School Love Affair (BTS FanFi...

By Jungxmbr

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Please see the prologue :) More

Prologue (BTS FanFiction)
Chapter 1: 2 Cool 4 Skool
Chapter 2 : I'm Doomed, You're Dead.
Chapter 3: A Conversation With the "Mianhabnida" Boy
Chapter 4: I Hate You, Blondie
Chapter 5: Consequence Cancelled
Chapter 6: Stop, I'm Hurt
Chapter 7: Kaye-V Moments
Chapter 8 : Ji Min, Waeyo?!
Chapter 9: My Jagiya
Chapter 10: Hospital Bloopers
Chapter 11: Kaye-Jin's Turn
Chapter 12: Jeju Love Part 1
Chapter 13: Jeju Love Part 2
Chapter 14: How About Me?
Chapter 15: Namja Chingu?
Chapter 16: His Sweetness
Chapter 17: She Finally Fell
Author's Note
Chapter 18: The Alterer Part 1
Chapter 19 : The Alterer Part 2
Must Read
Chapter 20: Seven Days to Six
Chapter 21: He Left
Chapter 22: Kookie's Enemy
Chapter 23: Love Web
Author's Note
Chapter 25: Missing Her
Chapter 26 : The Fieldtrip Part 1
Author's Story
Chapter 27 : The Fieldtrip Part 2
Author's Feels
Another Author's Note
Chapter 28: Aftermaths, Secrets, Confession
Chapter 29: Rationale
Chapter 30: You Gotta Be Kidding Me (Part 1)
Chapter 31: You Gotta Be Kidding Me (Part 2)
Chapter 32: The Monkey Gossiped
Chapter 33: Goodbye, Korea
Chapter 34: New Phase
Chapter 35: He Changed
Questions and Answers
From Author

Chapter 24: August Escapade

5K 133 20
By Jungxmbr

Author's Note: okay. I lose. Some readers keep on asking about the next chapter so I end up updating it. Think of this chapter as if it was already August as what the title says, guys. Hope you'll like it.

Two months later..

Kae Il's POV

What happened today is nothing but all awesome. Imagine - today's Lou Ry's birthday. Jin invited me to come with them at the beach together with the presence of his friends, Ji Min and Jung Kook, Jin Hee, too. Lou Ry's dad is still at the Philippines so he can't celebrate it with her. She's fifteen now, ten months younger than I am. We became good friends after a few weeks because she always hook up with her cousin whenever Jin is coming to my house. Yes, Jin's always at my house. You may call it 24/7 but that's the truth. I owe Jin a lot. If not because of him, I think I'll remain indifferent from my past attitude the time I found out that V is playing over me. That's not a big deal anymore. In fact, I found myself more sociable and out going, add the vivaciousness. I even knew how to crack jokes. Not the lame ones this time! I don't know what urged me to be like this but all I know is it's because of Jin and.. Oppa.

I forgot the name of the beach but I can really say that it is so beautiful! Seeing the horizon made up by the sky and the wide blue sea, it inspired me for a second. Made me realize that after all, I have a good life to spend on. I eat more than three times a day. I have money. I always top the class and although I badly need my family's love and support for me, there's always this so-called friends who always share their everything and nothingness to you. I breathed the fresh air in and exhaled it out until I smelt an unfamiliar perfume getting more nearer to my nose. Someone's walking behind me. I looked at who it was.


"Hey, Ms. Presiden~"

"Kae Il.. Ms. President sounds so formal. Hehe." I said.

"Ohh. Sure."

"So, what's up?"

"Uhhm. It's been months, you know. Well, I just wanna let you know that I'm sorry for what Tae Hyung has done to you. I knew it all but I kept silent. Mianhamnida."

"It's okay, JungKook. If there's someone to be blame here, it's me. Falling unto a stranger I only knew for a week. Hehe. I hope we could be good friends. Friends?" I placed my hand in front of him waiting for his hand to shake mine.

"Nae, friends." He took and shook it. So today's the start of our friendship. We went back to the canopy and started helping the guys.


