Final Fantasy Fanfiction

By WritersCradle

71.6K 1.7K 294

Final Fantasy One-Shots, I really love every characters and their art. I have worked really hard trying to th... More

VII • Vincent
1st ∘ Coming Soon
VII • Cloud
VII • Reno
1st ∘ Preference
XV • Prompto
VII • Zack
XV • Noctis
1st ∘ Group Chat
VII • Kadaj { 1/2 }
VII • Sephiroth { 1/2 }
VII • Sephiroth { 2/2 }
2nd ∘ Group Chat
XIII • Hope
2nd ∘ Preference
XIII • Snow
1st ∘ Imagine
VII • Vincent
VII • Zack
2nd ∘ Coming Soon
3rd ∘ Group Chat
VII • Reno
XV • Ignis { 1/3 }
XIII • Cid Raines
3rd ∘ Preference
XV • Gladiolus
VII • Reno
4th ∘ Group Chat
VII • Cloud
VII • Reno
XV • Cor
1st ∘ VS
1st ∘ Seminar
XII • Balthier
XV • King Regis
XII • Basch
XV • Ignis { 2/3 }
XV • Prompto
VI • Kefka
IX • Zidane
1 • Real Life
VII • Cloud
XV • Prompto
VII • Tseng
Coming Soon [ Hate ]
4th ∘ Preference
XV • Ravus
2nd • Seminar
XV • Ignis { 3/3 }
XV • Ardyn [ H ]
5th • Preference
VII • Cloud [1/2]
XV • Noctis
Kadaj { 2/2 }
5th • Group Chat
XV • Gladiolus
VII • Yuffie 1/2
VII • Reno
VII • Cloud [2/2]
3rd • Coming Soon
XIII • Snow
XIII • Hope (1/2)
X • Auron (1/2)
XV • Cor

XV • Ignis

682 20 0
By WritersCradle

“Footsteps In The Dark” – Requested

Warning || Explicit Language


“Ignis, stop studying, that test is on Thursday.” said Prompto. Ignis and (Name) were in the library studying, but the guys needed to do something else for once.

(Name) recently got glasses, and the boys kept saying she looks too Mature. Prompto did a side smile looking at (Name). Ignis noticed and smacked his book closed loudly, glaring at Prompto.

Prompto jumped and walked out the door.
(Name) looked at the time, “Ignis, I think the boys are right, we should leave.” Ignis nodded and waited for you to put the books away.

Once (Name) finished, her and Ignis walked out, walking down the hallway talking, “Ignis, may I try on your glasses?” asked (Name). Ignis sighed and gave them to her, she smiled as she took hers off and tried Ignis' glasses.

(Name)'s eyes widened and started walking slowly, “Holy dancing Gods, Ignis you have a high prescription, how can you handle this?” (Name) said walking back to Ignis, she took off the glasses and saw Ignis features without the glasses, she blushed and placed them on his face.

She smiled and put her own eyeglasses back on. Ignis just stared at her. (Name) continued walking, “I'm going to my room, I'll see you at dinner.” said (Name). Ignis nodded and said, “Of course (Name). I'll be waiting for you.”

(Name) questionably turned towards Ignis, “No need, Ignis.” she giggled. Ignis chuckled quietly and looked down to hide his blush, “Sorry.” Ignis said. (Name) nodded and just walked back to her room.

Clapping was heard from behind Ignis.

Ignis turned and saw Prompto and Gladiolus, “You know, you're pretty into her.” said Prompto, “And pretty obvious.” added Gladiolus.

Ignis cleared his throat.

Prompto crossed his arms, “Why are you with Elle? She's missing one eye.” said Gladiolus, “Ew.” Prompto said in the background. Ignis sighed and shook his head.

Lunafreya soon saw the boys and came up to them, “What are you guys talking about?” asked the blonde.

“Well, Ignis has feelings for (Name) but he's still with Elle.” Prompto bursted out. Lunafreya's eyes widened, “You have feelings for Ms. (Last Name)?” she asked.

Ignis pulled his collar softly while blushing, “I certainly --”

“Do!” Prompto interrupted. Gladiolus and Prompto did a high five while smiling. Ignis gulped, “Please don't tell her.” Ignis said nervously.

Lunafreya nodded slowly, “I would not.”

Ignis fixed his tuxedo and walked away.


