The Nice Girl

lovejeleah द्वारा

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the worst turns into the best अधिक



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lovejeleah द्वारा

Leahs pov

Last night was can't even explain. We've never been that crazy in bed but it was literally the best thing I've ever experienced and it was with the love of my life. I'm happy.

Jennifer was still asleep. We were both naked under the sheets. She was sleeping so peacefully. Poor girl was tired yesterday but wanted to be up for sex. She really loves me it's unbelievable and I love her just as much. Maybe even more.

I rolled over closer to her and wrapped myself around her. She moves a little bit and faces me but kept her eyes closed. I kissed her cheek softly and she smiled. Making my heart melt once again.

I didn't say a thing and neither did she. I ran my fingers through her hair softly pushing all her messy hair away from her face. She's soooo damn beautiful. How did I ever get so lucky. I've seen so many pretty woman in my life but this one. She's just so perfect. The way her face is structured. Her lips, her eyes, her soft skin. I just love every feature about her. She's beautiful both inside and out. I'm marrying her today..every time I think about it..I don't believe myself but's actually happening.

I still remember the first time me and her had sex. I was so scared. She made the first move with the kiss and things escalated. That night was perfect. The second we were on this same bed I let loose and had fun with her. That was a night I could never forget because it was my first time with her. I remember all the teasing we had to go through to get to that point. Now look where we are...doing crazy things in bed together, knowing each other's body so well.. then now..we're getting married today. Crazy.

"Leah" she softly says. "Yeah?" "I love you" She says almost mumbling. I smiled and kissed her cheek again. "I love you too" i said. Her eyes were still closed. I let her. I closed my eyes too and we both ended up falling asleep again. This time in each other's arms. It's okay. It's only 7 am. I don't know why I woke up this early.
"Mommy we're home!!" I hear Emme yell from downstairs. We were up by now. All dressed in clothes.

I went downstairs while jen stayed upstairs doing whatever.

"Hey!" I said to Lynda and we gave each other a hug. "Sorry about the last minute sleep over..again" I said nervously. Lynda smiled and shook her head. "It's okay. I understand completely. How was yesterday?"

"The most beautiful day and night that I've ever experienced."

"Wow really?"

"Mhm" I smiled and bit my cheek. I started thinking about last night and I was staring.

"You good? Haha"

"Oh! Sorry- I-damn" I giggled. Then jen came downstairs.

"Mommy!!!" Emme yells and runs up to her. Jen immediately carries her and hugged her so tight.
"Hi my love!" She says.

I go and get Emilia out of her carrier and kissed her several times. Hugging her gently. I missed her so much. I missed sofia too but she's not like Emme. All mushy and cuddly. I still walked over to Sofia and kissed her cheek.

"Okay you two have to get ready. Leah your family said they're almost at your house so you should get going and jen, moms at the venue but she'll be here in an hour. Remember don't even FaceTime each other. You guys can't see each other till the ceremony!" Lynda tells us. She's the one helping out the most with this whole wedding. Im supposed to get ready at mine and Jens house with my side of the family while jen gets ready here.

Sigh. Here it goes.

"My mom will take care of Emilia, babe" jen says "alright. Come on sofia" "hey!" Jen says. "What?" I said. Jen walks over to home and kisses me hard. Almost making me fall back.

"I love you so much and...I can't wait to marry you" she said caressing my face. "I love you so much as well. I cant wait for this entire wedding and especially the part where you become my wife" I smile. Jen let's go of me and throws her head back and groans.
"Okay go now before I cry and the wedding hasn't even started." Jen said. "Haha alright. Bye guys!" I said to them all. "Byeee!!" They said back and me and Sofia went back home.
Jens pov

"..and...done!" My makeup artist says. I look at myself and fell in love. I look gorgeous. Wow.

"I love it! This is perfect!!!" I said happily to her. Then the person doing my hair was almost done also. I'd marry myself..I really look amazing. Leahs some lucky ass bitch.
Lynda comes in and checked on me with Emme. Emme gasped and put her hands on her face. "Doesn't jen look gorgeous?" Lynda asks Emme. I look at Emme and she looked so shocked. "Mommy you look like a pretty princess!" "Aw thank you baby"
"Okay we needa get going soon" Lynda said. "Alright. How's Leah doing on time?" "Her mom texted me. They're done too and on the way there so she could put on her dress at the venue.

