Chapter 13 - War

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Your POV

Chaos. That was the only way to describe what was happening in the room. There were villains coming from every direction I lost count of how many there were. Shouto seemed to be handling himself just fine me however well let's just say this is one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I try to remember everything he taught me over the past three days. But when your life is flashing before your eyes it's hard to keep count of all the things I've learned.

So far Tomura and other high-level villains haven't shown up yet. And that's a great thing for us. If we can get all the lower level guys down before the higher level show up we have a better chance.

I blocked another punch from a guy coming at me with a knife. There were a whole lot of guys coming at me at once so I used my quirk.

Screaming I pushed them all back into the wall they didn't stand up. I was trying to take a breather, but another started to come at me.

Shouto protected me using his ice wall to block me from their attacks. After that, he couldn't see the guys coming behind him.

I jumped in front of him making a defensive stance. After hand on hand combat with the swarm of villains, I used my quirk pushing them back.

The chaos in the room continued after a while it finally calmed down. Me and Shouto took deep breaths. I tried to calm myself down hoping another wave wouldn't come.

"Are you all right?" Shouto asked his voice was shaky from breathing so deeply.

"I'm fine are you?" I said between breaths.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's head down to the basement."

The basement is far bigger than the upstairs. It was dark, cobblestone and creepy just like their old place. Everything seemed pretty quiet until we saw the figure in the distance.

"Look who came to save his mother." The voice was recognizable it was Tomura.

Me and Shouto got into ready stances. This was going to be an easy fight if it was two against one.

Distracted by Tomura I didn't see all the figures approaching us. There were lots more villains probably equal to the amount upstairs. Suddenly things weren't looking to be on our side.

"You ready (Y/n)?"

"Let's do this."

With that another wave of chaos. Shouto took Tomura and I did my best to keep the villains off of him.

With each scream, I could feel my voice becoming more and more week. I tried to take a drink of water, but more just kept coming. I didn't have time to take a break. I didn't have time to breathe.

I knew I was taking them out. But it still felt like there were so many. I looked out of the corner of my eye.

Shouto and Tomura seemed to be pretty evenly matched. But evenly matched doesn't mean that Shouto could help me.

Out of nowhere, I felt a burst of energy inside me. Something felt different. I remember the training. I remember how much stronger I got.

I took a deep breath and with all my might I screamed. This was far louder and far more powerful than anything I've ever done.

I pushed them all back throwing them into the walls I even pushed Tomura and Shouto. After the room settled down and nobody moved everything was dead silent.

All the villains face down on the floor. I stared in shock I couldn't believe I did something this strong.

And here we were again one against two.

Even though what I just did was amazing. I was extremely tired and didn't want to scream again. I couldn't risk losing my voice forever.

Out of the mist, Kurogiri appeared.

"(Y/n) do you think you can handle him." Shouto's voice was worried he didn't want to do this to me. But we didn't have much of a choice.

"I can do this." With that, I took a gulp of water my throat felt a lot better after that. I got ready to fight again.

It was just down to me and Kurogiri now. I didn't know much about him other than how to beat him and that's all I needed to know.

He has a core in the middle of all the mist all I have to do is break that and he's out of commission.

In a ready defensive stance I charge at him and the fight began. Didn't matter how many punches or kicks I threw at him they all went right through him.

I was being thrown around like a ragdoll I really wasn't that great of a match for him. But I couldn't let Shouto down.

After he had grabbed my leg and thrown me against the wall once again. I dragged my nails into the wood and stood up.

Formed my mouth into an O. I aimed at the core of his body. I didn't fully hit it but I cleared a lot of the mist and I'm pretty sure I heard a cling sound.

Looks like the only attack that hits him is that one. I have to distract him long enough and tire him out so that I can hit his core.

I charged at him again using a scream to pull all the mist away distracting him. I went in for a punch but he blocked it so I continued on with a kick.

He pushed me back but instead of falling on the floor I regained my balanced. At the moment he thought I was going to fall back over again I formed my mouth into an O.

This time my sound went right through his core. All the mist disappeared and a tin can of metal fell to the ground.

Breathing heavily and so out of breath I thought I was going to pass out I felt to the ground. I felt arms wrap around me and I was picked up bridal style.

I looked up tiredly to see Shouto. He looked beaten but was definitely better than I was. I was starting to black out the last thing I remembered was walking into a cell.

The next time I woke up we are back at Shouto's cabin and I was in a bed beside Mr. Tokoroki.

We did it. We saved Mr. Todoroki I defeated the league of villains along with Shouto. But it all felt too good to be truly felt like we had unfinished business. But I guess for now will just take it easy and wait and see.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Lots of fighting in this one so the next one will be a lot more calm and a lot of questions answered!
Till next time Selena~Chan out!

Villain Todoroki x Reader [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin