32 - let's go

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You took the spoon into your hands and only stared at what was on it.

"Something the matter?"

"Huh, oh, no its fine I just, don't really feel like eating."

"Oh, sorry for forcing food onto you, but your really thin (y/n)."

"Yeah... Sorry, I just, I'm not all that hungry right now."

You placed the bowl of cereal onto the glass coffee table in front of the couch.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and change ok, I'll be quick."


You stood from the couch and ran upstairs and into your room closing your door behind you, you than went over to the pile of clothes in the far corner and picked up a pair of spandex shorts that met mid thigh, brown loafers (they were toga's), and a long sleeved black sweater. You quickly undressed and put your clothes on, you than opened your door and quickly ran back downstairs meeting Dabi at the bottom.

"You wanna walk or you want kurogiri to warp us?"

"I think walking would be fine, but, since I killed people I don't think that's a good idea."

"We're warping than right?"


You hurried over to the door before making a quick pause realizing that you had forgotten something.

"Be right back okay, don't leave without me~!"

You turned and ran back up the stairs and into your room, you made your way over to your bed and unplugged your phone, you than grabbed your pocket knife that you had secretly stolen from one of the boys, and tucked it in between the elastic waist band on your shorts. You quickly ran downstairs and hunched over having to Catch your breath, after doing so you stood up straight and plastered a smile onto your face.

"Okay, let's go!"

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