Chapter 5 - Again.

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I am sorry I haven't updated in a while! I am really sorry!
Even tho it have been a while, I have still managed to get 400 reads! Wow thank you so much guys<3 and I hope you enjoy this next chapter

[(Y/N)'s POV]
Running, I eventually ran out of energy. My body still hadn't fully recovered yet.
It is actually really dark outside.. Maybe I should just go back home to Midoriya and Uraraka.
As I turned around, I saw something familiar. The hood.
"Shouto?" I called out for him, as I walked closer. "Oh my, I am glad you are okay."
I get no response at first, and then it started to rain. When I get up close I see he is looking downwards. He seemed sad. I placed a finger beneath his chin and lifted his face up to look at me.
"Whats wro--"

"I'm sorry." He interrupted me. Then I got caged inside a cube of ice.

"Shouto! What's going on?! What are you doing"

"Hahahaha... Thank you young Shouto." I heard outside the cube, but I think the ice is quite thick, because it was hard to hear who said it. But I knew it anyway.
Tomura..? What?? ..Shouto, why? ... why...

Knowing something was wrong now, I did the only thing I could think of.
I screamed.
The ice nearly exploded, shards of ice flying everywhere like if it was glass. I then ran.
I can't run back to Midoriya and Uraraka. They have seen me now, and I don't want them to get involved.
But why Shouto. I thought you didn't want to be evil anymore... ugh I am so naive. He wouldn't just change from evil to good like that.. I'm so stupid..!
I heard cracking noises behind me, coming closer. It was ice. I looked back and saw the Ice was about to get my feet, so I jumped, and landed on the ice. It was of course slippery, so I nearly fell.
My body stopped moving all of a sudden. I couldn't move my legs.
Cold... shit.
Looking down I saw my legs covered in ice. Before I got to scream, the ice raised and covered nearly my whole body. It covered everything up to my mouth, so only the part from my nose and above was free. I heard footsteps come near me. A minute after Shouto stepped in in front of me. Tomura was gone all of a sudden.
Shouto hushed on me as he melted the ice on my mouth.
"I--" he began, when I began yelling at him.

My eyes began watering, and he opened his mouth as he was about to say something, but he closed it again without saying a word.
The last part I said made him flinch and his eyes widened a bit.
"You, Todoroki Shouto, you are a monster."
After that he covered my mouth with ice again, but melted the ice by my feet. I was like a stick of ice. After melting the ice by my feet, he picked me up like a wooden plank under his arm, and walked off.
Eventually we had been walking for a long time and I passed out. After some time, my eyes opened and back at the villain bar I was. Damn it! Fuck you Shouto!!
I was sitting in the same couch as I was last time.

"Why did you do that?! I got the girl for you!" I heard a yelling from another room.

"Well that was for helping her the first time." The next voice was Tomura's.
"Now get the girl in here." He added.

Dont you dare! Stay away you bastard!
I can't try run away again. They have probably secured the rooms even more and have guards at every exit.

I met Shouto's eyes as he walked out of the room and over against me. It looked like they were filled with... regret?

"Go away! Dont get any closer you monster! Stay away from me!" I began panic yelling.
As he was only a few steps away, I screamed. Throwing him into a table a bit away from him. He groaned when he was getting back up. As he got close again, I screamed even louder, which this time made him fly into a wall across the room.

Villain Todoroki x Reader [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin