Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...

Oleh xbookgirlx15

1.7M 41.1K 5.2K

"No!" I say softy, choking back tears that were threatening to pour out. "It just can't be!" I say with my h... Lebih Banyak

1. Prologue -Nora Faith
2.Prologue -Alpha Damon
3. The Start...
4. The Meeting...
5. The Truth...
6. The Proposal...
7. Here Comes the Bride...
8. The Offering...
9. His Victory...
10. The Farewells...
11. The Perfect Illusions...
12. The Collisions...
13. The First Appearance...
14. The Lost Luna...
15. Wedding Flashback...
16. Wedding Duties...
17. The Crest...
18. The Home...
19. The Stairway...
20. The Last Farewell...
21. The Alpha...
22. The Dealthy Silence...
23. The Trip Home...
24. The Trip to Hell...
25. The Christmas Sprirt...
26. The Unexpected Guest...
27. The Attack...
28. The First Page...
29. The Fight...
30. The Bad Liar...
31. The Cruelty Of The Alpha...
32. The Third Entry...
33. The Luna and the Rogue...
34. The Waken and Riven...
35. At The Strike of Midnight...
36. The Truth Behind the City Lights...
37. If It Was Meant To Be...
38. The Deliberate Move...
39. The CommonWealth Games...
40. The Wander, the Broken, the Helpless and Pawn
41. The Skeletons of Not So Long Ago...
42. The Final Pages...
43. The Promise...
44. The Coming to Truth...
45. The Heart Knows What It Wants...
46. The Morning Sun...
47. The Complications...
48. The Late Guests...
49. Beneath Every Lie is an Excuse...
50. The Heat of Night...
51. The Glorious Dawn...
52. The Distraught...
54. The Awakening to Something...
55. The Heavy Nightfall...
56. The Changes...
57. The Morning News...
58. The Rainbow to his Rain...
59. The Evening Of...
60. The Villa We Shall...
61. The Night to Relish...
62. The Bartering Risks...
63. The Night Goes on...
64. The Sadness...
65. The Fear...
66. The Night Rather Then Day...
67. The Growing Pain...
68. The Beginning to an End...
69. //Epilogue// A New Entry...
llYou Are Most Welcome Alphall
~*Alpha Royale*~
70. //Epilogue 2//
//Regina Luna //
71. //Alternative Epilogue//

53. The Leaving and Coming...

14.6K 424 62
Oleh xbookgirlx15

"Nora," her voice called hoarsely from behind, "Nora, its 6 already." A sudden pause, then a second later she said, "I am coming in whether you like it or not."

The door unlatched and open to a room on display with gold shards peeking through the window. Glass fragments from the dresser sparkled the floor, curtains hanging as rags with claw marks, feathers from torn pillows still floating the air from the wind, books thrown on every corner of the room, the once neatly stacks of pages now scattered, reading lamps crushed, clothes ripped and in heaps of strips. With me in the center on the ground by my half shredded bed, in the drenched towel draped as my bodice. "Oh Nora. What have you done to your haven?"

"Created a visual representation of whats going on inside me on more than a psychological level," I reply, pulling out a flask and tucking my feet under me when sitting crossed legged, watching Angel as she maneuvered around the glass clutching her round belly.

"Don't be such a sass mouth. Did you create," She cringed from the sight of my torn undergarments -specifically my bras, half dangling from each palm leave shaped ceiling fan blade, and then cringed again when she me drink "-this before or after going on a trip down frenzy lane like some rampaging animal? What will you brothers say!"

"That their baby girl sacrificed her virginity to the biggest Alpha jerk of the century," I murmur, drawing another gulp. "Guess there goes my chances of becoming the next Virgin Mary."

She glared sternly, soothing her belly. "I am being serious Nora. I know last night...was difficult for you. It was for us all actually. No one slept a wink. We're too worried for you."

"Oh yeah? Are you all?" I accuse, rising to my feet without staggering. God bless a wolf's alcohol tolerance.

"Let me run from hellhole then," I said passively, finally bringing myself to say the words I've been dying to say for some time now.

"Have you gone mad. You want to go rogue-"

"Let me finish Angel," I put a hand to stop her, allowing myself to look straight into her eyes.

"I can't take this anymore. I need to run or else things will get worse for me and that's when I fear I might make this biggest mistake of my life. I have to save whatever dignity I have left, although, I'm afraid I've already lost that the second I crossed those borders with that wolf. I need to leave before he can come back and own me." The truth from the words throttled me, the memory of him searing my head.

'I never asked for her to be my Mate just so you know and the Moon Goddess above knows, I never wanted her from when I first laid eyes on her and I never will, for she's a pain in my ass and a waste of space. That's all!'

'It means my dear sister, you are on the early stages of falling in love.'

'Power is essential here, and you must have a desire for more if you wish to stay on the top.'

Stephanie in a scandalous lingerie straddling Damon in his chair, his arms holding her lower back down to deepen the touch of their lips while she wove her fingers in hair. One of his hand rose to yank her hair back, his mouth going for her exposed neck and jaw.

How my mind swerved from the thought of where his hand had been over her body before mine.

  'I enjoyed shoving my tongue down her throat. I found some enjoyable pleasure in it -if that helps you sleep at night. The way she tugged on my hair whenever I nibbled down on her throat. The way she ranted my name when I struck her G-spot, hard. Her moans-.'

That son of a prickled dick.

"Nora listen to me," She reached out to grasp my arms, her motherly tone activated in full alarm. "You're so much more than this. Running isn't always the right thing to do."

"It is when you when a heartless Alpha for a Mate and he forcefully does you in bed when you clearly warn him not too."

"Damon had no choice, you were in heat and-,"

"Heat isn't an excuse he can use to justify his actions. I didn't give my consent!"

"-and he was the only one who could do something. Nora you're acting like an insensible kid. He's your Mate damnit! What he did was on request of your brother's behalf to end your heat and not for his pleasure in raping his Mate if that's what you are implying. We've been on the edge, sitting on pins and needles thinking about your pain and you're acting like a hateful bitch towards us," Angel fumed. For a pregnant lady, she had quit a temper and failed to understand me after all these years.

'I want people to know I am the Luna, not ask.'

"See? That's just it. I dont want him to do things on other's behalf or for his personal sex experience. I'd appreciate if some things were just done for the sake that I'm his Mate and also done for the sake that he loves me, even it may not be true. He can act to care even a teeny bit for the least, but he chooses not too." I exclaim in an obnoxiously loud voice, pulling myself away and hugging my arms.

"I'd also appreciate if you were to go now and tell the other's not to worry so much. I'm not a week old anymore like when my parents were burned. As a daughter of an Alpha and Luna of a Pack, I can handle myself and make my own decisions." I add with icy rigidness, turning to go the bathroom. "Besides I've fought all this time on my own, I think I can handle this one time alone too."

Slamming the door, I await by the shut door for the second I hear Angel leave the room. The moment my ears caught the door latch shut, I stripped of the towel dress into dark jeans, a dark velvet bralette and jacket with leather combat boots I left by the tub side.

Double checking I hadn't misheard I open the door, walking as carefully and quietly over broken glass, I go for my closet and pull out the already packed gym bag. Swinging the pack over my shoulder, I head for the window and push it as wide as it could possibly go.

I smirk from the deja vu of the last time I jumped, knocked out a guard and nearly escaped, all in a puffy wedding gown that I could've sworn was more swollen than an inflamed marshmallow, if it weren't meeting the rogue James who Damon had Kaden torture the day of the wedding.

Not this fucking time. June, I want you to do the honours of killing the obstacles.

Why not? Just don't break your legs or snap your neck while attempting to be Bat-women, June yawned. And be sure to run, like actually run run for once. We aren't running from no butterfly this time.

And I thought we were finally sneaking out to go fuck Jordan, I roll my eyes tiredly.


Swinging my pack back and out the window, I manage to toss it as far as the end of the lawn by where the hedges began with June's ability. Leaping onto the sill of the window, another leap and I was down by the poolside curled in a ball from rolling.

When I got the sense that I was alone and no one was coming racing to see what the noise was, I hurriedly moved along the poolside and began a mild sprint to the far edge of the lawn.

Rampaging around the hedge, I flinch when my fingers hit something solid. Gently pushing the lining of twigs, I find the exact solid silver gateway from the day of the wedding. I take a step or two back, before kicking the door open. It was as easy as tearing through paper with some borrowed power from Damon of course, the door giving under the pressure and swinging open with a booming bang.

