
By SasuNaru20

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Summary: Madara's lineage did not end at the valley of the end. His legacy lived on through Minato and into N... More

Chapter 1: 01 - Author Notes
Chapter 2: 02 - Legacy
Chapter 3: 03 - Birth of a Legend
Chapter 4: 04 - Awakening
Chapter 5: 05 - Training Begins
Chapter 6: 06 - Couple of Losers
Chapter 7: 07 - Tenchiques and Dreams
Chapter 8: 08 - Joys of D-Ranks
Chapter 9: 09 - Academy Days and Graduation
Chapter 10: 10 - Problems
Chapter 11: 11 - Teams
Chapter 12: 12 - Mission to the Wave
Chapter 13: 13 - Mission to Land of the Waterfall
Chapter 14: 14 - Chunnin Exams Begin
Chapter 15: 15 - Forest of Death
Chapter 16: 16 - Preliminaries
Chapter 17: 17 - Enter the Pervert
Chapter 18: 18 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: 19 - Let the games Begin
Chapter 20: 20 - In Between Tails
Chapter 21: 21 - Sharingan vs Sharingan
Chapter 22: 22 - Round 2 - Water vs Fire
Chapter 23: 23 - Clash of Titans
Chapter 24: 24 - Invasion
Chapter 25: 25 - Aftermath
Chapter 26: 26 - Searching for the Old Hag
Chapter 28: 28 - Reunion
Chapter 29: 29 - End of a Snake
Chapter 30: 30 - Home At Last
Chapter 31: 31 - Fire Lord
Chapter 32: 32 - Fire Temple
Chapter 33: 33 - Path Set in Stone
Chapter 34: 34 - Sound Four
Chapter 35: 35 - Revelations & Farewell
Chapter 36: 36 - Special Chapter - A True God Rises
Chapter 37: 37 - Homecoming
Chapter 38: 38 - The Dragons Assemble
Chapter 39: 39 - A Turning Point
Chapter 40: 40 - God of War
Chapter 41: 41 - The Fifth Mizukage
Chapter 42: 42 - Akatsuki Strikes
Chapter 43: 43 - Power Unmatched
Chapter 44: 44 - The Real Hunter
Chapter 45: 45 - Beginnings
Chapter 46: 46 - The Choices We Make I
Chapter 47: 47 - The Choices We Make II
Chapter 48: 48 - The Death of Hyuuga Hinata
Chapter 49: 49 - The Choices We Make III
Chapter 50: 50 - Author Notes 2: STOP SOPA
Chapter 51: 51 -Two New Lights
Chapter 52: 52 - A Fated Meeting
Chapter 53: 53 - Into Kumo
Chapter 54: 54 - First Stage
Chapter 55: 55 - Just My Luck
Chapter 56: 56 - Problems Arise
Chapter 57: 57 - Quarter Finals
Chapter 58: 58 - A Long Overdue Battle
Chapter 59: 59 - A Dragon's Wrath I
Chapter 60: 60 - A Dragon's Wrath II

Chapter 27: 27 - Red Clouds and Old Hags

1.9K 46 7
By SasuNaru20

Chapter 27 - Red Clouds and Old Hags

## With Tsunade ##

Two women could be seen walking through the empty streets of the town. The reason they were empty was simply because they were walking through a castle that made that town famous.

The first woman had a slender frame and a rather large bust. She had brown eyes and long pale golden hair that was strapped in two pig tails. On her forehead she had a purple diamond tattoo. She was wearing a grass-green haori with the kanji for gamble written in black on the back, inside a red circle.

Underneath she wears a grey, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizeable cleavage. She wears open-toed sandals with high heels and red polish on both her fingernails and toenails. She also wears a soft pink lipstick. She was also wearing a necklace with a green stone, similar to an emerald.

The other person was a fair-skinned woman of average height and slender build with black eyes and hair. Her hair is straight and shoulder-length with bangs that cover her ears and frames her face. She was wearing a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels.

They were Senju Tsunade, Naruto's grandmother and a world renowned medic and her apprentice Kato Shizune.

Suddenly the earth started shaking and the castle they were walking to visit exploded and came crashing down. As the dust started to clear it showed that the castle was destroyed by a rather large snake with two people on top of his head.

"I found you" Orochimaru said from the top of the snakes head.

"Orochimaru" Tsunade said with her eyes widened. She hadn't seen her teammates in a very long time. It was approaching on two decades by now.

"Long no time no see Orochimaru" Tsunade said. She knew that Orochimaru was missing Nin and as such was treating him wearily especially since she knew exactly what he could do.

"You are difficult to find" Orochimaru replied.

"What do you want with me?" Tsunade asked trying to get this over with. "You didn't come to talk about the past did you?" Tsunade rhetorically asked.

"Actually I wanted to ask a small favor" Orochimaru said.

"He doesn't look good...he looks like he's in constant pain" Tsunade thought as she observed Orochimaru taking particular attention to his arm who was limp at his side with bandages around.