"Emme you should got put on your dress now so Lynda could do your hair" I tell her. "Okay!" she smiles and runs out of the room. "I'm really happy for you Jennifer" Lynda said. "I'm so excited Lyn..I'm really marrying Leah?!" "Yeah you are!" She giggled. "Ugh. I wish I could at least call her. I miss her already!" I pouted. "Already?" "Yeah. We had another amazing night last night" "you two seem to have a great sex life" "we suuuuure do" I smirked. "We tried so many positions. We're lesbians! Who knew we'd be able to do all these positions with my fingers and a dildo and my tongue-"

"You guys have a toy?! Ewww!!! Ugh. Okay I get it! No need to be descriptive!" She giggles. "Whoops" "Okay. I'm gonna get Emme ready" "wait- lyn" "huh?" She questions and I hug her tight. "Oh?" "I love you so much. Thank you for believing in me and trusting me with Leah from the start. I know I brought her into our life so unexpectedly when she really needed a job. Then you would watch our kids when we first went out on a date and when you found out it was a immediately hyped us up for it. You helped me with advice..and now-now...." I paused and I started tearing up. I'm really emotional today. "Aww jen!!..don't cry! Your makeup!" "Right! Right.." i sigh and look up and repeatedly blink to make my watery eyes calm the hell down. "Anyways..I'm marrying entire relationship with her throughout the year and months are flashing back and I just can't believe I'm marrying her.."

"Well believe it because she's gonna be your wife today." She smiles. "Thank you" I smile back.

There was a limo and everything for everyone a part of this wedding. Later we got to the place. I put my dress on and I was going to cry again. But I saved myself from that. We hired professional photographers to take pictures and videos of mine and Leahs perspective of us getting ready ever since we were at the house getting glammed up and they'll film and take pictures of the whole wedding. I cannot wait to see how beautiful she looks. I already know she looks gorgeous.
Leahs pov

It's time. This wedding is just like a casual wedding but for two girls and it's outside.

The view was gorgeous. All the flowers, trees, grass. The decoration was gorgeous too. The seating..everything. This is the type of wedding I've dreamed of. I never thought after breaking up with Sofia's dad, that I'd end up here. Waaay richer than I was before..with a girl who has a daughter..someone whose in love with me just as much as I to them. This is crazy.

My mom starts to walk me down the center aisle following behind Sofia and Emme. I'm getting goosebumps. All this is legit crazy. I'm actually getting married to a woman who I love so much.

I see Emilia carried by Jennifer's moms' sister upfront as I pass them and I automatically smile more. That's my gorgeous daughter..oh my heart.

Then I waited..and the second I saw her I lost it. I looked up at the sky and smiled so much trying to process that she's about to be my wife. I just wanna run up to her and give her the biggest hug and kiss but that would ruin the whole wedding moment. This is really happening. I'm saying again..I can't believe it.

Once she got up here with me she smiles at me. It's crazy how just a few hours ago we were in bed together just as a normal couple. It's different. Two girls marrying each other. The whole scenery of a same sex marriage is different. But all the guests love us together. I mean all.

She did that little thing where she tries not the smile but she ends up smiling. It's so cute.

We went through the whole marrying process. The hardest part was to not break down while staring right into her eyes as the ceremony proceeded.

"I now pronounce you wives. You may kiss the bride"

I smiled so much. So did Jennifer. We kissed soooo passionately. Forgetting the world and it just felt like it was me and her only. Our world.

She had her hands at my waist and I felt her playing a little bit with the fabric while I had my fingertips at her jawline as we kissed.

I heard all the cheering and clapping. Jen smiled against my lips and tilted her head a bit and kept kissing me..more like making out. This was such a soft loving kiss that i know I'm going to remember forever.

We pulled back and she looks right at my eyes and bites her lip. Then she looks away. Rice was being thrown as we walked down the aisle holding hands. My wife was being herself and dancing along the way walking down the aisle as our family was hyping her up. I follow along behind her still holding her hand while laughing a lot at how silly she's being. The cheering makes me so happy that they're happy for us.

Now for the reception.

Later in the day, everyone was inside the building at their tables. Me and jen are going to make an entrance so we are behind the doors right now with our photographers filming.

The Dj then announced our the way. We decided for Remini. I'm keeping my last name while jen takes my last name too.. she loves my last name. Once the music started playing we made a fun entrance and everyone cheered again. We danced in the way to the middle of the dance floor and once we got there we kept dancing till the music stopped.

Later when we got to the toast, it was Lynda's turn. I was mostly looking forward to what she has to say because she knows mine and Jens relationship perfectly.

Jen and I were sitting with our food in front of our table that was just for us while listening to Lynda.

