26 - That's What I like to hear

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(Small Disclaimer but this Chapter contains Vulgar Language, Forced Suicide, And Murder...Continue at your own risk, tan you for your time)

You tossed the pillow back onto your bed and huffed, you than reached into your pocket and curled your fingers around the note that Shouto had grabbed you. You pulled it out of your pocket and began to delicately unfold it.

'If you change your mind i'll be waiting for you at the association.'

You crumbled up the paper and tossed it behind you, you shrugged and than plopped onto your fairly soft bed.


Your bran literally did a flip as you had just only processed what the note had said.

"Who the fuck invited his ass their!?!"

You reached under your pillow and quickly grabbed your phone, you than turned it on and quickly called Toga.

"Toga At Your Service!"


"Because we need a way to insure that we can kill him, think about it (y/n)."

"Right okay, but how can you insure that it'll be just him?"

"Because we've threatened the pretty boy with you."

"Right because he totally thinks i still like him!"


"Fucking great, well tell Kurogiri to warp me over there-"

"Welp there's a big problem with that."

"Yeah and what would that be?"

"Well Shouto Is on his way over here, we're going to chain him up in one of the cell's down below us and we'll let you take it from there."

"Yes but why does that mean i can't come."

"He would get suspicious and would immediately catch onto what we're doing."

"Fucking wonderful."

"Awe now don't be such a Debbie downer (Y/N)! Just get some sleep and we'll be there to get you tomorrow okay, oh yeah and I'm sending Dabi over there okay LOVE YOU!"


You pressed the power button and seen that she had hung up, you really couldn't believe her.


You heard a portal appear in the downstairs living room, you had stopped yourself from saying anything else and immediately ran out of your ran to look over the balcony.

"Toga really likes red. Eh, oh fucking wonderful."

Dabi turned around and met eyes with you and plastered a mischievous grin onto his face.

"No funny business okay Dabi."

"Shut up your loud."

Dabi turned around and began to make his way over to the steps, he placed his hand on the railing and let out a hardly audible grunt.

"Whats up, Something wrong?"


"Well Jeez that was quite blunt."


"I was just saying that a more lively answer would be much appreciated Okay."

You huffed and turned around making a straight dart to your room. You sat on your bed and put your hands on your lap listening to Dabi make his way up the stairs.

Villain Todoroki x Reader [Discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