"Tsunade-sama you can already tell what we want" Kabuto said.

"Find another one...I've stopped performing medicine" Tsunade flatly replied.

"You can see very well the extent of the injury...there isn't another one" Kabuto explained.

"That arm...that isn't a simple injury" Tsunade said fishing for information. "A sealing technique...his arm isn't giving off chakra... as if it didn't even have chakra network" Tsunade analyzed.

"What did you do to get that?" Tsunade asked.

"Just something that happened when I attacked the leaf" Orochimaru said and Tsunade's eyes widened.

"You did what?" Tsunade asked surprised. "Looks like sensei did a number on you" Tsunade said chuckling.

"It wasn't sensei...it was your pesky of a grandson" Orochimaru said and both Tsunade and Shizune froze.

"What grandson?" Tsunade said.

"Don't tell me you didn't know" Orochimaru said chuckling. Tsunade dashed forward and grabbed him by his clothes.

"Answer me" Tsunade yelled giving off so much killer intent that Kabuto was sweating slightly.

"Exactly what I said. Your grandson did this to me" Orochimaru said.

"But...he's dead" Tsunade said and even Orochimaru got confused.

"He seemed very alive when he destroyed my chakra network" Orochimaru said annoyed. He still hadn't made his mind on to either kill the brat or kidnap him for his experiments. Maybe he could clone him and once the body was properly matured use it as his own.

"But...I got a letter from sensei saying that no one survived the Kyuubi's attack" Tsunade said shocked that her grandson was still alive. She knew that her daughter Kushina was pregnant at the time.

"Looks like someone has been playing games with you" Orochimaru said chuckling "You see...even sensei has betrayed you" Orochimaru said.

Tsunade was lost in thoughts at the revelation. Her own sensei said that no one survived the Kyuubi's attack and fourteen years later she hears that her grandson is alive and kicking.

"Enough of this" Tsunade said and punched a nearby wall completely destroying it. She would have her answers when she got to the leaf and no one would stop her. She was about to dash towards Orochimaru when he started talking again.

"If you heal me...I'll bring back your daughter, brother and lover" Orochimaru said smirking and everyone froze and Tsunade started shaking.

"Don't you want to be with them Tsunade?" Orochimaru asked pressuring her even more and she started sweating and remembering everything she had lost.

"If I heal that arm what will you do?" Tsunade asked making eye contact.

"I dislike lies so...I'll destroy the leaf" Orochimaru replied.

"Destroy the leaf?" Shizune rhetorically asked. "Tsunade-sama you can't accept this...I would like nothing more than to have them back but you can't heal his arm" Shizune stressed out.

"Shut up Shizune" Tsunade yelled and Orochimaru smirked. Tsunade sunk her head deep in thought.

"You don't have to answer now" Kabuto explained and she raised her head. "You will have a week and this kinjutsu requires human sacrifices so it's up to you to gather three sacrifices" Kabuto explained.

"Tsunade-sama let's kill them both here. With the state of his arm we won't get another chance" Shizune said but once she looked at Tsunade she fell silent. Tsunade was very deep in thought almost unaware of her surroundings.

"Don't think just because I can't do hand seals I can't put up a fight" Orochimaru said and bit his finger drawing blood. The moment Tsunade saw blood she started shivering and clutching to her necklace.

"I know of your fear for blood" Orochimaru said chuckling. "We will be going now and we will meet in one week" Orochimaru said and both of them disappeared in a blur.

## With Kisame and Itachi ##

Itachi and Kisame dropped the chase after Naruto, without losing his location, and started walking calmly through the town bursting with activities. They were searching for an appropriate distraction for the toad sage. The toad sage was a well renowned and self claimed super pervert and of course his biggest weakness was...women.

They were scanning the crowd until their eyes met with a woman that would get the job done very well. They calmly walked towards her and stopped in front of her. She had a slender body, C-cup breast, well toned and shaped legs, beautiful green eyes and dark blue hair. She was wearing a dark blue dress that ended just above her knees; all in all she was someone any man would drool for and Jiraya would be no exception.

"Can I help you?" the woman asked with a melodic voice as she watched the cloaked individuals stop in front of her. One of the cloaked men lifted his hat and the last thing she saw was a pair of deep blood red eyes as if they were staring into her soul.

## With Jiraya, Hinata and Naruto ##

The team was currently walking through the village in the hopes of finding a good hotel so they could rest for the night and the following day they would search for Tsunade. After a few minutes of walking they all noticed a hotel and decided to settle in.

As they were walking towards the entrance of the hotel Jiraiya spotted a woman. Now, this wouldn't be a surprise to anyone since all of them knew Jiraiya very well but the fact that said woman smiled and waved at Jiraiya actually surprised Naruto and Hinata. Jiraiya had hearts on his eyes as he saw the beauty that was waiting for him.

Jiraiya didn't even need to think twice as he said "Check in here and work on chakra control" Jiraiya said and ran as if his life depended on him towards the woman who was waiting for him with a small smile. Naruto just sweat dropped when he told him to work on chakra control, at least it wasn't that bad since Naruto's chakra control still could be better.

"Let's settle in" Naruto said and started walking into the hotel when he noticed that Hinata wasn't following him. "Something wrong?" Naruto asked as he watched Hinata look at the roof of one building.

"No Naruto-kun, let's go in" Hinata said and they both stepped in and walked towards the attendance desk where there was an elderly man waiting.

"We would like one room with two beds to spend the night" Naruto said and the man nodded.

"That will be 200 ryo" the man said and Naruto handed him the money and got the keys to his room.

Both walked up the stairs and headed towards their room. Their room was located on the second floor. They walked through a long hall before stopping at the right door. They opened it and walked in, it was a simple room with two beds, a couch, a table with chairs, a closet and a small window aimed towards the town.

Naruto immediately dropped his fan to the ground and plopped to the bed while Hinata went to look through the window and watched the activity going around in the town.

After a couple of minutes Naruto sat up in the bed and got into lotus position and started meditating. He look long breaths and sensed his heart rate slow down, he channeled chakra to his ears and he could hear everything, the water dripping in the bathroom, a small fly buzzing around and even Hinata's heart rate.

He decided to expand his senses to see if he could locate Tsunade around town but was surprised he didn't feel any hirashin seals nearby and he placed one in Hinata's ring.

Naruto opened his eyes and looked towards Hinata who was now sitting on the couch reading something. His eyes trailed towards her hands and noticed that she still had her fox ring on. He tried once again to feel the hirashin marker but couldn't, as he was sensing the mark he felt that Hinata's chakra was different from what he knew.

"Something is wrong" Naruto thought as he watched carefully Hinata, she seemed normal for now but her chakra was different and the hirashin mark didn't work.

"Hey Hinata-chan" Naruto called out gathering her attention "Did you know that ero-sennin said that my rasengan wasn't complete?" Naruto asked.

"No I didn't know. What is missing?" Hinata asked and Naruto smirked. Naruto, faster than lightning, pulled a kunai and threw it at the top of his speed towards Hinata. She didn't even consider that Naruto would attack her and got hit and the kunai embedded deep on her right shoulder missing her heart by a few inches.

Not even a couple of seconds later Hinata exploded in a poof of smoke revealing that it was nothing more than a shadow clone. Naruto was about to sit down and try to sense her hirashin marker when the door of his room was destroyed and two people were standing there.

They were both tall and they were wearing a long black cloak with red clouds in them and both had a straw hat with a small bell hanging there. Naruto couldn't see their faces and as such he couldn't identify his enemies. His pervert of a godfather picked the worst moment to go chase women.

Naruto sensed their chakra levels and noticed one of them had high kage chakra levels while the other was through the roof. One of the enemies was on par with him not counting the Kyuubi.

"Where is Hinata?" Naruto asked but both of them remained impassive. They removed their hats and showed Naruto who exactly they were.

"Uchiha Itachi" Naruto said and immediately his sharingan flared to life.

"Looks like the rumors were true, you really have the sharingan" Itachi said in his monotone voice.

"I will say this one...more...time. Where is Hinata?" Naruto asked. "If you touched a single hair on her head I swear to Kami I'll kill you both" Naruto said pissed off.

"All bark but no bite" the shark like man said laughing.

"Kage Shuriken no Jutsu" Naruto said and threw a single shuriken that multiplied upon dozens heading towards both intruders. Kisame just swinged his massive blade and swatted the shurikens aside making them fall to the ground harmlessly.

"He will be annoying. Can I cut his legs? He won't need them" Kisame asked Itachi.

"Enough Kisame" Itachi replied and turned to Naruto. "Naruto-kun, as long you come peacefully with us Hinata will not be harmed" Itachi said in his monotone voice.

"So you are with the Akatsuki right?" Naruto asked and both raised an eyebrow until it clicked in Itachi's mind.

"Jiraiya told you didn't he?" Itachi rhetorically asked.

"Yes he did but enough of that. Where is she?" Naruto asked.

"Now that would be telling" Kisame taunted.

"I had enough of this" Naruto said formed a shadow clone "Find her" He ordered the clone that immediately dropped to the ground in the lotus stance with the original not taking the eyes of both Akatsuki members. The clone extended his senses as far as he could to try locating Hinata's marker. A few seconds later he found it.

"I have her position" the clone replied and Naruto nodded. Itachi and Kisame both wondered want he meant when he said he had her position.

"Go rescue her" Naruto said and the clone vanished in a flash of yellow light heading towards Hinata's marker.

"That was the hirashin no jutsu" Itachi said god smacked and even Kisame raised an eyebrow. After all the hirashin technique was well known through the world and the legend that created it.

"You think I wouldn't take precautions?" Naruto asked loud enough for them to hear as they watched him walk through the room and pick a weapon they didn't notice it was there.

"That's Madara's Gunbai" Itachi thought as small smile graced his lips. The kid was really full of surprises.

Naruto channeled chakra to his storage seals and took a couple of three pronged kunais. With lightning speed and precision he threw them towards the Akatsuki members. Kisame was about to bring his sword to deflect them when he was grabbed by Itachi and flinged to the hall as Naruto appeared in front of him with a rasengan in hand.

"Dammit Kisame pay attention and stop underestimating your opponent" Itachi said as Kisame got up. "You remember what happened when you kidnapped Hinata" Itachi said and Kisame pouted. According to Kisame, Hinata was a slippery bitch and she didn't go down without a fight. Hinata managed to land a few juuken strikes that would have crippled anyone else and kicked him were the sun doesn't shine but thanks to his sword, Samehada, he managed to reopen his chakra points and heal any damage.

"Fine" Kisame replied and both took a stance. The brat might not be that good but the hirashin technique wasn't to be underestimated and apparently the brat knew the rasengan was well.

Itachi activated his sharingan and both Sharingan users locked eyes as if measuring the power beneath them. Itachi was surprised when he saw Naruto's chakra aura around him. He seemed to radiate a power but in a calm way. His chakra seemed powerful and violent but yet Naruto was calm and collected.

"Be careful Kisame, his chakra levels are on par with yours" Itachi said and Kisame laughed.

"Finally a challenge, we might need to change the location if this escalates." Kisame said snickering. He never knew someone that had as much chakra as him and finding such opponent was always good.

"We can't prolong this fight or Jiraiya might sense his chakra" Itachi explained and locked eyes with Naruto.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun but this is where it ends" Itachi said and Naruto got confused to what Itachi was taking about. Itachi talked as if his next move would ensure his victory. Naruto watched as Itachi closed his eyes and concentrated. The moment he opened the ordinary three tomoed sharingan was replaced by a three pointed shuriken.

"Tsukuyomi" Itachi said the moment his eyes opened.

"You are using those eyes to much Itachi-san" Kisame said as Itachi caught Naruto in his genjutsu.

"It was necessary. He knew how to use the hirashin and was going to prove himself difficult to catch" Itachi explained.

## Tsukuyomi World ##

Naruto's world shifted into another completely different. Naruto was now in an open field but the sky was red and clouds and sun deep black. Suddenly Itachi appeared in front of him staring intently at him as if studying him.

"So this is the Tsukuyomi" Naruto said as he studied the illusion.

"This is the ultimate genjutsu of the mangekyo sharingan. In here I am god; I control everything, even time itself. Three days in here are but three seconds in the real world." Itachi explained as Naruto was suddenly trapped in a wooden cross and Itachi appeared in front of him with a sword.

"You seem very proficient in this genjutsu" Naruto said and turned to lock eye with Itachi. "How is your eyesight these days?" Naruto innocently asked and Itachi froze.

"He couldn't have...its impossible...not even the tablet says that the mangekyo blinds the user" Itachi thought as he eyed Naruto very carefully and wearily.

"How do you know?" Itachi asked actually interested.

"I know a lot Itachi and I know you will eventually end up blind" Naruto cryptically said taunting Itachi but he didn't bite. Itachi studied Naruto very carefully particularly his sharingan. His chakra pathways beneath Naruto's eyes seemed very well developed indicating he had the sharingan for years now.

"You really are Madara's grandson. I've noticed that you awakened your eyes a few years ago" Itachi said and Naruto nodded.

"I was five at the time" Naruto explained and Itachi raised an eyebrow.

"You are skilled...a shame we must take you. Now let's begin" Itachi said and was about to stab Naruto when he got interrupted.

"How about we don't get started" Naruto said and Itachi was surprised by his statement. Suddenly Naruto's eyes started spinning until it turned into a complete new pattern.

"A mangekyo?" Itachi asked surprised. He would never in a million on years expect Naruto to have advanced his sharingan to the next level.

Suddenly the whole world froze and Itachi was rooted in place. Piece by piece the Tsukuyomi world started shattering until it remained nothing but pieces on the floor, like a mirror breaking. Moments later Naruto was back in the real world still staring at Itachi.

## Real World ##

Kisame was about to ask what happened when Itachi fell to his knees clutching his head in pain and bleeding from his eyes. "You broke my Tsukuyomi" Itachi asked but it was more a statement as he noticed that Naruto wasn't even affected by the genjutsu and he broke it like nothing.

"Jinchuurikis are immune to illusions. You should now that" Naruto said taunting Itachi and Kisame reacted by swinging his sword and trying to smack Naruto but to his surprise his sword phased right through Naruto. When the sword left his body, Naruto turned and tried to slam a rasengan into his chest but to Naruto's surprised the rasengan was absorbed into the sword.