"..these two. I love them both soooo much. But first..I'm glad that jen and I have a good close bond as sisters. We tell each other everything. She's more than my sister. She's my best friend. Even if we fight we can't leave each other's side because we're sisters! But point..When jen first mentioned about Leah to me..I knew something was up. I mean she never randomly lets someone into her life like that so easily, especially because she has Emme. Then she and Leah made me watch their kids..and knowing Jen..I knew already that they were going on a date.."

I giggled and lightly kicked Jens leg because I remember that exact night that we made her watch the kids. It wasn't the first date but it was the first time we had sex together.

"..they didn't even let me know that the kids were sleeping over my house! Jen told me till 10..maybe they fell asleep and forgot them" she joked "but seriously. Meeting Leah through Jennifer, I knew Leah would be the one. I don't know how but I just knew. First of all she's really gorgeous. Jen crushed on her soooo hard. But Jens never been this happy. Whenever I'd see her alllll she'd talk about was Leah. All jen ever wanted was to find the love of her life and she finally did and I'm glad I also became really close with Leah. She's like my little sister too. I mean you are now! But you guys would both run to me for was crazy. But I'm so glad Leahs been the best anyone could ever be to my little sister especially knowing her really means so much that you're always there for her, Leah." She said and I smiled at her. "I love you guys soo soooo sooooo much and I'm sorry this was kinda long guys are married!! With a new baby too!! I'm so happy for you both!! I hope but also know you two will always be happy together"

Jen was already sniffling. Lynda's toast wasnt something to cry about but it was so sweet but I know it hit jen in the feels.

After all the toasts and eating the food. It was time to dance. I've been waiting for this.

Me and jen were at the middle of the dance floor alone while everyone watched dancing to a slow song. Jen put her arms over my shoulders and looks me straight in the eyes about to cry but she was also smiling. She's more emotional than me. Everything is hitting me but I'm not crying like she is.
Jens pov
I know I don't want to jinx anything but I know Leah is the one. I see us together forever and she's the only one aside from blood family who knows about my past. She's been there for me, helping me throughout my personal problems and also helping me with Emme. Especially when I couldn't. She treats my daughters like they're her own which they are now.. she's made me forget about my past. I mean it comes back around in my mind sometimes but then it doesn't effect me as much as it did before I had her. Then through my pregnancy...she was a fucking angel. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. Helping me, dealing with my attitude and all my bullshit. I couldn't imagine someone better.

Leah uses her thumb to wipe under my eye since a tear rolled down my face. I smiled then laid my head on her chest as we slowly danced. So much is going through my mind that it's hard not to cry. Even the song hits me in the feels. I'm listening to every word and it just makes me want to hug Leah tighter. I don't care if everyone sees how emotional I'm getting because this is my wedding. Celebrating mine and Leahs love for each other...and the fact that they're all supporting us because we are two of the same gender makes me happy knowing they love us both so much and support us.

I just love Leah so much. Words can't even describe my love for her. It's crazy. I've never loved someone so much. I've never been this happy in my life and I our new family. Me, her, Sofia, Emme and Emilia. Everything is just perfect. From being confused, to dating a man, marrying him, getting pregnant four times and only having the fourth one survive..being beaten up through those pregnancies. Saving my daughters life. Divorcing..depression..a break, then I somewhat got better focusing on my own things and my own daughter. Then I met Leah. I was all about her. Having Emme and Sofia hang out a lot just so I could see that time to asking her out on our date..that was such a confusing way to ask. She asked me if I was asking her on a date..and she forced me to say that I do like her.. all the texting that led onto more dates..then that first kiss that I somehow had the guts to do since it was my move..maybe I just wanted a fuck from her so bad..what she told me that night made me go all types of crazy..she told me what she thought of me and she had my heart immediately.. but..I guess it worked because now we're married.

"Jennifer" I hear her say to me as we still danced. I lifted my head off her chest and looked at her. "Yeah baby?" I said really softly. "I love you so much" she said and I pouted but happily. "I love you too Leah" I said and she smiled. Then we slooowly leaned towards each other but stopped before our lips touched.

"I can't wait for tonight" she says. Nobody could hear us. "Why's that?" "Cause It'll be the first time we do it as a married couple and I was planning on trying some new things" Leah said. "Nasty" I joked and I started to giggle and pulled her close to kiss me. She's obsessed with me. Mostly in bed. I love it. I love this. I love her. I never imagined in my life that the worst would turn into the best. She's the best..

The endddd!!! I know this story was hella extended and ended boringly but I'm glad y'all loved it! I'll publish another fic soon! One day! I don't know when but just look out for it :) thanks for the love and shupport 🤪

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