Aphmau Boyfriend Scenarios

By miss-fanfictions

674K 12.7K 17K

This includes! Gene~ Dante~ Laurence~ Travis~ Vylad~ Zane~ Aaron~ More

Where He Takes You on Your First Date
His Nickname for you
Your Nickname for him
Where They like to Kiss you!
How You Sleep Together
He Tells You He Loves You
How he Likes your Hair!
His Clothes you Like to Steal
His Favorite Meal to Cook for you!
What he Does When You're Sick!
What he Does When You're Sad!
He Gets you a Pet!
You Tell him You're Pregnant
How You Get Your Way!
!~One~Shot Winner~!
Their Favorite Thing About You
Your Favorite Thing About Them
What They're Insecure About
What Makes Them Jealous
The Pick~Up~Line he Loves to Tell You
The First Time You Did "It"
What Turns Them On
"I love it when..."
How he Likes Your Makeup
The Swimsuit They Buy for You
They Walk in On You Changing
Their Kink
Who They're Jealous Of
Q/A Answers •3•
Their Quote
|Video Games| Aaron x Reader •Part Two•
Garroth Q/A
Garroth Q&A Answer
|Video Games| Aaron x Reader •Part Three•
Who Kawaii~Chan Shipped You With Before
What Your Parents Think About Him
How you meet [MCD]

|Video Games| AaronxReader

9.5K 147 122
By miss-fanfictions

(Y/n)- Your Name
(L/n)- Your Last Name
(F/c)- Favorite Color
(H/l)- Hair Length
(H/c)- Hair Color
(U/n)- Username
(E/c)- Eye Color
(S/c)- Skin Color
May Update Through One Shots~

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" I yelled rapidly at the screen, waving around my arms furiously while my hands clutched my controller.

I through the controller aside, disconnecting it from the game console with a frustrated scream into my hands.

It may not seem like much to you, but I just spent weeks using every free moment to play this game and prepare for this battle, only to be taken down in minutes by a dragon.

The time to leave for school was long gone, but I couldn't will myself to get up from my chair and leave. So after a few minutes of sulking, I got up and grabbed my bookbag before leaving.

My (h/l) (h/c) hair was messy and only barely brushed, and my face was obviously not washed. My uniform clothes might have been the same ones I wore last week, but I don't think I really noticed any of that.

I was still very upset, and very much raging over how trash and unfare that game was.

So upset in fact, I barely noticed the fact I ran straight into a wall.

"Ow, what the-?" I looked up, only coming face to face with a boy, not a wall. He was built way to well for a highschooler, and despite crashing into me, I think his uniform was already quite messy.

"Sorry, excuse me," the boy said briefly, barley glancing over my short figure.

In a quick moment it was like I froze looking up at the boy. His voice was deep and alluring, dragging me in with only a few words.

"Are you okay?" He asked, probably because I was just staring at him with a very dumbfounded look.

I don't know what it was, but I think I'm just going to have to blame it on the lack of sleep and skipping breakfast.

I nodded, snapping back and quickly stepped out of his way. As if I have to mention the red blush that stung my (s/c) cheeks.

The boy eyed me curiously, seemingly to look over me with more interest than his glance before.

"Um... you do know there's a big red stain on your shirt, right?" He asked.

Instinctly the memory of spaghetti night on Friday hit me, and I remember refusing to change from my uniform and ate while playing my game. Do I need to say anymore?

"O-Oh-?!" I stuttered, looking down at the large red stain on my white uniform shirt that I had failed to notice before.

The boy looked at me, sensing how desperate I was and looked before digging in his back for only a moment before tossing me a t-shirt. It was the school's gym uniform shirt, and way too big for me. I couldn't really complain though.

"Keep it," he mumbled, adjusting his bag on his back before hesitantly making his way to his classroom.

Once he was out of my way and sight, I dashed for the girls bathroom. I got into a stall and pulled on the gym uniform shirt.

It was so large I had to tuck it into my skirt, but after that it didn't look too bad. I would definitely however have to explain what was with my odd outfit, and that would probably be embarrassing.

With a sigh, I exited the stall and walked over to the sinks and mirrors. I leaned over a sink to peer into one of the mirrors.

Now I noticed that not washing my face was paying back in blemishes and the lack of sleep left deep bags under my (e/c) eyes. If I didn't have to say it already, I looked disgusting.

My hair was a tangled mess that was extremely unacceptable. Luck was on my side there though. I did find a hair tie at the bottom of my bag to tie it up so that it was not as terrible looking.

