Hidden Kingdom

By Leostar729

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Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... More

⊱Chapter 1 - part one 🗡 Failed Lesson⊰
⊱Chapter 1 - part two 🗡 Summoning⊰
⊱Chapter 2 🗡 An Unwanted Guest⊰
⊱Chapter 3 🗡Surprises⊰
⊱Chapter 4 🗡Birthday Bash⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part one 🗡Introducing Magic⊰
⊱Chapter 5 - part two 🗡Elemental Strength⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part one 🗡Mage Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part two 🗡Master Mage⊰
⊱Chapter 6 - part three 🗡A Royal Command⊰
⊱Chapter 7 🗡Beginnings of Courting⊰
⊱Chapter 8🗡Courting Disaster⊰
⊱Chapter 9 🗡Courting Secrecy⊰
⊱Chapter 10 🗡Beginnings of Panic⊰
⊱Chapter 11 🗡Death within Life⊰
⊱Chapter 12 🗡Eternal Sorrow⊰
⊱Chapter 13 🗡Nightmares⊰
⊱Chapter 14 🗡Revenge Mission⊰
⊱Chapter 15 🗡Revenge is Sweet⊰
⊱Chapter 16 🗡Mission Order⊰
⊱Chapter 17 🗡Mission One⊰
⊱Chapter 19 🗡Unending Nightmare⊰
⊱Chapter 20 🗡Hostage Situation⊰
⊱Chapter 21 🗡Attempting Seduction⊰
⊱Chapter 22 🗡Jail Break⊰
⊱Chapter 23 🗡Hidden Truths⊰
⊱Chapter 24 🗡Decoding the Past⊰
⊱Chapter 25 🗡Dragon Bonding⊰
⊱Chapter 26 🗡 Stifling Truths ⊰
⊱Chapter 27 🗡Chosen Future ⊰
⊱Chapter 28 🗡A Lover's Betrayal⊰
⊱Chapter 29 🗡 A Dragon Encounter ⊰
⊱Chapter 30 🗡Destiny's Decision⊰
⊱Chapter 31 🗡A Mother' guidance and a King Revealed⊰
⊱Chapter 32 🗡Hidden Kingdom⊰
⊱Chapter 33 🗡Mother's Story⊰
⊱Chapter 34 🗡Anxiety Rising⊰
⊱Chapter 35 🗡Sky Trials⊰
⊱Chapter 36 🗡Capture the Magic Flag⊰
⊱Chapter 37 🗡Magical Challenges⊰
⊱Chapter 38 🗡All or Nothing⊰
⊱Chapter 39 🗡Nightmare Calling⊰
⊱Chapter 40 🗡The King's Blade ⊰
Authors Note

⊱Chapter 18 🗡Unpleasant Company⊰

32 3 2
By Leostar729

Alright guys, this is the final three part update from the edited chapter 8 of the original book. Please enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments.


Keeping my eyes closed I take a calming breath to help me force all the unnecessary thoughts from my mind.

Placing the palms of my hands to the ground, projecting my energy pool outwards. Taking control over all earth particles that I could reach.

The more particles I connected with the more my energy drained. Finally deciding I had enough dirt particles I brought my arms up, slapping my palms together above my head. The dirt rising up in a giant inky cloud. Dropping my arms back down, I slam my hands against the ground. The thick cloud following my movements, choking the life out of the burning fire.

Causing a smoke like fog to rise up in place of the orange flames. As the majority of the fire was being put out by the cloud made of earth, Dax and Bao rushed forward to take care of the smaller bush fires that still burned.

As for me I collapsed briefly from exhaustion as I had never used my magic like that before. The poor man, who had never moved from his position behind me, had to catch me. When he did he almost fell over himself as he struggled to support my weight.

Thankfully the boys came back soon after my collapsing, covered from head to toe with soot, smelling heavily of smoke. Dax relieved the man of my dead weight when he was close enough. Lifting me into his arms and cradling me as if I were a mere child who needed coddling.

"Put me down this instant." I hissed through my teeth. Furious he was treating me like a child.

My behavior only made the fool grin as he found my anger amusing, "Nah, you are too weak to do anything right now. Besides I couldn't pass up this opportunity."

His comment had my cheeks turning a flaming red as the blood heated in embarrassment. "I swear Dax one of these days I might just kill you. Now put me down before my image is ruined and I am forever known as a weakling."

This comment seemed to make the entire group laugh instead of just Dax. "Sweetheart I don't think you will ever be known as a weakling. So put that out of your mind right now." Dax freaking smirked.

Still agitated with the man holding me I huffed, angling the upper part of my body away from him so he knew I was put out with him.

Instead I brought my attention to the man we had helped, who stood a couple feet away with a smile on his lips. "So what happened here? Was it Neglasian troops of the Northern territory past the kingdom?"

After I asked the question I almost regretted asking but it had to be done, for his smile slipped away and a sadness came over his demeanor. "Whatever do you mean?" He shook his head with a dejected tone, "It wasn't Neglasian troops that destroyed almost everything. It was our own troops."

Intrigued with what I had learned, my curiosity began to grow. Leaning further forward, "Then what actually happened?"

He placed his head within his hands as though what he was about to tell us had become almost unbelievable even to him. "The troops have been becoming more relentless as of late. Fellow farmers have talked about in taverns that the troops have come to their farms taking almost everything from them and threatening them with burning down the rest of their fields. I hadn't really believed it until today.

They threatened to kill my family if I didn't let them take my crops. They plundered everything, I begged them to take less. How would I provide for my family? So as a punishment of trying to appeal to their humanity they set fire to the crops they did not take. Now I have nothing to provide for my family. They even took what little animals I had. All in the name of the King." By this time the poor fellow was sobbing his heart out. "How will we survive?"

