It's Always the Brother's Bes...

By missy4eva

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One night can make all the difference. One night can change everything you ever believed and thought was righ... More

It's Always the Brother's Best Friend
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors note

Chapter 22

9.8K 125 14
By missy4eva

This chapter dedication goes to shelleymallow because I absolutly loved your comment on the last chapter. I really hope you enjoy this one as well :)


“Well then,” I said walking over to Damon. “We ne-“ I began to say before Damon once again pulled me down onto his lap. This time however I didn’t struggle to remove myself from his grasp, if anything, I made myself more comfortable. I froze for a second when I heard Damon groan but let out a giggle when I felt the tell-tale bulge harden under my backside, breaking the gate on my arousal.

“What were you saying?” Damon asked huskily, his breath brushing against my lips only serving to heighten my already high arousal.

“That we need to fix your lips, and I have the perfect solution for them.” I said as I pressed my lips against his gently, being mindful of his cut lips. I didn’t want a repeat of what happened earlier. Damon obviously didn’t share the same thoughts as he crushed his lips against mine with the same force as before, making us both moan in pleasure and desire.

Chapter 22

Our make-out scene didn’t last for very long before Mum and Lorraine both came out of the kitchen with giant smiles on their faces. It was obvious that they had been listening in on what Damon and I had been talking about but like before, I wondered why they didn’t come rushing in when they heard Damon yelling at me. They probably thought that we were just messing around, though I’m not very happy over the fact that they basically left me to the wolves.

“Oh Donna, they are so cute together.” Lorraine said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes which I was just hoping was hormones because I don’t know how I would have acted if that was a normal reaction from her.

“I couldn’t agree more Lorraine.” Mum said looking at us with a big smile on her face. Probably thinking about her possible grandchildren…or maybe a more realistic view is that she is just happy to see me with someone finally and she’s happy that she knows who the guy is so she can blackmail him if he does anything to hurt me...let me rephrase that, if he does anything more to hurt me.

I tried to remove myself off of Damon’s lap as the looks that our Mum’s were giving us were starting to make me feel embarrassed, as if they knew exactly what we were doing and their imaginations were getting the better of them. The only thing was, Damon was not loosening his grip anytime soon and that was just causing my embarrassment to grow. Why the hell is he doing this to me? Does he just want to torture me some more? I thought to myself when I realised that I had no hope of getting off of his lap, his inhuman grasp winning again against me feeble strength.

“Damon, let me up.” I muttered.

“Let me think about that…No I don’t think that I will.” Damon said with a chuckle before tightening his grip on my waist.

“Damon!” I cried out.

“Lorraine where is your camera? We need photos of these two together.” Mum said. “On second thought, where is my phone?” Mum asked checking her pockets.

“Damon, if you do not let me up within the next thirty seconds then I am not kissing you for a week.” I said determinately hoping to god that if he didn’t let go that I would be able to go that long without kissing him.

“Hmm…” Damon said contemplating whether or not to let me go.

“Don’t worry, I have mine.” Lorraine said holding her phone out. There was only time to look over in her direction before the flash on her phone went off.



Damon and I said at the same time. Lorraine had the decency to have a sheepish expression on her face before it disappeared and her and my mother were cooing over the photo before she snapped another one. I highly doubt that they will be any good, what with me trying to get off Damon’s lap?

“You are going to have to send me those photos.” Mum said to Lorraine.

“I cannot believe that they are our mothers.” I muttered to Damon who nodded in response.

“I know; they could have at least waited until my face was back to normal.” Damon said with a pout.

“Oh Baby, I still think you look cute.” I said as I carefully pinched his cheek, being mindful of the cuts and bruises.

“Cute? Babe I am not cute! Sexy…hot……handsome even, but not cute.” He said with a look of disgust. I couldn’t help myself from giggling.

“Oh, did I hurt your man ego?” I asked in a baby voice.

“No, just don’t call me cute.” Damon said. “Otherwise, I’m going to have to tickle you.” I tried to move out of his grasp before his hands could tickle me but failed. I accidently bumped Damon’s ribs in the process of trying to get away from him, causing him to wince in pain and me to freeze in horror.

“Oh my god Damon I am so sorry.” I said removing myself from his lap and trying to look at the damage that I had done.

“It’s fine Babe, not your fault.” Damon ground out through his teeth while holding his right side again. I kneeled down in front of him, rubbing my hands up and down his legs in comfort.

“Damon we need to remove your shirt.” I said moving my hands down to the bottom of the material so that I could pull it up over his head.

“Wow, didn’t know you wanted to go that far with our mum’s in the room.” Damon said with a smirk on his face.

