Why's it Gotta Be You? (Larry...

By YouXLoveXMe

11.6K 148 59

Louis and Harry are best mates. But when a slight doubt in there own relationships are uprising, they never w... More

Why's it Gotta Be You? (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter 2: Confusion
Chapter 3: Moving Out; Part 1
Chapter 3: Moving Out - Part 2
Chapter 4: Field Trip
Chapter 5: Stuck
Chapter 6: Tell Me A Lie - Part 2
Chapter 7: Make It Out
Chapter 8: Patch Up What Needs Healing; Part 1

Chapter 6: Tell Me A Lie - Part 1

756 12 4
By YouXLoveXMe

Chapter 5: Tell Me A Lie Part 1

Louis' POV:

I clenched my fists tighter and stared even more intently at my toes as Harry glided past me quickly. I heard the front door slam violently afterwards. My nose inhaled a strong scent. Was that....no. That couldn't be the smell of alcohol on Harry right? Never.

I let out a long breath through my nose, walking to sit in a chair. The tantalizing smell of French toast caused my mouth to water, and I couldn't help searching for the source. And there it was. Right across the table. Two stacks of toast, covered in sticky syrup and piled high with whipped topping. And, of course, the strawberries. My stomach began to quake. I was positively starving. As I stood to go grab the plate, I heard the 'clang' of a can hit the grass right by the window. Then a spew of curses. Harry.

Toast long forgotten, I snuck up on the window, crouching down so he wouldn't see. Peering out, I saw Harry stumbling down onto the beach. No, more like teetering. The hell was wrong with him? He kicked some sand sloppily, finally settling down in the same position I was in yesterday. Great. Looks like this is gonna be the new routine for us. Warily, I pulled the curtains over the window, walking back to the kitchen table.

But now, my stomach wasn't in the mood for French toast anymore. It wasn't in the mood for anything. Again.


Harry's POV:

It's been 5 days now. And he hasn't said a single word to me. The routine now was, I slept on the couch, he slept on the bed upstairs. We didn't discuss this, I just decided to sleep there. And he, obviously, had no choice but to sleep on the bed. He could have objected, like he would have before, saying we most defiantly could share the bed, but that was before he hated me. Then in the mornings, I'd make breakfast. Sometimes I ate, and most of the time, I snuck out a few bottles out to get wasted on the beach. That's how it was. I was outside, drunk. And he was inside....not...drunk...

Showering? Rarely. And if Louis did, he probably did it whilst I was outside. And I did while Louis was asleep. I was getting kind of sick of this. Just the fact that Louis is HERE. And I'm not with him. It's not like he wants me with him anyways. Whatever.


Louis' POV:

(Day 6)

I sat silently on the large living room couch, staring aimlessly around the room. It's been almost another week, and I still haven't spoken to Harry. I'm too much of a coward too. And kinda because I don't ever see him. He's always outside.

I really don't know what to do at this point. In these 7 days, we were supposed to make up. Everything was supposed to return back to normal. Supposed to. But things don't always go as planned.

Suddenly, my pocket began to vibrate. Sighing, I dug inside, pulling it out. Probably Eleanor. She's been calling and texting all week, saying how sorry she was, and how much she misses me. It's sickening. I feel like a monster. I ended up hurting her feelings, and she was the one apologizing to me. I was a complete bastard.

I stared at the screen in surprise. Quickly, I clicked answer.

"Hey mum,"

The voice on the other end was hostile.

" 'Hey mum?' That's all I get? Where on earth are you Louis William Tomlinson?!"

I sucked in a sharp breath. Mum only uses my full name when she's severely pissed off. And she rarely ever is.

"I-I'm at a beach house mum."



"Is Harry there?" her voice was suspicious.

I gulped. "Y-yeah,"

"Put him on the phone."

I swallowed nervously. Oh God.

"Uhm, what?"

"You heard me. Put Harold on the phone."

Harold? She's using his first name too? God Damn, she must be seething.

"I...I can't..." I whispered hoarsely. My voice hasn't been used in a while.

"And why's that?"

I sighed. What on earth am I supposed to tell her now? I can't put Harry on the phone. I can't even look at him.

"Oh, well....uhm, you see mum -"

"Louis. Tell me what happened."

I gulped again. "I-I dunno what you mean mum."

"Louis," her voice was edged with warning.

Damn! There was no getting around mum. She could read me like an open book. Even when she couldn't see me.

I sighed heavily. My hands trembled a bit, and I pulled my legs up to sit crossed legged.

"Well, me and Harry got in a really big argument..and...and now..he.." I paused, taking a shaky breath. I could feel myself on the verge of tears again. "He hates me mum."

After the words left my mouth, I let out a choked sob. After the longest time, I just couldn't hold it in anymore. He really does hate me. He wont speak to me, he won't look at me. He doesn't acknowledge my presence. It was killing me.

