Nothing Can Be More Sweeter

By wintertrinkets

70.4K 1.1K 116

Lily Pearson was rejected by her mate. Bullied by her pack. And the most hated person in her whole school. So... More

Nothing Can Be More Sweeter
Look What You've Done
The Only Exception
What Doesn't Kill You
The Devil's Dance
Liar, Liar
Both of Us
Somebody That I Used To Know
Tik Tok (Part One)
Till The Casket Drops (Part Two)
Get Over It
Let The Flames Begin
We Are Young
How Does It Feel
Put The Gun Down (Part One)
Better Off Dead (Part Two)
Just Give Me A Reason
Author's Note

Take a Hint

2.9K 51 8
By wintertrinkets

Chapter eleven: Take a Hint

Get your hands off my hips, ‘fore I’ll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my— Hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
No you can’t buy me a drink, let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
La, La, La….
T-take a hint, take a hint
La, La, La….

What about “no” don’t you get
So go and tell your friends I’m not really interested
It’s about time that you’re leavin’ I’m gonna count to three and
Open my eyes and
You’ll be gone

Get your hands off my—
Or I’ll punch you in the—
Stop your staring at my— Hey!
Take a hint, take a hint
I am not your missing link
Let me tell you what I think
I think you could use a mint
Take a hint, take a hint
Take a hint, take a hint

Get your hands off my hips, ‘fore I’ll punch you in the lips
Stop your staring at my— Hey!
Take a hint, take a hint  


I have to tell him. I have to tell Matt.

I had this weird gut clentching feeling that Matt would freak out and go all berserk and kill James, and then our packs would go out in a full out war, and then in the end we would all be dead . . .

Yeah. I reall don't want that to happen.

But, wouldn't it be kind of cool if they -- ?

I shook my head.

Focus, Liana, focus.

After a few more minutes of me fighting myself on deciding if I should tell Matt or not, and the side of telling Matt won.

I seriously hope he doesn't rip James's throat out . . . even though I would love to see that . . .

* * *

"HE'S YOU'RE WHAT?!" Matt screamed at the top of his lungs.

I sighed and put my head in my hands.

This plan had unfortuenetly went wrong. Horribly, horribly, wrong. I had just told Matt that James used to be my mate, and then he rejected me, and he did not take it well, as you can see.

Atfter when I decided to tell Matt, I was pacing outside of his door for who knows how long. To me, I think I was pacing outside of his door for . . . lets say . . . a hour? That's just a guess. It may be right or not. Okay, the number is close to that.

Almost close.

"Liana," Matt growled.

I blinked, and then notcied that he was right in front me me.

Mother of God. I've never seen him this made before! Well, except this one time when we went to Hawaii, and this guy was hitting on me, and -- actually, I don't want to talk about it. Short version of the story: Matt got pissed off and beaten the guy. And after that, he ruined the whole pack vacation. We had to leave a week eariler. That's right. You heard me. A week and we never forgave him for it.

"Yes?" I say to him.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" He says. His arms were crossed over his broad chest. Matt wasn't that bulky, but you can tell he has muscle. I really don't like guys that are over muscled. I just think that's disgusting. I have no idea why, but I just do. It just looks unnatural to me.

"Because I didn't know this would happen." I say quietly. I didn't look at Matt. I didn't want him to see my face right now. I didn't want him to see my expression. "I didn't know that we would move in with my old pack. I didn't know that our house and forest would be burned down. I didn't know . . . " I trailed off, hoping Matt would understand why I didn't -- couldn't tell him.

A few moments of silence came between us.

I hoped my words had sink into Matt's Alpha's brain of his, but if it didn't . . .

"Use that Alpha brain you have, Matt." I tell him. "You have to understand why I couldn't tell you."

I finally look up at Matt, and see that he had a expression on. I have no idea how to describe it, but it looked . . . thoughtful. Well, not like thoughtful, but something awfully close to it. Of course Matt was thinking, what else do you think he was doing?

By the time Matt had finally decided to talk to me in the past few minutes, he says, "I guess you're right."

Really? That was my first reaction. Really? That's all you're going to say to me after you yelled at me? Really?

 "So . . . you're not . . ."

"Mad?" The corners of Matt's lips quick up. "I was, at first, but then I tried to see through your eyes why you wouldn't tell me, and then I understood."

Matt sat down next to me on the bed, and took my hands in his. I looked at our hands, and then his face.

When I looked at Matt's face, it shocked me, actually. His face was soften now, kinder, safe.

I smiled at him. Not like a happy smile, but a kind, and a thank you smile. A soft smile. That's what's called. A soft, and sweet, smile.

