Always You

By d-hamilton

467K 7.7K 2.2K

No matter the circumstance, Harry and Hailey always seem to find a way back into one other's lives. "It'll a... More

1. Ed's Special Friend
2. Seven Years
3. Publicity
4. Catching Up
5. House Hunting and Meetings
6. Music Video
7. Sushi Date
8. Call Me
9. Miami
*10. Popcorn
11. High Note
12. Vocal Advice
13. Shammy
14. Sleepover
16. House Tour?
17. Potential
18. Table Hockey
19. Kiss
20. Don't Be Weird About It
21. Car Wash
20. Ice Cream & FaceTime
21. Ready
22. Family
23. Vegas
24. Elderly Couple
25. Interview
26. Crew Dinner
27. Surprise
28. First Date
29. Something Casual
30. Soundcheck
31. First Concert*
32. Hotel Room Boredom
33. Sneaky
34. Tarantula
35. Chelsea Boots
36. Mad
37. Flight
38. House Hunting
39. Perrie
40. Cooking
41. Sydney
42. Surprise
43. The Nelson's
44. Social Media
45. Next To Me
46. Spilling Tea
47. Home Concert
48. Childhood
49. Packing
50. Treat People With Kindness
51. Do It Or Tattoo It
52. Arena
53. Final Show
54. Middle Of The Night
55. Halloween Party
56. Grocery Shopping
57. Panic Attack
58. Brazil
59. Teen Choice Awards
60. Carpool Karaoke & Camping
61. Camping
62. Haunted
63. Cheater
64. Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts
65. Christmas Planning
66. Family Gathering
67. Man Period
68. Broken
69. Arias
70. Break Up
71. Yellow Daisies
72. Midnight Memories
73. Christmas Shopping
74. Snow
75. Ice Skating
76. Cafe Chats With Zayn
77. Harry Returns
78. Accents
79. Christmas
80. Eternity

15. Double D's and Kim Kardashian's Ass

7K 116 55
By d-hamilton

The following morning when I wake up, I have one of those moments where I panic because I don't know what planet I'm on, what year it is and how long have I been asleep for. I sit upwards and gasp as I open my eyes.

I feel an unusual weight that I'm not used to feeling on my stomach and I lift the blanket to see that Harry's arm is wrapped around me.

"You alright?" He asks and I have to pull myself together and stay calm even though his morning voice is so deep, raspy and heavenly. I think I might start up a conversation with him just to hear his morning voice again.

"Yeah, sorry. I woke up a bit out of place that's all."

"You snore so loud." I loosen his grip around me so that I can turn to face him.

What, I don't snore. "I do not."

"You do" he speaks with his sleepy eyes still closed. "Rather loudly Hailey."

"I don't snore." I've never snored. How embarrassing if I have randomly started. But I feel like he is being sarcastic.

"You do." He argues and when I am about to bite back I see lips lips form into a smirk and that's when I know that he is being sarcastic.

I lightly hit his hand that is on my hip. "Don't scare me like that."

Harry opens his eyes and takes his arms off me as he holds them in the air and stretches whilst letting out a loud yawn. "Man I'm knackered."

"Knackered" I repeat his choice of wording.

"Mhmm" he hums in response as he pulls me back into him. I am sitting up now so Harry is pretty much lying on my chest with his arms around me. Usually I would think this would be quite uncomfortable, but it is oddly pleasing. He's very warm and I'm not complaining. "Your heart is beating very fast."

Yeah, because you're holding me and my body is not used to this much contact from the opposite gender.

"I can hear it" I see him lower his head slightly and then I push it away because I know what he's doing. He's trying to get a feel of my boobs, I'm not an idiot.

"You may have woken up from one, but this most certainly isn't a dream so get your head away from there Styles."

"You're no fun Hayes." He laughs. "Seven years ago you never had these" he looks at my boobs again. He isn't afraid, is he. "So my apologies if I get distracted. I'm a boob man."

"Most guys are ass men these days. Funnily, I don't have either of them."

Harry frowns. "You have a cute little butt."

"Little." I nod slowly. "My point exactly."

Harry throws a pillow at me. "You know what I mean. Don't twist the meaning of my words. Would you rather me say you have a huge ass that looks like two watermelons have been pushed together?"

This makes me laugh just imagining two watermelons on someones backside.

"I'm not a fan of all that you know." I look at him and he continues. "Liam for instance, he loves a curvy girl because he says there's more to hold onto and I mean, all girls are beautiful in their own way but I don't care if a girl doesn't have those double d's and Kim kardashian ass. I like a good handful of boob and a cute butt."

I find myself laughing although I don't know why I find this topic so humerus. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask curiously.

He sighs. "That's a good question that I don't have the answer to. You're easy to talk to, it just comes out I guess."

Harry gets out of bed and walks over to the window. I had no idea that he only slept in his boxers last night. I only seen him take his shirt off, not his shorts that he was wearing. Lucky is behind is to me because I would have to look away in fear of seeing his front.

Speaking of his behind, he has a nice butt. He must do his squats because damn the mans got a fine ass. Okay, calm down now Hailey. All that talk about boobs and butts before has really got into my head.

"I should get out of your hair. You mentioned you had a busy day today."

"But I have time to get breakfast. You want to come?"

"What about Niall and Zayn?"

"They can come too."

I nod. "Sounds good."

"And Hailey?" He turns around to face me.


"You're very beautiful. Don't ever put yourself down."

I can't help but smile. I turn around so he doesn't see me blushing over his compliment. Why am I getting all awkward around him? It's Harry, Hailey. Pull yourself together.

"You want to have a shower before we go? Feel free. Bathroom is just through that door."

"Do I really smell that bad?"

Harry covers his nose. "Yes."

I shake my head whilst laughing at him. "I think I will take a shower."

I walk into the bathroom and just like the rest of his house it is spotless. His cleaner does a good job but Harry also does a great job at maintaining its cleanliness. I know he might not be here much but all the boys I know are messy. Harry is pretty neat.

I grab a towel from under the sink cabinet and then turn the shower on. I hang up the towel by throwing it over the shower screen. I remove all my clothing and wait until the water turns hot before stepping inside.

I can't help the thoughts that run through my mind. This is Harry's shower. Where he stands wet and naked. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts but images of him naked flick through my mind.

"God, stop it Hailey." I whisper to myself. Hopefully Harry can't hear me talking to myself because he will think I'm weirder than I already am. Imagine if he knew I was picturing him naked.

I'm going to stop right there.


We are eating breakfast at a place called Blu Jam Cafe. We just got our hot beverages brought to the table and are waiting for our food.

I ordered an earl grey tea with a vegetarian breakfast burrito. Didn't really feel like having the big breakfast this morning.

Harry and I both drove here. Niall rode with Harry and Zayn rode with me.

"You two are like best mates all of a sudden. What did you talk about whilst Harry and I were out yesterday?" Niall asks.

"Hailey is easy to get on with. What we spoke about is none of your business" Zayn nudges Niall.

Harry looks between the two of us and takes a sip of his coffee. "Stop cutting my grass, Malik. You've got your girl."

What Harry just said could be taken in two ways but I choose to say nothing rather than getting ahead of myself.

"I can't believe Hailey is the bakery girl. You never told us it was Hailey Hayes."

"So much for none of my business." Niall says to him.

Zayn rolls his eyes. "I'm speaking to Harry, not you."

Their bickering makes me laugh. It's like sibling banter. Harry then speaks up. "Didn't feel the need to." He shrugs. "But you know now."

"Did you tell them what I did to your croissant?" I ask Harry and he shakes his head. Zayn and Niall both ask about the croissant and I tell them what happened. They find it hilarious and tell me similar things that they've done to peoples food as pranks whilst on the road.

