quaint [h.s.]

By life_in_the_rain

1.9K 124 8

eighteen year old Jessamine Reynolds gets trapped in a whole different year before her existence and the only... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


59 5 0
By life_in_the_rain

The next couple of days went by so slow and life for me got more exhausting day by day. I still wonder how someone could even live like this? Yet, I've been here for two weeks and I'm doing absolutely fine. It's not like I'm dying or anything horrible like that.

As for the remote, I pretty much think Harry has ended that solution as for me leaving this place. I'm not sure if he dropped it by accident, or if he meant to let it slip out of his clumsy long fingers.

Whatever it is, it's getting annoying. He's getting annoying. I sit here on a boring Wednesday. Hopefully, something exciting will happen today. Because I'm starting to actually believe that there is a strong possibility of me dying from boredom.

If I don't kill myself by then. I don't really mean that, I don't know. I just can't spend the rest of my life here. I've been waiting eighteen years to be eighteen.

Now I'm eighteen and from the way it's looking, there will be no life for me already. There will be me, here forever. Why thank you Fate, I really appreciate you ruining my life in a heartbeat.

I'm finally wearing some jeans and a tee shirt. Along with my hair in a high bun and my flats. Fuck this stupid era. I don't care what all the other women wear. So if I step outside and I hear one man or woman snicker about my appearance, I will gladly and most likely strangle the person.

Stupid dresses are so annoying to wear every second of the day. The jeans are a big baggy for my liking but that's fine. It's better than a long dreadful curtain hanging from my hips. Also known as a skirt.

As I read the New York Times, Lindbergh's baby is still on the cover. Saying stuff like 'We found a clue!" Please. I don't think they'll ever find that child.

They should take it out of the papers because its been on since March and its getting a little old if you ask me. A loud ring sounds next to me.

I turn my head and see the black telephone ringing. I hesitate to pick it up. What do I say? 'Styles' Residence'? 'Mrs. Styles speaking!'

I shake my head and quickly pick up the receiver to abruptly stop the ringing. "Hello?"

"Hey, Doris!" From the quick pace of this person's voice, its James.

"What do you want?" I roll my eyes.

"I apologize. I should've never did that.." James trails off.

Right when I open my mouth to reply, a knock comes at the door.

"Oh..Harry's back so soon?" James sighs sadly. He's not so thrilled about me being 'engaged'.

"No, it shouldn't be him...wait a sec," I say and set the receiver face down on the table.

I stand and walk to the front door and open it. I'm not in the mood to look at people right about now. There stands a guy. He was just here last week. But I just can't seem to remember his name.

"Uh, hi?" I ask and play with the door knob.

"Hey, I'm William. Remember?" His light honey voice speaks and my heart stops. For just a second anyway.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah. Harry's at work," I say.

"That's fine. May I come in?" William said and the ice man walked behind him. I'm sick of this ice man shit too.

William turns around and grabs the ice from the man as the man nicely nods to me and I return the gesture, but with a slight smile.

William walks right past me and refills the ice box with ice, after emptying the drip pan. I shut the door and walk back to the sofa, picking up the phone. "Sorry. Harry's friend decided to come by."

"Why is he there if Harry is at work?"

I shrugged and glanced at William who looks at me. "I don't know. Why are you calling?"

"'Cause tonight. I wanna take you out..if that possible," he says rather quickly.

I shake my head. "No. I'm engaged."

"When we were at the party, you didn't seem to care about it."

"Yeah, well Harry didn't either."

James sighed. "Please? It's not like its a date..I wouldn't do that to Harry. Just please."

I huffed. "I guess.."

"Yes! I'll be there at eight!" James says happily and hangs up.

I put the receiver back on the hook and William takes a seat next to me.

"So..how long have you and Harry known each other?" William asks.

"About nine months."

He shakes his head. "I fail to believe that. There's something off about you and I yearn to find it out."

I roll my eyes. "What's up with people and think I have a secret?"

"There is no way Harry is engaged!"

"Yeah maybe Harry isn't a guy who settles down. But Harry has been my little secret for awhile," I say and grab the newspaper.

"I doubt it..are you sure that you love him?" William asks.

"Of course!"

He snickers. "I'll need a bit of proof."

No way. There is no way I'm kissing that random man. Not again. By random man, I mean Harry.

"I'm kidding! You tensed up!" William started laughing.

I smacked his arm playfully, "Bastard!"

William stayed just as long enough until Harry came through the door. He grumbled something about work. Good thing I made dinner so I don't have to deal with the snappy turtle.