After getting that all off my chest, I felt something else eating the inside of me. It was the other thing I didn't tell Matt. He already knew my background story, he just didn't know the tiny details. The little ones that connected with each other. Like now.

When I told Matt James used to me my mate, I didn't tell him he was the one that ordered everyone to bully me. And I didn't want to tell him that. Ever.

* * *

"Hey there, beautiful," A voice behind me says.

I was in the kitchen, getting some coffee, and then all of the sudden this annoying voice appears behind me. Guess who it is.

The Devil himself.

I poured the coffee into my mug, and then turned around to face James. I look at him boringly. I didn't want to see his face, but I have to, every single freaking day. Just because he let us stay at his pack's house. Why couldn't we stay somewhere else than here? Oh, yeah, that's right, BECAUSE NO ONE IN THE WHOLE FREAKIN US OF A DIDN'T LET US STAY IN THEIR PACK HOUSE.

Calm down, girlie. My wolf says.

Really? 'Calm down.' You of all people -- er wolves, should know that you don't tell a girl to 'calm down.' When you tell someone to 'calm down' it's like stabbing someone and wondering why they're bleeding!

I can mentally image my wolf looking at me in a strange way, like I was a crazy person.

Sorry, I just get in a bad mood when I see him.

I can tell . . .

"What do you want?" I ask him and take a sip of my coffee. Uck. This coffee is horrible. Who would drink this? Actually, who was the one who bought this? Wait, who was the one who made this? This is 'coffee?' Oh I don't think so!

And when did James think I was beautiful? That's really funny. After for like what, two years he finally notices me? That's really pathetic. It is if you ask me.

James didn't reply. It looked like he was staring at something . . .

"HEY!" I yelled.

James got snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at me, and smiled. It wasn't a happy, grinny, or sweet smile. It was more of an pervy, creepy, pedo smile.


"My face is here," I tell him and pointed to my face. "Not my chest."

When I said that, James's eyes travel down to my chest again.

This perv. God. Are guys like him really this horny?

I snapped my fingers at him. To get his attention. When he didn't look up, I snapped my fingers again. And then again. And then again. When after all of my snapping didn't work, I tried to think of something else to get his attention. After a few minutes of thinking, a thought came into my mind.

Wouldn't that be so funny? I thought, and smiled at it.

I took my coffee mug, and threw my coffee at him.

Coffee splashed onto James's shirt, hair, and face. He finally looked up and blinked. He wiped his face, and then looked at me.

I smiled at him.

"It's about time you stopped staring at my chest."

James smiled at me again. I looked at him in disgust. Was he really this horny two years ago? And is this how he hits on girls? And what do they see in him? I don't really see anything in him. All I just see is a guy who thinks he can get any girl he wants, bangs them, and then throws them away like trash. What's not to like about the little horny bastard?

"Well, it's not my fault you have great assets." He says, and leans on the counter.

Again, what does girls see in him?

I rolled my eyes.

I thought I was going to have a good, peaceful breakfast, yet he just showed out of no where and interrupted it. I hate it when people do that. You know when you're trying to do something peaceful, and all of the sudden some person just shows up randomly, and ruins everything? Yeah. That's my number one pet peeve.

An idea popped in my head. It was like a light bulb going off in my head. You know, like in one of those cartoons?

I smiled at him, and he smiled back at me. I tilted my head, and then bitch slapped him across the face.

He stumbled back a bit, and then clutched his face.

I leaned towards him and said, in a deadly whisper, "That was for looking at my boobs." and then walked out of the kitchen.

* * *

We were at some joint where you can hang out and eat and drink and for some reason you can do karaoke too.

The place kind of looked like a club, but without the strippers and dancers and stuff. The lights were dimmed a little, but you can still see, and there were different colors of lights moving around the whole place. The karaoke place looked retro, but yet modern.

There was a stage, which sort of looked like a cat walk, but wider in the back. The stage was sliver, and the wall was blue in the background. The tables and chairs were surrounding the stage, like it was scattered around it. The tables and chairs were sliver, so it could match the stage. And the floor was pitch black, so the colorful lights would stand out against it.

We (by "we" I mean my pack and the other pack, unfortunately) all got into a booth that would fit all of us. Which was a miracle, if you ask me. The seat that was against the wall was seated by my old pack, and across them was seated by my pack.

After we got settled in and ordered our food, we heard the DJ yell into the microphone, "Now who would like to do a karaoke for us?"

My whole pack and I looked at Winter, and smiled at her. The other pack looked at us in confusion. Of course they wouldn't know that Winter could sing. Winter was an amazing singer. Actually, she was more than amazing, she was awesome.

Winter saw the looks on our faces and shrinks back into the seat.

"Winter! Winter! Winter! Winter!" We started to root, and then the whole place started to chant with us so Winter can sing for us.