"That was like Madara's technique...is it because he is his grandson?" Itachi thought as he watched Kisame's sword phase right through Naruto.

"What the hell?" Naruto asked when he noticed his rasengan being literally eaten by his sword.

"My sword absorbs chakra, ninjutsu is useless against me" Kisame said laughing and tried another swing making Naruto jump back.

"Then taijutsu is the only thing left" Naruto thought and looked back at Itachi who was still recovering from Naruto breaking his illusion. "Ninjutsu is useless as long he has his sword" Naruto mused in thought.

Naruto decided to employ his strongest form of taijutsu. He channeled lightning chakra through his arms and legs to increment his strength and was using his kamui to outmaneuver Kisame.

Naruto jumped in the air and tried a spin kick making Kisame tilt back slightly. Naruto allowed this opening and gave him an upward kick on his arm removing the Samehada from his grasp.

Naruto picked the sword by the hilt but was surprised when the sword's hilt expanded and shredded his hand's skin making him drop the sword on the ground and clutch to his bleeding hand.

Taking this advantage Naruto was forced to duck under a kick. Kisame saw Naruto duck and placing his hands on the ground for support used his other leg to kick his shoulder and throw him back. Naruto used this opportunity and slipped an explosive tag in Kisame's chest without him noticing.

Naruto was pushed back by the kick; he flipped mid air and landed on the ground harmlessly. Kisame's was grinning like a mad man until Naruto placed his right hand on the tiger sign and said "KAI" and the tag exploded killing Kisame.

"Now for you" Naruto said as he walking towards Itachi who was slowly regaining his footing from the pain he got. Naruto was about to attack him when he was kicked from behind and sent flying into the wall.

Naruto shakily got up and wiped a bit of blood from his mouth. He had cracked a rib from that kick but Kurama was already healing him. Thank god he had the fan on his back otherwise that kick would have done a lot more damage.

Naruto got up to see who was the author of said kick and noticed Kisame was grinning at him. "I know for sure you weren't a clone" Naruto said surprised to see Kisame back to his feet like nothing had happened.

"As long as I have chakra my sword heals me for everything. I don't tire and I never fall" Kisame said grinning.

"They are both dangerous opponents. If Itachi can use the Tsukuyomi then he might be able to use those other two" Naruto thought.

"Kisame be careful...he has the mangekyo as well" Itachi explained and Kisame took noticed to Naruto's new eyes. He grinned, happy to see that he would have a good fight. Up until now they all were doing lame missions without any worthy adversaries.

Naruto was about to dash towards them when he received information from his clone.

## With Naruto's clone ##

Naruto identified Hinata's marker and noticed she was about a mile from their current location. He pulled the marker and was teleported to Hinata's location. He arrived at some room with everything dark.

He activated his sharingan to scan his surroundings when he noticed Hinata tied to a chair all beat up with blood dripping from her lips. Naruto quickly made his way towards her and gently lifted her head to notice she was barely awake but at least she was alive.

"Hinata, Hinata?" Naruto asked gently shaking her from her slumber.

"N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata barely manage to ask. Her voice was slipping and she was in pain all over.

"Don't worry, you are safe now" Naruto said and warped her into his sharingan dimension and placed her down on the floor since he didn't exactly have a bed on his dimension.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique)" Naruto said and in a poof of smoke Kagura appeared.

"Kagura hurry and help Hinata" Naruto quickly said not even giving her time to realize where she was. Kagura immediately dropped next to Hinata and started doing a routine exam on her body. She was a bit bruised but she didn't seem to have any external wounds.

"Where are we?" Kagura asked. She looked at her surroundings and she was sitting on some metal cube. She looked around and there was nothing at the horizon but more cubes. The sky was pitch black, no sun, no clouds, no sound, no wind, nothing but emptiness and darkness.

"We are in my pocket dimension created by my sharingan. We are safe here" Naruto explained as Kagura was healing Hinata.

"She has multiple cracked ribs as well her left leg and a dislocated shoulder" Kagura explained and Naruto clenched his fists, they were going to pay.

"N-Naru..." Hinata tried to say.

"Shhh...don't talk Hinata. Rest now, you are safe" Naruto explained and gently kissed her forehead and she went to sleep.

"Kagura take care of her, I need to inform the boss" Naruto said. Naruto saw Kagura nodding and dispelled in smoke.

## Back to Naruto ##

"You hurt Hinata-chan...you are going to pay" Naruto said and they both braced themselves for what was coming. Their leader warned them about engaging a jinchuuriki or even worse...a pissed off jinchuuriki.

"Come Kurama" Naruto said to his partner.

"Yes...let's show them what happens when they hurt our mates" Kurama replied and started sending his chakra to Naruto. In the real world Naruto was started to get enveloped in a blood red chakra cloak. His eyes maintained his mangekyou activated but his whiskers became more defined and his fangs elongated.

