28 - insanity

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You walked out of your room and shut the door behind you,  you than made a left and began making your way down the stairs to the restroom.
You walked over to the railing and ran your soft fingers onto the railing,  you than began to walk dragged them along it.

'So smooth'

You withdrew you hand and continued down the soft carpeted stairs.
Once you approached the bottom you took a moment to regain your self,  you swept the hair out of face and huffed once more before screaming at the top of you lungs.
You grabbed at the bottom of your shirt and pulled it down than ran towards the restroom.
You slammed the door quickly behind you and slouched against the door,  you huffed once more than took a long hard look in the mirror.

'I look disgusting'

You turned towards the shower and began running steaming hot water,  you than turned around and began to strip yourself of your clothes.  You turned back around and stared into the water watching as the small vibrations made it sway from back to forth.
A wash of realization came over you and you finally stepped into the water,  you took a seat on the white plastic like flooring and slouched against the back of the tub, you brought your hands up to your face and covered your eyes,  you than began to violently rub and press on them.

'Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if I couldn't see anything'

You than pressed harder,  a pulsing sensation could be heard in your ears,   all of the blood suddenly rushed to your head.  You were just about to press harder when suddenly a knock could be heard from the door.

"Its me,  I'm coming in so close the curtain. "

You moved your hands away from your face and to the curtain,  than with one swift tug you dragged it shut.
The door knob grinded as the door was suddenly pulled open.  You heard Dabi take a step into the restroom and close the door behind him,  he made his way over to the toilet and closed the lid taking a seat on top of it.

"Im- I'm so sorry. "

You closed your eyrs and slouched down more into the bath tub until eventually your face went under,  you could hear Dabi's muffled voice but didn't pay attention.
You gasped for air until suddenly you heard the curtain get torn open,  you were grabbed by the shoulders and violently tugged out of the water.

You gasped for air and clenched your hands around your throat as you choked up water.

"Why... "

"I'm hideouse and this world would be-"

"Shut up. "

Dabi brought your wet body close to him and embrassed it into a sweat yet somber hug. You rested your hands at your side, you didn't deserve this,  you wanted to make it stop.

"Save me,  please."

A tear ran down your cheek as you brought your hands up to his back embracing him close to you,  you than dug your fingers into his back as more tears streamed down your cheeks. You than let go of him and allowed your arms to drop back down to your side.

"Uhm Dabi could I wash up now? "

His iron grip on you loosened as a red tint crept across his face once more.

"Yes,  but I'm not leaving, and the curtain stays open. "

Dabi withdrew his arms and retreated to sit atop the toilet once more, he sat there and studied your expressions as you cleaned your self.

You closed your eyes and thought about Shouto, and about what you did, you still loved him,  but what he has put you through makes you hate him.
You opened your eyes and turned around seeing Dabi stabbed in the chest with his eyes gouged out,  you than closed them once more and brought your hands up to your head.  The pulsing sound that you had previously heard had once more returned and you tried soothething it with your hands,  but it didn't work.
You began hyperventilating before you opened your eyes once more and began to scream.

Villain Todoroki x Reader [Discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