Rejected? Whatever. (UNDER MA...

By Anubis27

1.2M 36.4K 6.8K


Rejected? Whatever! Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Little bit of Ryder's POV)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Ryder's POV)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Jason's POV)
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 RYDER'S POV
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Ryder's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter #2
Spin off: Shadow West
Spin-Off's Release Date / More Bonus Chapters Coming Soon

Bonus Chapter

18.7K 447 20
By Anubis27

Takes place before Mikky came back to Blood Moon on Melissa’s fifteenth birthday

As you are reading this, keep in mind that Melissa is only fifteen!

Melissa’s POV

My alarm clock started blaring One Direction’s newest song. I can’t help it, they are my guilty pleasure.

I popped up out of bed with a huge smile on my face. I’m totally not a morning person, but today is my fifteenth birthday. The big one five! Not only am I going to shift for the first time, I finally have a chance at meeting my soulmate, my forever, the father to my future pups.

I practically skipped into the bathroom and took a long shower. I spent double the amount of time I normally do getting ready. If I meet my mate today, I want to look perfect.

I don’t have to go to school today because I could shift at anytime, but I really want to see if my mate is anyone that I already know. 

I kind of hope that it is Bobby Hyde. He is the star quarterback on our football team. 

Just the thought of him, disgusts my wolf.

My wolf. I can feel her! Oh gosh, this is so awesome!

I skipped downstairs.

My ‘brother’, Ryder was in the kitchen frying bacon. When I closed the kitchen door, he turned around and smiled at me.

“Happy birthday Mel!” He had pride in his eyes. It was nice to see him look semi-alive. He is definitely depressed. He rejected his mate when he was fifteen, and she ran away. Let’s just say he really regrets it.

“You’re out of your room for once.” 

He flinched, but shook it off. “Actually, I’m thinking about going to look for Mikayla again some time soon.” That’s why he’s happy. Not because of my birthday, but because of Mikayla. I sighed. 

“Listen, Ryder. You have a duty to your pack. I know that Jay has talked to you about this. You can’t neglect everyone. Stay or you might have a rebellion on your hands.” I’m not being dramatic. People are getting fed up with Ryder blowing off his alpha duties.

His face dropped into the scowl that I’ve grown used to over the past three years.

He slammed the plate of bacon and pancakes in front of me and stormed off to his room.

I breathed in deeply, trying to stop myself from crying. 

That’s when I smelled him. My mate. I know it is. His scent was a mixture of cinnamon with a hint of vanilla.

I followed my nose. 

It led me back upstairs and then in the opposite direction of my room. I stopped at a door. 

Jay, my brother’s beta’s door.

My eyes widened in shock. I guess I’ve always found him attractive, but he;s three years older than me, so I never really thought about it.

I opened his bedroom door and closed it quietly behind me. 

My mate was lying on his bed, sleeping. His chest was bare and only a blanket covered his lower body. 

My eyes widened. 

Jay is eighteen. I’m fifteen. He has muscles, my boobs aren’t even done growing. 

He’s gorgeous and I’m... Me.

I took a step closer to his bed and his eyes shot open. 


I squealed and took a step back. His eyes were pitch black, telling me that his wolf has taken over.

“Mine.” He stood up and the blanket fell. He was wearing boxers, thank god. I am definitely not ready to see that yet.

“J-Jay?” I stuttered.

The fear in my voice must have helped him get control of his wolf, because the black in his eyes faded into icy blue.

“Mel? Oh god. Okay, um, just give me a minute.” I nodded my head weakly and Jay walked over to his closet and pulled on pants and a shirt.

My wolf sighed disappointed, but I was secretly glad.

He walked over to his bed and sat on the edge. He motioned for me to sit next to him. 

“I gave up on finding my mate. I had to keep Ryder in check, so I really didn’t have the chance to go from pack to pack to see if I can find my mate.” He said quietly looking into his hands. “I’m glad it’s you. I really am, but with the age difference...” He trailed off.

I felt like someone grabbed my heart and ripped it out of my chest. He was rejecting me.

As if reading my mind, his expression changed into one of panic. “No! I’m definitely not rejecting you. I think that we should maybe stay friends for a year. Once you are sixteen, maybe we can go on dates, but it would need to stay a secret until you are eighteen. I can’t claim you or mark you when you are a minor and I’m not.”

“You are embarrassed of me.” I meant to ask, but it came out as a statement.

“No, I’m not ashamed. I mean, look at you. You are gorgeous. You have a great personality. You are nice to everyone, but you’re not a pushover. You will make the perfect beta female, but there are laws. I’m not a pervert or a pedo. I’m not going to go farther than a kiss until you are eighteen. Even a kiss will have to wait at least a year. It’s going to be hard to resist the urge to mark you, but it is what’s best for you. How the hell am I going to tell Ryder?” He groaned and dropped his head in his hands.

“We’ll figure it out. We have all the time in the world. I want to wait to tell Ryder though. He wanted to go on another trip to look for Mikayla. I had to tell him no.” Jay flinched at her name. She was his twin after all.

“He has a pack to run. If Mikayla wanted to be here, she wouldn’t have left or she would have come home. We haven’t heard from her. Ryder would have felt it if she died. You know that last month, she... mated with someone. Ryder was in agony. He was forced to feel it and to know that his soul mate was in another’s arms. Yet, he still looks for her.” I could tell that Jay had a grudge against his sister. He blamed her for the way that Ryder acts.

“Jay, she’s your sister. She was rejected and ran away from heart break. Cut her some slack. As far as she knows, Ryder hates her.” I rubbed his arm soothingly. It was a friendly gesture because to be honest, I agreed with Ryder completely. 

We will wait until I’m older. We have the rest of our lives to be together. Waiting a couple years will feel like nothing in the long run.


I'm baaaack!

It's been less than a week since this book was completed and I already miss it!

I'll start editing after  I come back from vacation in a couple weeks.

If you guys vote, I'll add more bonus chapters! :3

Also, an update on how the spin off is going.

I wrote a prologue and I'm working on chapter one, however, I am still figuring out the plot line and how I want the story to go. I'm going to post it as soon as possible.

Anubis xx

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