was sleeping. I change into one of my two suits. This is the first time Ryan would...well...see me with this little of clothing on. I had to look good...didn't I? I walked to the mirror, inspecting myself. I was pretty thin, almost two thin. Crap, do I look anorexic? No, no. Ugh, I have man shoulders...

"Alright, suck it up. Ryan likes you for your personality, he's not going to care what you look like in a bathing suit." I say aloud to myself. I pad through the small cabin to the patio. I open the screen door, a blast of cool air hitting my sticky skin. The wind rushes against the back of my neck, sending comfortable shivers down my spine. It's beautiful out here, nice and isolated. A green forest stretches on beyond the patio, and the sky is a dark blue blotted with silver stars. A clement breeze lingers across me, and I shudder with delight. It feels as if I have chills. My skin is cold on the outside, but on the inside I'm burning up.

"Hey, care to join?" Liah grins at me. The boys turn to look and I blush. 

"Hey, Eva," Ryan looks me up and down, "Come on in." I blush again, approaching the hottub. All I can think is as I prance across the watery tiles is don't slip, don't slip...I successfully make my way into the jaccuzi. The warm water surrounds me, melting the sweat and travel grime off of my body. It feels so refreshing and warm after having those weird chills. I stare straight ahead with a stone expression.

"Relax." Liah laughs, sensing my akwardness.

"How'dya sleep?" Matt smiles.

"It was nice, but very humid."

"Yeah, at least you've got us. We can cool you down." Ryan says.

"Tell me if your hungry, I'll whip you up something." Liah assures me. I nod. "So, we were just talking about the time Matt and I met." Ryan chuckles. Something must be funny about it.

"Tell me." I say.

"Well, Liah and I were down in Emmensberg, and we were at this hotel. We were around humans, obviously, but we could tell Matt was a vampire. Anyway, Matt must have been drunk off of red wine or something because - "

"Never do this." Matt buds in and warns me playfully.

"Anyway, he got up in front of everyone in the lobby. There were alot of people. And he said - "

"Let me tell!" Liah cries.

"No, I'm telling."

"Ry, let me!"

"Shut up! Like I was saying - " Ryan and Liah are now talking over eachother like immature, typical brother and sister. All I can hear out of this conversation is, "Get and then burrito guy mouth drops open says he vampire and so crazy everyone security had alleyway crashed it was."

"I can't understand a thing your saying!" I interupt them and laugh.

"Matt got up in front of everyone in the lobby and he said he was a vampire. And then he started singing this Evanescence song. This guy started choking on a burrito, and Matt was hitting all the high notes of the song. So they called security, but Matt escaped, obviously. Ryan and I went after him and found him crashed in an alleyway singing to himself." Liah laughs.

"HA, Matt! I never figured you liked Evanescence." I snort.

"Matt's gay." Ryan jokes quietly.

"Shut up, man. I am so not." Matt chuckles.

"Prove it."

"I don't need to prove it, your just immature."

"I can immature if I want! So, prove it!" 

"Fine!" Matt looks at Liah and hesitates. Then he puts his arm around her and smacks his lips against hers. She looks startled at first, but soon gives in and kisses him back.

"Wooooo!" I whistle playfully and laugh. Liah breaks away and looks down as if she were to redden.

"Your welcome, Liah." Ryan teases her.

"Shut up." She kicks at the water and splashes him. "I'm going to make that food now." Liah mutters quickly, but a smile is forming on her lips.

"I'll come." Matt replies immediately. Ryan and I look at eachother and start laughing as the two scamper away into the kitchen.

Ryan and I sit in silence for a moment, and then he swiftly swipes his hand across the water and splashes me.

"Hey! What was that for?" I giggle, splashing him back.

"I think your cute." He responds. I blush for the fiftith time that night.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" I change the subject.

"Either talking about how long they've waited to do that, or full on making out." 

I snicker, "Full on making out."


 "Okay, Eva. Time to honestly tell me what you think of this new hair. You haven't said a word." Ryan raises an eyebrow curiously.

"I like it." I say.

"That's code for disgusting, isn't it?"

"Never! No, Ryan. I do like it. I like your old hair better, but this is nice, too."

"Well, I'm changing it back anyway. I feel like a girl."

"Haha, Ryan. Anyway, did you hear what Liah got me?"

"Of course." Ryan smiles at me.

"Five freaking dresses, and two pairs of sandles!"

"That's my sister for you."

"She's amazing!"

"For my sixteenth birthday, she got me two leather jackets and tickets to a rare rock concert." 

"Leather jackets? I've never seen you wear a leather jacket." I raise my eyebrows. Leather jackets are sexy.

"I hate them. They're too stiff and warm and annoying."

"Who cares, you'd look hot."

Ryan laughs, "Uh, thanks..."

"Well, it'll be your birthday tomorrow." Ryan shifts and puts his arm around my shoulder. He feels like cool marble against me under the hot water.

"I know...I'll be seventeen. It's hard to believe."

"You know, you'll always look this young."

"I know." I grin. Being a vamistrix had all the good parts of being a vampire, and all the bad parts of being a human. "I was thinking...are you ever going to college?"

"Well, I plan on it in a while. I'll just have to see how things play out."

"What things?"


"Us? How is that going to stop you from going to college?"

"I might not want to go, depending on what your doing."

"Don't let me stop you, Ryan. I don't want to get in the way."

"You won't be. I'm choosing what I want to do, when the time comes. I mean, we have forever to go. We don't have to play it out like normal people."

"Your right."

"Hey, your food is ready Eva!" I hear Liah shout from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go eat." I peck Ryan's cheek and leave the jaccuzi just as Matt comes back in. I head back into the dark cabin and find a bowl of steaming macaroni waiting for me. So maybe Liah and Matt really were being productive. I chuckle to myself as I take bite of the food. The clock reads ten, I must have slept a long time. But I'm still tired as hell, and I want to be well rested for my birthday tomorrow. Liah is probably going to plan something exhausting. My mind wanders to Gavin...but why? Why was I thinking about him so much lately? I try to shake him out of my mind, but it's not that easy. The dream of us together continuously creeps back to me. I gobble up my macaroni and announce to everyone that I'll be going to sleep. I change into some comfortable underwear and a little top to sleep in, since it's so humid. I lie aros the bed with a tired huff. Why was I so tired? Gavin re-entered my mind. I wanted to shriek get out at him. But I watched him, so handsome, so graceful. I wanted to see him on my birthday, too. But Ryan would be shocked if I requested that. I wonder how he knew I had been captured, I hadn't asked him yet. It would be too akward this early in our friendship. He's very secretive, and don't want to bug him with questions.

 "Hey." I hear a quiet voice, and snap back to reality.

"R-ryan..." I stammer breathlessly, starting to get up.

"You don't have to get up, I just wanted to say goodnight."


"You know, you've been quiet lately." Ryan flops onto the bed next to me. He puts his arm around me firmly and kisses my forehead.

"I don't know, I've still been feeling weird after Slane died."

"Well, that's understandable. Just don't be unhappy on your birthday."

"I won't be, I had a lot of fun today already." I grin.

"Well, you can sleep in tomorrow morning and then we'll all head down to the lake for a swim. You'll love it."

"But you know me, I'm like OCD about lakes and stuff.

"Eva, it's really clean. I promise." Ryan chuckles at me.

"Okay." I smile.

"Want me to stay here tonight?"

"Yes. Yes, always."

"Okay, you just go to sleep and I'll be right here." Ryan assures me. I crawl under the covers and huddle up to his cold body, putting my arm around his waist.

"Goodnight." I murmur before falling asleep. I sleep well, with no interuptions of Gavin or odd feelings about him. When I wake, Ryan is still next to me. He's so patient, I could never wait all night for someone to wake up.

"Well good morning birthday girl!" He cries cheerfully. Oh, right. It's my birthday.

"Morning." I rub my sleep eyes.

"Get up, let's get going."

"Nooo..." I groan, lying back down.

"Come on." Ryan pushes me lightly.

"Noooo." Suddenly I feel something alarming but soft smash against me. I look up to see Ryan chuckling with a pillow. "Hey!" I grab mine, hitting him hard with it.

"Get up!" He hits me with it again.

"Oh, I'll get up." I leap out of bed with my pillow and chase Ryan around the room with it, smacking him numerous amounts of times.

He laughs, "Get dressed, I'll be changing into lake stuff." 

I let my silky hair down and slip on a pair of shorts, heading out into the living room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Liah screams, and everyone attacks me with hugs. They all surround me and drown me in happy birthdays.

"Thank you, guys," I laugh brightly, "Now, please, I can't breathe." I choke.

"Let's go to the lake, and cake and presents later." Liah claps her hands. I roll my eyes and latch onto her arm. Ryan and Liah lead us down a small pathway and over a hill. Below us lies a small lake, clear blue water lapping up against the sandy shore. Wildflowers dot the green landscape, and the sun shines down perfectly on the spot.

"It's gorgeous." I smile.

"Let's get into our bathing suits then, huh? We need to dive in." Matt suggests. 

We all strip down to our suits, mine still wet from last night. 

"Okay, take my hand." Ryan looks at me with a toothy grin. I grab his hand and squeeze. "We're jumping in."

"Not without us your not!" Liah buds in, grabbing Matt and I's hand so we form a line holding hands.

"Crap! We're going to die!" I wail.

"Shut the hell up, on the count of there!" Ryan shouts.

"ONE, TWO..." Matt screams, "THREE!" I shriek as Ryan plunges forwards, taking me with him. Liah screams too, loosing Ryan's hand as we plummet into the water below. It submerges me, refreshing and cool. Bubbles fill my vision underwater, and water enters my nose and mouth. I feel like I'm drowning for a split second, but I rise to the surface without a problem. I cough up freezing water and make my way to a rock underwater where I can stand. I lean back slightly letting the sun soak into my skin. Suddenly I feel finges wrap around my ankle and more fingers tickling at my stomach. "Ahhh!" I scream, falling back into the water. Ryan rises to the surface laughing, as always. "Hey!" I splash him. He goes underwater again and I can feel the tickling on my back start. I jump around giggling until my only escape is to kick off the rock I'm on.       

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