“What?” I asked looking up at him with confusion.

“I just mean that I thought you would have at least waited until we were on a bed and alone before we progressed to this level of intimacy.” Damon said while his smirk grew as I realised what it was that he was talking about.

“Damon! I swear that if you weren’t hurt right now, I would hit you so hard that you would never think of saying something like that to me again.” I cried out, trying to hold back my laughter.

“Babe, don’t you know I like it rough?” Damon asked with a sly grin on his face and his eyes darkening with lust and desire. A blush rose on my cheeks at the images that were now running through my head. Curse you Damon.

“Okay you two, the sexual tension is at an all-time high so I would appreciate that you wait until you guys are in a room until you progress any further than you already have.” Lorraine said with a smirk on her face.

“We are Mum.” Damon said in a husky voice causing me to become even more embarrassed. I couldn’t look at him or our Mum’s and realised that the carpet was in fact attention grabbing and kept my focus there.

“And I thought that Mitchell and Chelsea were bad.” Mum muttered to Lorraine. I gasped in embarrassment hiding myself in Damon’s lap only putting myself in a more embarrassing position when Damon groaned. My eyes opened wide in shock horror at the fact that I had just done that. My face felt like it was on fire and I could only imagine how red it would be.

Mum and Lorraine looked like they were trying to hold back their laughter, but they only seemed to fail in doing so. Damon seemed to have a look of torture on his face. How stupid can you get Ellie? You already knew he was aroused and then you go ahead and follow the same actions as if you’re going to give him a blowjob. Poor Damon, he is definitely going to be needing a cold shower…unless you want to relieve him…God Ellie what the hell are you thinking? Get your sexually aroused mind out of the gutter. I swear you have been spending too much time with Anna lately. I thought to myself in horror.

“I’m so sorry.” I mouthed to Damon who gave me a slight nod as if to say it was alright when clearly it was far from alright. I quickly looked down to see the bulge that was situated in between his legs and was shocked at just how big it looked.

“Ellie is right about one thing,” Mum said breaking me out of my sexually centred thoughts. “You will need to take your top off so that I can have a look at the damage you sustained from my son.” Mum said moving closer to the two of us.

I made a move to get up only to be stopped by Damon. I looked at him curiously, wondering why he didn’t want me to move only he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at Mum. Great, now I’m stuck a position where I’m near his package! He probably has dirty thoughts running around his head right this minute, most likely with me back in my previous position and our Mums conveniently gone. I thought as I looked at his face, trying to see if that was the case. His face however was completely blank, no emotion what so ever was portrayed on his face.

“Well I can tell you for sure that you don’t have a cracked rib. If you did then you wouldn’t be able to lift Ellie around like you have been so far. It’s most likely that you have some bruised ribs though I would still like for you to go to the hospital just to make sure, just like I would like someone to look at your nose to make certain that it is not broken as well.” Mum said as she made her way over to Damon and I. “Ellie, do you want to help him remove his top?” Mum asked me with a slight smirk on her face.

It took all my effort not to let my jaw drop in shock. Who the hell is this woman and what has she done with my mother? I thought to myself. I got up slowly from the ground and moved my hands to the bottom of Damon’s t-shirt before slowly and carefully pulling it up. Damon winced in pain when he tried to lift his hands over his head so I could take his top off. With Mum’s help I was able to get Damon’s top off without him experiencing too much pain.

When I looked at his chest I had to hold back tears. His chest was covered in black and blue bruises. That is going to take forever to heal. I thought to myself.

“How are you not in pain Damon?” I asked softly, running my hand softly along the side of his face.

“It’s not that bad, except for when I move in a certain way.” Damon said with a shrug before wincing slightly.

“Maybe you shouldn’t do that.” I said with a slight smile, to which Damon just nodded. At this point Mum had finished examining Damon’s injuries.

“Okay, than. Like I said before, I’m pretty sure it’s only bruised ribs but I think we should take you up to the hospital just to make sure, plus the cut above your eye looks like it needs stitches. Also going to the hospital will allow me to get you a compression bandage which will help in supporting your ribs.” Mum said. “Lorraine, do you think that I could borrow your phone just to check who is working today?” Mum asked turning to Lorraine.

“Of course.” Lorraine said, retrieving the phone off the dock on the side table. Once Mum had the phone, she stepped out of the room to make the call. The benefits of having a nurse for a mum. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Lorraine started talking to both Damon and I.

“Now I am all happy to have grandbabies, in fact I want them sooner rather than later, but maybe you two could wait maybe just a few years before you start having them.” Lorraine said looking at Damon and I seriously. “I mean, this little one needs to be a tad bit older than its nephew or niece, right?” Lorraine said looking at us both expectantly while rubbing her stomach lovingly.