I don't know what's the deal with him, I just don't know. I go and save his life, and he yells at me for being nosy in his life when he's the one invading in on my thoughts. I feel like Harry is kind of like me.

Just a tad bit more...secretive.

I feel like there's something that has happened in his life, in his past, just like me to make him be this way. Maybe we didn't go through the same thing or feel the same pain, but there's definitely pain and he tends to push all of his worries away.

The more he does it, the worser it'll get. While he's trying to escape he's just getting more trapped in his past. But then again it's probably just me being deep and coming up with weird and fake theories on his life. Kind of typical.

I breathe out and take a seat across from Harry and eat my pork chop. I barely have an appetite to eat. I shouldn't eat, since I'm hanging out with James soon. William sits and they both start talking. They seem to be good friends.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, I'm going somewhere in a few so I'll be getting ready."

I stand from the table and Harry's eyes quickly fixed back on William. I walked to the bedroom - I'm not in Harry's anymore - and took my hair out of the bun. I took a brush and brushed it completely out.

I tie it back into a tight bun and reapply my eyeliner and mascara. I apply some lipstick before changing my clothes into a hideous dress.

I've seen women around with hats that hugged their head tightly. I chose not to wear one of those. I look at my appearance and sigh. I still don't feel pretty. I feel like a middle aged women with two children and without a job.

I look like an average housewife in 1932. How great. I walk back in the main room and William is thankfully gone. Not that we don't get along or anything, he just can't see me going out with James.

James was already seated on the couch and making small conversation with Harry.

"Hello," I interrupted their talk.

Harry turned. "Hey, Doris."

James stood. "Hello."

"Where are you exactly going?" Harry asked, standing up as well.

"We're just going to catch a movie," James grinned and walked to my side.

"All right. Some rules. Don't touch my wife. Don't even touch her hand. If she's dying still don't touch her. I can protect her, not you. Don't look at her for more than three seconds, don't think about what you fancy to do to her. Don't--"

"I get it, sir. It's just a friendly night," James laughed shortly and I snickered at Harry's attempt to act like a husband.


James and I walked to the door. Here goes.

"See you in a bit," I turn to Harry as James walks to his car.

"Okay. See you," Harry said. He hesitated for a bit and leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. He quickly pulled away and waved me away.

"Bye," I turned and walked to the car, stepping inside.

"You and Harry look so in love."

I feel like gagging at his sentence.

"I wish you could be mine.." James said. His chocolate colored eyes looked so warm and sweet.

I wish I would be his too. What am I thinking? That can't possibly happen. "Sorry."

That's all I could actually say. He started the car and we drove off. I could at least thank Harry for actually making us look like a couple because I wasn't doing so well. I don't want to be here and I guess I really didn't care anymore.

I wonder what'll happen if everyone found out. A mass sized of the population wouldn't believe me. The other half would bombard me with questions. It'd suddenly be as if I'm famous. I'll probably me in all the papers and people would fly from across the country in helicopters to maybe get a chance to ask me something about the earth's future.

Okay, maybe not that. I'm not sure if they're even helicopters around yet. I glanced out the window and saw children playing their backyard. Without a care in the world. Lucky children. They're playing, the mother is laughing with her friend or whatever, and I'm here, desperately trying to figure out how to get back to my own era.

"You look pretty tonight. I bet Harry doesn't say it enough," James smiles.

Harry this, Harry that. Does he ever talk about something different? "Oh..uh thanks."


"That movie was great!" I beamed out happily.

I haven't been so happy being here yet, and James just made my entire night. When we touch by accident, I still feel that shock as I do with Harry, but not as sharp. I'm probably getting used to it now.

At about eleven, James dropped me off and I thanked him before going into the house in attempt to get out of the light rain.

When I walked in Mary was sitting on the sofa, talking with Harry. "Hello."

"How was the movie?" Harry asked.

I smiled. "It was good. But I'm sleepy."

"Yeah, I'm kind of knackered too. Mary and I were just talking about you," Harry strains and I could see the hurt on his face.

"About what?" I frown and take off my jacket slowly.

"Just you. And Mary's father isn't exactly happy with her. So she can sleep here tonight.."

I nod my head. She might as well move in, from how many times she needs to stay over. It's only been twice but twice is enough. Her dad isn't some serial killer. But actually..he did seem like one so I'll hold off against that.

I took some of my clothes from my bedroom. Harry talked so low and he looked so broken. It was as if he was going to cry any second. What did I do so horrible?

I go in the bathroom and quickly take a bath. I get out and once again don't blow dry my hair. Letting my hair air dry seems easier.