Our breakfast arrives and we stay in a comfortable silence whilst we eat our meals. There's nothing worse than people speaking with their mouths full and food flying everywhere.

Today Niall paid for breakfast and told me to put my money where my mouth is to shut me up when I refused for him to pay for me.

I am grateful that Harry shouted me the other day and today Niall did, but I hate feeling like a charity case. I work hard so that I can pay for myself and I feel horrible when other people do things like pay for me.

"Just let it go, it's fine." Harry whispers in my ear as Niall waits for his receipt. Once we get it, the girl asks for a photo with the boys and then surprisingly she asks for a photo with me too. I took the photo of her and the boys and Harry took the one of her and I.

We exit the cafe and thankfully there are no paparazzi but there are fans of the boys. About five people are waiting outside with their phones. Four girls and one boy. More people then start coming from al over the place, most of them dangerously running across the street when the lights are green for the cars. They want to get a photo with 3/5 One Direction which I completely understand. So I stand to the side and wait for them to take a photo with their fans.

Harry continues to look over his shoulder and smile at me as he poses for a picture with the people. He's really sweet, making sure that I'm still here and that I'm alright.

Due to the lack of body guards the boys have, four police officers arrive to help reduce the commotion at the scene.

Zayn makes the first break and stands beside me as the officers are in front of us, blocking anyone from coming through. Niall and Harry are still getting photos until they are pulled to Zayn and I by the officers and the one body guard.

Fans try to reach their arms through to touch the boys but the men guarding them start walking with us, instructing that we move fast towards a shop so then we can take the back door exit to the car park.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks me. "I'm sorry about that."

"Harry, it's fine. It was kind of you to take photos with them. Yeah it got a little hectic but you're a highly liked person and having that many people want photos with you guys is a compliment if anything."

He smiles and puts his arm around me. "I'll walk you over to your car."

I say my goodbyes to Niall and Zayn as they are going with Harry whilst I will be driving myself back home to Rebecca's house. Niall and Zayn are sitting in Harry's car whilst Harry is walking me to mine. My car is parked twenty metres away from his.

I hug him and kiss his cheek. "Thanks for yesterday and today. I really enjoyed it." He rubs my back during our embrace. I cannot get over how good his hugs are.

Harry smiles. "So did I. Thank the man above that we got in contact again, eh?"

"One hundred percent." I sway side to side, unsure of what to say next because I know this is the last time I'm going to see him for two weeks. "Good luck on your tour, although I know you'll kick ass."

He laughs at me and places his hand on my upper arm. "Look after yourself. We will hang out again for sure when I get back."

"I'd like that." I smile up at him whilst clicking the unlock button on my keys to open my car. Harry then he opens my door for me and I thank him as I get inside. "Bye Harry."

"Take care Hailey" he shuts the door and waves at me before jogging off back to his car.


"And where were you last night?" Are Rebecca's first words to me when I walk though the door. I was hoping to go upstairs and jump straight into the shower without an interrogation.

"A friends house."

I can practically hear her eyes rolling into the back of her head. You can't hear eyes roll so that's my point.

"Did you and Harry fuck?"

"Why is that always the first thing that you ask me?"

People can spend time together on a friendship basis without having sex. I get that it isn't common in this century, but it is possible.

"Because I want to know the goss."

I love Rebecca, but I bet whatever I tell her will be told within five minutes to one of her friends and that's how rumours start.

My phone starts to ring and I see that it is Heather calling. "Excuse me, I need to take this call." I continue walking towards the stairs. I bet Rebecca is thinking it is Harry calling me.

"Hey Heather" I say into the phone.

"You were photographed today."

"I am great thank you, how has your day been Heather?"

"Act your age Hailey."

She is not a happy camper, I can hear it in her tone.

"What was I photographed doing? Walking in the streets, eating, driving my car? Because I get photographed doing that on a daily basis."

"You were seen with Harry Styles and people are speculating even more that you two are together."

"I was also with Zayn and Niall, does that mean I'm dating them too?" What a lucky girl I am. Maybe I should try and sweet talk Liam and Louis too so then I will be dating all five of them.

Heather takes a deep breath before exhaling. "Okay, I would like to hear your side of the story."

"Harry and I are friends who haven't seen each other in seven years so we have been catching up on lost time." She doesn't need to know how I really feel because I am not sure on how I actually feel either. It's all very confusing.

"He goes away on tour next week and shortly after that I do too. Who knows how long it will be before we see each other again so yes we have been spending a lot of time together. I spent the night at his house last night and stop Heather, don't say anything."

I could hear her about to cut me off.

"Nothing happened and now I am at my house so you don't have to stress that something will happen today. So whatever people are saying, obviously are not true."

"Thank you darling girl."

Am I hearing her correctly? She actually thanked me. "What?"

"I know, what a shock. Heather is pleased. I am thanking you for being honest with me."

"Have I not been honest with you in the past?"

"Yes you've been honest with me, but we have never really had to deal with this before. When you have had a fling with guys in the past I either know you want nothing to do with them because I am with you when you turn them down or they are not famous enough so fans don't assume things."


"Well, I booked you in for another studio session in two days seeing as you have reached that high note. Fine by you?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Okay, I will be in touch if anything new pops up. Don't let that cherry pop. Goodbye Hailey."

"Goodbye Heather."

I have my shower and when I return, I see Rebecca sitting on my bed. Thank god I didn't walk out of the bathroom naked.

"Sorry" she says to me.

I sit down beside her. "And I'm sorry for snapping before. I just don't like when people assume things. I get it enough from journalists and nosey people. I don't want to get it from my roommate too."

"I understand. I am just stoked for you. Well, I shouldn't assume things but I feel like you and Harry will eventually end up together."

I look at her curiously and she proceeds speaking.

"I can see the chemistry between you two and I understand that you guys are just friends for now. And I won't complain if you become more than that. I am totally rooting for you two because you are the perfect little flower as I always tell you and literally no guy is good enough for you. But Harry is a great guy and I feel like he is the only person, as well as Leonardo DiCaprio and Channing Tatum who are up to your standards."

I hug her. "I love you, Becs." I think back to what she said to me the other day. "So you no longer think he's a player?"

"I did think he was but with you he is different. I mean, you're banging hot and you stayed the night at his place but he didn't even try to have sex with you. That made my opinion change on him."


"Oh, and I love you too." She says to me. "How's that house hunting going?"

"Absolutely shit."

She laughs. "Well, what I'm about to tell you may make things even more shit."

"Are you evicting me?"

Her eyes widen. "God no, I don't want you to leave." Thank god. "I am throwing a party tonight."

Fantastic. "Oh." I try not to sound mortified. "When does it start?"

I don't hate parties, it's just the people that always come to Rebecca's parties aren't my kind of people. And when I caught guys smoking pot on the balcony I wanted to push them over the edge of it. I'm in LA, many people smoke and do drugs here but I hate smoking and drugs.

Seriously, even the smell of cigarettes is enough to make me gag. I am one of those people who walks past someone smoking a cigarette and I pretend to have a coughing fit. My mum and I would literally hold our shirts up to our noses whenever walking past someone smoking to make them feel uncomfortable.

You know how people just hate certain smells? Yeah, smoking is one of them for me. Not to mention the serious consequences that they do to your health. But anyway, that's just my opinion, not everyone will agree with me and I'm okay with that because everyone is different.

But still, I did not appreciate those guys smoking pot on my balcony.


I nod. "Okay, well I'll be here writing music until nine."

Rebecca leaves my room and I walk straight over to my desk and get our my writing journal. Yes, I am still sitting in my towel and have not got dressed.

There are a million thoughts in my head right now and the only way to relieve those thoughts is to write them all down.

Who knows, maybe a song will come from it.

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