Chapter 2 - Caught.

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(WARNING maybe be triggering to some people i dont know.)
^ This chapter includes torture.

"I found you.."
everything went black.
I am dead, arent I? Everything is dark and I cant feel or move my body. I must have killed myself..

After some time, my eyes opened a bit
I am not dead?!
They were heavy, and everything was blurry. I was in a white bright room, and now my eyes could open up fully. Or.. my left one could. I feel on my right one, and there is bandages around it.
"Youre awake!" Someone pull me into them. I look and see Elysia. I thought about Shouto chasing me and panicked.
"Shouto! I need to move! Get away! Run! I nee--!" I got interrupted by Elysia slightly shaking me
"You are safe dont worry! Wait.. did you say Shouto? As in Todoroki Shouto?"
"Yes! He was the reason why I broke my house!"
She giggles "It must be your imagination. No one have seen him since a week ago, where you saved endavor"
"No he was there! I cut his stomach! And he chased me! I got scared and screamed, which broke my whole house... scream .. the people from the street I live on! Ask them! They saw him!"
"Dear, the police already asked witnesses, all they say is that they heard you scream and your house broke. No one saw him."
"No it cant be ... He was there I swear!!"
"Calm down (Y/N). You need to rest."
My pulse raised. I panicked. I was scared. My body began shaking. There was apparently a doctor near me, who oushed Elysia away "Let me in! She is going into shock!!"
I got some kind of syringe, into my arm, and then all light faded away again.
Not again .. more darkness.
-Timeskip by a few hours-

I could open my eye once again. And I was alone in the room. I took the chance.
I ripped all those small pipes that went into me with medicina and that, out of me, and I ran. I ran down the hallway outside the room I was in. Im in a hospital.
Doctors saw me and tried to stop me. I had trouble running and even walking, from the injuries, but I did it anyway. When anyone got near me, I screamed, pushing them away from me with sound waves.

I got out of the hospital, and there was lots of people outside with their cars and that. I guess they could see I was a patient that tried to get away, because they tried to stop me too. I pushed cars with my sound waves. My screams got weaker and weaker
I need water .. my throat is drying out.
After many minutes of running, it began raining. I groaned in pain, my whole body was in pain and the rain water on my wounds hurt. I found a hiding spot and began drinking the rain water that had gained together on leaves
I felt like an animal. I dont even know what town im in, its clearly not the one I live in. its bigger.
The place I was hiding was inside a bush on the edge of a highway. I was freezing.
(Y/N) why did you go to that alley in the first place. Youre smart, you should have known something was up..
I kept scolding myself.
Then I noticed some police officers with canines.
Why the fuck... im just a normal patient, why send K-9 teams after me?!
One of the dogs began running my way. SHIT! I ran off again "LEAVE ME ALONE" I yell. I ran into a forest, and I tripped. A sharp rock went into thigh
"ARGHHH!" I screamed in pain, really loud. It accidently send out a big wave, causing a tree to begin falling down against me. Everything went black for the third time
Great ... Now I seriously must be dead.
Later I woke up on a couch. In a bar? My bandage in front of my right eye was gone. But all my other injuries had bandages, including the ones I got from escaping the hospital.
I turned my head to the desk in the bar. A "man" made of black gas was standing there in a bartender uniform cleaning a glass.
"She is awake." He looked at me and then looked at a man covered in grey hands.
I know who that is .... Tomura Shigaraki! Shit! This is not good at all!! He is the leader of the League of Villains.
He walked over against me "Welcome back, baby doll"
Baby doll? Fuck him!
"Let me out of here." I growled
"Im sorry, but I cant do that. Now you have seen your surroundings, and know where we are, I cant let you go" his voice was creepy and began laughing.
It gave me chills down my spine. "Look what you have done." He pointed at A guy in a hoodie.
He was sitting swirling his drink around, staring into it. I could her the ice cubes cling against the glass.
"Ever since you came in his way, we havent been able to use him. He havent been able to kill." Tomura's voice got more and more harsh for each word.
"Maybe I should just get rid of you now, so you wont get in our way anymore." He stared into my (e/c) eyes, and I squeeked as he touched my shoulder, and then I screamed in pain when my skin began to crumble off.
Then I screamed louder on purpose, throwing Tomura into a wall. My sound wave made Shouto's hoodie fall off making me able to see his face.
Tomura groaned in pain "Interesting quirk you got there .... Lock her up." His last part was said as a command.
Two villain grabbed me by my arms and began dragging me. Then I screamed even louder, makingthe villains holding me, fall to the ground and holding their ears. My sound waves hurt the ones close to me, ears. Bottles fell down from the shelfs in the bar, and Shouto's glass of alcohol shattered in his hand. Then I ran, out of the door to the bar, and out on the street.
Running again ... but this time I am running from my life.
"GET HER ALIVE!" I heard Tomura yell inside the bar. I yelled for help myself, but there wasnt anyone on the street. It was so hard to run, all the pain in my body. Eventually, I crashed down on the road.
I trembled as I tried getting back up. Then someone grabbed me from behind, and I got thrown over a shoulder as I was about to pass out. I looked to see who it was and all I saw was white and red hair.
I didnt have the strength to get away or scream. My scream just came out as A tiny squeeky noise.
I was just hanging there looking down at the moving ground beneath us.
"I cant do that." His cold voice responded.
"..You.. dont have to... be evil..." I added something that pissed him off "..your mom. Would be.... disappointed.. in you.. if she saw... you now.."
Then I screamed in pain, as he began burning my legs.
"SHUT UP" he yelled at me. Then we arrived at the bar again.
"Good." I heard Tomura said. Something hit me in the heard, knocking me unconcious.
Im gonna see loots of darkness like this I guess ... but I think I found Shouto's weak spot ... his mother.
Does he even remember me..?

Later I woke up in a dark room. I was chained to a wall, and I had a thing around my mouth, making me not able to open it.
Great ... I cant even scream. I felt dizzy, and it was hard to lift my head up and look around. The door opened and some guy I havent seen before walked in with a whip. Shit.. are they gonna torture me?
He walked over and literally ripped my shirt open. Luckily I guess you can say, that I had bandages around my chest.
He then hit my stomach with the whip leaving my skin nearly bleeding.
I couldnt scream so it was just painful noices that came out of me. Then he hit again, and I screamed inside myself again. After third hit, I felt lightheaded and looked down at my body. My stomach was bleeding so much. Then he began hitting my legs. And I let out the painful noices.
Tomura walked in, and gave the man a sign to stop. "Well well, will you look at that? She isnt so tough now huh?" He laughed and looked at the streaming waterfalls down my cheeks.
I should have stayed at that damn hospital... who knew I would have such a painful death, only as 17 years old.
"I will stop him from hitting you, if you dont scream even I take this off." He pointed at the thing closing my mouth.
I nodded. When he took it off I asked "why are you doing this to me?"
"This is what you get, for making our very best villain now able to battle."
"C-can.. I at least get a glass of water?"
"Why not. Youre gonna die here anyway. BRING US A GLASS OF WATER!" He yelled. It was Shouto who came in with the water, his eyes slightly widened when he saw what they had done. He began pouring the water into my mouth, and I drank like I hadnt gotten water for months. I lot out gasps as I had drank all the water.
My eyes widened myself when I heard Shouto whisper really quiet so Tomura didnt hear it
"I am gonna get you out.." "FUCK OFF I DONT TRUST YOU ANYMORE" I yelled after he left.
Does he actually remember me..? I took care of his mother on the hospital last year, until I quit and began working at the café. I had met Shouto once or twice there, and we got along pretty well.

I pretended to pass out from blood loss. And it made Tomura leave. I actually was about to pass out tho, but I fought against it. When I was alone in the room, I slightly smiled.
Thank you for the water .. I can scream again.
I formed my mouth as an O and pointed it at each chain, to focus the sound wave on one point. I slightly screamed, and was begging for the villains to not hear me, and it worked. I broke the locks on each chain, and fell to the ground. No one came in.
Now the final blow.
I screamed nearly as loud as I did in my own house at that time, and broke the whole wall to the outside world
Wait did Shouto know this would happen..? No. He is a villain he wont help me.
I ran again.
The more I ran the less pain I felt. Adrenaline. Yes!
I came to a mall in the town and saw a sign (town name)'s flowershop.
I didnt see any villain behind me did I shake them off?
My eyes widened and joyful tears ran down my cheeks "URARAKA, MIDORIYA!"
They got into an relationship last year, and moved to this town together. They used to come at my café together, and that is where I met them and became friends with them.
As I ran past people in the mall, shocked sounds came from all the way around me. I left bloody footprints after me, I was covered in blood and bandages, I was filled with wounds from the whip etc.

Midoriya and Uraraka turned around as they heard my voice. And their eyes widened in fear when they saw me, and I crashed down onto the floor in front of them.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WE NEED TO GET YOU TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY!" They both yelled, really really worried and picked me up.
"V... Villains.."

Thank you for reading! I am sorry, I feel like this chapter wasnt so good, but I hope you enjoyed anyway.
Feel free to leave a vote, I would really appreciate it. And thank you so much for reading~!

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