Seizing the pack, I make a dash out and don't turn back when as the sun began to burn across the horizon with its roaring red and oranges painting the sky.

  Delightful time of day to go rogue, isn't it?


"You little freak, Ima make you scream my name under those shee- ARGHHH!" The man in dangerous riding clothes and tats swore, holding his foot and doing a dance in circles as he bore witness to his beloved ride eloping with the mistress. Also, it seemed that his beloved had rode over his foot, crushing every bone to dust.

Nora had ran on foot for the most of it, winding down alleys just to be diverted another way until she had fortunately stumbled across a sketchy looking bar with men of all sorts of piercings and tats. And a dozens of parked motorcycles. The men all eyed Nora as she walked with a straight back and her pack swung over back.

After glazing over the section she would've settled with any of whose owner wasn't present but after catching the attention of the customized black steel cruiser in an isolated far corner, Nora grinned. What was a life without some dicks and risks?

Stalking up the dream ride and it's owner -a men in thick ripped riding clothes and a sleeve worth of tats who was busily chatting with pals, Nora tossed her pack to the ground by her feet before straddling the man from right in front his lustrous eyes. "Can I help you dearie? Lost?"

That seemed to catch the eye, and perhaps his pals' too, for they glared at her as if she were a full course meal to a gang of ravenous cavemen.

"I was wanting some distractions for the night..." She bit her lower lip flirtatiously, lowering her eyes down the man and up again with a hand tossing her hair to the side with the concealed mark. He wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her close to his face before taking in a whiff of her scent.

Had he known to utilize his nose, he'd probably would've known better than expose the most intimate part of his neck to a stranger. It really could've spared him the WolfsBane he was administered by one of the syringes Nora kept tucked in jacket's fold. Being a psychotic Alpha's Mate had one advantage, she knew very well what type of Wolfsbane was the most effective for sedating. Nora even knew from experience all thanks to her Mate, unfortunately.

The man Nora straddled stiffened, sliding off in the moments following. Seeing their buddy plummet to the ground as a stiff board, they snarled and lunged for Nora, each hoping to get a claw into her cream like skin. Nora sensing and taking a hunch of their actions beforehand, ducked and rolled off to a side of the bike with no one. All six collided into one another, and as Nora regained her footing, she managed to hit one spine, inject two others and slash the remaining three unconscious before they could distinguish one movement from another.

Hearing their comrades, the men from the outside the bar arose and threatened their way over when Nora straddled the bike again, using her foot to throw her bag up to her via the handles. Crossing the strap over her bodice, she began and was off just as the intended target finally stirred and was standing adjacent. "You little freak, Ima make you scream my name under those shee- ARGHHH!"

Nora laughed to herself as the wind whipped her hair, leaving nothing but distance and even more distance between her and that prickled ass of a Mate, and the Pack she once claimed home. As much it grieved her a great lot, she had forced herself to smile past the sorrow. Although she was technically labelled a rogue, she was free. It felt odd to feel this enlightened by a mere thought.

Her mark grew feverishly hot, the bond causing an elastic tug to her heart. June sensing everything, kept her mouth quiet being sure to not enrage Nora to the point she crashed the bike into the dense forest they were now passing. They were running and had to be if they didn't want to hunted by neighboring Packs or worse, their Mate or brothers. She couldn't say either one was better than another.

They drove nonstop, not even stopping to eat or catch a wink of sleep and being sure to keep away from the borders of SilverRose jurisdiction.

Nora and even June both wanted to keep the track of miles keeping them away from their Mate growing endlessly. As the two progressed from Pack to Pack, at every stationed clearance point they crossed, they ensured the same white lie that they were simply passing and on to meet Alpha Greysan of the Canadian Pack by the Canadian borders on business of sometimes behalf of the SilverRose or RedBlood Pack.

Luckily those ear biting hours of learning about foes and allies among Packs were now coming back to help her, helping her decide on which one to choose from when coming close to a border. No one would dare defy any of the two largest Pack's of North America but picking the either one of the two Pack's, with which they had an dispute with meant a peace of mind to the duo when crossing. No one would wish for a war to rage, and to guarantee that meant swallowing the pride and to allow the enemy to pass without question, yet it didn't waver Nora and June's alertness.

It also was so that no one could recognize her. Pack's with dispute hardly ever came face to face, meaning even if hated Alpha's Mate were to pass through enemy turf they could.

