Harry and Ginny love story

By ozzy_osborne_x

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This a story on my views of what should have happened in the 19 years. Don't read if you are sensitive. More

Chapter One: Falling Back In Love
Chapter Two: Forbidden Love
Chapter Three: The Light From Nowhere
Chapter Four: All Hope Lost
Chapter Five: The Miracle
Chapter Six: The Search
Chapter Seven: To Die Or Not To Die
Chapter Eight: Only One Will Go On
Chapter Nine: What Goes On Behind The Smile
Chapter Ten: Death And Diamonds
Chapter Eleven: Coming Out
Chapter Twelve: The Unexpected Arrival
Chapter Thirteen: Catching Up
Chapter Fourteen: Receiving The News
Chapter Fifteen: My Deepest Condolences
1K!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou All So Much
Chapter Seventeen: Getting Better
Chapter Eighteen: Please, Not Yet.
Chapter Nineteen: Welcome, Bienvenido
Chapter Twenty: Going Mad?
Chapter Twenty-One: Change In Heart
The Wattys 2018
Chapter Twenty-Two: Forgiveness
Chapter Twenty-Three: Secrets And Sins
Chapter Twenty-Four: What to do? What to do?
Good storys
Chapter Twenty-five: My Love, My Life, Our World
Chapter Twenty-Six: Why Is It Always Us?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: One Day Maybe, But Not Today.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope Is Born
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Big Day Is On The Way
Chapter Thirty: Just As Everything Was Good, Who Knew It Could Be Better?
Chapter Thirty-One: The Big Day Is Almost Here
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Wedding Part One
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Wedding Part 2
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Wedding Part Three
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Weasel
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Secret
Chapter Thirty-Seven: What Have I Done?
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Rescue Mission
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Rehabilitation
Chapter Fourty: Its All George-Georges P.O.V
Chapter Fourty-One: second chances
Hi Guys
Chapter Fourty-Two: Acting normal
Sorry guys
Chapter Fourty-Three: The Plan
Hi guys 👋🏻

Chapter Sixteen: Forgive And Forget

3K 39 10
By ozzy_osborne_x

Did he just call me Harry. He has never called me Harry. I thank him and he smiles at me. It isn't his normal smirk but a proper, heartwarming smile. Then, Ginny speaks. "what do you want, Malfoy?"

Ginnys P.O.V
I look at Malfoy in disbelief. He wants to what? Is he being serious? He can't seriously think we will be okay with that. Is he stupid or just naive? Wow!

"Malfoy, do you seriously think that I would forgive you for what you put us through? You bullied your way through school and now you want to be our friend? Why?" I ask, getting irritated.

He looks at me and laughs. "I get that you don't like me but you need me. Don't you get it? My dad and his mates will go after you for as long as they live, but if you are my friend then he won't go after you. You saw what he tried to make Harry do, and next time, someone could actually die! "

I sigh. He does have a point. Harry will keep getting targeted. We have to agree. For the sake of leaving Harry alive. We have to. "Okay Malfoy, we will agree." I say, giving him a small smile.

Ron's P.O.V
I am stood here, watching the events unfold. Then I remember. He has apologised for everything already. I am remembering the scene in my head.


I walk over to Harry's coffin in the church, but before I can get there, I see someone else sat on the floor next to it. I see a mop of blond hair. Malfoy. I was about to go over and move him, but I hear him whisper the words we have been waiting to hear for 7 years. "I am so sorry Harry," he exclaimed softly, tears rolling down his cheeks.

I move from the spot of the floor I was stuck to. Wow. That hit me hard. He is really upset. And he called him Harry. I leave the church, knowing I can go back later. I apparate to our flat, expecting Hermione to be here. But she isnt. She must be working late. Without giving it a second thought, I go to the bedroom and flop on the bed, having a nap.

*end of flashback*

I look at Ginny, who is smiling at Draco. She obviously decided to accept his offer. I look at him and I also smile. I know he is being honest. And he isn't just doing it for safety. I didn't tell anyone about it though.

I go an see Draco to the door. "I know about you going to Harry's coffin and apologising for everything. I was watching it all. Thankyou, Draco. It means a lot to me. I didn't tell anyone else though." I say, using my fingers for quotation marks when I say Harry's.

Draco grins at me. "I know, I could sense your presence. Thankyou for not telling anyone and for accepting my offer. You will all be safe now!" With that, he apperates away, waving at me.

Harry's P.O.V
I watch as Ron goes over to the door to see Draco out. Have I forgiven him? Is this forgiving and forgetting or am I just saving myself? I don't know. I just don't.

Later on in the day, we are all sat down for dinner. There is general chat going on. I think being cursed by them death eaters has made me come to my senses. I don't miss the baby. It wasn't even mine.

I do still miss it a bit, obviously, but not as much as I did before. If wasn't my baby, but I would have adopted it. I still don't think I would have been able to look at it fully in the eyes because of it's father... And I am glad that I don't have to spend my life doing that.

Me and Ginny finish our meals and go up to bed. I kiss her goodnight and we snuggle into bed together. I did miss this when I went. A lot.

An// thankyou for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, leave a vote and a comment. Comment any ideas you have and I will use them. I am a bit stuck on what to do next. If you like 2 chapters a week then let me know. Thankyou again.

C xxx

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