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The next couple of days, I stayed to myself but during the nights, I took each and every one of the girls to a different orphanage - since they were actually treated correctly there. I had to be sure that the girls never told Joan. Patricia, Marisa, and Nancy as well.

It's Thursday and I'm working with the smaller children, they're so much easier.

"Don't drop Ann in the bucket!" Lucy squealed and snatched her doll away from Madeline.

"Be nice to Madeline, I'm sure she wasn't going to drop Ann," I say as I watched them scrub the floor. The older girls does the laundry. So they're outside hanging the clothes to dry.

"Who's Ann?" Nancy wondered as she passed by us with a basket filled with very damp clothing.

"No one," I said.

"Are they talking about an imaginary friend? What have I told you about that Luce!" Nancy scolded and headed down the stairs.

"Be quiet next time," Mallory hissed to Lucy.

I sighed and leaned against the wall, watching as they scrubbed the wood floor on all fours and got their dresses all wet and dirty. Well, doesn't this feel like Cinderella.

My mind drifted off to James. On when he said I knew nothing of Harry. He's right. He asks loads of questions about me, but he doesn't answer mine. But I haven't asked him either.

I'll just try to bring one of them up soon hopefully. I closed my eyes and a sigh escaped my lips. I miss home. I miss Casey and I miss Sunny. I miss my protective mother and I miss school. I miss it all. Now that I think about it, I took everything for granted. I'd do anything to get back to my time period.

Fifteen minutes. I was supposed to be in 2002 for only fifteen minutes. No, I'm in 1932 and I've been here for awhile now. Even though I miss home, I'm getting used to this place now. There is no McDonald's or colored films. New York is supposed to be a place for better jobs but we're bankrupt. There are multiple things I hate about this place, but I'm getting quite used to it now.

At least this week I'll be getting my full pay, I think. I've been here everyday on time. I'm spending the rest of my evening with Shirley today. I wish I didn't have this stupid twelve hour shift, I get so sleepy and worn out.

Soon, eight o clock finally comes and I tell the girls good night and that I'll be back tonight. I change out of my clothes and grab my purse. I walk downstairs and when I pass the second floor, Joan is gone. I get to the first floor and walk out of the manor shutting the door behind me. The warm air hits my face - well it is the middle of June so it's about time.

A black car is parked outside and as I walk I see that it's Shirley and she's alone. I walk into the car and get in the passenger, "Hey!"

"Hey! So it's this new clothing store-" Shirley starts.

I close the car door once I'm in. "What about your child?"

"I have a housekeeper who volunteered to watch him for an extra pay. Anyway, I just got a raise so I'm going shopping! These days, John never splits the money," she sighs and starts the car in a fast way.

"How did you even meet him?" I say as we drive.

"Um, we met an a movie theatre," she smiles.

"You must love him."

"Oh I do."

It's silent for a moment and then she speaks, "What about you and Harry?"

"Oh we're good."

Note to self: don't ask about anyone's relationship unless you want them to ask about the one you're faking.

"No, I meant like..how did you meet?"

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