Behind Naruto were nine chakra tails swinging wildly. "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY" Naruto said and in a shockwave he launched himself at the top of his speed towards Itachi. The shockwave blew up the hall of the hotel and destroyed part of the wall; they all jumped out. Itachi and Kisame were running out of town with a pissed jinchuuriki on their tail.

Both of them shared the same thought "Shiiiiit"

## With Jiraiya ##

Jiraiya was happily walking through town showing his date some fun and winning a few prizes for her. Jiraiya didn't know if today was a special day but the stores were bursting with activity and providing multiple games for tourists.

"You see that?" Jiraiya asked and the woman giggled at his excitement. He did manage to break all the plates but it was nothing special for a shinobi.

Suddenly a massive amount of chakra washed through the city and even the civilians were panicking and running like wild chickens from the feeling they got.

"Dammit Naruto" Jiraiya thought as he was preparing to run towards his godson.

"Sorry but I have to leave" Jiraiya said and jumped away from his company quickly running towards his godson.

## With Orochimaru and Kabuto ##

Both of them felt the Kyuubi's chakra being unleashed and it wasn't very far from their location. It felt like he was about five, six miles away from them.

"Looks like the kyuubi brat is in town" Orochimaru said chuckling "Though I wonder what he could be doing to be using this amount of the kyuubi's chakra" Orochimaru wondered.

"It might be the Akatsuki" Kabuto provided an explanation "Should we go help?" Kabuto asked.

"Naruto-kun can take care of himself" Orochimaru said chuckling evilly. "After all I don't pick weak and ordinary vessels" Orochimaru explained.

"But Sasuke-kun isn't even close to the level of Naruto-kun" Kabuto said.

"How very true" Orochimaru agreed "However Sasuke is driven by vengeance and he will be easier to convince and he also has the sharingan. I would prefer Naruto-kun above all others since he even has the mangekyo but he won't come easily" Orochimaru explained and Kabuto nodded.

## With Tsunade and Shizune ##

Both women were at a bar with Tsunade drinking herself stupid with sake. After what she just heard from Orochimaru it wasn't particularly hard to understand why she was doing this.

Even though Tsunade was lightly drunk both of them could easily feel the chakra that washed through the whole town. The chakra felt like power beyond anything, it felt like transcended human understanding.

"Tsunade-sama do you feel that?" Shizune asked shivering. She knows very well what the kyuubi did to Konoha fourteen years ago.

"Uh?" Tsunade asked lifting her head from the table. Her cheeks were red from all the alcohol she had ingested. "That's...Kyuubi" Tsunade said and she was performing a self healing technique design to quickly purge the sake from her system.

"Shizune let's go" Tsunade said picking up her jacket and running out of the bar heading towards the chakra source.

"Hai" Shizune replied following her sensei.

## Back with Naruto ##

Itachi and Kisame were running out of town with Naruto hot on their trails. They stopped near an empty field and decided to make their stand there.

"Kisame we can't prolong this. Jiraiya definitely sensed the Kyuubi's chakra" Itachi stressed out and Kisame nodded.

"What do you suggest?" Kisame asked. He dropped the playful attitude and took a more serious one. Any jinchuuriki using their bijuu would be a dangerous opponent.

"The Tsukuyomi is useless and using it again would most likely knock me out" Itachi explained. "Keep him busy. The backslash from Tsukuyomi weakened me and I need to gather chakra for the next move" Itachi said and Kisame nodded.

"So you finally stopped running?" Naruto asked approaching both Akatsuki members. He was calmly walking towards them in all fours. Itachi jumped slightly back and started concentrating while Kisame stood his ground to face off against Naruto.

"Let's play" Naruto said and rushed Kisame at blinding speeds but Kisame wasn't an S-rank shinobi for nothing and could track him rather well.

He quickly approached Kisame and tried to punch him by extending his chakra arm but Kisame jumped to the side. Naruto brought his chakra claw down again but Kisame blocked it with his sword and absorbed the chakra destroying the chakra hand.

"So you can even absorb bijuu's chakra?" Naruto asked surprised. Bijuu's chakra was one of the most potent ones out there.

"Yes and by the looks of it Samehada likes your chakra" Kisame said grinning as Samehada was shaking with excitement at eating such good chakra.

"Suiton - Baku Suishouha (Great Exploding Water Wave)" Kisame said and pumped his lungs full of chakra expelling a gigantic wave of water that came crashing into the ground. Naruto jumped up to avoid being hit and landed back on the water once it calmed down.

"Raiton - Jibashi (Electromagnetic Murder)" Naruto said and channeled lightning charka through the water trying to shock Kisame but to his surprised the sword absorbed it once again it the water remaining.

"That sword is annoying" Naruto said and Kisame laughed.

"I know...isn't it great?" Kisame said.

"Suiton: Goshokuzame (Five Hungry Sharks)" Kisame said and slammed his hand onto the water. As he poured chakra into the water, it started molding until it formed five sharks that started speeding towards Naruto who remained in place.