"Hey, Doris?" Mary calls.

I walk into my bedroom, since she'll be sleeping there. "Yeah.."

"I told Harry that I'm done. This is my last night with him. I can't come back to him. He's engaged now. I know that I've hurt him now, but he must know that he hurt me a lot as well," Mary says.

"You can't be friends?" I asked her hopefully.

She shakes her head and fights off tears. "No. He's knew of me for three months but I've started liking him six months ago. I'm in love with him and every time I see him it's so hard to contain myself from not crying."

"I'm so sorry," I hug her tightly. I'm leaving tomorrow as well then.

I can afford my own house but here's the plot twist. I'm still a baby with this lifestyle, I don't know how those simple items function because they are so different opposed to the modern ones. Oh well, that's what learning is for. And that's where mistakes come in. Learn from for mistakes. Like myself.

We retract and I tell her a quiet good night as she leaves. I slowly walk into Harry's bedroom and see his head in his hands, as I hear quiet sniffles coming from him. The sight of him already shatters me.

"I'm so sorry Harry," I sit on the other side of the bed and hug my legs, letting my chin rest on them. Harry doesn't respond directly, his sobs just get a little louder.

I feel so bad and I suddenly feel a tear trickling down my own face.

"Good night," I whisper and I lied down and slid under the covers fighting my own selfish tears as he didn't care about his falling down.

I had a great night and I was so happy. I leave for just those three hours and when I come back, everyone in the house including me, were shedding sad tears.

The next morning, I quickly got up. I looked at the clock which read eleven a.m. Harry's at work. I jumped out of the bed and changed my clothes and put my hair in a ponytail. I walk into my bedroom and no one is in it.

The bed is neatly made it, was as if Mary wasn't even here, breaking Harry's heart last night. But in the atmosphere, you could feel it.

I stuffed all my clothes and belongings into a suitcase that I found in Harry's closet. Even that stupid remote. After an hour I found myself hungry. But I had finished packing. I didn't take the clothes that Harry lent me, because those aren't mine.

I just took that dress I bought, other clothing I bought, the clothes Harry got from his friend for me, and my clothes I originally came with.

I took a sheet of paper and an ink pen and I wrote a note to Harry.

Harry, I'm leaving. I already troubled you and your once happy life. And I'm sorry. Just tell people that things didn't work out between us. I wish you a very happy life. It was probably perfect before I entered it. So I'm going to find myself a house now and don't bother looking for me. Again I'm sorry. Your key will be under the bush. Bye Harry.

I set the paper on the cleared off table. I place a banana over it so hopefully he'll see it sooner. I take off the ring and place it on top as well. I grab the suitcase and take it to the front door. I open the door and the ice man is there with a huge smile.

I never get used to this guy.

I take the ice and do the same routine as everyday. Then I take the suitcase and walk out of the house. I frown immediately after one block. Where will I live? I would visit Charles and Margaret, but I don't have any idea on where they live.

I walk until my legs get tired and then I sit down for a rest. I've only been walking for twenty minutes. I walk into a nearby food market so I can pick up some fruit for myself. When I walk in, it feels better than the outside itself.

I browse through the fruit section and decided on a plum. After I bought it, I picked up a paper that was filled with wanted jobs. I say on a bench outside of the market and began to read it.


Waitress at New York's Cafe

Caroline's Orphanage for Girls

Fresh food market

I rolled my eyes at the choices but for some reason the Orphanage still had my attention. I read over the section.

We need another female helper for these girls ages 5-17 at this Orphanage. In this job you will have somewhere to stay but you will be asked to pay monthly rent. You'll take watch of these girls during your shift hours. Please call for an appointment: (XXX) XXX-XXXX

I ran back in the market and up to the cashier. "Excuse me sir, may I use your telephone?"

He nodded and pushed the phone towards me. I quickly dialed the number and a woman answered. "Caroline's Orphanage, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I want to apply as one of the helpers at the orphanage," I said, trying to make my tone very business-like.

"All right, miss. May I take your name down?" The lady asked.

"Of course. My name is Doris..uhh," we haven't exactly planned out my last name. "Baker. Doris Baker."

"Okay, Doris. If you could be here by five this evening we will see what we can arrange you," she said brightly.

"Okay, thanks so much. I'll be there," I said.

"See you!"

And then she hung up. I set the receiver on the hook with a smile.

"Good luck, Miss. I heard its quite hard up there," the guy nicely informed and I nodded before heading out.

Now I finally have a job - hopefully - and I'll be living on my own, with or without Harry.

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