The Kidnapping Dare

By KindOfAwesome

164K 4.3K 812

One stupid dare flipped a life of Kiara Hastings, who never did anything out of her comfort zone. As ridiculo... More

Chapter 2 - WTF!
Chapter 3 - Trapped
Chapter 4 - Kidnapped
Chapter 5 - Insufferable
Chapter 6 - Unexpected
Chapter 7 - Suspicious
Chapter 8 - Dangerous
Chapter 9 - Stalker
Chapter 10 - The Party
Chapter 11 - Revenge is Sweet
Chapter 12 - Turning Tables...Or Maybe Chair ?
Author's Note

Chapter 1 - Disastrous Dare

18.9K 350 64
By KindOfAwesome

"WHAT?" I asked in disbelief, raising my eyebrows in a questioning manner while Mandy regarded me carefully, pressing her lips to the rim of her glass and taking a small sip before replying.

"See, you can't do it. So, now shut up" She said tiredly, her shiny blonde waves bouncing slightly as she leaned back, exchanging a look with Lucy, who was looking at me with a bored expression on her face.

"Nothing new." Marissa snorted, giving me a look of fake sympathy and I felt the deep urge to slap her face, which resembled a Donald Duck coloring book.

"Are you crazy? It's ridiculous!" I snapped, but they all ignored me as if I was invisible.

Okay, let me tell you what the hell they were going on about?

Just a little while ago, we were dancing, drinking and talking about boys when suddenly I became the center of attention.

"It's not that bad." Mandy scrunched up her face, making me scowl back in return.

Mandy and I had been best friends since 8th grade and even, now we share a apartment together as we were studying in the same college, luckily.

The knee-high red dress that she wore enhanced her curves perfectly, catching every guys attention.

Sometimes I wonder that how come she was my friend? Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly a wallflower or some but I had always liked to lay low, stay out.

We met Lucy in college, she had some problems with her dorm so we decided to invite her in our apartment as she was more than willing to share a rent and since then we three were BFF.

It was the beginning of the summer and our summer break. So, here we were, tonight, to celebrate the night like every other student.

Then, there was Marissa, Lucy's friend who sometimes hangout with us, like tonight. I never liked her, She was one of the those cliche girl. I'm not saying that she's not beautiful. She's extremely attractive but looks could be deceiving, if you know what I mean.

But the worst part was that she had a way to get on my nerves. After meeting her, I realize that evil girls, I see in movies and read about in books who are annoying and fake do exist in real life.

I was no beauty queen myself, I was average, always been. You know brown eyes, brown hair and a normal body. And I think I looked pretty good in a beige top, paired with my favorite skinny jeans.

So, coming to the point, they were all now grilling me about— How I never did anything wild? Oh! If their definition of wild was ridiculousness then, I was glad I didn't.

They were nagging me about how I always play safe and choose Truth whenever we decide to play that lame game, Truth and Dare.

Oh yes, we play that game. We were such a losers.

I always choose truth because their Dares were beyond stupid... and sometimes hilarious, when I wasn't a target.

Most of the time, it was Marissa, who come up with these dares while Mandy and Lucy go along with it.

Somewhere inside Marissa's glossy, neon-black blood pumping heart, still resides an annoying high-schooler whose favourite game was Truth and Dare.


Last time, when we played that idiotic game, Marissa dared Mandy to dine and dash, which almost landed us in jail. Almost.

I swear, this witch must be a criminal or something in her previous life because she was always coming up with these foolish ideas to get a free pass that could directly put her (and us) behind the bars.

I argued back that I was anything but pathetic and can do anything, when needed.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was my biggest mistake and I wish I could swallow back my words but it was too late.

Marissa immediately smirked at me and whispered something to Lucy and Mandy. She turned back to me with an evil flashing in her eyes that resembled that of a snake's expression when it's about to sink it's fangs into its prey. And I knew this was bad, very bad.

They asked me to do the most ridiculous and idiotic thing anyone can ever think of.

According to me, it wasn't even a dare, it was a crime, an unlawful act. They dared me something highly stupid that could probably... no, undeviantly toss me in jail.

They wanted me to kidnap some random guy for an hour.


What the hell does that even mean?

We were in a club, as it was Friday night and the beginning of the summer break so, it was pretty packed.
It was dark everywhere, only vibrant multicolored flashing disco lights were on. Loud music was blaring through the speakers and people were dancing like there's no tomorrow.

I glanced towards the dance floor and chuckled at seeing one of the girl dancing like she was having a seizure.

I always feel a little out of place, at places like these. But tonight, it felt good like I was releasing the days stress. Oh, that's because I was. I silently laugh at myself at which Marissa frowned.

Clearing my throat, I snapped at them. "Will any one of you please enlighten me, that why on earth should I kidnap anyone?"

Lucy frowned and raised her eyebrows at Marissa, obviously waiting for her to explain.

