Taste of Love

By ShonaLover

39.3K 2.6K 1K

#322 in Short Story 20/5/18 #258 on 22/5/18 #265 on 4/6/18 Vikram walked aimlessly.After missing out chance... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

2.2K 145 40
By ShonaLover

Vicky went back home.His face covered with sweat.Worry and shock.His house was filled with guests.Faces he hardly knew.eldery aunties and.Uncles blessing him.Some trying to hug him.His father came.Watching him with tensed face.

N-"Vicky you and your weirdness.Who goes for jogging.In midst of your wedding.Rituals.Go take shower.Come down all.Are waiting.

Priyadarshini's family will be.here soon."

He couldnt give more expression.Than blank face to his father.Naren looked at his son.In awe with his silence.It was for good.If he knew truth.

Jwala Mama was person.He addressed as friend and adviser.Everything to him.Whenever his father's morals.Lectures became hurdled on way for.Him Jwala Mama was.There shielding him.Jwala sat down.With tensed face.Roaming his hands.On his bald head.

Vicky was dressed.In white traditional attire.It was his wedding tomorrow.He couldnt come to terms.With that when another.Shock hit him.He was pacing to and fro .In his room.

V-"Mama why are you sitting.With blank face.

Stop rubbing your head.Hair wont grow like that."

J-"Hair have fallen.Because of you.

All of them.When will you stop.Troubling me Vicky.You have grown taller.Stronger and now.Giving me heart attacks."

Vicky made helpless face.Sitting beside Jwala.He felt bad for his nephew.he knew he was still child from heart.One day will realize.How to live life.

V-"I feel confused.Still in shock."

J-"Vicky tell me.Its dream.I mean one of your.Filthy and cheap dreams.

You must have mistaken.Did she tell you.That."

He got up.Fiddling with his dress.Giving a kick in air.

V-"I can never be wrong.With this.

Which I remember.Its.Damn true.Unfortunately."

Vicky was standing.In crucial and confused.Situation of his life.His bride Piyadarshini looked at him.With shyness.Sparkling eyes.She looked beautiful.Daughter of his father's best friend.Madly in love with him.He had zero interest.Taking it as his father's last order.Or he would disown him from his will.He took it as safe option.

He made a face.Priyadarshini kept blushing.Vicky looked at Jwala.He asked him to keep quiet.Go with wedding.It was decided.What had to happen.

Priyadarshini was about to put.Garland on him.


I want to tell you.Something."

Everything came to still.People started gossiping.Naren was sweating.His son had something new.In store.But this time he will have it.he eyed Priyadarshini's family he.Would take care of it.Going to his son.

N-"Vicky.Dont think you can get.Saved with new drama.

Go ahead with rituals or else."

V-"You will disown me Dad.I know.

I have to.Do this or else.I will have no.option."

He made distance from Priyadarshini.She was in tears.Being handled by her parents.They glared at Vicky.She spoke in her.Nagging voice.Making Jwala cringe his face.He never liked this girl.Unfit for Vicky.Did he have say in front.of his strict brother in law.

P-"Vicky.Oh Vicky.What did I do tell me.

Did I do any mistake.I will listen to.What you say.Promise.I love you Vicky.

Marry me.I will die."

Her sobs got louder.The guests had hard time.Covering their ears.Vicky looked down.Pursing his lips.

V-"Listen problem is not.With you.

Its with me.Dont cry.Hear me out."

N-"Shut up Vicky.No one is going to.Listen to you."

Naren went to Priyadarshini.Making her hold garland.Advancing towards Vicky.Jwala came to spot.Also behind Vicky.

Vicky found his father.hell bent on ruining.His attempts.Thats when he clenched his fists.Did what left everyone shocked.He tore garland on Priyadarshini's hand.Mercilessly venting his anger on flowers.Then he faced everyone.Moving his hands and speaking.In dramatic way.

V-"Happy?No one is ready to listen.To calm person.

Let anger be revolution."

N-"Vicky you."

Priyadarshini advanced towards him.Touching his cheeks.Hugging him.He made her come out.of hug with difficulty.

P-"Why did you say yes.For marriage.

If you dont love me."

Her parents came to ask.Same question with rage.Seeing their daughter.Uncontrollably crying.Vicky looked at his father.Then gathered courage.Jwala slapped his own head.

V-"I cant marry because.I.

I just got to know that.I."

N-"What I.I.Tell me."

V-"Im going to be father soon."

His words left his father.Shock but.he made weird face.Priyadarshini was carried by her family.Unconscious.The guests soon left.

Jwala was having food.After drama it was.Satisfaction for him.To fill his tummy.He would have died.He saw Vicky walking.Impatiently.

J-"Eat something.

Before your fathers throws.Both of us.On roads.Stupid boy.Who told you to blurt.Everything like that.Now you would have.Married girl.Enjoying lavish meal.Father's love.Money and property everything.Sideways continue.Enjoying.But no."

V-"You wont understand.Mama.

Its not easy for me."

He was seen biting nails.Still in scene of.Last day's incident.The morning park meeting.The girl whose name.he didnt knew.Her eyes he remembered.Then their meeting he did.What was most.Disturbing.The way they knew each other.He clearly remembered.Meeting her six months ago in Australia.When he went to.His friend's wedding.

J-"Listen Vicky.Things dont look that.Easy way you are seeing.

Could be.She is pregnant.With someone else's.How are you sure.its you."

He looked at his uncle.With dabbing eyes.Played with his fingers.Still in his wedding dress.Jwala Mama was right.What made him so sure.Accidents do happen.Was he reason for her.Getting pregnant.She hardly interacted with him.Last day.Except replied to him.Agreeing how they met.Few months ago.

V-"This is no.Joke Mama.

I feel.So restless."

he felt his throat.getting dry.Jwala got up.Putting hand on his shoulder.

J-"Life is not joke Vicky.

Be serious.For once.Listen."

N-"You are right.My son for once.In life.

Iam happy."

Both saw Naren entering.Room with happy face.It was shocking.Vicky held on to Jwala.Expecting lecture and thrashing on his way.

V-"Dad Iam sorry.Must be angry with me.

But I couldnt."

N-"Dont have to be.Its okay.

I forgive you."

Vicky and Jwala exchanged.Confused look.

J-"Naren Bava are you sure.I mean.You forgave him so.Easily."

Naren touched his son's shoulder.Making him look at his hand.He smiled.

N-"Why not.

Vicky till now.I was in worry.What you would do.In life.I believed wife would.Change you as person.Make you realize of responsibilities.See my problem got solved.It doesnt matter.Priyadarshini or.Someone else.

I wanted you to marry.You must have been scared.Hiding truth from me.I do give acceptance.I accept your wife.And my would be grandson.Go bring your wife.She will be welcomed.rightful honors."

Jwala slapped his own head.Vicky was standing like statue.Finding no one beside him.His father.Was going to kill.Him he was sure.He fumbled a bit.Making Naren frown.

N-"What happened.

You are still afraid.Telling you.

Jwala you must know.Girl and everything.Tell me.I will do anything.To get

my grandson and.ALso my son back in track."

Jwala scratched his neck.When Vicky broke silence.

V-"I dont know her Dad.

I mean.She is not your daughter in law.

Not my.Wife."

A horror striken second passed.Before both of them knew.Vicky was slapped.Hard on cheek.By his father.


I have written.Almost end of this book.So posting.

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