Oh the unwritten laws of the werewolf world, breaking more relationships than teen high school dramas.

Nora had taken another precaution. She kept spraying coats of perfume WolfsBane to mask her mark's scent even though it strained her tie with June but couldn't lessen her fury.

This one time when the bike was intentionally skidded, Nora had been nearly assaulted by this one passing rogue. Luckily June managed to surface and managed to beat the wolf up beyond the point of recognition in Nora's human form. With hardly any blood on herself, they tied the limp body of the rogue to the back of the bike and drove straight to the Alpha's house to present a humble offering on behalf of the RedBlood Pack for such horrid hospitality. Alpha Singh only frowned from the repulsive sight of a rotting corpse in his flower bed.

Driving for about a week, Nora faced no other problem than the rogue attack that happened about a day ago on Alpha Singh's ground. When the gas would run out, it was then only then Nora decided to rest her sore limbs and eat something. The most sleep she could get was about 2 hours a day before she was off again. Nora was consistently agitated and at times because of her negligence of her health, she found herself vomiting more than she ate.

A week gone. No word or sight of her Mate or brothers. No amber alerts or current war declarations. Nora was sure to listen in all the Pack's drama along with more social issues among Packs when dining at diners for meals. Mostly it was about how the Alpha had gifted his Luna a new Ferrari for their one month anniversary or opened a new chocolate factory for sake of his undying love.

At times the RedBlood Pack were also mentioned -mostly when someone would complain and other being would hush them by saying 'would you rather be under Alpha Damon's and his deranged Pack's reign?'

One time she was dining when a group of elderly women next to her were sharing their sympathy for Alpha Damon's Mate and how if she were to bare his children, she should abort then before he could ever finding out, or strangle the child at birth to end his bloodline.

Nora choked so severely, that everyone turned to see her as the group of ladies ordered a waitress to bring some water and patted her back, scolding her she must chew her food about 100 times before swallowing. Nora never ran faster.

Fatigue kept wearing her down. It was odd to experience such weakness with a wolf's presence. Since it all started after the morning Damon was in bed with her, it could easily be the WolfsBane perfume, or not. She didn't want to explore that thought further.

They were only meters separating Nora from her freedom. The sign announced the national borders 35 kilometers away. Nora's heart pumped hungrily as she pressed her foot on the accelerator, tasting the sickly sweet freedom on the roof of her mouth.

The trees condensed, and she could see feel their branches sway when she whizzed by. One second she was charging to the border with her body pressed low to the bike for more momentum, and the next her bike was tipped over, crashed with her body and head thrown back against the bark of a tree. Nora moaned, rubbing her scalp and opening her eye to the grey wolf in the place where her motorcycle was hurdled off.

June rose from the back of Nora's mind, casting a snarl to the wolf with her talons stretched. The wolf bared it's teeth with a low growl as if it were saying rogue.

There was a powerful aura of power emitted from the ashen wolf, June unable to help herself, intentionally lightened the stench of WolfsBane masking their scent and mark when growling louder. The wolf seemed conflicted, looking as if it were taken back with the new discovery of being before a rogue Luna.

Now's not the time to play good Luna, June seethed, seizing total control when bending to pull the hidden silver blade from our shoe and hurdling it in the direction of the wolf. It feel gracefully into it's intended targets, just missing the main artery to the heart. The wide eyes wolf fell instantaneously, but June didn't wait for the body to sunk to the ground when leaping around the bike to get our pack and making the leftover run on foot.

But-but we cant just- Nora stuttered unclear of what to say.

Oh yes we can, because I said so. We got no time time for charity work princess, we're rogues now so we abide to surviving as one.

June stop. June paused, murmuring to herself before granting just enough power to Nora to do what she liked while June upheld the control. Quickly rampaging through their pack, Nora dropped a fee dozen 100 dollar bills by the wolf's nuzzle.

Done? June asked, slightly annoyed.

Before Nora could mutter a reply, the trees shook violently with the deafening growl that thundered the humid air.

Son of an anchovy, June cursed before returning Nora into the back of her head submissively. They both could recognize the howl in their darkest pits of hell. It was no surprise June felt threatened not only for herself, but Nora as well. She had resented and pitied but never felt scared for Nora in all the years serving as her wolf. Nora's fear for her Mate coming to own her was authentic and valid, making June even feel the heat. She had to be the inner bitch protector.

Gathering their strength into one, June skimmed the land before sprinted into the forest, abandoning the bag behind. She had to save their ass; accessories, clothes, fake passport, currency and food can come later. Okay, maybe she felt a little bad for abandoning the family size of chocolate but she could mourn the loss when they passed customs. If they could.

June kept the speed consist, slowing only to leap over roots or the fallen but otherwise they were running as if their ass was doused with oil, ready to be cooked. Her inhuman ears perked to the sound of paws crunching behind her, her heart hammering louder than a second ago and her stomach ready to vomit the blueberry muffin she ate for lunch. Come on.

The scent of pine was catching up from behind, making her heart clench, when she decided to stop with the running and strike with her outstretched nails when his wolf ran by. With Damon's dark fur coat you could hardly tell he was bleeding until the blood was dripping to the earthen ground.

He growled, his eyes glinting a stunning golden ring when June returned the gesture with a snarl of her own. He was the reason to our suffering. Im going to rip him part and use his organs to decorate our Christmas tree.

"Nora," The wolf shifted to human, Damon now standing utterly naked with his hands up in the air in surrender. Except for the blood traces, the five claw gash on his abdomen was almost perfectly healed. His eyes were still rimmed with golden but the bleak undertone color of his was slowly restoring. "Listen to me. I know I've enraged you and your wolf both-"

"More me than her. You know I'm the main one to receive the tingles of the bond," June frowned, trying not to sound disappointed but powerful, having both hand ready by her slide as if she were adorning swords.

"Listen to me June. Let me talk to Nora. You're angry, I get it. I'm the reason so, but leave Nora out of it. I'll find a way to make it up to both of you, I promise. Let me speak to Nora please," He plead, watching my eyes and not my arms.

"Stay the fuck away from her or else I'll skin you alive and blow the silver ash on you myself." She threatened, unable to hold back from lunging froward to take a swipe for his head and those wretched eyes of his. All she needed was to hold his orbs of his in her hand once.

Damon got to duck the first two before the three managed to glaze his jaw. Stumbling back, June used her feet to strike the weak side of his head. Clutching his stomach, she punched his stomach until he was all the way ridden up a bark of a tree, cowering and covering his head while she kicked and punched until blood began to spew out of his mouth.

Enough! Would you kill him now, huh June? Weren't you the one to say he's our Mate and that Dylan was innocent in all this? Well, youre hurting Dylan now which makes you no different than him now! Nora proclaimed furiously, halting June from throwing another punch to his bloodied nose and resisting the urge to get a feel of his torn balls.

June inhaled through her nose, clearing her mind. Committing murder is a crime.... beating someone blood is a crime.... attempt to end an asshole Mate's life is murder...but being the Mate of his sick basted isn't murder of one's own state of mind?

Nora took the moment of confusion to take the ownership of her own body again. Blinking the gold from her vision, Nora left go and headed to run again when her head exploded. A hand coiled her waist, and she jammed her elbow into the Damon's rib cage to make him let go despite cursing when the spots returned to her vision.

"Nora please. Everyone's worried back home."

"I HAVE NO HOME LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU!" Nora screamed. Damon watched with alarm, wincing and holding his organs, trying to limp up to her when she gave a gentle shove that lead him tumbling to the ground. "YOU LEFT NOTHING FOR ME. YOU CLAIMED MY HOME, MY ONLY FAMILY, MY PACK, MY WOLF AND MY BODY. WHATS LEFT FOR YOU TO TAKE FROM ME? MY LIFE!"



"Please hear me."

"YOU HEAR ME MR.HEARTLESS ALPHA JERK," I kneel to the ground, yanking his hair to the side to meet his pained expression while pulling out the other silver blade from my boots. "I have had enough of you and your sick Pack, I've had enough of playing the good Luna, I've had enough! If you were to ask for my life, I'd tell you to go jump outta a plane directly into a pit of a volcano."

I stare coldly into eyes of my Mate. "You know what? I'd tell you to come and get me when you're ready to be a man, but I can't help forgetting boys like you can't grow balls like men. You might as just go adopt that dumb bimbo Stephanie as your Luna, since a old miser such as yourself can't afford to get anything better than an obedient bitch."


Still have 3 hours of class, kill me please.🙁🔪

The Author;

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