Villain Todoroki x Reader [Di...

By pokepawz

203K 4.9K 4.7K

Todoroki Shouto, a year after he graduated from U.A, got a big twist in his life which made him join the Leag... More

Chapter 1 - The beginning
Chapter 2 - Caught.
Chapter 3 - Remembered
Chapter 4 - Mother
[Info] Your Quirk
Chapter 5 - Again.
Kind of Important info
Updating Book
Chapter 6 - The Todoroki Family
1k reads
\\Not an update//
Chapter 7 - Am I safe?
Chapter 8 - How It Was
Chapter 9 - Training?!?
Chapter 10 - Day 1~
Chapter 11 - Day 2~
Chapter 12 - Day 3~
Chapter 13 - War
Christmas Special!! - A cold night
Chapter 14 - Strange Guests
Chapter 15 - The Plan
Chapter 16 - Clues
Chapter 17 - A Date
[AN] Selena gone 'offline'
Your New Co-Writer and another chapter
19 - Cake and kidnapping
20 - Kill Shouto
21 - Lets Cut Those Strings
22 - This Is Gonna Be Awesome (y/n)
23 - Without a Heart
24 - I Can't Wait Toga
25 - This sucks
27 - A sadist
28 - insanity
29 - My Sleeping Beauty
I gots some newz!
30 - Like a light you were out
31 - Breakfast
32 - let's go
33 - A lost puppy
34 - I'll have the usual
35 - Proposal
Smol update
Don't keep me waiting - 36
Gain your trust - 37
hay, its me!

26 - That's What I like to hear

1.5K 38 63
By pokepawz

(Small Disclaimer but this Chapter contains Vulgar Language, Forced Suicide, And Murder...Continue at your own risk, tan you for your time)

You tossed the pillow back onto your bed and huffed, you than reached into your pocket and curled your fingers around the note that Shouto had grabbed you. You pulled it out of your pocket and began to delicately unfold it.

'If you change your mind i'll be waiting for you at the association.'

You crumbled up the paper and tossed it behind you, you shrugged and than plopped onto your fairly soft bed.


Your bran literally did a flip as you had just only processed what the note had said.

"Who the fuck invited his ass their!?!"

You reached under your pillow and quickly grabbed your phone, you than turned it on and quickly called Toga.

"Toga At Your Service!"


"Because we need a way to insure that we can kill him, think about it (y/n)."

"Right okay, but how can you insure that it'll be just him?"

"Because we've threatened the pretty boy with you."

"Right because he totally thinks i still like him!"


"Fucking great, well tell Kurogiri to warp me over there-"

"Welp there's a big problem with that."

"Yeah and what would that be?"

"Well Shouto Is on his way over here, we're going to chain him up in one of the cell's down below us and we'll let you take it from there."

"Yes but why does that mean i can't come."

"He would get suspicious and would immediately catch onto what we're doing."

"Fucking wonderful."

"Awe now don't be such a Debbie downer (Y/N)! Just get some sleep and we'll be there to get you tomorrow okay, oh yeah and I'm sending Dabi over there okay LOVE YOU!"


You pressed the power button and seen that she had hung up, you really couldn't believe her.


You heard a portal appear in the downstairs living room, you had stopped yourself from saying anything else and immediately ran out of your ran to look over the balcony.

"Toga really likes red. Eh, oh fucking wonderful."

Dabi turned around and met eyes with you and plastered a mischievous grin onto his face.

"No funny business okay Dabi."

"Shut up your loud."

Dabi turned around and began to make his way over to the steps, he placed his hand on the railing and let out a hardly audible grunt.

"Whats up, Something wrong?"


"Well Jeez that was quite blunt."


"I was just saying that a more lively answer would be much appreciated Okay."

You huffed and turned around making a straight dart to your room. You sat on your bed and put your hands on your lap listening to Dabi make his way up the stairs.

"I don't want to kill him, but i have to."

"No, you don't."

You turned your head up and met eyes with Dabi.

