Yellow Rabbit (A Vocaloid Fan...

By KagamiPiyo

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Rin Kagami, your usual outcast and loner. Only managing to make two friends she trust the most in her second... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
That Thing Happened
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important Notice

Chapter 7

255 8 1
By KagamiPiyo

A/N: This is a bonus chapter with Miku, Luka, Kaito and poor Gackupo. I felt like doing this I mean they are too funny! especially Gackupo and Kaito....their should be a little Yaoi here with them. So I shall be cruel and torture them! Mwahahahahahaha*cough*....maybe....

I forgot to tell you this chapter all happens in chapter 3 or is it 4? Meh but it happens between those times okay? GOOD!



"You have wierd suitors, Luka...fufufufu~"

Kyaaaa~! Luka really has weird suitors like Gackupo! Anyway, Rin might deny it now but I know that my wittle Winny will fall in love with Lenny, date him, get married and have 30 babies in a baby stroller! I will become the god parent of all but I could share with Luka...maybe...

We left Gackupo sprawled on the floor unconscious

Then suddenly I had an amazing idea! I accidentally hit Luka with my leek making her chase me until I bumped into BaKaito and Poop-Gackupo. Yeah I called him poop, got a problem with it? But wait how did poop-Gackupo get up and meet with BaKaito that fast?

Meh...But Of course if Luka heard me insult her beloved Poop-Gackupo she would hit me with her Club *Whispers* She secretly likes him but she's too much of a tsundere.

"Oh Hey Miku, Luka"

I looked away from him and muttered "pshh"

"Sorry Kaito, she's PMsing right now" -Luka

What the-?! I am not PMsing! ow ow ow ow....My stomach hurts....maybe Luka's right. I hate this, It's hard being a girl. Dealing with those things every month and then children!! Ugggh....maybe I could cut my hair and change my name as Mikuo, not Miku, but Mikuo the boy........THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!

Why didn't I think of that idea before? I'll start right after school but I don't want to cut my hair....Oh I know, I'll just wear a wig!


After that I could buy some boy clothes from the mall. This could make as a great disguise, maybe I should also have a back up story if they become suspicious of who I am. Good, everything is ready for me! Fufufufufu~



Luka, BaKaito and Poop-Gackupo looked at me with concern showing in their eyes. How long was I out for? By the way, why is my right cheek stings?

"Miku, I kept calling your name but you wouldn't reply"

I gave her a blank look. No way am I going to tell her what I was thinking, It's embarrassing and it is my one and only secret. Instead of replying I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away from them as nothing happened. Until I got a great idea and came back running to them



"Sorry Kaito, she's PMsing right now"

As I said those very words both Kaito's and Gackupo's faces went scarlet. I looked over Miku to see her scowling at me. I can't take this anymore, they're all to funny to be messed with. I looked over to the two boys again and saw that they were both having nosebleeds. Perverts. Why am I even friends with this people? And if Rin founds out that were friends with the friends of the person she hates she going to have a little tantrum.

"So My dear Luka-sama want to go on a date with me and get married?"

You probably knew who that was and I completely ignored him but in the inside I am screaming and blushing. Why would he blurt out something like that so bluntly with Kaito here listening?!

I looked at Kaito who was silently laughing but his eyes were looking at something else. I followed his gaze where it landed next to me who was Miku, who was spacing out. I smirked that is totally out of character of me.

"Ohoho Kaito, May I ask who are you looking at hmm?" I had a Cheshire smile on my face and cue the blush. I laughed at him because he began stuttering excuses while Gackupo misunderstood it. The idiot.


He suddenly spoke in third peson and it was getting so annoying so I punched him and gave him a dark glare "Herbivore I will bite you to death" (A/N: Do you know where I got this from? XD)

I looked at Kaito who only sweat dropped at my actions "Ahahaha...Now now Luka stop making anime references this isn't a crossover, you too Gackupo" I looked away and felt there was a sudden depress aura. I looked around until it landed on Gackupo sulking and muttering stuff I can't understand.

Miku was quiet the whole time while we were talking so I tried, keyword:TRIED to snap her out but to no avail. I asked Kaito and even Gackupo to try calling out to her but she won't even respond, this Ike was determined to wake snap her out off it. I was loosing patience by the minute. I let out a frustrated sigh stood infront of her and then...

"MIKU!" Then I gave her a hard slap on the right cheek. She finally responds


She must have noticed the worried looks we gave he so to answer her confusion I said in a calm yet slightly worried tone "Miku, I kept calling your name but you wouldn't reply"

She gave me a blank look and started walking away like nothing while me, Kaito and Gackupo looked at her until she suddenly stopped. We had question marks above our head. She robotically turned around to face us and ran and ran and ran, shouting "I GOT A GREAT IDEA!!"

