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Fire. That's what my lips on his felt like. Is this the 'spark' you get when you kiss a person that you like? No, I don't think it's supposed to hurt. But it is something behind the pain that makes me crave for it more. And I like that unusual pain it gives me.

It shoots through my veins, like a shock. Making me want to stop but I can't; I don't want to stop either. It's almost like the first time I met him and we shook hands. Just as powerful. And when it feels like time has stopped for two seconds, (literally) I know that I'm making a mistake.

I pull away from him and search his eyes. We both know that this isn't right. Even the world seems different and all I've done is kiss him. I think we've done something bad. Life is not what I thought of it to be. I've kissed him before but it was nothing like this.

I look around for anyone that could be here, maybe someone is here and that this maybe a show that Harry is putting on.

"Why did you kiss me?" I blurt.

"I - I wanted to. It's not fake this time," Harry said.


"I'm sorry.. I know it was wrong. I just couldn't stop myself," Harry sits on the couch and sighs.

I sit next to him, "It's okay, Harry."

He bites his lip nervously, "I can't believe I fell for you, that was the thing I wanted to avoid."

"I know but.. hopefully it's just a little thing that'll go away soon," I grab his hand.

"I don't think so, but lets just wait and see what happens," Harry suggests.

"All right. Lets do that then."

The next morning while Harry was over at Williams's house to apologize, I was talking to Casey and Sunny.

"Okay, what? Why'd you kiss Harry?" Sunny sighs heavily.

"He kissed me," I corrected.

Casey interjected, "I told you Sunny. I told you that they were gonna end up liking each other."

"I don't like him!" I disagreed.

Silence on the other side. "Sure." Sunny said sarcastically.

"Maybe I do, but I don't want to. Sunny, it's weird here. When I touch someone, why is it such a strong feeling? Like painful?"

"You're not used to that time period. Hell, you're not even supposed to be there so you're never going to adjust to it," Sunny tells.

"Oh. That sucks.."

"Yeah.. how's everything with Harry so far? Friendship ruined?"

"No, I don't think. Hey, what's that public records thing? I want you to look at Harry's records," I say.

"Oh sure.. wait.. I need a recent person in his generation that's alive right now, so I take it Harry isn't alive as of this year," she says.

I don't know anyone that has his last name. Then an idea pops up in my head. "Type in 'Styles' business company'"

"Okay, there's a list of people.. I'll just scroll to 1932 - there he is! Brown hair and tall with dimples?" Sunny asks.

"Yeah that's-"

"He is hot," Casey interrupts again.

"Anyway," Sunny continues, "Born in 1912.. died in 1959."

"Why so soon?" The color drains out of my face.

"Car accident," Sunny says.

"Oh God," I sigh.

"You're the only one who can change it..use it wisely though," Sunny says.

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