The sharks quickly arrived near Naruto and flew out of the water trying to eat him but Naruto just swatted them away like flies using his fan. In just a second all the sharks disintegrated back into water.

Acting on the surprised face of Kisame he quickly threw a three pronged kunai towards him as fast as he could. Kisame snapped out of his stupor and jumped as far as he could and managed to avoid a rasengan to his chest.

"It seems Naruto-kun's range is limited to about 15 feet from the kunais" Itachi concluded as he watched Naruto's hirashin. Itachi was gathering up chakra but he could still watch and analyze the battle for any weakness Naruto may have.

"Kisame stay 15 feet away from the kunais" Itachi yelled out and Kisame nodded.

"He figured it out" Naruto thought a bit surprised but Itachi wasn't called a prodigy for nothing.

Naruto was busy in his thoughts he didn't he noticed Kisame appear right behind. "Suiton - Suirou no Jutsu (Water Prison)" Kisame said and water enveloped Naruto trapping him inside a water bubble.

"I got you now" Kisame said grinning.

"No you don't" Naruto said and using his Kamui he simple walked out of the bubble much to the surprised face of Kisame. Naruto took the moment and with a well placed kick threw his Samehada away from him.

Naruto channeled chakra to his right hand and a swirling sound could be heard. "Oodama Rasengan" Naruto said but he still couldn't maintain his big rasengan and it destabilized blowing up in front of him.

Kisame's chest got a few deep wounds like they were made with claws and was thrown backwards bleeding from his chests. Samehada quickly approached his master and healed him. In just a few seconds Kisame was back on his feet.

"I really hate that sword" Naruto thought sighing. If he didn't find a way to rid him off that sword permanently this would go on until one of them ran out of chakra.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Great Fireball technique)" Naruto said and this time sent a big fireball powered with the kyuubi's chakra towards Itachi who wouldn't be able to dodge in time.

Kisame quickly appeared in front of Itachi and said "Suiton - Suijinheki (Water Wall)" and a water wall rose up and blocked the fireball creating a mist of steam that quickly dissipated as it was an open field.

Naruto, using the mist as cover, made shadow clones that took his place while the original went beneath the water and underground. Kisame was quickly running towards Naruto to keep him busy and away from Itachi so he didn't realize it was only a clone.

"Shadow Clone Explosion" the clone Naruto said and exploded. Kisame brought his sword in time and blocked the fire and jumped back to find Naruto only to see him right in front of Itachi.

The original Naruto quickly rose from the ground right in front of Itachi. Naruto's eyes were glowing with power. Naruto locked eyes with Itachi and whispered "Tsukuyomi"

## Naruto's Tsukuyomi World ##

Naruto dragged Itachi into his own genjutsu. Naruto after seeing Itachi's Tsukuyomi knew how to perform it. Since Naruto's Tsukuyomi was copied from Itachi, his world was similar. The sky was red with sun and clouds being pitch black.

"Welcome to my world. In here I'm god; I control everything, even time itself" Naruto said smirking and taking a page from Itachi's book.

"Very impressive Naruto-kun to be able to use this technique on your first try" Itachi said.

"Thank you" Naruto said and like Itachi he started stabbing Itachi with swords over and over but Itachi didn't scream or wince once.

"But..." Itachi said and Naruto focused on him "You are still far away from mastering it" Itachi said and the Tsukuyomi snapped like a twig and they were brought back to the real world.

## Real World ##

Naruto was brought forcefully to the real world and arrived just in time to duck under a swing from Samehada. However the sword still grazed him and yanked a chunk of his chakra forcing Naruto into a three tailed state.

"Damn...that sword can eat" Naruto thought as he looked towards Samehada who seemed to grow in size quite a bit.

"This is it Naruto-kun" Itachi said and his right eye started bleeding. "Amaterasu" Itachi said and around Naruto, black flames appeared out of nowhere and started burning Naruto.

Naruto was enveloped in the black flames and his three tailed cloak proved useless against the heat and power of the flames. Naruto quickly activated his Kamui and walked out of the flames with his skin scorched.

"What...he can even avoid the Amaterasu flames" Itachi said astonished. He would never expect Naruto's mangekyo powers to be this powerful. "It only proves that Madara is a real menace" Itachi thought. If Naruto is this powerful and such young age he didn't even want to think what power Madara could have.

Naruto took a couple of heavy breaths and recomposed himself. Kurama had already healed the scorched skin so Naruto was good to go. Naruto looked carefully at the black flames and analyzed them as best he could.

"So that's the Amaterasu" Naruto thought and Kurama nodded as he had seen them before. "If I didn't have the Kamui I would resort to fuuinjutsu but it would take time" Naruto pondered in thought.

"So that's how they are created" Naruto thought to himself "By making the particles vibrate to insane levels he summons intense flames and, by making them absorb the radiation, it sustains the vibrations and makes their color black" Naruto concluded after looking very carefully at the flames. He would have to try this later but it was time to end this.