"Ciaossu" I greeted her when she came back

Kaito looked at me again "I told you to stop that Luka"

I of course was stubborn to hear him out "Make me" he glared at me and I glared back, suddenly he grinned evilly. I don't like what that means.

"Oh Gackupo~ Luka said you two could walk with each other later on~" My glare intensified. If looks could kill he would be a dead man while I dance around his corpse and say 'you should never had done that~'

And it was too late anyway Gackupo heard it and began fantising and saying 'And then we'll get married'

I looked at Kaito who was smirking as I growled at him "If I either had Fire Dragon Slaying magic or Dying Will Flames I will burn you to death"

Then someone cleared their throat, we turned our attention to Miku an annoyed look on her "If you guys are finished I have a great idea and that is 'OPERATION K: MAKE LEN AND RIN FALL IN LOVE!' and what perfect way to execute this plan is that all of us here are friends with those two blondes"

We tried digesting her words and when it finally sank in we gave our cheers or in my case of of approval so we began planning. Miku is one little devious match maker.


"So here's the plan me and Luka asks Rin to come to the mall at the same time you and Gackupo went to the mall and we 'accidentally' meet and had plans leaving those two alone. Those two being partners already will be our advantage because what better way for a person to fall in love with each other is being around that person. If ever the mall plan fails I will see to it that someone gets punished"

With that Miku ended her plan with a sadistic gleam inher eyes. She's favoring the punishment more scares me.

Luka and Miku left and began calling of what I assumed to be Rin while I texted Len and his reply was 'I'm busy...I'll probably arrive their a little later' I could only assume that he was busy with another girl.

'But he's not busy with a girl! Lenny-chan is actually busy for once!'

Who are you?

'You can call me Tuna-Fish! And what I'm saying is the truth Kaito-chi'

How do you know me? Am I going crazy for imagining another voice talking to me?

'No. I'm your conscience who knows everything and what I say goes. So wait for Lenny-chan in front of the mall and see what happens'

Okaaaaay then...but why is your name Tuna-Fish?

'Shut Up. This is the end of the discussion.'



I grumbled. This conscience of mine is annoying and why would it name itself Tuna-Fish? I mean it could have told me a better name than that sucky name, it's also just plain annoying to have to argue with your conscience...I hope it doesn't talk to me in the future.

'Oh I will Kaito-chi, I will be talking to you more often than you think. And If your curious why I told you my name is Tuna it's because Tsuna sounds like Tuna and its a fish and yeah I'm doing name references on you to piss you off, Baka'

Your're annoying

'Why thank you, I learned from the best'

I could hear a hint of smugness and sarcasm in its tone. If ever my conscience had a body I will beat it up no matter what.

'Even though I'm a girl?'

Yeah even if your a-what? You're a girl?

'Duh idiot. Can't you hear it from my voice?'

Damn. Then I can't hit you.


I must really be loosing my mind if I could argue with my conscience and to think that if ever it could have a body I would hit it but 'it' is actually a girl and I am a gentleman so I could never hit a girl. But more importantly if she's my conscience shouldn't she be a 'he'?


Argh! Just shut up for once! We're already here infront of the mall with Gackupo waiting for Len and the girls okay?! SO SHUT UP!!

'No need to shout. sheesh...'

Ugh...I hate my life and I love ice cream.............................................................Ooohhh~ Is that an Ice Cream truck I see?! KYaaa~ My life is complete! I jumped up and stepped on something squishy...probably Gackupo's face and shouted "HOLY MOTHER F*** IT'S AN ICE CREAM TRUCK!!"

I probably scared the driver shitless as he began to sped up and us hitting the lamp post......Whoops.....


Me and Kaito were waiting for Len, I turned around to see Kaito looking past mg shoulders and in a blink of an eye his foot was on my face and heard him shout something but I couldn't hear. Before I lost consciousness I heard a voice say "There he goes again, Gackupo are you alright?" and I blacked out.

(A/N: You all probably know what happens next so yeah Gackupo fainted...sheesh...he's weak.)

~Gackupo's mind~

'Poop-po we can finally talk'

Who are you?

'I'm your conscience. My name is Tuna-fish. Don't ask about my name it's a name reference so shut up'

Okay...You don't have to be mean

'Stop sulking and listen to me Poop-Po! You love Luka-pi right? I'm going to help you'


'Yeah Yeah so shut up. Have you ever asked her what's the color of her panties and such?'


'Pervert. Never ask a girl with those kind of perverted questions! okay let's get back on track. Did you ever ask her out and how did you ask her out?'