"But that was part of the deal Dabi."

"If you keep your end of the deal than everything should be fine."

"But what'll happen?"

"You'll continue working alongside me and Toga and with the association of Villians."

"No shit Dabi, but Tomura?"

"If your lucky he'll just dust it off like it was nothing."

Dabi took a seat beside of you and grabbed your hand.

"He won't put a hand on you (y/n) and that i can promise, and besides Toga and I will always have your back okay."

You Looked up and gave Dabi a showy grin followed by a brief giggle.

"Why are you like this Dabi."

"I can tell that need somebody like this."

You hesitantly placed your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.

"Your right Dabi, I really do need somebody like you."

You lifted up your other hand and placed it on the one he had been using to hold onto yours with, you than curled your fingers over top of it and let out a gruff sigh.

"Your a pretty good guy for a villain you know."


Dabi laid his head upon yours and began to cores your hand, you than felt his other hand be placed upon yours causing you to open your eyes.

"Dabi, what made you sense this?"

"Your Lonely and filled with sorrow, and you wear those feelings upon your chest."

"I didn't realize."

You closed your eyes once more and focused on his breathing, it was soft yet uneasy.

"Your breathing weirdly, is there a reason for that?"

"Your the reason, stop moving so much."

Your grasp on his hand loosened and you had finally let your guard down, you closed your eyes once more and Dabi retrieved his hands.

"Move your head and stand up."

You opened your eyes and leaned forward over your knees, you than got up onto your feet and stumbled a bit trying to obtain your balance, Dabi only followed in your foot steps.

"So now what, why'd you make me get up?"

Dabi only looked at you shrugged, he than made his way behind you and quickly scooped you into his arms.


He began to walk out of your room and down the stairs slowly approaching the door.

"Dabi where are we-"


You closed your mouth and watched as Dabi opened the door, you expected to be met with street lights but there honestly wasn't even one of those. Dabi set you down onto the ground and looked over at you making sure you had regained your balance.

"Stay close to me okay."

You grabbed onto his wrist and held onto it with a firm grasp, this wasn't weird to you, but it sure did make you feel that way. Dabi turned to the left and began walking up the sidewalk,and you followed alongside him in a quite manner.

"Dabi were are we going?"

"Your annoying you know."

"Yeah well, you cant just expect me to comply to what you say without asking."


"Answer my question ding bat."

"Eh, I don't really see a reason too."

"WeLl I dO bEcAuSe If YoU dOnT iM gOiNg To HiT YoU uPsIdE tHe FuCkInG hEaD!?!"

"I mean you could try."

"I give up."

You weren't in the mood to use your quirk at the moment so you just complied and continued alongside of him.

Within a few minutes you were lead back into the city of busy streets and even busier people.

"So uhm mind telling me what we're doing yet?"


"Okay whatever dingbat."

You huffed and decided to leave that topic alone for now. You retrived your hand but Dabi quickly fetched it and held it in his.

"I said to stay close."

"And i said to tell me where we're going."

"No you asked."

"What no- You Asked!"


You griped his hand in your and he griped back, its not like you were a couple or anything, you just felt safer like this. Dabi began walked and you hadn't noticed, now you were practically being dragged behind him.

"Hold Up Dabi."

"Go faster (y/n)."

You speed walked a bit and eventually made your way beside of him, now you were both just strolling on the side walk. You and him both kept getting strange and fearful glances from people around you, you turned to Dabi to ask why but, he looked angry and you didn't wanna bother him.

"Dabi Why do people keep staring at us?"

"Because we're different you and me."

"And what makes us different?"

"Our quirks and appearance's."

You choked on his response and realized that Dabi was a well know villain, and that you were a well known Hero.

"Dabi I don't think that's it."

You huddled up to his shoulder and let out a gruff sigh.

"Well what else could it be?"

"Well You see people think i'm still a 'Hero'."

"And That's the way it gonna stay...for now at least."

Dabi sighed and suddenly stopped walking, he than looked around him and met eyes with a few thugs in an abandoned alley way.