J Hope's POV

"Yah, J Horseeeuuuuu!! Are you sure about this?" Suga, a little bit nervous, slapped my shoulder. Aiish.

"Well, if you're not interested, you can back off." I answered.

"What if they won't like me? What if I won't be selected?"

"It depends on how you make your performance striking, dude."

"Aiish. Well, g-g-good luck, fellow." He said stuttering. He's surely nervous. Hahahaha.

Okay, so to tell you honestly guys, Suga and I are inside the BigHit Entertainment- testing our luck, trying to please destiny, expanding our tracks till we shine around the world.

We're now heading to the audition area. And as we were getting closer to it, I can see Suga's sweating a lot. What's wrong with this boy?

"A little bit anxious? Hahahaha." I looked at him. His faced changed. Oh-ow?

"Dude, am I dreaming?"

"Why? Do you feel like dreaming?"

"I'm asking you to answer it!!."

"Well, of course not!"

"So is this real?"

"What are you talking about, Sugarboy?"

"Look." He point his finger towards the opposite direction. I turned my head at where he's pointing. I saw the orphanage's owner's son. "So?"

"It's Nam Joon, dude! It's Nam Joon!"


"Fae Joon would probably be here. I can feel it!"

"Feeler. Hahahaha." Why is this boy so obsessed with that New Zealander, eh? He threw his not-so-death glare at me. Ahhahaha. Ugly. "Daebak. They're really rich. I knew it. Nam Joon boy must have already picked. Tssk."

I made a glance at him, too late, he already rushed towards the white haired lad a little too far from us.

RapMon's POV (first time. Hahaha)

"You really did a great performance, Nam Joon." Said the friend of my uncle. I only gave him a quick smile and a bow.

"Kamsahamnida." I said. I want to be formal. I want to show the people that I was picked because I have the talent, not because my family has the connection and such. I was with my uncle today at BigHit because my parents were both in Australia for a vacation. Fae Joon, my sister, was left at New Zealand with Grandma since she has to attend classes. Our family went here, in Seoul, two months ago because the orphanage that our family owns in Jeju was selected to be visited and featured by Seoul High, I think. That time, I made a special number - of course, I sung and rapped. After that, One man came to me and ask me if I am interested to become a star. Yeah, a KPOP Idol as what you are thinking right now. That's what I've been dreaming since I was ten, though. And so I agreed. He introduced me the BigHit Entertainment and gave me the exact date of the auditions. And that man was with us, today. My uncle's friend. He is the cousin of the manager of the said company, that's why I never had gotten tired of pushing myself together with the sweaty, standing in the long line of young guys in front of me, waiting for my name to be called until I enter the audition room exhaustedly to perform. I felt guilty.

I excused myself to them to go to the comfort room. I bowed.

I was walking freely in the pathway until someone blocked my way. "Nam Joon? Kim Nam Joon?" Asked the boy.

"N-nae..Nuguya?" (Who are you?) i asked him out of curiosity, trying to remember where or when we did met, if we already met.

Suga's POV

"Uhmm. I'm Min Yoongi. I am.. Uhmm. Your sister is very beautifmmmrrmmrm." I said. "Prwweeermmrm." I looked at the owner of the hands who keeps on covering my mouth.
"J Hope????" Aissh. I gave him an I'm-doing-the-first-step-thingy look. Thanks-to-you-it-came-out-a-mess. Grrr.

The horse ignored me. He looked at Nam Joon instead. "Mianhae, dude. My friend is just so excited about the audition. So how was it? Did you pass?"

Me? Excited? Never. Ever. What is he trying to say? Nam Joon just stared at us criticizing our looks. Eh?

"Ohh." He sighed. "Yeah.... 'Twas fun." He smiled, bowed, and walked away.

"Wait!" We haven't talked about your sister yet!! I felt J Hope's force of gripping my hand as Nam Joon turned back to see us.

"Wae?" He asked. "What is it?"

"C-congratulations!" Aiish. "Heheheheehe."



