The New Girl In Town - riverd...

By newzzz12

6K 105 22

|| This book is a fan fiction about riverdale || Riverdale was always the town of surprises and mysteries but... More

1. Google solves all problems
2. something isn't right
3. All the hotties live in riverdale
4. Lets hope the eggs aren't cracked
5. Think you can handle it babygirl
6. The new girl has an attitude
7. Falling for the bad boy
8. It's not a threat, it's a promise
9. What is it, My breath that bad?
11. Who, what, where, when and why?
12. Watermelon head...
13. Plan B
14. Sure you weren't
15. The serpent princess
16. A good liar
17. What more can this town throw on my shoulders?
18. life's complicated...
19. Just a hunch
20. Always have to be a gentlemen...
21. Care for a dance m'lady?
22. You have a brother?
23. I think I need a coffee...
24. Sweetie pie?
26. What if I joined the serpents?

10. It's rude to point

223 5 2
By newzzz12

I walked through the front doors and felt everyone's eyes on me. I kept walking and ignored them but was surprised when I looked up to see Mr. Branson in handcuffs and a police officer walking with him. How did this happen? What was happening? What am I saying, he deserved it for what he did to me and any other girls. We stared into each other's eyes and he gave me a dirty look before looking down at the ground.

I continued to walk until I saw Archie talking to Veronica. "What happened with him?" I asked them. "I told you I would deal with it," Archie said. "What did you do?" I continued questioning him. Veronica butted in, "don't worry about it, he's out your hair now." "Thank you so much arch," I thanked Archie before pulling him into a hug. "You trying to take my boyfriend away from me?" Veronica joked. "You're together?" I didn't know they were together and never really imagined them as a couple. "Yep," Archie said, popping the 'p'. He the put his arm around Veronica. "The more you know, I guess." I said. The bell rang and I had maths.... without Mr. Branson. Thank god.

I walked in and noticed there was no teacher. I took my seat next to Reggie and started to go on my phone. "Hey, so I was wondering..." he put his arm around my chair and I looked up to him with my eyebrows raised. He smirked and then carried on. "Are you still coming pops?" I didn't really want to go pops with him seeing as though me and Sweet Pea are a 'thing'. I wasn't sure what to say but me being me I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Do you have a crush on me?" What was I thinking. I looked away and waited for an answer even though it was a mistake for me to even say that sentence. "What? Where did that come from?" I decided to continue because there was no way to take back my words. "You want to take me on a date. I know you asked Moose to try and get me to say I like you, he was very obvious about it. And finally, you put your arm around my chair and if that isn't flirting 101, I don't know what is." I explained. He looked at me and his face dropped. I grinned and the principal walked into the class with another teacher. Reggie moved his arm from behind my chair and leant back on his.

"Morning class. You will not be having Mr. Branson anymore but you will have a substitute." Everyone groaned except for me because it is better than having that douchebag. "This is Miss. Johnson." I looked up to see a teacher who looked around late 30's, maybe early 40's. "Everyone be nice to her please." He told us. Then he whispered something into her ear and she laughed. As he did this, to lift the tension between me and Reggie, I mumbled "flirting 101." Me and Reggie quietly chuckled to ourselves as I heard a slam on the teachers desk. "Is something funny?" Miss. Johnson shouted. Me and Reggie jumped up and stared at her. She held an angry expression on her face and I was about to say something as a comeback but Reggie stopped me and said back to her, "sorry miss, won't happen again." She nodded her head and commented "no talking, please." The principal then left and the teacher started to write things on the board... I wasn't really paying attention. I decided to text Reggie because hey, it's not talking.

Me: what the hell was that! I was going to roast her so good!!! X
Mantle 🏉: or she was going to give you a month worth of detentions.... x
Me: fair point. X

I looked over to his phone and noticed that my contact was saved as 'stutter.'

Me: your never going to let that go are you? X
Mantle 🏉: what?
Me: stutter x
Mantle 🏉: but that's your nickname 😩 x
Me: why can't my nickname be, hmm Idk maybe... Hunt. X
Mantle 🏉: I would save your nickname as jones but one is hard enough to deal with. X
Me: and why's that? X
Reggie is typing...

I heard another giant slam on a desk but it was at my own. I looked up to see miss. Johnson with a face red like a tomato. I raised my eyebrows at her and she gritted her teeth. "What did I say about talking?" She asked, waiting for an answer. "You said not to do it," I answered with a 'duh' look. "Then why are you doing it?" She continued. I looked at Reggie but he smiled at me to continue, so I did. "We technically weren't talking, we were texting. There's a difference." I told her with a smirk of pride on my face. "I want you to wait after class." She told me pointing at my face. I leant back on my chair and mumbled to Reggie. "It's rude to point."

After class, I stopped at her desk and she looked up at me in shock before standing up and walking towards me. Reggie whispered in my ear while walking past, "I'll wait for you outside." She then waited for everyone to walk out her classroom before coming close to me. "What did you want?" I ask but she just carried
on staring at me while leaning against the side of her desk. She then grabbed my arm and I winced in pain. "I've met girls like you. Girls who think it's funny to talk back to teachers and who sleep around with every boy they see in sight. You have the attitude of a dying pig and you shouldn't test my patience." She scowled and wouldn't let go of me. "Let go, you're hurting me." I told her but she didn't listen. "You see, I know everything about you and I'm not afraid to tell the principal," "what are you..." I was interrupted. "I know what you did to your boyfriend and how you lied about it. What would..." I then interrupted her. "I didn't lie. Let me go." She then released her hand from my arm and I walked out with tears in my eyes.

I saw Reggie and ran up to him. He saw me crying and pulled me into a hug. "What the hell did she do to you?" He asked checking if I was hurt anywhere. He noticed my arm and pulled up the sleeve of the hoodie. "What's this?" I stopped him from going any further because I didn't want him to find anything he wouldn't be happy to see. "Hunter... show me," He told me. I shook my head but he didn't agree and continued to slowly moved the sleeve up. "It's okay..." he finally moved it out of the way and his face changed from anger to sadness to confusion. He looked back up to me and asked, "hunter..." I looked up to him and shook my head. "Who caused his?" He asked waiting for me to answer. I didn't want to but he's already seen it. It's too late to go back now. I explained the situation with my ex-boyfriend. "When I told my mom and stepdad, they didn't believe me and thought that I murdered him. They thought that I was driving and crashed the car on purpose. They told people and they only said that because they hated him." I paused and waited for him to take in what I said. "When that teacher was speaking to me, she held me tight in my arm and was hurting me. She told me that she knows about my boyfriend and what happened to him, she said I lied and she threatened to tell the principal." He kept staring at me and brought me into another hug. "They won't get away with this." He reassured me. "They already have."

It was the end of school and Archie offered me a lift home. I accepted because I didn't want to walk home in the cold.

On the way there it was silent until I finally asked, "What did you do to stop Mr. Branson?" He sighed and then told me. "I know someone, Someone powerful who is capable of anything. I explained everything and he sorted it out. I don't know how he did it, but he did." I looked back at the road and sighed. "Thank you," I thanked. "Don't mention it," he replied.

While we were making our way to the trailer, I was frightened at what was going to happen because I didn't come home last night. I was too busy to think of a lie to realise that we had arrived. "Were here," he told me, bringing me back to reality. I got out of the car and before closing the door Archie mentioned, "oh by the way, it's jughead's birthday in two days and we're having a surprise birthday party. It's at my house and I'll text you the address." "Okay thanks, see you at school." I waved him bye and he drove off. Before entering the trailer I had an idea for an excuse and decided to call Toni.

"Hey, Toni," I said. "What's up, Hunt?" She asked. "I need a favour," I told her. "Okay..." she accepted. "So basically, can you pretend I slept at yours last night because you couldn't find my keys for the trailer and that's why I didn't come back to my trailer last night?" I explained. "Of course but your going to owe me one back, and you are going to explain why I'm doing this later. Good luck," she said. "Thanks, I'm going to need it," I joked and hung up the phone.

I walked in to a stressed out dad and angry Jughead. When they saw me they both ran up to me and squeezed me until I couldn't breath. "It would be great to actually breathe," I joked and they both let go of me. "We thought you were dead!" My dad said while checking if I had any injuries. "Where were you?" Jughead then said while backing away from me. "I was with Toni. I went to He Whyte Wyrm to see her and get a drink but I didn't have my trailer key so I stayed with her." I explained and they both looked at me with a 'we don't believe you' look but then I continued, "ask her if you don't believe me." I'm so glad I made that phone call otherwise I would be screwed. "I will," Jughead said, "but after food." He continued and looked towards my dad. "Fine, I'll go to Pops, can you not kill each other for 30 minutes?" He joked. "We'll try," I chuckled.

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