"You see them, now is when you change the title of Hero into Villain, And Yes I am a follower of stain but...You need to change that title of yours as quick as possible."

"Why- Wait never mind."

"another plus side to this is that Tomura will trust you more, I honestly don't care about that but... If he decided to kill you because of your decision than this act would lower the chances of him going through with it."

"Okay fine, I'll Do It."

"Good response."

Dabi released your hand and stuck his in the pockets of his navy blue pants, he than began to walk into the alley only expecting you to follow behind him which you eventually complied to do.

"Eh Look at what we have here!"

"This is our turf!"

A blue haired boy came out from behind the two of the other boys and tossed around a can of black spray paint from back to forth in his hands.

"Get your scampy little asses outta hear!"

Dabi stopped walking and allowed you to catch up only resulting in you stopping right behind him. He turned around and gave you a look telling you to make a move, and so you did. You moved out from behind him and made your way in front of him.

"Oh Hi There!"

"Oh So are you two love birds looking for a place to tango~?"

"Excuse me but no if we were we would have went back to our house, considering that we actually have one of those."

All three of the boys pulled pocket knives out of their pockets and held them in front of them selves.

"Oh So are you boys Quirkless."

"No, We just don't any use in using them on trash like you."

"Oh What a shame, that's only going to make this easier for me~!"

You approached the boys after activating your quirk and stopped a few inches before get sliced into pieces.

"Give me your weapons please, and make it snappy i don't have any time for dilly dallying."

All three boys made their way up to you and placed the knives in your hands, they than stood there and awaited further instructions.

"Lets play duck duck goose, the goose will be killed, and the ducks will watch, SoUnD lIkE fUn~!"

All three boys forcefully nodded and took a seat on the cold concrete ground forming a circle and placed their hands in their laps.

"So, lets get started~."


You began pacing around the boys and eventually stopped behind the one with blue hair, you dropped the two shitty pocket knives and lifted the only good one in the air above his head.


You shot the knife down into his skull and watched as blood began to spurt out of it.

"So Who's Next?"

Both of the boys began crying and letting out muffled screams.


"Now, I think i'll let you two decide... You have three seconds."


The both said looking em in the eye pointing at one another.

"Oh So you can't Decide!?!"

You bent over and picked up both of the knives.

"Hands Please~!"

Both of the boys extended their hands out to you and awaited further instruction. You placed the knives into their hands and as a mischievous grin crept across your face.

"Now since you couldn't decide on who died...YoUlL bOtH jUsT hAvE tO kIlL yOuRsElVeS!"

Both of the boys angled the knives toward their chest and as if on cue began to rapidly stab at it.

"Their we go, you two should be just about dead by now!"

They continued stabbing and eventually stopped.

"Alright you two have had enough, rest now and forever be at peace."

You bent over and took the knives out of their hands, you than stabbed the knives into their heads and than quickly pulled them out. You folded the knives back up and stuck them in your pocket, you than made your way over to the blue haired boy and took that knife as well.

"So Dabi, How'd i do~?"

"I wish i could say terribly but, that was absolutely amazing."

Dabi plastered a small grin onto his face and slouched as he looked at you in shock.

"Good, That's What I like to hear."


Tododoki here~!

And yeah yeah i know some of you ppl are probably like "BUT WAIT THIS IS A TODOROKI x READER NOT A DABI X READER!?!?!?!" and yeah i freakin kno, its called a love triangle for a reason... I couldn't help myself okay i had to spice up the story somehow.

ALSO... CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST ACT OF VILLAINY WOOOOO!!!!...Though its was like super violent....Anyways.

I took last weak off as some of you may or may not know bc it was my bday on april 20th lol, i wanted to enjoy without having to worry about wattpad, and liek don't get me wrong i love this community TO DEATH but i just needed a friggin' break okie.

also this was 2053 words you guys better love me!


until next time...

Tododoki OUt~!!!

(Also ily guys sm and ty for reading this lol)

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