"Calling participant 303, Min Yoongi." The lady popped out of the door. I suddenly felt my knees getting weaker. What's happening to me? Aiish. Why did I even agreed to J Hope's plan? Aiish. I don't like to be an idol, anyway. I don't want to enter the show business and get involved to false issues being thrown at me. Tssk. "Calling participant 303, Min Yoongi."

And so I entered the room. This is the first time I went to an audition. Should I thank Ho Seok? No. Tss.

The room is wide enough to rock and roll and "do all the things you want to impress us, kid." The fat man said. He smiled so I don't have any reason to be more anxious. I think he's quite a good sunbaenim. The room is surrounded by mirrors, almost every corner, all walls. I can see my self in every angle. "Show me how you dance, young man." He commanded showing me a curve on his lips. I nodded. The music soon started. The white lights went off except from those that are flashing into where I am standing. Spotlight!

I got a hangover, wo-oh!
I've been drinking too much for sure
I got a hangover, wo-oh!
I got an empty cup pour me some more

I dance along the beat. I saw my reflections on the mirrors. The green and red lights also started flash in no specific direction. So is the yellow ones. Is this a club or something? Why am I enjoying this? Dancing! Hooh! I vigorously waved my hands up high, brought it down and placed it back in the air. I bent and stroke my left hand in my knee while my other hand is holding my chin. I turned around and back-dived for intenseness and made my last pose. I heard a mass of hands clapping. Daebak!

As soon as the colored lights disappeared and was replaced by the bright white lights, I saw the staffs exposed that awe in their faces. Am I really that entertaining?

"Perfect." The fat man said. "Now, can you sing?"

"Yes, manager-nim. I even do rap." I responded.

"Good, let me see it, Sugarboy." Sugarboy? J Hope only calls me that name.

In my head I know you~~
In my head I know you~~
Eoduun jeo pyeon kkeu geugeosseojeo
bicheul gidaryeo beyond light~~

I finally finished the song. "How old are you, young man?" He asked. A. G. A. I. N. (ㅡ_ㅡ) this is one of the reasons why I don't like to be an idol. Interviews are giving me headache.

"Fifteen, sir."

"Rate yourself from one to fifteen."

"Fifteen, sir."

"Why fifteen?"

"I guess I deserve it."

"Well, you should. Welcome to BigHit, kid." Whuut? (O_o) "Fill these forms up." He said and a lady handed me some sheets of paper. "We'll contact you by the end of the year, until the last day of the auditions end, chughahambnida!"

"Kamsahamnida, manager-nim."

"Chughahabnida!!" Greeted the staffs. "That was daebak!"

"What a good looking fifteen year old!"


"I'm already your fan, oppa! Kyaaa!" Fan? Oppa? Seriously, noona? Hahaha.


I exited the room and saw J Hope running towards me. He's about to utter a word but I stopped him. "Yes, J Hope. I got selected. Yes, J Hope. I'm not kidding. Yes, J Hope, I'll debuting next three years 'coz I'll be joining the training to become an idol few months from now. Hahaha!"

(O o O)

"Are you su~?"

"Of course, I am."

"Where did you put your anxiety?"

"It ran away 'coz Nam Joon's right, 'twas fun in there!!"


"Calling participant 305, Jung Ho Seok... Calling participant 305, Jung Ho Seok."

"Goodluck, J Horse. Propagate your coolness!"


Next Morning..

Jungkook's POV

"Kookie, darling, wake up now. Ji Min's outside waiting for you. Don't you remember? Today's Seoul High's fieldtrip." I felt mom's hands shaking my shoulder. I didn't mind her. I'm still sleepy. I'm dead tired because of yesterday. "Kookie.." I simply buried my head under the pillow. "Kookie." And never mind mom. "Jung Kook!!!" Aiiish.

"Later, mom."

"Ji Min's downstairs!"

"Tsk. Okay. I'll start fixing."

"Faster. I'll give you 15 minutes, ONLY." Mom said as I saw her walked through the door, closed it and I went back to sleep. Kekekeke.