"Naruto be careful...he may be able to use the Susanoo" Kurama warned him. Itachi had already used two of three powers of his eyes.

"I will" Naruto replied as he watching them very carefully. Itachi looked like he was about to faint. Being a half blood with a mangekyo must be very taxing and painful.

"The brat is tough" Kisame said. Kisame was relatively healthy and his chakra reserves weren't even winded much like Naruto. Itachi on the other hand was a mess.

"Time to end this" Naruto said before coiling himself with his three tails around him. Naruto was enveloped in a blackish purple barrier that blocked Kisame's view of Naruto. A second later the barrier exploded with a roar and their eyes widened to what they saw.

It was Naruto however it wasn't the one they knew. Naruto was now completely enveloped in the Kyuubi's chakra as it became his own skin. His ears were bigger, his eyes were still blood red with the mangekyo and he had four tails in his back. This was his version 2 cloak and he looked like a miniature Kyuubi.

"Ready?" the "Kyuubified" Naruto asked smirking.

"You think you can scare us?" Kisame rhetorically asked before flashing through hand seals and slamming his hands on the remaining water.

"Suiton: Senshokukō (A Thousand Hungry Sharks)" Kisame said and from the water countless sharks emerged all going towards our blonde.

As the sharks were coming closer, Naruto simply raised his right hand/paw and slammed it to the ground with huge force. A big shockwave emerged and vaporized all the sharks along with the water. When the dust settled down there was nothing more than a crater with Kisame holding Itachi.

"We have severally underestimated the brat" Kisame said taking deep breaths and Itachi gave him a look the clearly said "You think?"

They didn't have time to think as Naruto was preparing his next attack. His tails were coiled around Naruto ending just above his head. Blue and red chakra was seen floating in the air. Suddenly all the chakra started compressing until it formed a perfect sphere still hovering mid air.

Both Kisame and Itachi were watching very carefully just what he was about to do until he swallowed the charka sphere. "He ate it?" Kisame asked out loud.

Naruto had just eaten the ball when Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shizune arrived at the scene. "Naruto is that you in there?" Jiraiya asked but Naruto couldn't exactly speak right now.

"Jiraiya what is happening?" Tsunade asked to her teammate. She didn't have much experience in fighting Jinchuurikis or using seals.

"Brace yourselves" Naruto managed to say before the ball exploded in his stomach making him look like a hamster. From Naruto's mouth came smoke and it was clear that something was about to come out.

"Bijuudama" Naruto said and reddish ball of energy exploded from Naruto's mouth going with tremendous speed towards both Akatsuki members. Itachi's eyes glowed just before the energy ball hit them and exploded destroying everything.

The ground was shaking like an earthquake, the wind was furiously pushing everything back and everything was torn apart, even the earth itself was destroyed.

"What in the wor..."Jiraiya was cut off as he had summoned the stomach of a toad to protect himself along with Tsunade and Shizune from the blast and the heat the wind was carrying.

The blast was over and the dust was clearing and right in front of Naruto there was nothing more than destruction. Around Naruto was a 20 meter wide crater but the real damage was directly in front of him, a 100 meter path that was blasted away.

As the dust cleared, Jiraiya dropped his shield and his jaw dropped at the destruction ahead of him. The whole plain where they stood was now nothing more than rubble. Kisame and Itachi were still alive as Itachi had a reddish humanoid barrier around him.

"That's it Naruto. The Susanoo..." Kurama said from his mind and Naruto watched as Itachi rose from the ground with his Susanoo still active.

"The shield withstood a low powered bijuudama" Naruto replied to his partner.

"That is just a watered down version of it. The real Susanoo can destroy mountains by itself" Kurama explained and Naruto got giddy.

"Kisame we are leaving" Itachi said and fainted. Kisame picked him up and as fast as he could shunshined away from the area. They were barely holding against Naruto but now Jiraiya and Tsunade had arrived.

"Naruto...are you in there?" Jiraiya asked as he approached the Kyuubified Naruto with caution.

"Yes...it's me" Naruto said as he dropped his cloak and sat on the ground to catch his breath.

"What in the world was that?" Jiraiya almost yelled out pointing towards the blast field.

"That was the bijuu's ultimate attack. It's called a bijuudama (Tailed Beast Ball) and that is what my father based the rasengan on" Naruto explained as he got up to his feet and cleaned his forehead of sweat.

"You picked the best time to go peek at the hot springs...they kidnapped Hinata" Naruto said and Jiraiya's eyes widened.

"Did you get her back?" Jiraiya asked.

"I did but she was injured. I've got a medical fox taking care of her" Naruto explained and turned to see Tsunade and Shizune looking at him with their jaws on the ground.

"By the way...I found Tsunade" Jiraiya said and everyone sweat dropped.

"Hey there....baa-chan"

Like it? R&R

Can't have them dying yet, I have plans for Itachi that are different from cannon btw.

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