"Because that is wild and crazy, but the most amazing part is that you'll get to spend one hour with him. I mean, Come on! Isn't that hot? Spending some quality time with a random stranger, especially in your case." Marissa gushed and her face lit up in excitement.

You got to be kidding me!

"That doesn't make any sense, Marissa." Just like you. My palm was really itching to slap her.

"No, she's right, Kiara, you need to get out of your comfort zone and do something that you would never do." Lucy insisted, determination glinting in her eyes.

"Who in their sane mind would do anything like that?" I argued and they all scowled back in return.

"I would do it." Marissa butted in. Again. "I would totally do it, I'm badas* like that." She flipped her hair dramatically.

"Of course, you would." I nodded and her brows elevated, obviously surprised that I was agreeing with her.

"Really?" She questioned, still in shock.

"Yeah. You see, Mar, there's a fine line between badas* and dumbas*. And, we all know what you do is... " I trailed off, leaving the rest to her imagination.

"You!" Her eyes flashed and I grinned at her. Glad to know, she wasn't that dumb.

Before she could strangle me, Mandy snapped. "You know what would be really f**king great, Kiara? If you just f**king do it already."

"I'm not doing this stupid, ridiculous dare." I folded my arms on my chest and gave her a flat look.

"Okay little Kiara! Let's get you home before you start crying." Marissa pouted her glossy lips and pretended to wipe her fake tears.

I blinked at her.

"We're not in freaking high school anymore. So, do me a favour and grow up, Marissa." I said curtly and she glared at me with outrage. I frowned a bit when her glare turned into an evil smile.

"Oh, please sweetheart, don't talk about high school, it makes me think of your virginity and your 'oh-so-virgin' lips." She tilted her head back and laughed mockingly while I stared at her blankly.

The fact that no one wants to date me because of the figuratively big f**k off written on my face never bothered me until someone (and it's usually Marissa) talks about my sex life.

Okay, non-existent sex life. Whatever!

"So, you think, huh?" I gasped in sarcastic surprise.

"Shut up, Kiara!" She shouted back in fury and I smiled back, innocently.

"You're just jealous!" She exclaimed, angrily.

"Oh, yes! totally, How I wish I was you? You're a genius, Marissa. This is why we keep you around." I rolled my eyes while Marissa now looked ready to throttle me. Sometimes, I just like messing with her.

"You know you really need to do some stuff that you didn't got a chance to do back in high school or maybe, you were too much of a prude. Well, whatever!" Her outrage changed into a cruel smile as she patted my shoulder dramatically.

I shrugged her hand away and stared at my other two friends who actually dared to gave me an apologetic look.

The alcohol running through my veins, suddenly made me doubt myself. I knew that I wasn't that drunk but I wasn't exactly sober enough to control my judgements.

"Live a little, Kiara." Mandy winked at me, maybe sensing that I was about to lose it while Lucy nodded in acknowledgement.

"But I am living. See, I'm breathing." I placed Mandy's hand under my nose. "And I'm not living a little, I'm living a lot." I giggled as Mandy looked at me as if I was possessed.

"Kiara babe, I'm saying this out of love but you need to stop being such a weirdo and try something new. Something thrilling." She looked at me in the eye and continued. "You aren't really living unless you let yourself lose control once in awhile. You'll thank me later." She stood up and exchanged a look with Lucy.

Suddenly, Quotes that I've came across on Tumblr and Twitter start running on my mind.

No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.

My eyes flickered towards Marissa, who shook her head and rolled her eyes. She stood up mumbling "Coward, like always." It was low enough, but I heard her.

I've never been a girl who take girls like Marissa seriously, but it hit me.

Another quote!

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Maybe, Lucy was right. I needed to get out of this so called comfort zone or maybe I was little drunk because this is just way too stupid.

Enjoy your youth, you will never be as young as you are at this very moment.

Maybe, I needed to loosen up a bit...Maybe, I can have a little fun... Yeah, I'll blame the alcohol.

Before I could change my mind, I closed my eyes and announced proudly. "I'll do it"


I think, I was drunk, definitely drunk because I don't remember much after coming outside the club to the parking lot but I do remember Marissa suggesting me to seduce some hot piece of a**, making him follow me towards the parking lot then in a car and BAM! Kidnap him. "Easy" - As, she had stated proudly.

But even in my drunken state, I could translate her gibberish. Grind against some random nameless dude until he gets horny then make him follow me towards the parking lot so he can rape me.

No, thank you!

"Don't listen to her." Mandy had waved her hand towards Marissa on amy dismissive way. "I have a brilliant idea." She had grinned at me.

And now, I was leaning against a tall pillar in the parking lot, looking for my target.

Mandy had told me to approach a guy in the parking area as it would be easy to talk without all the loud music and crowd. And, she had also told me to use my girl charm and slay.

My all friends were still inside the club because this dare was a solo mission, they'll come out as soon as I do something 'productive'. Mindlessly, I giggled at my stupid thoughts, swaying a little. Thankfully, I managed to coordinate back before I could kiss the floor.

Everyone was enjoying their Friday night as the night had just begun so parking lot was almost empty, seeing it was already packed with vehicles.

My vision was blurred as I looked around and then my lazy eyes stopped on one particular guy. He was tall and... oh, not bad.

I felt so relieved when I realized he was coming my way. Now, I don't have to walk, I was so tired.

"Aye!" I popped out and the guy jerked back with a gasp.


Kiara, you were supposed to say, Hey. Cool and calm, Hey, like Mandy suggested. Not sailor man, Aye!

"No! Please, Don't! D-don't kill me, I swear I will pay back every single penny I owe to Tierri."

"What?" I frowned at the babbling guy who was hiding his face.

He moved his hands and blinked at me. "You-you're not Tierri's man?"

"I'm a woman." I point out.

"Yes, you are." He recovered from whatever shock he was in. "Oh god, I mistook you for someone else."

"Tierri's man."

"Yeah, I'm so sorry." He chuckled as if was being pranked on television.

Chop, chop, Kiara, let's get started.

"No, I am sorry, it was totally my fault." I apologized.

"It's alright." He smiled.

"So." I tilted my head to the side and smiled seductively. Atleast, tried to.

His smile faded and he narrowed his eyes at me. "You are Tierri's woman, aren't you?"

"What? No, I'm not."

"Then, why are you smiling like a creep?"

Talk about a compliment.

"That's my smile. I'm smiling because I think you're a funny guy."

"You're lying." He took a step back.

"No, I'm not." I shook my head. "Hey, how about I buy you a drink, huh?" I asked, tried my best to act casual.

"So you can drug me and dump at Tierri's den? Ha! No, thank you." With that, he made a run for the exit.

"For the love of god, I'm not Tierri's man--woman--or whatever!" I shouted back in outrage.

"Wait, come back, I'll buy you a drink and we'll talk about it." I said with a softened voice but he was gone.

Paranoid A**hole!

A group of party-goers passed by me towards the opposite pillar that I was facing. I watched them openly and if they noticed, then they didn't showed it or maybe they just thought that I was high or maybe drunk. Although, the second option was actually true. Nonetheless, I blankly stared after them until they dropped out of my sight.

Leaning back against the pillar, I mused of giving up this ship and flee back to my apartment. I just want to sleep.

Feeling a sudden urge to actually fall asleep, right there, I wobbled a little and as I did, my leg collided with something.

I yelped and looked down to find a... bamboo stick? What the?!

Fascinated by the sight of bamboo, I picked it up to spectate. Wow, I knew that club and bar owners keep weapons for fights or nasty quarrel. But they don't use this, do they? This was not a weapon, was it? And most of all, what was this thing doing here, in a parking lot of all the places?

Curiously, I ran my hand over it. Cute.

Suddenly, an idea came to my mind.

Twisting my hand against the bamboo, I took a deep breath, preparing myself to do what I thought.

I'll kidnap a guy, alright, one way or another, I'll do it and prove myself. If I can't kidnap a guy in a conscious state then, I'll do it when he was unconscious. I grinned.

Another guy was coming my way, I leaned back, tightening my hold on a bamboo stick. Honestly, I didn't even care, who I kidnap and all. I just wanted to be done with this sh*t and go back to my bed.

The footsteps were fast approaching, it was a guy, I can tell and next thing I knew, he casually moved around the corner, little faraway from my reach and I stood there like a statue, not doing anything.

I sighed defeatedly, when the guy left the parking lot with his car.

Abruptly, I psyched up when I heard light footsteps again. I tightened my grip on my weapon like my life depended on it.

Just get it over with! I thought as my stomach tied in knots and adrenaline already started running through my veins.

His footsteps were getting close, I was sure of it because I could hear his footsteps near-at-hand, getting closer towards my way. This 'hit' was going to change his life.

Just do it, Kiara!

He was close, very close!




I didn't wait for a second and lunged at him as I came out of my hiding. My target was straight on his forehead.

"WHAT THE F**K?!"- A deep masculine voice cried out in pain.

Getting caught off guard, he stumbled back. His hand was masking his face but then he faced me and I saw angry green eyes like a glinting emerald, which immediately evaporated my drunken stupor.

Oh. My . Effing. God!

I was frozen like a statue, but I snapped myself out of the shock, when he suddenly moved forward and grabbed my arm.

Adrenaline was already racing through my veins and I was already panicking mentally, so I did the only thing I can think of.

I kicked him down there, he stooped down a little, whimpering in pain.

I was already out of my mind so, without giving it a second thought or maybe to shut his mouth so that I won't get caught; I hit him again on his head and this time he just passed out.

I couldn't breathe, I was in a total shock and jarring trauma.

Did I killed him?

That was the last thing I remember before I passed out.


So, how was it?

Please do let me know if I should continue or not?

I would love to read your views, even if it's a criticism. I just want to hear your thoughts.

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Thanks for Reading! 😁

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