twenty three

30 0 0


The next morning was cold. I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked next to me and the spot was empty. I checked the time and it was six nineteen. Harry's train has already left. I got up quickly and peeked in the guest room.

Shirley was still sound asleep. I wanted to watch Harry off but I guess he didn't want me doing that. I yawned and took a bath and got into a skirt. Maybe today I will clean a bit. I decide to skip breakfast.

Maybe Harry didn't want to bother me this morning. I know yesterday was kind of rough. I walk in the kitchen and Harry didn't clean the table after breakfast. I sighed and cleared the plates and food. I took a used rag and began to swipe the circular table.

That dream just wouldn't leave me alone. And it's been bugging me more than ever since yesterday. The screams, the noise, and Harry. Where was I? I don't remember where I was. I closed my eyes but I still could not remember. I sighed.

I bit down on my lip and stopped swiping. It was a train. I've been having this urge that Harry will not be safe. And Harry is on a train. Will that train crash? No, that's stereotypical. Maybe I'm too worried about nothing.

But why would it happen? I dodge for the remote and talk into it, "Sunny! Sunny wake up! It's important!"

After three minutes, I gave up. It was clouding my mind and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to leave. But I knew the train had already left. Something tragic was destined to happen now.

"Hmm? Jessa," Sunny said groggily.

I grasped it, "I need you to go on that records website."

"What? Jessamine it's almost seven am. Go to sleep."

"Please? Please! I need you to look up something!" I pleaded.

"If its about your lover boy, lay off. What about you do it?" She shot.

"It's 1932, for God's sake," I almost yelled.

"Jesus, what happened to you? Fine, the desktop is starting up," she huffed and I thanked her more quietly and politely.

"You owe me.." I could hear her mutter.

"So?" I said sitting on the sofa.

"Okay, what do you need to know about Harry?" Sunny asks.


"Hmm? You're interested about that at approximately six am," Sunny sighed. "Anyway, Harry Styles as of right now is suppose to pass away on June 21, 1932 - wait."

I stopped and sat in bewilderment. That's today.

I took a gulp, "What time?"

"Around nine am. Cause of death is train wreck.. Jess. Where is Harry?"

"On a train to see his mother," I spoke but it was barely audible.

"What are you waiting for?!" Sunny yells.

Tears sting at my eyes, "There's nothing to do! The train has gone!"

My voice cracks and Sunny tries to calm me. I left the remote inside and I ran straight out of the house. I left Shirley a small note and I hopped into Harry's car. Lets see here, he has showed me a few times now.

Soon, I had the car started and I was going to the train station. I parked in the parking lot that was a walk away from the station buy I could see a train. Was it Harry's? Or is this another one? I don't know but I began to run when the whistle was blowed.

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