the bond in bloody roses

By ItaChan19

1.3K 13 31

Sakika Matsumoto thought she had her life all figured out. She was going to become a vampire hunter. Make her... More

Night One
Night Two
Night Three
Night Four
Night Five
Night Six
Night Seven
Night Eight
Night Ten
Night Eleven
Night 12
Night Thirteen
Night Fourteen
Night Fifteen
Night Sixteen
Night Seventeen
Night Eighteen
Night Nineteen
Night Twenty
Night Twenty-One
Night Twenty-Two
Night Twenty-Three
Night Twenty-Four
Night Twenty-Six
Night Twenty-Six

Night Nine

49 0 0
By ItaChan19

Night Nine:

Ah, Parent's Week...What could I really say about it? It was...Taxing on me worrying about what they would think about all this. I knew my father wouldn't be around this time, Mikami had explained that Father had an important assignment during that time which is why he was coming in his absence. I had to admit that I liked the thought of him coming more than my father. Father...Father was really reserved, and quiet aloof. I knew he wouldn't be very welcoming to anyone here. Mikami was a bit more open minded. My mother, on the other hand, was not so narrow-minded as my father but she still had her reservations. She was the first to protest me coming here, while my father had been the one to enroll me. I mostly thought it was out of protection towards her children, and me her youngest daughter.

Anyways, when the day came around, our classes were called off for the occasion, and we were even allowed to out of our school uniforms. I was more than happy to be back in my jeans, and simply black t-shirt. The day they came, I had put my hair up into a ponytail, and slipped into my brown jacket as I waited for them outside. I didn't have to wait long. They quickly pulled up, and the first one out was my brother.

My brother was a tall man of nineteen. He had a lean built to him, and was slight pale. He had messy, ear length brown-blonde hair, and beautifully colored green eyes. He had a scar on the left side of his face that went from his cheekbone and zig-zagged to the outer side of his lip before ending just a little bit on his chin. It had taken some away from his general good looks. He was normally a very casual dresser, very much matching his personality, but that day it was obvious he had taken time in his appearance. His usually untamed hair appeared to be gelled back, but still framing his face. He had a crisp, fashionable dark colored suite on him, and shiny, brand new looking, dress shoes.

"Hey, Kiddo." He announced in his somewhat light voice.

"Mikami, it's good to see you." I muffled into his sleeve as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug, lifting me off the ground slightly. I put my hands on his chest, attempting to push myself away from him before anymore embarrassment ensued due to him. He laughed, and sat me on the ground. I looked up to my mother as she carefully stepped out of the car.

My mother still retained a bit of her looks that she must have had in her youth, though signs of aging were clearly beginning to show through her slight crow's feet around her eyes, but otherwise she had a smooth complexion with no flaws whatsoever. She had rather large, almond-shaped, green eyes that were much like Mikami's eye color. She had pale skin, and had a thin, but curvy build about her. She had a oval shaped face that was framed by brown, wavy hair, which was usually up in messy bun. She dressed rather conservatively off duty, but looked somewhat casually for her that day with her turtle neck, white sweater, and black pants, and boots. She also had on dark colored gloves.

"Sakika, we never got a letter back." I blushed immediately, and looked away. Of course that would be the first thing she would say. I should have known."It's ok. I understand that you're busy here." I smiled back at her with her kind words, and hugged both her and my brother.

"It's really good seeing you guys. You have no idea just how crazy thing shave been here." My brother chuckled, and patted my back before I pulled away."Come, I'll show you guys my dorm, and room." They nodded wordlessly, and followed me into the school grounds.


The first day of Parent's week was filled with activities, meant to show the parents all the fun, and educational things we do here at Cross Academy. The choir club sang some songs they had been learning. Some students recited poetry. They even let some of the better horse riders show off with a bit of a show. We had quiet a good lunch, provided with a desert that the Cooking Club had made themselves. Headmaster Cross than provided a full scale tour of the grounds, which included a full explanation of our classes, and even answered what he could about the Night Class, which he explained as older college students, and how we kept them separated.

We had two hours before dinner rolled around to spend with our families that had come to visit us. I had brought my mother and Mikami back to my room.