(Name) giggled as she texted her friend. Ignis glanced at her, he soon saw the reflection of her glasses. Obviously she was texting someone.

“What's the giggles from?” asked Ignis. (Name) looked up and smiled, “Oh.” she got up from her chair and showed Ignis the conversation.


Mr. Dubose was going
to rape you.

Oh, be quiet! It felt

Henry though!

Kevin was like he sitting
on a dick, lmao that's why
I was laughing hard.

Mr. Dubose was like ‘Ahh!’ and
tried to grab you.

Oh nah.

Ignis snickered and inhaled, “Sorry.” he said. (Name) laughed and sat next to Ignis then.

Heels and whistling was heard in the hallway, it was obviously Elle. (Name) soon exhaled in annoyance.

“Hello, (Name).” said Elle. The (H/C) haired girl got up and walked away from the room.

Ignis huffed and leaned back against the chair watching as (Name) walked away from the room. Elle sat down in front of Ignis, “So, I heard tomorrow is (Name)'s birthday. I was wondering if we could skip it.” Elle said in a seducing way trying to convince Ignis.

Ignis just looked at Elle with no expression,


It was night, and the wind was blowing the curtains from the balcony window.

(Name) slowly placed the disc on the stereo and pushed it in. She walked to her left while taking out her pistol and throwing her glasses on the bed, she slowly sat down and started drinking Hennessey. She started pointing the pistol around, she then laid on the couch, she exhaled and did a frown, she covered her face and only dropped one tear.

She got up and drank down the Hennessey, she started shaking and pointing the gun again, she turned around, walking around. She drank again,

She started to inhaled heavily, soon she pointed the gun to her head, she slowly tried to pull the trigger but she realized what she was about to do.

She exhaled heavily and placed the gun on her wardrobe. She looked down at her shaking hands.

She walked out the room and soon saw Ignis and Elle, but this time Ignis looked somehow happy, Elle smiling at him, and Ignis was slightly smiling too.

(Name) frowned at what she was witnessing. She turned and walked back to her room.

She grabbed her phone and called someone.

“Uh, Hello?” said the male voice. (Name) inhaled and sighed, “Ernie?” she asked. The male cleared his throat, “Yes?” he asked.

(Name) walked around in circles, “I need your help.” she stated, “I need Ble-Vapor.” she added.

The male sighed from the other line, “(Name), Master Jen-Es promised on God and the soldier's blood that he wouldn't make another sword.” said Ernie.

“Please, I just saw... the future.” she started, “It's necessary.” she added.

“What did Beatrix and Téo said about looking forward?” asked Ernie. (Name) bit her lip, “I know, but please do me the favor?” she asked.

Soon the door slowly opened, relieving Ignis, blood covered his arm. Then Elle came in the room with her gun, she then aimed at (Name) and pulled the trigger.

I gasped loudly and raised myself up from the couch, I glanced at the coffee table of my big room and saw my gun and the small cup glass and my Hennessey, I quickly got up and walked to the bathroom like in the horror movies, I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror.

“It was just a dream, he's fine.” I said to myself, and I looked at the sink for a bit and then I glanced at myself again, “What does Elle have that I don't?” I asked myself, and then I laughed to myself, “What does (Name) have that I don't?” I asked in Elle's voice, “Oh, she has her right eye.” I joked.

I heard someone cleared their throat, I quickly turned around and saw Ignis. I smiled and waved, “Morning Ignis.” I said as I turned back around and brushed my teeth. Ignis was leaning against the door frame, “Well, today's your birthday… or have you forgotten?” he asked me. I turned around to face him, I took the toothbrush away from my lips, “I forgoth (forgot)” I said with toothpaste on my mouth, I ended up spitting on Ignis' face. He closed his eyes shut and his lips pressed together. My eyes widened then I ended up laughing.

“Ignissss, I'm ssso ssorryhhh. ( Ignis, I'm so sorry.)” I spit out the toothpaste and quickly grabbed a small towel and cleaned Ignis' face softly, Ignis soon opened his eyes. I continued cleaning his face while I smile, “Your glasses are filthy, come with me.” I said as I grabbed his nicely toned arm and pulled him and sitting him down on my bed.

“May I?” I asked. Ignis was hesitant but nodded. I slowly took off his glasses and opened the small box where the cloth and the glass cleanser was. I sprayed once on each lens and cleaned them with the soft cloth.