Feeling stronger than before, I forced my way out of Dax's arms so I could rummage through my saddlebags. Deep down in one of the pockets I took out a small purse with a hefty amount of coins. "I don't know how much this will help. However it should cover enough to allow you to restart your farm and provide for your family." I placed the purse in the man's shaking hands. "And please tell your fellow farmers if they need assistance don't hesitate to call on me for aid. My companions and I will be staying in the King's Townhouse."

The farmer's face scrunched up in confusion which I found mildly amusing, "Why would you stay at the King's....Oh! oh my goodness. Please forgive me for not recognizing you sooner, m' lady. Had I known we had the fabled Blade's Apprentice Avian helping us... Oh my! Please forgive me!" He clumsily bowed.

Laughing I held up a hand which made him pause, "It is alright. Well we must be going now. I am glad we could be of assistance to you." I turned away to climb up into the saddle. The boys following my lead.

The man however called out to me before I rode away, the purse in the palm of his hand, "If you don't mind me asking m' lady. Why did you help us?"

"It is my job to help those in need, not just the King. Plus you really needed my help. Farewell!" I waved once as the man stood there in the dust kicked up by the horses.

Thirty minutes later we arrived in the City of Sarcosia, which housed the main sea port and trading system. The hustle of the active city had my ears ringing from the sheer noise. Vendors lined different streets shouting out their goods while people wearing colorful clothes walked the streets looking in the windows of the shops.

Thankfully we found the King's townhouse without much trouble. Of course it had to be the gaudiest house within the City.

Entering into the house a chubby little man called out as he descended down the staircase as if he were royalty, "Ah Apprentice Avian, I was wondering when you and your entourage would arrive. My name is Pierce McAdams. I am the governor of this area. Would you care to freshen up after your long journey?"

"No thank you. I would prefer to discuss the business of why I am here." Replying coldly with narrowed eyes. This creep gave off ambiguous vibes as that of a snake though he resembled more of a pig.

"Of course, of course. Would you care to join me for supper? We could conduct our business there. I am sure you would be most comfortable in the dining area." The grubby man's mouth beginning to salivate from the mere mention of food.

This man grated on my nerves and I had only just met him. "No I care not to join you for your fifth meal of the day. I want to discuss our business affairs right away up in your office for this matter is of the highest importance." I massaged the bridge of my nose to try to ward off the inevitable headache that had begun to take form.

"But of course. Right this way." The chubby man pouted by jutting out his lower lip like a pathetic fool. The grumblings of his jiggling belly could be distinctly heard from where I stood. He inevitably turned around slowly ascending the stairs.

Rolling my eyes at his attitude I followed him up the staircase. Getting to his office took a great deal of time as Pierce seemed determined to go as slowly as possible, probably hoping I would change my mind the longer he delayed. I bet if I told him I would reward him a piece of chocolate as soon as we got to his office, he would move as if his britches were on fire.

But there was no way I would be rewarding this man for wasting my time. He would be lucky if I didn't strike out against him. "Now his Highness sent word that you would be investigating the rumors of his enemies moving against him." Pig-man Pierce sat down in his cushioned high back chair, his humongous belly reached all the way to his desk where it seemed as if it were squashed, and there still being a great deal of space between the desk and his chair.

Folding myself gracefully into an uncomfortable seat that a servant had provided, seems like he didn't want to share his possessions with guests, I interrupted him before his nasally voice could continue, "Yes, so for the next few days I will be visiting the noble families in the area as well as the farmers. Send word to each that they shall be expecting me sometime in the coming week."

Beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead as his breathing became labored. It wouldn't surprise me if the desk cutting into his belly happened to be slowly suffocating him, but one could only hope. He took out a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat, "N-no need to in-include the f-f-farmers." He stammered, obviously hiding something.

Abruptly I stood from my chair and slammed my hands loudly on his desk. Making the man jump, he looked like he was about to pass out from fright, "Do not, I repeat do not tell me how to do my job. I will go talk to the local farmers. If I find out you have been doing something illegally or have tried to interfere again with my mission you will find yourself out on the street so fast you won't even have time to say dinner. Do you understand me?"

He gave a tiny hint of a nod as he hyperventilated. "Good, now I would like to be shown to my room where I will take my meal. I have no desire to join you at your table. Good evening." I stalked out of the office where a servant waited for me in order to show me to my room, he must have been eavesdropping from the wide smile he gave me.

The next set of days were quite eventful, all of the farmers I visited gave me similar stories of the King's soldiers ransacking their farms. A few nobility also gave credit to the soldiers, while the rest insisted it was the Neglasian troops. Random people I spoke with in the markets told tales of spotting rogue mages and troops the last few days within the woods as they traveled from nearby towns to exchange their wares.

Having enough evidence to prove the rumor of the enemies moving in the north false I decided I had enough of the Pig-man's watchful eye. Tomorrow we would start heading for home.

I didn't want to run into Pierce McAdams in the morning so I gave him another threat that had him running for his room his belly bouncing dangerously as he tried to escape my wrath.

I couldn't wait to head home.


Hey guys!!!! I know this three part update was probably a surprise but like I've stated before I am prone to be a lazy person and kinda ran into a bit of a writing wall. The mood to write didn't strike me again until recently. However I'll try to update again soon. But we shall see. My laziness takes over at the most random of times. Anyway please let me know what you thought of the three new edited chapters. 

As always Comment, Vote, and Keep Reading. Ta Ta for now!!! 

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