Villain Todoroki x Reader [Di...

By pokepawz

203K 4.9K 4.7K

Todoroki Shouto, a year after he graduated from U.A, got a big twist in his life which made him join the Leag... More

Chapter 1 - The beginning
Chapter 2 - Caught.
Chapter 3 - Remembered
Chapter 4 - Mother
[Info] Your Quirk
Chapter 5 - Again.
Kind of Important info
Updating Book
Chapter 6 - The Todoroki Family
1k reads
\\Not an update//
Chapter 7 - Am I safe?
Chapter 8 - How It Was
Chapter 9 - Training?!?
Chapter 10 - Day 1~
Chapter 11 - Day 2~
Chapter 12 - Day 3~
Chapter 13 - War
Christmas Special!! - A cold night
Chapter 14 - Strange Guests
Chapter 15 - The Plan
Chapter 16 - Clues
Chapter 17 - A Date
[AN] Selena gone 'offline'
Your New Co-Writer and another chapter
19 - Cake and kidnapping
20 - Kill Shouto
21 - Lets Cut Those Strings
22 - This Is Gonna Be Awesome (y/n)
23 - Without a Heart
24 - I Can't Wait Toga
26 - That's What I like to hear
27 - A sadist
28 - insanity
29 - My Sleeping Beauty
I gots some newz!
30 - Like a light you were out
31 - Breakfast
32 - let's go
33 - A lost puppy
34 - I'll have the usual
35 - Proposal
Smol update
Don't keep me waiting - 36
Gain your trust - 37
hay, its me!

25 - This sucks

1.3K 38 42
By pokepawz

"YEAH, definitely! Uhm I'm heading back to the association, Tomura needs me there for the night. Will you be okay here by yourself for the night?"

"Yeah i'll be fine, don't worry about me okay."


The bouncy blonde turned on her heels and began making her way out of the door.

"Hay Toga, sorry to bother you but i think i seen Todoroki today."

"Huh, owe no do you think he knows what we're planning."

"More than definitely."

"I'll Contact Tomura Now, be on alert while I'm gone okay! Because honestly anything could happen."

"Yeah okay!"

"Alright I'm out see ya!"

The Blonde girl whipped out her phone and in merely seconds was portal-ed by Kurogiri back to The Association.

*Bzzt Bzzzt*

You pulled your phone out of your bra and unlocked it to see what the sudden buzzing was for.

"Who is this, and at this late in the night."

You pulled down the tab ontop of your pone and tapped on the message from Unknown.

'Outside of your window, look.'

You tossed your phone town onto your bed and leaped onto your feat, you than skipped your way over to the window and seen a boy in a black hoodie. You unlocked your window and opened it to get a better view of him.

"Excuse me but how did you get my number and who are you?"

"Well (y/n), You know perfectly well who- no what i am."

"Excuse me but i don't and I'm honestly very tired so if you don't reveal yourself than i feel as if I'm just wasting my time. Good night-"

"It starts with an S and ends with an O...You have three seconds to guess, if you guess wrong than I'll make sure that i have your head by tomorrow evening."


"I Didn't expect you to forgive me, but just hear me out (Y/n)."


The boy took his hood off of his head and began ruffling his hair, he than bent over placed his palm on the ground. An ice stair case than began to form its way up to your window. The boy began making his way up the staircase and stopped before approaching your window, he could tell how on edge you were.

"Give me your palm."

"And Why Should I-"

"Give me your palm."

You complied and extended your porcelain hand out to him, you opened it up and eyed the heterochromatic boy up and down. He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in your palm, he than curled your fingers over it and shoved it into your chest.

"If this is another romantic gesture than just take it back now and leave."

The boy pushed your hand closer into your chest, whatever it was that he was giving you must've been pretty important.

"Answer this Shouto."


You closed your eyes and activated your quirk, you wanted the truth and nothing but it.

"Why'd you really leave me."

You watched him choke on air, you could tell that this was a question he didn't want to answer.

"Tell me Shouto."

You opened your eyes to see tears cascading down his cheek, he than opened his mouth and plastered on a fake smile.

"I didn't want to leave-"

"That's not what i asked."

You bluntly stated taking his hands in between yours and bringing them close to your chest.

"I asked why you left."

the boy met eyes with you and choked on his words.

"I left because i was afraid."

"Of what."

"Of what was going to happen to you (y/n)."

"That's really petty Shouto, you do know that i loved you right."

"Loved huh, you know that's past ten-"

"I know perfectly well what i said Shouto, now what was o important that you had to leave me, So important that you had to say i was worthless, And So important that you had to freeze me to a couch and leave me to die huh?"


You choked and released his hands, you than brought your hands up to him and cupped his cheeks in your porcelain palms.

"Well That was petty, i could've handled his pale ass by myself Shouto."

You removed your hands from his face and brought them to your sides, you than lifted your right one once more and brought up to Shouto slapping his face very hardly.

"You deserve that more than you fucking know."

The boy stood there in shock before realizing what had happened.

"Your actions have caused me to join the Association of Villains, Your Actions Caused me to Throw My Life Away, Your Actions Awoke My inner Sociopath."

"I didn't Know that I had that big of an effect on-"

"BULLSHIT...Fucking Bullshit Shouto."

"Fine, I did Know and what i did was shitty do you ever think there's anyway in hell that you could forgive me."

You looked up and seen a sincere look on his face, all you could think was 'once more' and 'this is the least he could allow you to do'.

You grabbed his hands and yanked them into your chest, you than clashed your lips onto his and than pushed him away averting your gaze.

"I hope you realize that what you done has ruined your life as well."

You closed the window and made your way over to your bed, you than grabbed a pillow and placed it over your face and began to scream.

"This sucks."


Tododoki here-!

So im going to be taking a break for this weak, i've fallen behind on my other stories on my other account and i feel shitty about it, Don't worry you'll still get updates, just not throughout THIS week okie! I LOVE YOU GUYS SM!

Tododoki out-!

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