Catfish » l.h

By fxckmuke

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olivia white, or should i say, the new nev and max. all rights reserved. copyright © 2014 | fxckmuke More

quick note
the start of something new
20 things about her
20 things about him
the big day
first hello
dedicated to you
no goodbye just see you later
that someone is me
ask luke & olivia
a/n again
'ask luke & olivia' answers
a/n, get dat promo

the answers

25.9K 1.7K 590
By fxckmuke

i was downstairs in the kitchen with my mum making breakfast when my phone rang.

"hello?" i asked

"good morning olivia! it's nev and max"

"oh hey guys"

"we spent a long time last night doing some research, we got some leads, so we wanna know if there's anywhere we can sort of meet and go over all of this?"

"yeah i'm at my house now so you can come over if you like"

"be there very soon olivia, alright now, bye"


i hung up and smiled. i told my mum that they we're coming over and she ran upstairs to get ready. i placed on my rolling stones top and my flannel over the top and a pair of black ripped jeans with some socks, waiting on my sofa for them to arrive.

about 10 minutes later, the doorbell rang. i walked over and opened it to be greeted by nev and max.


"hey guys, come on in"

we headed into the living room, closing the doors behind us and sitting down.

"so me and max think that luke hemmings is exactly who he says he is but if we're going to do our job well, we should do some research, we have this app where we can find certain things about people with their phone numbers, kiks, skypes, address' etc so we decided to use it. we put his kik into it and there was a few possible options" showing me his laptop screen the name 'Ben H' showed up. "and we found a facebook page" showing a facebook page for 'Ben Hemmings' on the screen.

"we went to the about for ben and sure enough he lives in australia too, and under family it shows a luke hemmings. so the next thing we did was we reached out to a member of their team, of 5 seconds of summer. we talked to someone called john and we spoke to him. we asked if he had ever heard of a girl named olivia, he said no."

there was a long awkward pause, i didn't know what to do, i could feel this going down hill from now.

"then we ran luke's kik through him, and immediately he said no, well if it's not luke you've been talking to then who could it be?"

"i don't know" i ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. ready to prepare myself for whatever was coming.

"so you met luke hemmings on instagram, and he messaged you, but because you posted it on instagram there is a possibility that there's some random person who's pretending to be him. if it was, the strange thing is that john said that ben, the brother, helps out with the social media sites and that the brother and he sound similar, the only thing we haven't done yet is ask him to meet us, or another option, we don't tell him anything, we go to wembley, we show up at the one direction, 5 seconds of summer show thing and we see what happens cause if we give them a heads up now who knows what they can do, it's your call"

"let's go, we'll go, tomorrow wembley, i'm ready for whats to come"

"well, lets do this"

a/n. yeah yeah i get the idea, yes it's based off an episode of catfish, well 2 in fact mixed together and i've added bits in and changed it. getting it clear because i've already said this and some people don't seem to understand.

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