Beyond The Murder Of Emilia Johnson chapter Three

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Chapter three-

Ryan watched the delicate girl fall to the hard cement with a thud as she gave out. What was wrong with her? What happened to her?

"Evalin? Evalin?!" Ryan cried anxiously, bending down to check her pulse. Her pulse was quick and choppy. Frightful. Whatever she saw that he didn't, was enough to make her fall limp and unconsious. A light wind blew through the alleyway, bringing all sorts of unfamiliar scents to him. Vampire. And not one he knew. Vampires didn't often venture out of their covens or areas, so what was it he smelled? An unfamiliar. An unknown. And all vampires knew that an unknown meant something was up to no good. The scent told him that the vampire was moving quickly, well on it's way to Evalin and him. It wasn't the same one as the previous night in the alleyway, it was a different one. But he was sure it was for the same reason... He had to protect her, if the rest of the vampires were to stay alive.

He picked up Evalin, slinging her weak arm over his shoulder.

"Come on," He whispered to her even though she was unconsious, "We're getting out of here." He turned towards the wind, feeling the scent grow stronger. He could escape if he was quick, which he was. He just had to wait until the exact right moment.

"Mmm..." Evalin made a strange sound, wet tears streaming down onto Ryan's shirt. She fell back slightly in his arms so her face was tilited up to his, but her eyes were still peacefully shut. She was so beautiful, her every feature drew him in. But he couldn't. He wouldn't dare cross that line, no matter how much he grew attached to her.

"Emilia..." Evalin whispered under her breath. Ryan moved a strand of hair out if Evalin's face, caressing her cheek gentley. She was so warm and soft, he had to remind himself every moment not to crush her tiny frame.

"It's going to be okay, Ava. I will protect you."

"Emilia." She whispers louder. What was she talking about? "don't let me die again..." Her murmur faded into soft breathing.

"You will not die." Ryan demanded firmly, whipping his head to the right as the scent filled the entire space around them.

Ryan bared his large fangs in anger, crouching low to the ground, his porcelain doll vulnerable in his arms. He counted slowly, tapping his sharp fangs each time. One tap two tap three tap GO!

He tightened his arms around Evalin and ducked behind the corner before his legs thundered off. They moved like proppelors, speeding through water with such force. His silky raven hair blew behind his face, the wind running smoothly through it. He sped all the way to Evalin's house. She could be safe there for a while. He would stand guard until the vampire gave up.

"Hold on tight, Eva." He whispered to Evalin. She tightened her arms around his abdomen with effort as be boudned up the walls of her house and grabbed hold of her window shutter. Forcing the rusty window open, he tumbled inside without a sound. Her heartbeat was steadier, but still thick with the pulse of fear. Ryan lay Evalin down on her bed softly, tucking a blanket over her legs. Her blood was thick and warm running in her veins. So sweet. It made his mouth water as he imagined savoring the taste of her blood. No. He told himself anxiously, Don't think of that.

"Goodnight..." He whispered smoothly. "I'll be outside until morning. I promise." Ryan traced his cold finger along her warm arm breifly, then silently jumped out of the window.


I woke with a pounding headache, strewn across the bed. I was still in my dancing dress, but my tights were ripped and my heels were scuffed. What happened to me? I try to remember, but it's mostly foggy. I remember being with Ryan in the alleyway, trying to find evidence, and then passing out...and I remember all the images of Emilia flashing through my mind. They haunt me still. I notice that a soft rain is falling outside, lightly pattering against the roof with a comforting rythem. The clock reads eight seventeen. I get up, taking one glance in the mirror at my hideous appearance. My hair is stringy and greasy, my makeup smudged all across my skin. Not to mention I have a serious case of B.O. I take a long, hot shower and then dress in something comfortable for the day. This happened to just be a blue hoodie saying the name of my school in yellow and green. I thought of how ugly the yellow and green would be if they weren't together on the hood.

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