"And this is my room." I announced as we walked into the room." I have a roommate. She's...Well, she different."

"Hey, is this her?" Mikami pointed towards the picture of her and her friend. I nodded."That's the daughter of a previous science teacher at my university. He went on to study with actual government scientist when he discovered some new cure. He was a pretty eccentric guy."

"And his daughter is rude." I laughed, and glanced at my mother, who was looking out the window. I followed her gaze to see Zero and Yuuki standing out by the gate, patrolling the area as the Night Class students met up with their parents. I immediately felt uncomfortable. I wanted to distract her so that she wouldn't say anything. I didn't have to wait long.

"Hey Mother! Look! Our little Sakika finally has an admirer! Mother, someone likes Sakika!" I felt my whole face go redder than a tomatoes as he pulled out the secret bottom of the box, and showed my mother the roses I had hid in there. I was luck there was only six in there. The other fourteen were hidden under my clothes in my bottom drawer on my dresser. My mother looked at them with her thin, arched eyebrows raised even more. She looked back at me with a soft smile.

"I really have no idea what to say..."

"Sooo...Who is it?" He grinned as he slung his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me to him. He chuckled as he messed with my hair. I groaned in protest, and attempted to break from his hold on me."Oh, nu-uh, Little Sis. You're not going anywhere until you tell me who it is."

"I don't know. It's from a secret admirer. Only Miss Yuuki Cross knows." I grunted as he let go of my neck, and laughed.

"Oh, a secret admirer? You at least have to have some suspicions. Who is it? I'd like to have a little chat with them." My mother laughed in amusement as my face again reddened as Akatsuki's face flashed through my mind. My brother smirked, and crossed his arms.

"I told you, I don't know. I haven't had time to think about any boys. I've been busy studying hard."

"Pfft. You're so lying. Look at your face. Mom, look at her face! She's blushing so hard I think her head might actually explode if she blushes any deeper." He looked back at me with a smirk. I groaned in embarrassment."So tell me who you think it is..." He paused before adding,"Or who you hope it is. Come on, you're not comeptely asexual. You have to find someone attractive."

"Mother, make him stop. Please." I looked to my mother for help. She merely laughed, and shook her head.

"Mikami, dear, stop harassing her. She's not going to tell. Sakika, why don't you give us a tour of the courtyard again. I liked the fountain that was there." I nodded, and looked back at my brother.

"Please put those away, and hide the box ok?" He rolled his eyes, and did as I asked of him.

"Just know that I still expect an answer." He winked playfully. I grumbled in protest, and beckoned for them to follow me. Mikami tittered, but followed me and Mother to the Courtyard.


Mother loved the Coutryard, and we spent some time sitting there on the fountain's edges, catching up. Mikami told us about some girl he had been seeing for a couple months. Mother updated me on the family.

My sister, whose about twenty, had gotten a position to help keep up the records in the Hunter's Society Head Quarters. Father had been very busy with missions with Yakumi lately. My other brother, my fraternal twin, Mizuki had also just been accepted into a high end university. Unlike most of my family, although he had been found very fit for the job, had turned down the opportunity to become a hunter. Father was disappointed in him for that, and thus the two had a very strained relationship. Mikami simply resigned after he decided to continue on his own life, and really hadn't been home since then. I guess that's why it felt so good to see him.

Time passed too quickly, and it was time for the parents to go to their hotels to rest. I was a bit sad to see my parents go, but I was also thankful that the Head Master had given me duty off in respect for the occasion. It meant that I would finally get a full night's rest.

However, as I laid down to rest, I found myself very restless. My roommate had been given permission to stay at the hotel with her parents, so I was there all alone. I tossed, and turned, but I was so used to my schedule that I couldn't find sleep easily. I had a feeling the Yuuki and Zero would be on patrol, as they were almost every night. So, I knew it wasn't particularly off grounds for me to come out. After all, I was on Disciplinary Committee as well. I could go out as well, even if I was off duty. I wouldn't be in any trouble.

