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When Sunny and I arrive back at the school we went straight to class--I dreaded to go back, she was rather cheerful. Well, she's cheerful about everything in my opinion.

I take a seat in my history class, last class of the day finally.

My teacher turns to me as soon as I take a seat in my usual back corner. "Jessamine, you are to sit in the front today. I've heard from Mrs. Nelson that you missed out on an assignment and you are not going to do that here."

I oblige and a sigh falls out of my mouth. What does that have to do with anything? I'm early to this class so I really don't see the problem. Everyone watches as I sit down.

Casey still hasn't came so I decided to work with Sunny right now. Luckily, Sunny was already sitting next to me and she moved her hair before she sat down.

I cleared my throat. "Lets get started."

"Okay. When did the Depression end?" Sunny asked me.

"1945," I mumbled.

"Do you know everything about 1930s-1949?" Sunny questioned.

I shrugged. "I know enough."

We went over everything-well most of it. At the end of the day, I sped out of the door. When I got home, I went in the house and tried to call my mom. But Casey answered the cell phone. She got upset at me for being sarcastic.

It's not my fault that I stand my ground.

She told me to meet her at Sunny's grandfathers house. I've never been there before. I glance at the clock. Three forty five. I change my clothes into just a t shirt and blue jeans. I pull my hair out of it's usual ponytail and let it fall freely.

I stepped outside where it was cloudy. Smells of meet on the grill hit my nostrils. Someone must be grilling-in the middle of March. I get into my black truck and sigh, thinking about life.

"Hey, Jessa!" My mom greeted me at the door once I had arrived and already knocked on the storm door.

I smiled back at her. "Hey, why are we here?"

"Well, Casey wanted to show you something. She's here too," mom said.

"Sounds all right."

I followed mom inside the house. My nose filled with the smell of candles. The house looked simple but it was dark, the only thing that illuminated the room was the several candles.

A man who looked like he was roughly in his forties, stepped up to us. His hair was black but at the edges was grey like it was almost a different bold shade of silver. He wears a tie dye shirt and baggy blue jeans.

He smiled and held out his hand. "Hello, I'm Thomas, Sunshine's father."

"Oh hi I'm--"

"Jessamine, the beautiful flower. I mean, that's what a Jessamine is," Thomas finished for me.

I nodded and smile, while shaking his hand. Shortly, mom and I followed Thomas downstairs, to the basement I suppose.

Once down there, it might as well been a storage room. Things were everywhere. Some even looked useless so why would they keep all of this junk? I scowled at all these things.

Mom gave me a look as if to say, 'Be polite'. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms stubbornly, following Thomas to another room.

What was in there was a long machine. It looked like a grey coffin, but in a cylinder shape and with lots of different buttons that obviously function.

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