the bond in bloody roses

By ItaChan19

1.3K 13 31

Sakika Matsumoto thought she had her life all figured out. She was going to become a vampire hunter. Make her... More

Night One
Night Two
Night Three
Night Four
Night Five
Night Seven
Night Eight
Night Nine
Night Ten
Night Eleven
Night 12
Night Thirteen
Night Fourteen
Night Fifteen
Night Sixteen
Night Seventeen
Night Eighteen
Night Nineteen
Night Twenty
Night Twenty-One
Night Twenty-Two
Night Twenty-Three
Night Twenty-Four
Night Twenty-Six
Night Twenty-Six

Night Six

58 0 0
By ItaChan19

Night Six:

During the days that followed, all that was on my mind was my mother's letter. I know Head Master had asked me to reply before Parent's Week came around, but it seemed like every time I thought I knew what to say, the words escaped me, and I couldn't reply. So many things were on my mind. The biggest being...What did they keep hidden from me for my own good? They always told me they knew I could handle anything, and that's why they told me much more than any normal parent would let their child know, so why? Why keep something hidden? I felt like a child who had not gotten their way in a matter.

"Um, Sakika?" I glanced over at Yuuki during our Ethics Study with no particular emotion.

"What's up?" I smiled smally, hoping to keep a friendly appearance.

"I know it's probably not the right time to ask, but Head Master wanted to know if you had finished your letter yet." I looked at Yuuki, unsure of how I wanted to reply. I looked away, and began writing notes.

"I...I haven't had time to work on it yet." I could feel her still staring at me, but I paid her no attention as I continued to write notes.


The night patrol was particularly miserable for me, if only because the nights seemed to be getting colder as the winter came closer and closer. Not to mention with my lack of sleep, I was tired. I was only glad the cold weather didn't allow my body to relax enough to fall asleep.

"Ah, Miss Sakika I was hoping to run into you." I stopped walking, taking a glance behind me to see Takuma waving over at me with a bright smile. Shiki was following some feet behind him. I glanced from Shiki back to Takuma, nodding slightly.

"Is there something you needed?" I asked, stopping slightly. Ichijo smiled slightly, and shook his head.

"No, I just thought we could continue our discussion from last week." I had to take a moment to think about it, and then I remembered. I glanced over at Shiki, and then back at the Moon Dormitory's Vice President.

"I...Shouldn't that be left for another time?" I questioned as I continued to walk.

"No time like the present." Sometimes, it was really hard to believe he was a vampire with how cherry and happy Takuma could be at times. I shook my head as he walked up beside me.

"I thought we finished talking that day. I didn't think there was anything left to talk about."

"And you're sure of that?" I glanced at him, ready to open my mouth when Shiki seemed to speak up for me.

"Ichijo, we should get going back to class. I don't think she has what we want." Ichijo looked back at him, seeming to grin wider.

"It's just friendly conversation. No harm being done." He looked back at me." Right?"

"I...I suppose..." My thoughts trailed off slightly, and I had to look away and continue walking. Takuma easily kept pace with me. Shiki yawned, seemingly out of bordrum, but kept following us.

I hated to admit, but I couldn't help but feel tense the entire time that Takuma spoke to me. I knew that I really had no reason to feel that way. He was probably the most...Well, almost human-like vampire I had ever met. It was hard to think of them as enemies. Well, at least when it comes to a small amount of Night Class students. I knew I couldn't afford to let myself think of them that way, but it was hard sometimes, when situations like this happened to me. It was hard to think of them as enemies.

"I really should re-group with Yuuki and Zero to give Head Master his report." I glanced over at the two who had kept me company most of the night. Takuma seemed almost disappointed, but nodded slightly.

"And we should really be heading back to the dorms anyways." I nodded slightly, and glanced back at him. I found my heart jolting for a second. I wanted to say something. Say anything so that we didn't end this on a seemingly awkward note, but I couldn't find anything to say."Is there something you wanted to say?" I looked between the two vampires, trying to make any words come out, but nothing came out. I merely shook my head.

"No. I'll see you around."

"Well...Alright. Why don't you come to the library tomorrow in the Moon Dormitory again. I'd love to chat with you when you're not so busy." I blushed, and nodded slightly.

"I'll...I'll see what I can do." Takuma nodded, and waved me off as both he and Shiki walk back to their dorms.

I watched them walk away until I could no longer see any of their figures anymore. I hadn't even noticed Zero had come up until he cleared his throat, the noise made me jump slightly.

"Zero?" I turned to look at him, geniually surprised to see him standing there behind me, and I hadn't even sensed him. Was I seriously that distracted?"Zero?" I questioned again, my tone normal, as I noticed he hadn't even been looking at me. Well, looking isn't the right word so much as his scowl even more prominent than normal. I followed his eye site until it hit the Moon Dormitory. I looked at the immense building for a moment, my heart skipping beats, and then looked back at Kiryu, who had his gaze on me.

"Those two...Ichijo and the other one-"

"You mean Shiki?"

"Whatever, I don't care who he is. They were with you your entire patrol, weren't they?" I considered lying for a moment, but what would be the point? I could tell from his look at me that he already suspected the truth, but still...I had to lie just a little bit.

"No. They just joined up with me little ago. Takuma wanted to ask me some questions, and Shiki was with him, so..."

"And they couldn't ask me or Yuuki?"

"They were personal." I answered simply. I then turned on my heel, and tried to walk past him towards my own dorm, but before I got any further, he stopped me by gripping my arm.

"I don't understand you. You're a Hunter. Why are you getting so friendly with them? They're supposed to be your enemies, not your friends." My heart sped up in my chest as his words echoed what my father had told me so many times.

"I...Let me go." I looked back at Zero with a scowl, which he matched with an even deeper set scowl. His grip tightened on my arm before he relented, and released my arm.

"Let's get this report over with." His tone had changed, and e moved past me fast. I had to take a moment to register his sudden change in attitude before I ran to catch up with him.

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