I dressed in a pair of jeans, and a long sleeved shirt with a v-neck. I had put on my school uniform boots, opened the window, and jumped down to the ground. I must have miscalculated the distance because I landed on my feet, my left ankle gave out. I ended up landing landing straight on my ankle that had, at that point, twisted out. I groaned in pain, as the feeling shot through my leg, radiating in my ankle. I tired to stand up, but the pain was too much, and I ended up having to sit there where I had fallen, rubbing at my ankle, and hoping that nobody would pass by to see me in such an embarrassing way.

"What happened to you?" I blushed slightly at Zero's question. He had a tone that suggested he was holding back laughter. I glared at him, and huffed as I rubbed at my throbbing ankle.

"I fell, and twisted my ankle." I shot back, wincing again at the feeling in my ankle.

"Can you stand?" He was immediately at my side, trying to help me up. I huffed, and tried to push him away. My ankle was beginning to hurt.

"Yes. It hurts too much to stand." I managed to hiss out. Zero immediately put me down on the ground, kneeling beside me as he took my boot off. I winced, even though he was trying to be gentle.

"It looks swollen." He looked at it, and then at me."You just fell?"

"I jumped, my ankle gave out, and it got sprained." I answered tiresly. He nodded, removing his hands from my ankle, giving it some relief, but it was back to throbbing.

"You should have just stayed in your bed, sleeping. Why didn't you just do that instead of doing something that crazy, and jumping?"

"Because I was bored." I answered.

"Well, I get bored but that doesn't mean I have to go, and do something stupid like shoot the wall out of boredrum."

"Only because you'd be in trouble." Zero sighed, and shook his head.

"We should get you somewhere so we can get this taken care of...I'll take you to Head Master Cross. He'll patch this up." He scooped me up into his arms, and carried me back into the building. I blushed, but didn't try to protest.


"Oh no...Fell?" Zero nodded as he explained his "story". Meaning, I hadn't been able to sleep, so I went out for a walk, but my ankle gave out causing me to fall on it, and ending up twisting it. I was glad he didn't tell the truth of what happened."She won't be able to participate in tomorrows games." I glanced at Zero, and back to Head Master.

"I'm sure my mother and brother wouldn't be interested in any type of competitions. So, it's ok." The Head Master sighed dramatically, and nodded.

"I know, but I worked hard to come up with fun, and interesting events. It's disappointing to know you and your family can't attend due to your injury."

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. It's not totally your fault." I had to admit, I was rather happy knowing I wouldn't be able to participate in any possibly embarrassing events, especially knowing how eccentric he could be at times. I could only imagine what the events could be." But I even planned a night ball so that even the night students could attend to mingle with the day class." It was with those words uttered from his lips, that I felt disappointment. A dance between the day and night classes? That would mean inter-mingling would happen. Dances would happen naturally. I felt my heart thump faster in my chest. I lost my words to say. Head Master Cross sighed, and shrugged."Oh well...We can deal with all that. Why don't you rest here for the night. Your ankle should feel better in the morning, and by then I'll have some crutches you can use to walk around with."

"That would be nice. Thank you." He nodded slightly.

"Just relax. I'll be just a few feet away if you need anything." I again nodded."Well good night."

"Good Night." Head Master smiled one last time, cast a glance to the silent Zero, and then went to his room, closing the door behind him."Ummm, Zero?" I looked up at him with eyebrows together. He looked back at me with a slight nod of his head. For what reason. I couldn't be sure." Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." He answered in a whisper. He looked towards the door, and then looked at me."Are you going to be ok by yourself?"

"I'm not helpless. I can handle things on my own."

"Right...Well, I'll be going off then. Yuuki can pretty useless sometimes on her own." I nodded again.

"I'll just be here asleep." He nodded again.

"Just be careful. Don't injure it anymore than it already is."

"I know." I looked back at him, but he seemed hesitant to move at all.

"I'll be ok. You can go." He looked at the door, his jaw seemed to be tightened slightly, like he was thinking very hard on a decision. He then sat back down beside me.

"Yuuki can take care of things herself. I can stay here, and help you."

"But I don't need any-"

"Just shut up, and stop complaining." I sighed, but did as he told me to do.

"Thank you. Even if you're a butthead, it will be nice to have some company."

"No problem." Again things fell to silence between us.

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