Well I always go infront off her and asked to go out with me but sometimes I scream 'Luka My Love! Go Out with Me!!' but she always rejects me *Sulking while crying anime tears*

'Very Blunt of you, no wonder she rejects you'

So how supposed should I tell her?! *Still crying anime tears*

'When you wake up tell her this "Luka...I know that I'm a complete idiot and pervert in your eyes but I really love you. I'm sorry if I embarass you in public with my childish behavior but just for one day, let me show you the man I really am...Luka, please go out with me?" say these words and make it dramatic to get in the mood okay'

That's amazing Tuna-fish-sama! So where should I take her on the date?

'We'll make it simple. Take her to the zoo then to the amusement park after that you have a romantic night dinner in a high class restaurant. Can you afford that?'

Yes I can! I've been saving up just to go on a date with Luka!

'That's good then. Lenny-chan's family owns a 5-star restaurant yeah?'

How did you know?

'I have sources. Anyway ask Lenny-chan, Kaito-chi, Miku-nya and Rinny-chan to help you set up the date and everything will go on smoothly okay?'


'Thanks. See you. You're waking up now'

EH? But wai-!

~Present time~

My eyes fluttered open and the lighting of the room blinded me a little before I can adjust my sight on the sudden light. In the corner of my eyes I saw a figure looking at me. I turned to face that person before I almost screamed, there staring at me with concern was no one other than my Luka-sama!

She suddenly stood up and left the room. Where's she going?!

I sighed, she probably hates me. Suddenly the door creaked open and I saw a boy with teal hair just like Miku but shorter and clothes like Miku but with sleeves and pants. Who is this dude? Suddenly I was smacked by the teal-haired boy with a Miku. WHO IS THIS GUY?! I'M FREAKING OUT!! HE'S TOO MUCH LIKE MIKU! MY WORSE NIGHTMARE...well not the worse nightmare she's actually second, the first is Len. Len could be scary when pissed off. *Shiver*

"Get your shit together poop-Gackupo! It's me Miku, dressed as a boy for disguises!"

OH. Okay then. That scared me. I though there was another person that looked like her. It's already worse with Len and hell even Rin! They look so much alike they could be mistaken as twins but they're not. Though they both share something in common, they're both the devil's spawn.

"Anyway I came here to check on you. You had us all worried but for Kaito that's to be expected, he's awake and eating the ice cream in my fridge. Len and Rin are ignoring each other but sometimes I catch them glancing with each other once in a while. You better thank Luka, she was the one who took care of you while you were out" with that she stood up and closed the door.

A few minutes later Luka came in with a tray with a medicine, a glass of water, and I guess food. Sha sat down on the chair next to me while I sat up, giving me my medicine and the glass of water. I pooped the medicine in my mouth and gulped the water down. I set the glass down and looked at Luka seriously.

"Thanks for taking care of me while i was out"

I saw her tense up before lifting her head up to look at me with eyes full of worry. My eyes softened just seeing that.

"You don't have to thank me...Anyone would take care of an injured person" she said almost as a whisper

I knew she was lying. She took care of me because she was worried about me. Even if she doesn't show it I know she cares about me and I know because of the eyes she gave me earlier. Time for me to use that sentence, it's already dramatic enough.

"Luka...I know that I'm a complete idiot and pervert in your eyes but I really love you. I'm sorry if I embarass you in public with my childish behavior but just for one day, let me show you the man I really am...Luka, please go out with me?"

There was silence, you could even hear a pin drop. Nothing could make anything more awkward than this in the moment but it was worth a shot. She suddenly stood up, her bangs covering her eyes as she said in a hurry "I'm sorry...Let me think about it" and ran out of the room.

I saw by the doorway was Miku, Kaito, Len and Rin eavesdropping on our conversation then there was a loud bang. She ran out of the house. What did I do wrong?

Len broke the silence "Smooth move Romeo"

Rin smacked him in the head "Don't be insensitive you idiot!" she hissed

Kaito went to my side and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Miku was infront of me, comfortime me telling me that I could try again with flowers this time. I felt crushed inside, it hurt so much. I hate this feeling.

'Don't worry Poop-Po. Just give Luka-pi time and soon she will accept to go out with you. She just couldn't believe that you would ask something like that after making her so worried with you fainting earlier. Just give her time okay? She doesen't hate you at all'

I hope your right....because this pain in my heart is unbearable....


A/N: Poor gackupo....I feel sorry for him. But do not worry! because Luka is a tsundere and blah blah blah. Until the next chapter. Plus if your curious who is this 'conscience' talking to them, it's the same one. AND I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! SO TO COMPENSATE HERE IS AN UPDATE!

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