the bond in bloody roses

By ItaChan19

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Sakika Matsumoto thought she had her life all figured out. She was going to become a vampire hunter. Make her... More

Night Two
Night Three
Night Four
Night Five
Night Six
Night Seven
Night Eight
Night Nine
Night Ten
Night Eleven
Night 12
Night Thirteen
Night Fourteen
Night Fifteen
Night Sixteen
Night Seventeen
Night Eighteen
Night Nineteen
Night Twenty
Night Twenty-One
Night Twenty-Two
Night Twenty-Three
Night Twenty-Four
Night Twenty-Six
Night Twenty-Six

Night One

214 3 4
By ItaChan19

Chapter One: The First Night

I stood in front of the gates that marked the entrance to the famed Cross Academy, run by the legendary Kaien Cross. It was around noon when I was dropped off, so the sun was high in the sky, and I had to squint my eyes to the immense size of the gate. I heard the gate open, and I quickly fixed my clothes, and secured my weapons.

"Come on, this way." A kid a little older than me said a bit grumpily, and I did as I was told. I took note of all my surroundings. Some people were already milling about, and I guessed it was around the time that the senior members of this school had their lunch from the looks of some of the kids milling about. I looked back at the boy in front of me. He had silvery hair that hung in his face, and violet eyes. He had some ear piercings, and a strange tattoo on his neck, and it took me a moment to recognize the boy in front of me as Zero Kiryu. I blushed, and looked down at my feet.

We made our way quickly, and wordlessly to the Headmasters office, and I bowed out of both respect, and in greeting.

"Miss Sakika Matsumoto, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Cross Academy." I smiled warmly to Kaien, who had a welcoming smile on his lips." It will be a relief I'm sure to have another member on the Disciplinary Committee I'm sure. May I present Yuuki Cross, my daughter." He gestured to a petite girl with short brown hair, large brownish eyes, and a friendly smile.

"Hello, welcome to the Academy!" She exclaimed, and I nodded slightly.

"I'm sure you're already accuqiunted with Zero Kiryu." I glanced at the silent boy that stood by the far wall by the door, and then to the Headmaster.

"I've only heard about him, word of mouth, from my parents and several others. I haven't formally met him until today." I admitted with no particular emotion. It was just a fact I was stating. Kaien nodded, and some unreadable emotion passed through his eyes before he was back to his friendly self.

"Well, Yuuki will you escort Miss Sakika to her room, and make sure she gets properly settled in?" Yuuki smiled, and saluted.

"Yes Mister Headmaster." He whined about called father for a second before Yuuki beckoned me to follow her.

There were people milling about, so it was harder to keep up a fast pace, but Yuuki made sure I wasn't lost. She kept her pace nice and slow for me.

"So...What's with you and the Headmaster? You two close?" I questioned, unable to stand the awkward atmosphere any longer. Yuuki looked at me, and grinned.

"Well, he..He took me in ten years ago. He later adopted me." I nodded at the simple explanation and didn't pry any further.

"So, what's with that Zero guy?" I tried to act innocent, but it seemed that wasn't an innocent question to ask. Yuuki straightened slightly, and her cheeks reddened slightly.

"Zero's family was killed a long time ago, and Headmaster took him in." I nodded; I already knew his family was attacked by a pureblood vampire. It was something my father, a vampire hunter, would talk about quiet often.

"I see."

"If you need anything else, just ask me. Hurry and change, k? Your next class begins in an hour." I nodded, and watched as the girl sprinted out of the room, closing the door behind her as she left.

I looked at the other side of the room, and noticed that that side of the room was already littered with things. A picture of a pretty girl with blonde, ringlet hair tied in a ponytail, green eyes, and a smile on her pale face. She was hugging another pretty girl with straight, black hair, but I couldn't decipher her eye color because they were closed as she seemed to be laughing. They both wore the same, black uniform. I quickly looked away, and began unpacking my things, and changing into my uniform.