I knew I brought this on myself too. All those times, rejecting Harry, blowing him off, making him feel like the third wheel. And honestly, now that I'm thinking it over, taking it to moving out? I took it too far. I pushed him to the limit. I damaged whatever friendship we still had left after all that. Permanently.

"Oh God, Louis? Louis, answer me babe!" my mum said.

I was still sobbing. I made pathetic, broken sounds into the phone.

"Shh, shh baby, it's okay. It's okay. We can fix this. I'm positive Harry doesn't hate you." her voice became cheeky. "Who could?"

"You don't get it mum, I did something awful. Really awful." I managed out.

"Tell me hon, tell me."

I continued to bawl for a few minutes, sniffing uncontrollably, mum just whispering soothing words through the phone. After I regained myself, I began to again, for the second time, explain all the awful events of the past weeks. And the more I kept talking about it, the worse the pain in my chest got. This was literally killing me.

And after I finished babbling and sputtering, sat exhausted, panting into the phone. Oh how I wished mum was here, letting me rest in her arms. I really needed human contact.

"Oh Boobear," she whispered, her voice close to tears too. "Eleanor caused all this?"

"No," I sniffed. "It's all my fault."

"But she should have understood you couldn't have moved out! Haz is like your own brother!"

"I know," I mumbled.

"Lou, what she did wasn't right. Same to you. I think you need to go apologize to Harry."

I sniffed again. "But mum, I'm still upset at him. He doesn't trust me enough anymore. He won't tell me why he hates Eleanor. I just don't understand. I mean, I just wanted them to get along. I love them both so much. I hated it when they fought. And now..." I paused, burying my face in my free hand. "I really miss him."

"Them?" she corrected me.

"No," I whispered, brushing away fresh tears. "Him."


Harry's POV:

I was lying down on my back, facing the cloudy sky. Soft winds swept down occasionally to stir my mangy curls. I swear, my whole body smelled like ocean and salt from spending all these on the beach.

Nothing's changed. Not surprising. I let out a lingering sigh, then closed my weary eyes. At least I wasn't dead ass drunk today. I ran out of bottles and containers.

Honesty, there's nothing more to think about. After they come to get us, they're gonna realize nothing's changed. We're going to cause a shitload of chaos on the whole band. And may even break it apart. At the sudden thought, I sprung up to a sitting position. No. The band can't split. I swore I would do anything to keep this band together. They're what's kept me together for so long. But...one very crucial piece of fabric that's been the holding me intact has just unraveled. And I'm slowly dematerializing. I'm loosing it. I have been for a while now. I'm just so sick of everything. I just want to escape.

I stared blankly at the ocean. I wonder. What would happen if I disappeared? Just randomly, faded from existence? What if I drowned?

Slowly, I began to stand up and pace my way towards the ocean. No more dealing with the pain in my chest. No more dealing with the fact I can't tell someone I love so dearly something I really, really have to. Water was lapping at my feet now. I was getting closer. No more Eleanor. No more alcohol. No more anything. I was now ankle deep in ocean.

What now? I mean, if I really was going to go, shouldn't I say goodbye to Lou? Guess I should. But what to say?

Oh God, am I really doing this? Knee deep in water? Guess I am. Shouldn't I be panicking? I'm about to die, for gods sake! Jeez. I'm calm as shit.

I snuck a glance a look back at the beach house. I'm going to leave the most important person to me in the whole world. Next to mum. And Gemma. God dammit! I snaked out my phone. If I'm going to leave Louis without telling him, I might as well tell him this.

I snapped a long text, then threw my phone in front of me, watching it plop into the deep waters ahead.

And now, it was my turn. I took a few more steps till the water lapped at my bare stomach. My mind, still calm, began to register what I was doing. I shut my eyes.

"Bye mum. Bye Gemma. Bye boys. And last but not least, bye Lou. I'm sorry for everything."

And then, I plunged into the depths of the ocean.


Louis' POV:

After I hung up with mum, I stayed curled on the couch, clicking through twitter. I was instantly flooded with millions of worried tweets. Sighing, I clicked out. This was my business. I didn't need to reassure everyone I was okay. Because I wasn't.

Suddenly, as I began to set down my phone, a text buzzed in. Lazily, without looking at the I.D, I clicked 'read.'

And then, my heart stopped.


Louis. I know this is really sudden, and I should be doing this in person...but...I don't think I'll ever get a chance to do this again. So Louis, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. And most of all, I love you Boo. Don't ever forget that. Ever.

Bye Boobear.'

---- End of Part 1.

Don't kill me..... O.o Haha, yeah....you dying to know what happens next? I have the next part written and ready to goooo....I'm just waiting for comments, votes and fans ;) So yeah! Until the next time lovelies :D

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