I was in shock, I didn’t know what to think let alone what to say in regards to her comment. I didn’t even know if we would still be together-if we ever got together-to get to the stage of considering having kids. I looked at Damon and he seemed to be in the same position as me. We’ve only just confirmed that we both have feelings for each other and our mothers are acting like we’re getting engaged or something. If they keep this up, they’re going to end up pushing Damon away. I really hope that she is only acting this way because of her hormones.

“Yes, well…I really don’t think that that is something that we need to think about right now.” I said while Damon just seemed to have lost the ability to talk at all, his mouth seeming to re-enact the motions of a fish. I would have laughed if the situation hadn’t of been of a serious nature.

“In any case, I just thought that you should know.” Lorraine said with a smile on her face. I just nodded my head as Mum walked back into the lounge room.

“Okay, I know one of the doctors who are on today who is happy to have a look at Damon.” Mum said as she put the phone back on the dock.

“Great, let’s go then.” Lorraine said picking up her bag and heading to the front door in anticipation.

“Okay, I’ll just let the boys know and grab my bag so that we can go. I’ll meet you at the car.” Mum said as she walked out the front door only to pause for a moment. “And don’t take too long you two; we need to leave as soon as possible.” Mum said with a smirk on her face. I felt my face flush bright red in embarrassment at what it was that she was implying. I looked at Damon and saw that he too, had a smirk on his face.

“Well that was an invitation if I ever heard one.” Damon said the smirk still on his face. I just sighed.

“In your dreams Buddy.” I said rolling my eyes at him.

“You know it Babe.” Damon said chuckling.

“Well, let’s get your shirt back on then we can leave.” I said picking his top up and moving over to help him put it back on.

“What? You don’t want to fool around for a bit beforehand? Your Mum practically gave us permission to do so.” Damon said slyly.

“I’m sure I don’t want to ‘fool around’ now or anytime soon. Damon we need to make sure that your injuries aren’t any worse than Mum thinks they are.” I said.

“Please, your mum knows her stuff. If she says I’m fine then I’m fine. Stop worrying.” Damon said as he pulled me onto his lap. “Now can I have a kiss, you know, to make me feel better?” Damon asked his smirk back in place. I wacked him lightly on the arm.

“There is no stopping you, is there?” I asked him with a slight smile.

“Only if I get a kiss.” Damon said, his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me back into his chest. I resisted at first, not wanting to put pressure on his bruises but his strength was too much for me to fight against.

“You know, that sounds awfully familiar to something that you said only weeks before.” I said looking at him.

“And as I remember, you refused to give me what I wanted. Are you still going to do so?” Damon asked raising his eyebrow. I considered doing so for a second before pressing my lips quickly against his, moving back just as quickly. Damon had a pout on his face.

“That was not what I wanted.” Damon said sulkily.

“We need to go, so that’s all that you’re getting Mister”. I said as I moved myself off of Damon’s lap, picking up his shirt that I had dropped when Damon had pulled me onto his lap. Damon groaned making me giggle.

“I am going to get you back because of that.” Damon said as I helped him to put his shirt back on. “And I won’t be so lenient.” He said, smacking me across my butt making me yelp. I threw a glare over my shoulder at him before walking over to the front door. I waited until Damon was outside before locking the front door.

“Looks like you miss out on gym tonight.” I said before following Damon to the car.

“Oh well, you should be happy that you get to spend this time in my company.” Damon said with a smirk. That smirk seems to be becoming a permanent fixture on his face.

“What is with the egotistical remarks?” I asked him. I would so love to have been able to raise my eyebrow when saying that, such an unfortunate state of affairs that I am unable to do so. I thought with a resigned sigh.

“I wouldn’t be complaining you’re getting one hundred percent Damon right now. Not many people are good enough to see all of this.” Damon said indicating himself.

“My god, he’s obsessed with himself.” I muttered to myself. “Maybe Mitchell did some damage when he was beating him up.”

“Hey I heard that!” Damon said looking slightly offended. “There is nothing wrong with me for your information.” I’m pretty sure that he would have crossed his arms if he was able to do so without hurting himself.

“Well, you two didn’t take half as long as I thought you would.” Mum said as she standing by the passenger door talking to Lorraine breaking Damon and I out of our conversation. As I approached the car I opened the door for Damon much to his disgust, he all but pushed me away when I tried to help him into the car.

“Fine, but when you hurt yourself further trying to get into the car, don’t blame me or come to me for sympathy.” I said moving to my side of the car and getting in.

Damon winced only once in the process of getting into the car, but said nothing. Once he had seated himself, he threw a smirk over in my direction, taunting me over the fact that he didn’t need any help.

“There’s no need to worry about that, I’m fine.” Damon said with an air of cockiness about him. I just rolled my eyes. Thinks he’s so good. At one point he’s going to do something that’s going to hurt him and then he is going to come running to me to take care of me. Well, I’m not going to do that meaning he will just have to suffer. I thought to myself. I felt like an evil laugh should have been added in after that thought.

The twenty-five or so minute drive it took to get to the hospital was done so in relative silence with the exception of the radio. Mum and Lorraine talked in the front softly between each other while Damon and I remained silent. During the course of the trip, Damon had taken hold of my hand. Tingles immediately started to run through the tips of my fingers, through my hand and up my arm. I wanted to shiver in pleasure but held back from doing so, there was no need to give Damon any more indication of the effect he had over me, especially if he was only holding my hand.

“Okay you two love birds, we’re here.” Lorraine almost sang as she opened the door. You would think that she would be worried over her son’s health not acting like she wants to sing happy days. I thought to myself. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the hormones making her act like that.

Mum took us through the emergency room entry, saying hello to the various nurses and doctors that we passed. She then led us into a small room, indicating for Damon to take a seat on the bed that was placed against the wall.

“I’ll just be a second while I find the doctor.” Mum said before walking out of the room.

“I don’t like hospitals.” Damon said looking around the white sterile room. Even I had to admit that the room seemed to be too white. Various machines were in the room of which I had no idea what they were for. The only one that I recognised was the one for reading the heart rate, other than that I had no idea.

Mum walked back into the room with a doctor behind her. He was a reasonable height and looked to be in his late thirties early forties with black wavy hair. His cobalt blue eyes were partly hidden behind smart looking glasses that appeared to be an expensive brand.

“Okay, how’s my patient doing?” He asked walking over to Damon.

“I’m good.” Damon said looking at the doctor.

“Donna was just telling me that she suspected that your ribs were only bruised though she didn’t want to rule out any fractures or breaks same with your nose. I would like to have a look myself just to confirm before sending you to get an x-ray.” The doctor said. Damon removed his top by himself this time though he still had some difficulty when it came to removing his arms out of the sleeves though he managed. What is it with guys and not wanting to show pain in front of other guys?

The doctor moved closer and assessed the damage that was done to Damon’s ribs before checking his nose, coming to the same conclusion as Mum. He also took the time to look at the cuts that were on Damon’s face, confirming what Mum had said earlier about Damon needing stitches on the cut above his eye.

“We’ll get this cut stitched up before we get that x-ray done.” The doctor said before leaving the room to get the items that he would need. He returned moments later to begin stitching the cut closed. I couldn’t watch as the needle went through Damon’s skin. It was bad enough having to watch it happen in movies and TV shows, but I couldn’t handle it being done in real life. Lorraine seemed to feel the same way as her face was averted while the doctor worked on Damon.

Once the doctor finished he took Damon away to go and have his x-rays. Lorraine decided that she needed something to eat and made her way down to the cafeteria. The thought of food made me sick and the only reason that I could think that Lorraine could stomach the thought of food was due to her pregnancy.

It felt like hours before Damon and the doctor returned back to the room though in actual fact it was only forty-five minutes. Damon’s face was blank. I wasn’t able to read his face meaning I was unable to tell if the news was good or bad.

“Well Damon has only bruised ribs, no fractures or breaks so there is no reason to worry about that though that does mean that there is no physical activity for at least four weeks.” The doctor said. He was cut off from saying anything else by Damon’s groan. I almost giggled at his reaction. Of course the player would be upset about the no physical activity for four weeks. But he has said that he has feelings for me, showed me that he has feelings for me, so why is he upset? He wasn’t thinking that we would be having sex? At least any time soon, definitely more than four weeks before we do that. I was broken out of my thoughts by the doctor.

“It will take at least three to four weeks, maybe more, for the bruising to fully heal after that you can go back to whatever it is that you normally do.” He said with a smile, though there seemed to be a glint in his eyes that made it seem like he would like to have also added ‘Or whoever it is you do.’

Damon grumbled at bit before the doctor continued.

“Also your nose is not broken though it will be tender for a couple of days and the swelling should go down not long after. I have some medication here that you should take for the pain and I would suggest that if your symptoms get any worse that you either see your doctor or come back here, other than that your fine.” The doctor said closing the report.

“So this means that I can go now.” Damon demanded.

“Damon!” Lorraine chastised. Damon looked down grumbling but didn’t say anything else. The doctor chuckled.

“Yes that does mean you can go.” I breathed a sigh of relief. He’s going to be okay, not that I didn’t know that, but it’s good to hear it all the same. “Though I would like to know how you got these injuries, they could have been very severe.” The doctor continued with a frown.

I froze. Shit! Is he allowed to ask that? Well I guess so if he’s worried about his patient and as he said the injuries could have been severe. What the hell is Damon going to say? I thought to myself panicking.

“I was getting ready for a competition that was coming up in a couple of weeks and the guy I was practicing with basically wanted to go all out. This was the result, nothing that I haven’t had or felt before.” Damon said with a shrug before wincing slightly. I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t of been watching him so closely. I sighed in relief internally. Plausible excuse, the grappling fights do leave you bruised and banged up.

“Okay, just make sure that you rest up. No sudden movements and I would refrain from going to gym and lifting any heavy objects.” The doctor said to Damon with a knowing look. Poor Damon is going to be in hell these next few weeks doing nothing. “Though you will like this; no school for the rest of the week in case you do more damage to your ribs.”

I could almost hear Damon saying ‘Yes!’ in his head over not having to go to school. I wonder how long that yes will last when he realises that he can’t do anything at all, except maybe play x-box and watch movies. By the end of the week I bet he will be going out of his mind. I thought to myself with a slight smirk.

“Okay, thanks for fixing me up, now let’s get out of here.” Damon said walking out the door, egger to get out of the hospital. Lorraine looked at me before following him out. Mum was walking over to the doctor, probably to say thanks for looking at Damon on such short notice especially with the hospital being so busy. I walked out catching up with Damon and Lorraine.

“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Lorraine was asking Damon with a concerned look on her face.

“I’m fine Mum.” Damon said exasperated. A look of relief seemed to flash across his face when he saw me walk out of the room. “Ellie.” Damon said moving up to me with a desperate look on his face. I had to suppress the giggles that wanted to make themselves known. Damon trying to get away from his Mum is hilarious.

“Yes Damon.” I asked unable to cover my smirk. Damon looked at my face reading into my expression. I was a little worried about what it was that he had seen when a smirk of his own appeared on his face.

“Guess we won’t be able to finish what you started in the lounge room until next month.” Damon said in mock sadness. I was confused. What the hell is he talking about?

“What are you talking about Damon?” I asked with a frown on my face. This caused Damon’s smirk to grow.

“Oh you know actions that involve you removing my clothes and actions that involve me removing your clothes.” He said with a sly look on his face. I gasped in surprise before a look of horror crossed my face.

“Damon Hunter! We are in a hospital and your thinking of that!” I almost yelled at him. I felt like hitting him and I would have if I didn’t think that I would hurt him or add to the injuries that he already had. Lorraine’s not so quiet giggles had my face blazing in embarrassment. I couldn’t help myself; I hit Damon across the back of his head being that that was one of the only spots that hadn’t been attacked by Mitchell.

“Oww, Ellie what the hell was that for?” Damon whinged, rubbing the back of his head while a pout appeared on his face.

“How could you say that while we are in a hospital with your Mum only a metre or so away from us?” I hissed at him, unable to keep the glare off my face.

“I’m a guy, what do you expect?” Damon said with a shrug before wincing again.

“Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself more.” I chastised him, forgetting to be angry at him. “Besides, you could have waited until we were alone before you said something like that.” I said softly unable to look him in the eye. Damon froze before looking at me with a slight smirk that was only growing.

“So that means that you were thinking about doing it.” I blushed gapping at him, unable to say anything. Damn boys with their heads in the gutter. “What? Not going to say anything?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

“I really don’t think that that should be dignified to even have a response.” I muttered before moving away and leaving him in the hands of Lorraine. Let him suffer. I thought, adding my own evil laugh as Lorraine started to hound Damon, checking to make sure that he was in fact all right while Mum came out of the room with the doctor.

“Okay let’s go home. As I recall, I had two boys at home that needed to be taught a lesson.” Mum said leading us out of the hospital. I couldn’t find it to be sorry for Dad and Mitchell after what they did for Damon. Afterwards maybe and as I looked over at Damon I realised that I would feel sorry for them by tomorrow morning, I wouldn’t be able to help myself. Damon looked at me and smirked making me roll my eyes as I opened the car door and moved in. Damn boy still hasn’t gotten his mind out of the gutter. I thought shaking my head as Damon grabbed my hand causing me to sigh.


Next chapter guys :)

Thankyou for all the comments and votes for the last chapter and on some of the previous chapters. Thankyou also to my new fans. And just a plain thankyou to everyone who actually read the chapter.

I really hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Tell me what your thoughts are.

Brittaney xx

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