Then I looked at Ignis, he looked so different, “You look rather handsome, Ignis. I mean you could pull bitches without these babies, you've been hiding this from me.” I said while I grabbed his face.

“Why, I don't look handsome with my eyeglasses on?” He asked, I nodded, “You still do.” I chuckled out.

I carefully placed his glasses back on and walked out the room.

Soon Prompto came to view, “Hey Prompto.” I said, Prompto stopped in his tracks and glanced at (Name).

“(Name), Ignis' only obsession.” he bursted out.

My eyes widened and I felt my face heated up, “What?” I asked in surprise. Prompto's face showed regret, “Um, nothing.” he said. I nodded and then I walked outside.


(Name) was out and went to the store and brought lots of junk food.

But the doesn't matter, Ignis was trying the impossible to buy (Name) the perfect gift.

So Ignis decided to go meet (Name)'s father figure, Esteban. He slowly walked in the back of Esteban's mansion, “Sir Esteban?” asked Ignis. Esteban was smoking a cigarette while reading “The Lovely Bones”. Esteban looked up and smiled slowly, “Ignis. The best man.” the 67 year old man said. Ignis nodded, “May I have a seat?” asked Ignis.

Esteban nodded as he closed his book, “So, why are you here?” he asked. Ignis cleared his throat, “Today's (Name) birthday and I was wondering what she would like.” said Ignis. Esteban nodded inhaling the cigarette, “I remember when (Name) was five years old.” he started. Ignis just smiled and nodded.

“I took her to the theaters, to watch the movie “Troy” and there starred Brad Pitt, and when he came on screen, (Name) just couldn't stop biting her thumb, and that's when I knew she a weakness for the dirty haired blondes.” he explained.

Ignis chuckled, “No wonder she always talks about you.” Esteban admitted. Ignis smiled, “Well, I'm flattered.” said Ignis. Esteban nodded and continue smoking his cigarette.

“But she said you were with Elle.” Esteban said. Ignis looked down, “I thought that would make her jealous.” Ignis admitted. Esteban raised his eyebrows, “Jealously doesn't work on that girl. It never did.” Esteban explained.

Ignis sighed and nodded, “So, Her birthday, she just wants to be with herself.” Esteban said, “Make her feel loved.” he added. Ignis nodded. Esteban nodded as well and continued reading his book again, “And buy her a book, a love story.” he said.
“And give her this.” Esteban said slide a envelope across the table to Ignis, “It's from me.” he added. The envelope read ‘(Name)’

“Thank you.” Ignis said, Esteban just nodded and left the mansion,

He walked to the book and picked the book, “Ever After” and once he paid for it he went back to the palace.

(Name) was already in her room blasting music, Ignis started listening to the music, apparently it was 90's music. Obviously (Name) is dancing around. Ignis knocked on the door, soon (Name) opened the door and smiled, “May I come in?” Ignis asked. (Name) nodded. Ignis walked in and sat down on the chair, (Name) lowered the music that was playing, which was “Missing you” by John Waite. That was the song that played in the car when Ignis picked up (Name) from her hometown.

(Name) smiled as she sat down, “So, why aren't you with Elle? Where is she?” she asked. Ignis smiled, “She left.” he admitted.


“She wanted me to miss your birthday just to go to a bar.”

“Well, it's just a birthday. It was just the day I was born.” (Name) said.

“But, I appreciate the fact you were born, (Name). I love you.” he stated. (Name) looked at Ignis and her (E/C) orbs sparkled.

(Name) blushed, “And I know you love me as well.” said Ignis looking at her, “Esteban told me and I'm glad he did.” he added. (Name) smiled and looked down. Ignis got up and walked towards (Name).

(Name) got up as well. Both of the lovers kissed each other tenderly, slowly, and passionately. Both of them soon pulled away, Ignis walked back and handed the envelope to (Name), “Esteban wanted me to give you this.” Ignis said, (Name) opened it and saw money in the envelope, she slowly smiled mentally thanking Esteban. Soon Ignis handed the book to her. (Name) looked at the book and gasped, “Ever After, Ignis! How -- Oh my, thank so much.” she exclaimed and hugged Ignis.

Ignis smiled and hugged her too, grabbing her face and kissing her lips slowly.

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