Gain your trust - 37

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Once you arrived at the top of the stairs you let out a small sigh.

"Is there an issue?"

"N-no, sorry tomura."

"Alright, now, plan to tell me why you didn't kill him when you had the chance. "

"I-i don't know, Tomura, there's something inside of me that tells me that I still love him, and, well, I don't know, I just hesitated."

"Well whatever it is you need to ignore it, your a villian, and feelings of pity are useless here."

"Right, but, instead of killing him, I proposed that he joined the league once more, there's nothing for him to lose, and for him to just turn my request down would be foolish."

"Fine, your on charge of him while he's around, if he hesitates to follow one of your orders than either me or Dabi will show him his place."

"Alright, but I highly doubt that there will be any need for that."

You made your way to the bar and took a seat on one of the many velvet bar stools, you than turned your head and watched as Dabi made his way over to you and took a seat on the one to your right.

He began to softly whisper to you.

"Listen, I'll be by your side no matter what ok, todoroki won't hurt you, and I can promise you that."

"A-alright, I just, todoroki seems as if he's lost himself, I can't comprehend it very well."

"Well you don't need too, just relax for now."

You sighed and watched as Dabi slid his cup of god only knows what over to you.

"Drink it, it'll make you feel better."

You picked up the mug and took a sip, at first the drink was sweet, but to your avail quickly got sour.

"Pomegranate juice?"

"Yeah, its good right?"

"Yeah, i-its just super duper sour."

"Its susposed to help with belly aches, but if you drink too much than it'll only make it worse."

"Yeah, ok."

You placed the cup back down and brought a finger up to the rim of it, you than traced the lining of the cup in a circular motion and slightly grinned.

'He's taking way too long'

Your motions around the rim of the cup came to a halt as you soon reliazed that someone was standing behind you.

"Need something, or are you just gonna stand there?"

A pair of arms snaked their way around your waist, a chin than nuzzles its Way into the crook of your neck, and than soft pair of lips kissed you on the neck.

"Hello there darling, did you miss me?"

Your eyes shot over to the side to see Red and white locks intermingle with your (h/c) one's.

"Yeah, you took to long, I thought that I might have to go down there and dress you myself."

You lifted up a hand and placed it onto todoroki'.

"Your cute, but cut the act, it isn't like you."

"Awah, but what you possibly mean~?"

Yiu clicked your tounge out of agrivation.

"Fine, fine, but, why'd you make me put this on?"

"Because, from now on you'll be working alongside me and Dabi, and you'll also be running arrends for kurogiri and tomura when me and Dabi are assigned specific jobs where you won't be needed."

"What, so, let me guess, your the boss of me arent you?"

"Yes, very much so todo, so you better listen ok, because if you dont, than I'll cut you up~."

You turned you head and grinned at todoroki, you than placed a kiss onto his lips and brought a hand up onto his hands that were laying in your lap, you than parted from the kiss and watched as a pleasured expression had quickly plastered its way onto his face.

"Now, I have work that needs to be done, for now just hanging out here I guess, if kurogiri needs help than I suggest that you assist him as fast as you possibly can, and if I hear that you missbehaved than I'll shove a knife down that pretty little throat of yours~."

"Well, you won't ever have to concern yourself with doing such a foul deed like that, because I know too well not to test you and your abilities (y/n)."

Todoroki raised his chin from out of the crook of your neck, he than released his grasp from around your waist and before you knew it quickly spun the bar stool around so that The two of you were now face to face.

"And besides, I need to gain your trust once more, not lose it."

Villain Todoroki x Reader [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang