Nothing Like A Good Girl

By Lavidaaaloca

43K 1.2K 102

A good girl is known to make good grades, stay in school, marry a wealthy man and live happily ever after. We... More

When We Met
Class In Session
He's Different
Just The Thought
True Colors
Fine Living
Roll With The Flow
A Different Perspective
I Feel Good
Be My Baby
The Break Up
All About You
Breathe Baby
Stay With Me

New Beginnings

3.2K 104 8
By Lavidaaaloca

"April get up! It's almost time for us to leave!" My mother yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

I hate when she does that.

I sigh rolling on my back as I found the strength to open my eyes. I groaned as my body locked up on me. I am not ready to leave the comfort of my bed. What if I don't like my new bed? Surely I can just pack up my bed and take it with me. I'm not ready to give it up yet.

"Screw this." I mumbled burying my face underneath the covers. I just need 10 more minutes.

Just when I felt myself slipping off to sleep, my little brother and sister ran in pouncing right onto my rib cage.

"Stop!" I yelled as I tried to push them onto the floor. I honestly didn't care if one of them fell and hurt themselves. They deserve it.

"Get up April! It's your first day." Jaden said.

"Mama dice que me baje!" My mother stood in my doorway with a basket of towels watching as my little monsters continued to trample me. "Tell them to get off me now!"

"April it's move in day and you act like you don't have things to do."

"I am well aware of that mother but can I at least have five minutes?"

My mother knows damn well I am not a morning person. I don't even know why she allowed them to come in my room and wake me up. Where's the respect on my last day being home?

"I swear I'm going to kill you two." I said sprinting from my bed.

Jaden and Haden ran around my room giggling at the top of their lungs as I angrily chased them.

"Jaden and Haden stop messing with your sister and go down stairs for breakfast."

The twins ran out of the room laughing hysterically as I leaned on the side of my bed trying to catch my breath.

I swear I could throw them over my knee and repay them the favor.

"Now get dressed." My mother says before leaving my room.

"Ughhh." I groaned falling back into my bed.


Carmen: Good morning love. It's move in day! I can't wait to see you. See you soon!
-8:00 am

I smiled responding to her message before getting dressed.

Me: Good morning beautiful 💋 I'll see you later love!
-9:22 am

After I checked my social media -which I do every morning- I finally got up to get ready to go. I turned on my stereo setting the vibe to start this very stressful day. I listened to my Pretty Ricky album as I searched in my closet for something to wear.

I decided to go with something simple today. All of my clothes are mostly packed anyways. The little bit of clothes I did leave behind were left in my drawers. I decided it may not be the best idea to take everything I own to college. Plus, I'm not even sure where I am going to fit all of this stuff.

I grab my suitcases and duffel bags out of my closet sitting them next to my room door.

"There is no way that I'm going to be able to carry all of this downstairs." I said to myself.  "You never really know how much shit you have until you actually have to move it."

I sighed tucking my hair behind my ears. Even though I didn't pack as nearly as much as I thought I would, it still feels like I'm taking a lot. I sat contemplating if I should unpack a few things, but the more I think about, if I get to college and get mad that I don't have something I'll probably lose my mind.

"Papa!" I yelled from the top of the staircase. "I need help papa!"

I sighed once more looking at all of bags.

"Do I really need all of this stuff? I'm such an indecisive person."

I smiled when I seen my father coming up the stairs. It's about time he showed up. I called for him five minutes ago.

"Papa why are you walking so slow?" I chuckled. I swear he was moving slower than Gary the snail.

"Because I'm getting old and your mother has been bothering me all morning."

"You're not old. You're probably just tired. I know mom can be a handful."

He nodded. "She has me all over the place this morning. She knows I barely slept last night."

I frowned. I felt horrible for calling him now. "Aww I'm sorry to bother you pa. You don't have to help me if you're tired."

"No no it's okay. I am already up here and today is all about you. I'm here to help."

I smiled. My father is always offering me a helping hand, even when he may not be in the best condition. I appreciate him so much and I am going to miss him when I leave. I hate to leave him behind.

"Okay, I'll take the suitcases and you can take the bags." I said.

"That's fine with me."


It took 20 minutes to get everything in the car and packed down. Although there really wasn't much room for anyone to put their feet down in the car, I managed to pack everything down as best as I could. My mother was worried that we would need another vehicle but everything fitted just like my father thought.

Plus, earlier in the week my father took a few of my belongings to my dorm anyways. Move in day actually started Thursday, so my father wanted to move all of the heavy things to get them out of the way. I'm glad he did because I would've been struggling trying to pack everything down in the car.

"Let's go see what your mother fixed for breakfast. I'll be so glad to sit down." My father said as we walked back into the house.

"Hurry up April. We leave in fifteen minutes." My mother said as if she did not just see me sit down at the table for breakfast.

"You know ma, for a parent who's going to miss their child, you sure are trying to get rid of me." I said pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"Oh please this is just a front. Your mother is going to miss you. She's even going to be crying and all." Papa said joining me at the table.

"I don't want to spend the whole day moving you in. This is a Saturday and I would like to enjoy my weekend. So please just hurry." She said trailing upstairs.

I looked at my father as he just shook his head.

"And you said that she is going to be crying. Ha! I'd like to see the day."

"Don't worry about her April. Eat up." My father assured me. I know that he is not going to let my mother leave me.

"I'm going to miss you April." Jaden said as she stabbed her  pancake with her fork. She is always messing over her food. I don't even know why they feed her.

"Yeah me too. I'm going to miss messing with you." Haden adds.

Jaden laughed. "Me too."

Suddenly they both began laughing at God knows what. You honestly never know with these two.

I laugh shaking my head. These two may get on my nerves but I have no choice but to love them to death. I wouldn't dare trade them for the world.

"Alright you guys. It's time to leave." My mother said grabbing the twins plates from the table.

"Are you done papa?" I asked grabbing my plate from the table.

"Give me two more minutes dear and I can take my own plate. You just worry about getting in the car."

"April don't forget to grab your house keys off the counter." My mother said leading Jaden and Haden out to the car.

"I'm way ahead of ya." I grabbed my keys and phone heading out the door behind them.

"April please double check that the twins are locked into their seats. They have a habit of unbuckling there seatbelts. I'm going to start beating their tails for it in a minute." My mother said.

"We don't take off our seat belts mommy." Haden said.

"Yeah. We don't do that." Jaden spoke in her brother's defense.

"Oh hush up all them lies." My mother said.

I simply laughed doing as my mother asked. Truthfully, I haven't seen them take off their seatbelts but what do I know. I am not their mother.

As I got situated in the car for the trip I noticed my phone ringing in my purse. I glanced at the caller ID to see who was calling me. It was Stephen.

"Hello." I answered closing the car door.

"Good morning baby. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to campus. Where are you?"

"I'm here with Carmen and Tamera."

I laughed as I heard Carmen in the background yelling through the phone.

"Tell Carmen to shut up. I'll be there soon."

Stephen laughed. "Okay baby. See you soon."

"See you." Click.

"Was that Stephen?" My mother asked as soon as I hung up the phone.

I nodded. "He was calling to ask where we are."

"I can't wait to see Stephen. It feels like I haven't seen him in forever."

Stephen is my boyfriend of 2 years. We've been dating since high school. Don't get me wrong, our relationship has its ups and downs but he's a pretty solid dude. Now I don't see wedding bells in our future no time soon, and come to think of it I haven't really entertained the thought of it.

I believe that our relationship could use a little bit more work. My mother believes that we're meant to be together but I beg to differ. There's a few things that I'd like to change about Stephen but I allow him to be himself. However, we are on two different pages when it comes to the nature of our relationship in terms of intimacy.

Stephen is ready to have sex but I'm not sure if I am ready for all that. To be honest I am a virgin. It annoys me whenever he does asks for sex. He's such a horn ball. Truthfully, it's not that I'm not ready to have sex, I'm just not sure if I want to give my virginity to him. I've had mixed emotions about it ever since we started dating.

Stephen is a good guy but I don't think he is the guy for me long-term. However, I'm not a quitter. I still have time to determine if this is the case. I am still willing to give this relationship a try but I am not sure how long it'll last. Regardless, I am hoping for the best.


After an hour of enduring New York's morning traffic we finally arrived to Brooklyn University. The parking lot was full of cars. Parents were unpacking their vehicles while students carried their belongings inside the dorms.

"It's going to be impossible to find a parking spot out here." My mother sighed in frustration.

"I'm sure we'll find something. It may not be close to the dorm but we'll find a parking spot." My father reassured us as he continued to search for a parking spot.

After a few minutes of playing go cart, we finally found a parking spot. I jumped out of the car with bags in my hands. Papa grabbed two of my suitcases from the back. My mother grabbed a suitcase as well.

"Haden grab your sisters hand." My mother said grabbing Hadens hand. "April do you know where we are going."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just follow the crowd mother."

"Niñita, it is to hot out here to be following a crowd of people. I need to know where I am going with this heavy suitcase of yours."

I simply rolled my eyes. How the hell am I supposed to know where to go. This is my first time here just like her.

"Calm down Eden. Just follow me." My father said instantly noticing my frustration.

My mother is always complaining and she honestly gets on my nerves with that shit.

For some reason, as I got closer to my dorm my stomach started doing flips. Why did I become so nervous all of a sudden? I've been preparing for this day ever since the last day of my senior year and now I'm so nervous. What is wrong with me?

"Aww mom don't cry." I frowned noticing her tears once we reached the outside of my dorm.

"Im not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I am so proud of you. You're becoming a woman now." She smiled with tears in her eyes. "I hate to see you go." She sighed pulling me into a hug.

"Aww, I'm going to be okay."

"It's feels like just yesterday I was changing your diapers."

"I told you she was going to cry." My father  laughed.

I giggled as I watched mother nudge him in his side.

"Oh hush up Keith. Don't ruin this for me."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways I'm going to miss you baby girl." Papa gave me the biggest hug he could've ever given me.

"I'm going to miss you too pa. It won't be the same without you."

I kneeled down to the twins who were to busy pulling grass out of the dirt.

"I'm going to miss you guys too." I frowned hugging them both.

"We're going to miss you too April!" They said in unison.

"Please don't give mami any more headaches."

"We promise". They assured me with a smile, even though I know they can not resist themselves. These two couldn't be good even if you paid them.

"April." I suddenly heard from a distance. I turned to see my dearest friends Stephen, Carmen and Tamera walking my way.

"You finally made it." Carmen grinned pulling me into a bear hug. "I am so happy that you are here."

"How are you doing Mrs. Daniels?" Stephen said as my mother embraced him.

"I am fine Stephen. I haven't seen you in a while. Are you taking care of yourself?"

"Yes ma'am every day."

"That's good to hear. How are your parents?"

"They are well. Good morning Mr. Daniels." Stephen shook my father's hand.

"Good morning son. It's very nice to see you again."

"You as well."

"Aren't you guys excited for April?" Tamera asked my mother.

"We are very proud of her." My mother said with a smile. "It's just letting her go is the hardest part." You guys please promise me you'll take good care of my baby."

"Mom!" Why is she acting like I'm a baby and I need to be supervised. Is she kidding me right now.

"April is a big girl, I am sure she can take care of herself. Oh but don't you worry at all. I, well we will take good care of her Mrs. Daniels." Stephen said.

"I trust that you will." My mother replied with raised brows. "We thought it was a good choice keeping her close by."

"Okay mom you seriously need to go. You are doing way to much."

"Honey I am just—"

"Okay lets go. We don't want to get caught in traffic trying to leave." My father quickly said before the conversation went left.

I swear if it wasn't for my father, I don't know what I'd do with this women. She can be so overbearing sometimes.

"Yeah, I'll try to have her home on the holidays." Stephen said.

"That's good enough for me." My father said with the shrug of his shoulders. "Do you need us to help you move in princess?"

"No. Could you just get the rest of the bags out of the car? I think I can take it from here." I said lugging the duffel my mother was carrying around my shoulder.

"Yeah it's not worries. We'll help her." Tamera assured taking the suitcases from my father.

"Stephen, could you go to the car and help my dad?" I asked as Tamera and Carmen helped me with my things.

"Yeah no problem. Just meet me in the lobby."


"Girl did you bring your whole room with you? What the hell do you have in here?" Carmen asked as we loaded my bags onto the elevator.

"Ha ha very funny. Do not try to over exaggerate. I am pretty sure your room is empty back at home too."

"Trust me it is." Tamera laughed as Carmen scolded her.

"Anyways where's Daesha? I thought I was the only late one?"

"She's coming she's just stuck in traffic." Tamera said as we stepped off the elevator.

"What's your room number?" Carmen asked.

"My dad told me 446."

"Dang, I thought you and Tamera were going to be roommates. Daesha and I were lucky that we could even room together."

"How the hell did that happen? I know I selected Tamera as my roommate when I filled out my housing application."

Carmen shrugged. "It just happened. Maybe next semester you and Tamera can room together, or we can get a suite together."

"Hopefully we can do that next year."

"Hey we can always ask to get a room switch. I heard that students have to wait two weeks after school starts to get put on the list. Maybe we could do that." Tamera said.

"That is true but it's not a guarantee that you guys will be moved. I think it's safe to just try next year." Carmen said.

What she said made sense. I can't live out of my suitcases for two weeks and hope that they allow me to room with Tamera. Plus I'm not even sure if one of us had to leave our current room to come to the others, or if we would have to switch rooms all together. It is a bit much and truly unnecessary. I think I'll be okay rooming with a stranger for a year. As long as my girls are here I'm okay.

"Did you guys already unpack?"

"I started putting some stuff up but I'm not finished." Tamera sighed laughing. "I have to much shit to put up."

"You better than me. I just went ahead and unpacked everything. My family helped me before they left." Carmen said.

"I'm with Carmen. I rather set up my room now and just get it out of the way."


After all my bags made it to my room, I said my final goodbyes to my family. It was tough but I was ready to be on my own. I've been looking forward to the moment all summer and now it's here. I can't wait to have fun with my girls and enjoy college.

When I opened my room door I was taken back by the boxes and suitcases everywhere scattered everywhere throughout the room.

"Looks like your roommate made it here before you." Stephen said sitting my suitcases by my bed.

"Well at least your father moved some of your stuff in." Tamera said.

"Yeah but you can't tell with all this girl's shit everywhere." Carmen said.

"Hi!" I heard from the bathroom. "I'm so sorry for the mess. I'm trying to unpack. I'll have all this cleaned up soon."

"No it's fine." I looked around the room wondering what exactly is her definition of "soon". It's going to take at least an hour or two to clean this mess up.

"Don't worry I'll be done within an hour. My name is Sabrina. What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you. Would you like for me to move some things so you can unpack? It'll only take a—"

"No it's fine. I don't want to get in your way."

I knew realistically there was no way that her and I would be able to unpack at the same time. I just decided to let her have the room and come back later to unpack before bed.

"Are you sure?" Sabrina asked. "I don't mind."

"Yes I am sure."

"Okay. So are guys going to the party tonight?" Sabrina asked putting up the folded clothes she had on her bed into a drawer.

"I didn't hear about a party." Carmen said. "Where at?"

"Mavericks. I heard everyone is going. Ya know, since it's the first party and all. The peer deans are throwing it so you know it's going to be lit. The doors open at ten and drinks are free all night."

"Now y'all know we are going, right?" Carmen said happily.

Carmen is literally a party animal. That girl could have a whole exam and would choose partying over studying. Don't get me wrong, she has mastered balancing her party life with her studies, but it's just crazy. I honestly don't know how she does it. However, no one compares to Daesha. Now Daesha is a true party animal.

"You should because everyone is going." Sabrina said.

"Well thanks for letting us know. We'll probably see you there." I said as I  signaled for my crew to head out the door.

"Oh, by the time you return I should be finished."

"Okay. See you later." I said closing the door behind me.

"Hey Daesha is here." Tamera said replying to a message from Daesha. "She moved in already."

"Where is she?"

"In front of the university center."

We took the elevator down to the lobby so that we could go find Daesha. Lucky for us, the university center is right next to our dorm so she should be practically right out the front door.

"Well hello there stranger."

Daesha turned from her parents in all smiles. "Oh I'm so happy to see you guys." She said pulling us all into a group hug.

"Girl you look good. I see you put on a few pounds over the summer." Carmen said.

"Girl I worked out a lot this summer. Not to mention I've been eating my cornbread and cabbage." She laughed.

"Yeah I saw your snaps. Your ass was working out nearly everyday." Carmen said.

"Uh huh. Now y'all can't say my butt is small anymore." Daesha laughed turning to the side to give  us a clear view of her butt. I'm not even going to lie, her butt has gotten fatter.

I smiled giving her another hug. I really am so happy to see her. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. Hey Stephen." Daesha waved. "I can't get a hello?"

"Wassup girl. You look good." He said pulling her into a bear hug.

"So do you. Where are the guys?"

"They're back at the dorm, so I'm going to catch up with you guys later. Let me know when y'all get ready for the party."

"There's a party tonight?"  Daesha asked.

"Your ass don't need to go to any parties." Daesha mother said as we all laughed. "Your behind haven't been here for five minutes good."

"Oh whatever mom." Daesha said disregarding her mothers comment. In all honesty if Daesha wants to go to a party, nothing and no one will be able to stop her.

"You just better make sure you're doing your work, and I am not kidding either Daesha." Daesha's mother further warned.

"Yes mom I hear you. Now go home. You're embarrassing me."


After taking a tour of the campus with my girls, we decided to hang out in Carmen's room until we planned our next move for the day. Plus we have a lot of catching up to do.

"I can't believe we're actually here. Look at all of us. On to bigger and better things." Carmen smiled.

"Well did you have any doubts about us making it out?" I laughed.

"No. It's just nice to be here with you guys. We don't have to go through the hardships of developing relationships with strangers because we have each other." Carmen clarified.

"Do you guys even talk to anybody from high school?" Tamera asked.

"I think it's safe to say the only people that we cared to keep in touch with was each other." Daesha said.

"Yeah, high school honestly feels like a blur now. But like Carmen said, we are on to bigger and better things."

"Plus we are going to have so much fun here." Carmen said.

"Girl who you telling and I'm single." Daesha stated happily. "I can't wait to see who's kid I can turn out first."

"Wait wait wait, are you telling me-"

"You have got to be kidding me." Tamera said.

"Are you serious?" Carmen asked.

"So you guys are officially done?"

"Yes yes yes! Calvin and I are officially over." Daesha confirmed.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?"

She sighed. "He didn't have any plans after high school, and all I kept thinking was I am not about to take care of a grown ass man. Plus he had a problem with me deciding to leave for college. He talked about starting a family but honestly I am not ready to have any kids. As much as I wanted us to work out, I wasn't about to play myself like that. So I had to let him go."

To say that we were all shocked is an understatement. Calvin and Daesha had been together ever since freshman year. They have actually been together longer than Stephen and
I. It's just so surprising that they called it quits.

However, I can say that I understand where Daesha is coming from. I do remember in high school Calvin never really took school seriously. He was one of those guys who acted to cool for school. Plus he use to hang out on the corner a lot with the guys who sold drugs at school. Also, the fact that he would ask her to give up her chances to further her career just to have a baby is so selfish. Like who does that? So now that I think about it, she was right to leave him. Nobody has time to take care of a grown ass man who definitely had the means to make something of himself.

I'm just proud that she was one of those woman who were able to leave. She wasn't blinded by love or allowed him to manipulate her into staying. So I am very happy for my girl.

"Well girl I don't blame you. If they don't have their shit together than they have to go." Tamera said.

"I'm not going to lie, the break up was hard for me. Y'all know I really did love Calvin and I thought that he was the one I was going to marry but I eventually had to realize my worth. Like don't get me wrong, I wanted to have a family but not right now. I have so many plans for myself. I do not want a baby to limit my opportunities. Even though I know many still accomplish their dreams while being pregnant, that's just not something I want for myself. Plus I'm not taking care of a grown man."

"And that's real though. I would break up with Stephen too if he made he choose between my career or him and a baby. That so selfish."

"That sounds just like some nigga shit. Nigga's will always be nigga's." Tamera said.

"I'm just happy you didn't fall for it. You would've been stuck with his sorry ass for the rest of your life."
Carmen said.

"Yeah you guys are right but at least I got out. But enough about me. April, how are you and Stephen?" Daesha asked.

"Damn near on the verge of getting married." Carmen said with a chuckle.

"Haha very funny." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways to answer your question we are alright."

"Have you guys had sex yet?" Tamera asked.


"Damn April. How long are you going to keep the cookie in the jar? You haven't given him any? Daesha asked.

"Listen, I love Stephen I really do but to be honest I'm just not ready to have sex with him yet. I don't even want to give him my virginity."

My friends gasped dramatically causing me to roll my eyes.

"Doubts? Is April Daniel having doubts about her relationship? No not April. Not the one who says she's so in love." Carmen laughed. She was seriously working on my last nerves.

"I see you hoes want to be petty today."

We all laughed as I damn near tried to take Carmen's head off with a pillow.

"Why are you having doubts now?" Tamera asked.

"Our relationship feels so boring now. Nothing is spontaneous anymore. He kinda treats me like a baby and it's so annoying. It feel like he cares more about what my parents think of him then what I think about him. Plus we don't have anything to talk about anymore. But when we do talk, it's always about sex. I guess he feels entitled to my pussy just because he's my boyfriend and that shit ain't cool."

"Do you feel like he's trying to pressure you into having sex with him?" Daesha asked.

"I mean I do but I also don't. Of course I'm attracted to Stephen, but for some reason I just can't see myself with him in that way."

"Yeah, you're not sexually attracted to him." Daesha said confidently.

"What? That's not true."

"Yes it is." Tamera said. "You can't be. If you were you guys would've had sex by now. Y'all have been together for a long time and y'all haven't had sex yet. It's because you're not sexually attracted to him."

"Plus you guys have been together for a while. Relationships can get boring sometimes. But I agree with them April. You're not sexually nor physically attracted to Stephen and it shows by your lack of intimacy with him." Carmen said.

"Y'all making me sound like a horrible person."

"How? You want dick, you just don't want his dick. What am I missing here?" Daesha laughed.

"Listen, things are just different now. I was hoping that the feeling would go away and that I would be able to give myself to him but I just can't. I don't know what's the problem."

"You don't want to fuck him!" Daesha shouted.

"I am going to kill you." I said giving her a death stare. "Why can't you have a little bit more empathy?"

"Oh Lord." Daesha rolled her eyes. "So I am in the wrong?"

"Just be quiet Daesha." Tamera said.

"Whatever.." Daesha mumbled rolling her eyes once more.

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Carmen asked me.

I shook my head. "Nope. I can't bring myself to do it."

"That's not fair April. You have to tell him." Tamera said.

"I know."

"Well you better bitch because I could not be you. Dick is way to good for you just to not be getting any you better pick and choose your battles sis." Daesha said.

Even though she was working my last nerves, all I could do it laugh. I know that my friends want the best for me and I know that they are right. I just really don't know what to do.

"So let me ask you this, can you see yourself with him another month?"

I sighed thinking long and hard before answering her question. Can I? Can I really see myself staying him another month? Is he worth me fixing our relationship? Can I honestly find myself being sexually attracted to him?

"Y'all.... I honestly don't know."

"Oh hell no I'll answer the question for you." Daesha interjected. "It's not going to work."

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