"Psst, it's not like she can sing." Madison says, and flips her hair. "She barely speaks a word, so I doubt she can sing."

Rosalie's eyes shoots daggers at her, and Arianna looked like she was about to get up, and she did, but Sam had to restrain her from doing so.

"All show you who can't sing," Winter says and walks up to the stage.

"All right! We got ourselves a volunteer!" The DJ yells, and the crowd screams.

When Winter walks up onto the stage, someone hands her a microphone, and she grabs it from their hands.

She looks . . . different. She looks like she's about to destroy something. She's going to prove that bitch wrong.

"GO, WINTER!" We all yell, and she still looks like she's going to destroy something.

"So what are you going to sing for us?" The DJ asks her.

Winter walks up to the DJ booth and whispers in his ear. When she's done, she leans back and doesn't give her face expression away. The DJ looks at her, and then says, "Are you sure? That's a pretty hard song, girlie."

Winter looks him hard in the eye. "I'm sure."

The DJ nods, and then smiles at her.

Winter walks back to the stage as the DJ announced Winter's name, and started to play the music.

When Winter got to the stage, and stood at the middle of the stage she said, "This song, is for a special someone. You know who you are." She looked at Madison, and Madison looked surprised, and then Winter winked at her, and our packed laughed.

The music stared, and Winter began to go with the beat of the music, like she would nod her head or tap her foot with the beat. When the lyrics of the song came in, we were all taken away.

"Wide awake, my mistake so predictable
You were fake, I was great nothing personal

Winter jumped onto a table and started to dance and sing on it, and then walked onto other tables until she came to our table to preform in front of us. She was staring at someone while singing this, but I didn't know who.

I'm walking, who's laughing now?
(Who's laughing, who's laughing now?)
I'm wasted, wasting time
You talk for hours but you're wasting lines
A pretty face but the chase ain't worth the prize

Winter jumped off the table and the stalked towards us.

I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall
Laughing all the way to the hospital
'Cause there's nothing surgery can do
When I break your little heart in two
I'm gonna break your little heart in two

Winter got to our table and then looked at Madison as she sung the next few lyrics.

Party queen, cause a scene so ridiculous
Little dress, maybe less so conspicuous

Madison looked like she just got slapped, and it kind of was like a slap-in-the-face. Winter got up in Madison's face when she started singing the next few lines.

You're falling, who's crashing now?
(Who's crashing, who's crashing now?)
I'm wasted, wasting time
I'm moving on but you're left behind
A pretty face but the chase ain't worth the prize

Winter was still up in her face and then took some of her food from Madison's plate, and threw it in her face. My girls and I laughed, so did everyone else, but our laughs were the loudest. Winter smiled, as she sung, and then bounced back towards the stage.

I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall
Laughing all the way to the hospital
'Cause there's nothing surgery can do
I'm gonna break your little heart
Show you to the door sew yourself shut
Now you're begging for more
'Cause there's nothing surgery can do
When I break your little heart in two

Don't be so sentimental, no
This love was accidental, so
Give it up, this was never meant to be more than a memory for you

I'm gonna break your little heart
Watch you take the fall
Laughing all the way to the hospital
'Cause there's nothing surgery can do
(When I break your little heart in two)
I'm gonna break your little heart
Show you to the door sew yourself shut
Now you're begging for more
'Cause there's nothing surgery can do
When I break your little heart in two"

When the song ended, everyone in the whole place cheered, and clapped. Winter was breathing heavily, and bowed, as if to say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"That's my girl!" Arianna yelled, and Rosalie and I looked at each other and smiled.

We all laughed and cheered on Winter as people from the crowd wanted her to do another song.

Winter looked at me, as if to say she needed me to approve of her singing another song. I wouldn't mind if she sung another song to humiliated Madison. Hell, I wouldn't mind what Winter would do to make Madison look stupid.

I smiled and shrugged, as if to say, "Do whatever the hell you want."

Winter smile was like she got up on Christmas Day or something. I laughed and gestured towards the stage, and she happily go onto the stage again.

* * *

The crowd loved Winter. They were cheering her on song after song after song after song. Winter had finally got off the stage after six songs she did, and joined us again at the table. We had laughed and joked about how Winter was the star of the night and stuff. Madison didn't say anything after Winter had sung her first few songs, but the pack complimented her on her voice and singing. Which was good for a change.

Maybe this pack can be nice after all.

While Spencer and I were talking, we heard a growl and then a crash. We whipped our heads around to see Matt and James looking at each other with menace. And then we heard another crash.

Spencer and I looked at each other, and then went over to the boys.

There was a crowd that was surrounding Matt and James. Some of them werewolves, and some of them not.