My classes drifted by without me really noticing anything happening. It was around dusk that my day really got exciting. I walked towards the night class gates, and saw Yuuki, but I didn't see Zero. Yuuki directed me to a large group of girls, trying to get over the gates, and I had to make sure that they didn't get over the wall.

"Hey, move outta my way!" A girl shouted, trying to push me out of the way, and I instantly recognized her as the girl from the photograph, the girl with the blonde hair. I scowled, and was ready to defend myself when the girls suddenly lined up as the gates opened, and the Night Class began filing through. A blonde one with icy blue eyes began flirting with the girls, but Yuuki quickly reprimanded him. I was also on guard, trying to fend myself from being trampled on.

"Seems we have a new person on the disciplinary committee. How refreshing to see another pretty face~" The blond who was flirting with the human girls had now directed his attention to me. He winked as he finished his sentence, causing his other fangirls to glare at me. I quickly returned his wink with a glare.

"Aido, stop giving the prefects more trouble than your worth." A beautiful girl with long, wavy hair voiced rather annoidly. He laughed slightly, and then looked at me.

"Well, I must be off, but I'm sure we'll see each other again soon." With that he was off with a backwards wave of his hand. However, there was still a group of girls still clamoring to get one vampire or another's attention.

"You are all out past curfew! Go back to your dorms!" The girls, quickly frightened, ran away. I scowled at Zero.

"You're welcome." He said grumpily as he stood beside me. I narrowed my eyes slightly, and looked away. I caught eye contact with a particular vampire with spikey orange hair, and orange eyes. He looked at me a second longer before moving on. I blushed, and looked away. "Akatsuki Kain." Zero said bitterly. I looked at the boy beside me curiously.

"Umm what?"

"The vampire you were staring at. His name is Akatsuki Kain." I blushed, and scowled.

"I wasn't staring. I merely was looking." Zero sighed, and rolled his eyes.

"Right because there's a difference." I glared, and walked ahead to patrol other areas. I didn't hear him follow me.


The first night was pretty calm. No day class students were trying to get over, and sneak photos or anything of the night class students. I guessed that meant free time. It was a full moon that night, so I decided to find a secluded spot, and practice my fighting skills.

I hadn't noticed anyone was coming near me until I heard him speak.

"You're not too bad of a fighter." I jumped at the sound of his voice, and blushed that I had been caught fighting an imaginary opponent. I narrowed my blue eyes, and didn't turn to face Zero.

" I'll take that as a compliment." I said with no emotion, and sat by the water. He sighed, and walked to me.

"You're from the Hunter Association, I assume?" I glanced at him, and nodded."So, I assume you already know what's going on here?" I shrugged, and looked at the water.

"Like I need any further explanation than what my father told me."

"And what did he tell you?" I looked at Zero, and we made eye contact for a moment. My heart quickened, and I looked away to hide my blush.

"He said that the Headmaster was once the most powerful Vampire Hunter known in history, and now he has some idiotic ideal that Vampires can co-exist alongside Humans, so he created this academy." Zero didn't say anything for a moment.

"And what do you believe?" It was a simple question, but I felt so much conflict in me. What did I think?

"Father doesn't think it's possible."

"Do you agree with him?" And once again we made eye contact, and I couldn't help but feel that there was something I was missing.

"I think some vampires can exist with humans, and others can't." I said to side step any minefield that could happen. This seemed to satisfy whatever was going on with him.

"I see." And we sat in silence for the longest time before he got up and left without saying a word. I didn't bother to look at him as he left.

I went to my room that night, early, and not as exhausted as I thought I'd be. Yuuki and Zero had also turned in that night. I was changing into my pjs when I noticed something odd on my bed. It was a box. I picked it up, and noticed it was encasing a rose. There was a card attached. I didn't recognize the handwriting, but I knew it was a girl.

It's not from me, but I was told to deliver it to you. I can't tell you who it was though! That is a surprise!

-Yuuki Cross

I looked back at the flower, and then back at the note. I was new...Who the hell could be leaving me flowers already? With a sigh, and shake of my head, I quickly put the flower away. I wasn't interested in anyone. I was too busy to deal with a guy. Human or not.

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