Third person's POV

This past few weeks, JungKook and Sofie are engaged to some heavy works in their homeroom since the teacher always see them arguing with no valid reason so she threw punishments to them. Never ever expect them to finish one duty 'coz they can't even start. They would begin nagging and would end up flashing a laser-like evil glare to one another.

"What are you staring at, monkey?" She said eyeing him sharply.

"Wasn't it only me staring? Tss, as if you're not." He rolled his eyes.

"Will you shut up? Just fix these mess around here so we could get out right away." She said crossing her arms.

"You've been repeating that line the whole time! You didn't even helped me once. If only I don't like you, I already burned your hair." He pouted.

"You're saying? Duh. For your information, you never touched any of the scattered things here, stupid."

"Here comes the stupid. For your information, I am not stupid, okay? I'm handsome." Then he winked at her.

"Handsome your butt!"


"Okay class, I want two volunteers to come here in front and demonstrate waltz."
Said the teacher.

Without any thoughts, Sofie grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him in front. "Us, miss!"

They danced. Jungkook's cheeks were burning red thinking that maybe Sofie already gained some feelings for him. Little did he knew that she only did it 'coz her dance class' grade is as poor as the life of the mouse. Singing is her forte. She loves listening to hiphop music and she knows how to rap too. That is the reason why she liked J Hope. She liked him eversince she saw him rapping at one corner one fine morning at the back of Shingchangdom building. She likes him so much that she even gives him stuffs with his favorite color by the help of Skylark. She uses her friend to give those things to him because she thinks, doing it all by herself doesn't suit her. It's too girly and it kills her pride. She's boyish. She has two elder brothers who influenced her to act like a boy. Only Skylark knows her secret ㅡ her secret that she likes girls until J Hope came across her path.

The previous month, Skylark quitted the agreement. She told her that she won't do her friend's favor anymore. She used some alibis for Sofie not to notice that she already likes J Hope. She thinks that if she'll keep on seeing and interacting with him, she might fall for J Hope and it'll absolutely hurt her friend ㅡ now that Sofie already realized that she likes boys. Sofie didn't argue, she knows she's been so selfish for letting her friend carry the burden she made.

As days passed, Sofie's feelings for J Hope faded. She didn't have time to see him at the basketball court, too, because she's always stucked with Jungkook at their teacher's office doing some errands, or let's say, punishments. Everyday, Jungkook is trying his best to impress Sofie but as usual, all he got were nothing but "monkey", "tsss," and most of all, Sofie's favorite line.. "stupid". It's been months that She transferred in Class C but she never earned a friend. She hates to have one 'coz for her, Skylark is enough.


Jungkook's POV

Ten years from now, I can see this lovely lady. Seems I haven't seen her before, something inside me says she's familiar but her face has got matured. Have we met already? We were walking in the sand barefooted while our hands intertwined. But then, my knees fell on the ground. A couple of teardrops then ran down my face.

"Why are you crying?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry..
..but we need to break up." I said controlling my tears not to fall.

"But why?" She then hugged me. "You said you love me.. What's that for?"

Han Rissa." I faced unto my back. I don't want to see her face anymore nor she seeing my face, I need to forget her. I must. Then I walked away brokenhearted. I hate the fact that I can't tell her the truth.

Then, I felt a hand grabbed mine. She twisted my body and let me face her. I was shocked. When I felt her lips touched mine. She kissed me for the first time. I felt butterflies in my stomach. And there's this another feeling.. It hurts. My feet.. Seems they can't handle the weight of my body anymore. "Ouuch!!" I groaned in pain. "Arrgh." It feels real.

"Yah! Jungkook! Will you get up from bed? I've been waiting outside your room for about half an hour!! Wake up, you sleepy heaaaad! Or else I'll dive inside your head and burn your imagination! Aiish." Ji min's voice. Yeah.. Ji Min's.. Whaat? The pig's here??

-end of chapter-

Author's Note: chapter 25 will be posted on Monday. July 28, 2014.

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