20 - Kill Shouto

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You opened your eyes and looked around being confused about where you were, it took a secound for it to click but faintly began remembering that you had been kidnapped. You huffed and closed your beautiful (e/c) eyes allowing your self to stay calm.

*clack clack clack*

A bright light flooded into the room you were in, you couldn't move at their appearance but you could open your eyes.

"Ahh doll your awake."

The figure walked over to the cold hard ground that you had been laid/tossed upon. He than crouched by your face and placed a hand on your head, he than gripped at your hair and pulled your head off of the ground.


He dropped your head causing it to collide into the cold concrete floor.

"Your cake tasted nice by the way, too bad i only had one piece."

The man stood on his feet and began to make his way over to the solid metal door, he stopped before leaving and turned to take a look at you once again.

"I wouldn't bother using your quirk its useless and your weak, but you'll soon be strong and join us just like Todoroki did. In the state that your in right now id say you have three days before you eventually began devouring yourself from the inside out, make your decision or else you'll die in that spot were you lay."

you opened your eyes wider to try and see who the man was, all you could faintly make out was pale skin and black eyes.

"And what happens if i-"

"You'll be more than just a tool that was used for heroic petty acts (y/n), you'll be a villain used for villainous deed's...and together we will make an unstoppable team, but remember you only have 3 days."

"Your Stupid to ever think that i-"

"Your stupid to decline my offer you little bi- mhm sorry i meant-"

"Cat got your tongue you pale ass-"

the man made his way over to you and picked you up off of the ground by your neck he held his pinkey off of it and gave your a heart wrenching grin.

"I cAn JuSt KiLl YoU nOw If YoU'd LiKe!?!"

His cold iron grip tightened around your neck, his pinkey was than added to the 'fun' and this was when you had really regretted what you had said.


You hoarsely began to yell but it was no use, you were drained of all of your energy and was very dehydrated.

"JoIn Me, JoIn Us, BeCoMe A vIlLiAn WiTh Me!"


you were tossed up against a wall and the impact made you choke on your words. You grabbed at your heart and slouched down onto the ground once more, you than looked the man in the face and gave him a sociopathic grin.

"If i join-"

"Ahh okay there's an 'if' now."


"Continue i'm intrigued."

"Kill Shouto."


Tododoki here~!

Don't hurt me please lol, don't worry he wont actually die, but he will come severely close. The reason you want to kill him is because of what he did (Walked out on a scene *Cough cough*) to you right~?

Another thing is, is that i'm trying to make this interesting for you guys, i don't want it to be like every other x reader out there you know, and your guises happiness is what matters most to me!

Anyways, I was on a smol vacation this week and i went to North and South Carolina, my great grandfather is in the hospital and is having some issue's, but don't worry I'm still gonna be updating on time (there even be some extra updates!) and if i don't than i hope you'll be understanding and give me a break about it lol.

Until next time...

Tododoki out~!

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