When Spencer and I got there, I saw that me pack and my old pack were already surrounding the two boys. My jaw was clenched. This was supposed to be a good night where everyone can hang out and try and be friends with each other so everything that's between us can cool down. But that's not possible is it? The girls are all shooting dirty looks, and glares at Madison and her crew. The guys were having some sort of stare down with the other guys. And Matt and James are going to start World War 3.

I almost did a face palm, but decided against it, and then did a mental face palm.

I heard a crash, and then a groan.

I snapped my head up, and then pushed through the people to see both boys laying on the floor, unconscious, with Beck and this other guy standing in the middle, smiling a wicked smile at each other.

"Nice one," Beck said, and smiled, teeth showing.

"You, too," The other guys says, and him and Beck clasped each other's hands, and brought each other into the bro-guy-hug-thingy. You know what I mean.

"What's going on here?" I say, and then everyone stepped away from me.

Beck and his friend (it feels like they've started a bromance or something. . . ) looked at me, and the looks and their faces were priceless! You just had to see it for yourselves. So, so, priceless. Their faces were saying, "Oh, shit!"

My wolf was howling in laughter.

"What happened here?" I asked in an Alpha demanding voice.

The two boys in front of me looked at each other for struggled answers, and then they looked back at me with scared expressions.

"Well?" I say and cocked an eye brown. I look at the guy Beck was standing with, and he looked at me, and shrinked back a little. I rolled my eyes. Was I really that scary? Am I? I look at Beck, and he looks me in the eye, saying something, but I don't know what he's saying.

We'll talk about this later. I say to him through mind-link.

He didn't nod or anything, so that didn't give us away.

I look at the two boys, unconscious on the ground, and then at the two boys who were standing in front of me with smiles. I look at them, and at the boys on the floor. Them, the boys on the floor. Them, the boys on the floor.

"Well aren't you going to help them?" I say and gesture to the two alphas on the ground.

The two scrambled as they move the two alphas on the ground out of the place and into the car. While all of the guys were doing that, I heard a scream and a yell. I spun around to see Rosalie, Arianna, and Winter, standing together, across from Madison and her little followers.

"Go to hell!" I hear Madison yell at them.

"Well, sure, as long as you're not there!" Arianna says back at her.

 I smiled. That's Arianna for you.

"You three are jealous of me aren't you? I have what you don't have, and that's why you're jealous! I'm more pretty. I'm more popular. I have more friends. I have more fashion taste than you. And I'm better than you. I've got what you don't have, bitches." Madison tells them.

Oh, hell no. That is so not true!

I narrowed my eyes at Madison. Rosalie is clenching her fist by her sides so tightly, her knuckles are turning white. Winter is just standing there, looking at Madison, thoughtfully, like she put Madison under a microscope. Arianna looked like she was going to punch Madison in her fake nose again. Maybe I should step in just to make sure--

"If you don't like me, fine. But just remember: it's mind over matter. I don't mind; and you don't matter." Rosalie says.

Madison snorts and then says, "Bitch, please, I can take a Kleenex and wipe 90% of your beauty off with it!"

Rosalie rolls her eyes and says, "You know, some babies were dropped on their heads when they were babies, but you were clearly thrown against the wall."

I hear some people laugh in the background, and I see Madison's cheeks getting red.

A girl with big boobs bounces up next to Madison and says, "Oh, really, now? Well, I've heard snapper comebacks from a bowl of rice crispy treats!"

Rosalie didn't say anything, and her face didn't give anything away, but she clenched her fist tighter. Winter looked at the girl, and then her eyes looked at her chest. "Are those real?" She asks and points to them.

The girl with the big boobs was confused at first, and then said, "Yeah, of course! They're huge! Can't you tell?"

"Well," Winter says, "if you're boobs are so big, why is there seventeen pairs of socks in them?"

I hear Arianna crackled out a loud laugh, and I see the girl's cheeks turn red.

Madison lifted up her head high, and then said, "Come on, girls, we don't need to be around these, these . . . dogs."

Arianna snorted. "You're one too, you know." She points out.

Madison's face turns even redder, and then she and her followers stalk out of the place. I smiled as they walked -- strutted out angrily, and then walked over to my girls.

When I reached to them, I saw Sara and Spencer high-fiving all of the three, congratulating them.

"Nice job." I tell them, and smiled, baring my teeth.

They smiled back at me, baring their teeth back.

Maybe this night wasn't so bad after all.



I am sooooooooooo sorry for the long wait! I just was having some problems, and I couldn't even write this story. Like I just couldn't bring myself to write it. But I was writing another story! I hope that makes you guys happy! This one is prettyyyyyy long, so I hope that makes up for it! :DD





love y'all! <3


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