I groaned quietly, leaning against the sink and dropping my head so my chin touched my shirt. Er, that guy's shirt. It smelled of his cologne and well, what I could assume was his sweat considering this was his gym shirt. Despite this, it actually smelled quite nice.

The door to the bathroom squeaked as it opened, and my head snapped to look for the person who had entered. A sigh of relief passed my (s/c) lips as I noticed it was only Katelyn, a friend of mine.

She paused upon seeing me, furrowing her brows and uttering my name not so quietly.

"(Y/n)?" She asked, stirring up a red hue on my poor face.

"Were you late? I didn't see you this morning," she said, walking over to the sink where I rested my hands to lean on. "Uh.. you just got up, right? No offense, but you look like trash."

I gave Katelyn a stare, trying to tell her with my eyes that I obviously knew how terrible I looked, and how I didn't want her to bring it up.

She nodded and looked away from me with a sigh, understanding what I meant.

"I'm going to assume that you've been playing Ember an unhealthy amount of time again and you were late to school because you were playing it," she said, shaking her head, "Y'know, I want you to learn from this experience, but I'll help you out just this once."

I turned to look at Katelyn again, watching her pull out her phone with my own look of confusion.

She sent a quick text, telling me to be patient.

In a matter of moments, a meif'wa girl with pink hair ran into the bathroom, Kawaii~Chan. I had saw her talking with Katelyn and Aphmau quite a few times, but I had never talked to her personally.

"Thanks for coming Kawaii~Chan, this is (Y/n)," Katelyn introduced me, "Um, we were wondering if you could help (Y/n) look a little more... presentable. She's having a bad day."

Kawaii~Chan squealed happily, nearly bouncing off the walls of the bathroom.

"Oh! Kawaii~Chan would be so happy to help (Y/n)~Kun look prettier!" She said, "Erm, n—not that (Y/n)~Kun does look pretty already!"

I chuckled at Kawaii~Chan. "Um, thanks."

Katelyn gave Kawaii~Chan the go ahead, and the pink haired meif'wa was quick to pull a brush and hair ties from her bag.

In minutes, she had done my hair up nicely, cleaned up my face, and applied a little makeup to it to make sure I didn't look too gross.

Kawaii~Chan wipes the fake sweat off her forehead and looked over my appearance, tilting her head slightly as her eyes scanned over my clothes.

Oh boy.

"Um, why is (Y/n)~Kun wearing her gym shirt with her uniform skirt?" She questioned me, prompting Katelyn to join in on grilling me about my odd choice of outfit.

"Yeah, and why is about ten sizes too big?" She asked jokingly, before her brows furrowed, "Wait a second."

She leaned in close to me and smelled my shirt, before quickly pulling back with a gasp.

"That's a boy's shirt!" She informed Kawaii~Chan, "(Y/n) you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me!?"

I blushed and quickly shook my head, trying to wave away their quick conclusion.

"No! I just— I borrowed it from a boy in the hallway because I had a big stain on mine!" I explained to them quickly.

Katelyn rolled her eyes at me. "Okay, sure. Well, I have a spare shirt in my bag for emergencies, so I want to see you return that shirt to the very kind random boy who is big enough to fit that shirt," she said.

"Okay!" I agreed, just happy to change into something better than the oversized gym shirt.

I changed into Katelyn's spare uniform shirt, and the three of us left the bathroom in time for second period. Luckily, we weren't caught skipping class in the bathroom, so we didn't have detention.

Katelyn checked in on me frequently throughout the day, wanting to make sure that she saw me return the shirt to the boy so she knew for sure I didn't have some secret boyfriend.

I thought that I was going to get away with not seeing the boy for the rest of the day, and not having to embarrass myself by giving back the shirt, but of course it couldn't have gone my way. Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan were in my gym class, and apparently so was the boy who had given me the shirt.

When I saw him, I stiffened completely, and was unable to move. I was deciding whether or not I was happy that he gave me his shirt, because now I was staring at him shirtless.

Kawaii~Chan was of course the one to notice.

"(Y/n)~Kun is staring at a hot guy shirtless!" She gasped, making Aphmau and Katelyn's head snap to look at me before over at the shirtless boy. Thank Irene no one else heard her.

Aphmau had been let in on what happened, and her eyebrows rose as she looked at the kind stranger. "Wow," she mumbled.

Katelyn dug around in my bag to take out the shirt the boy had given me, and she glanced between it and him multiple times.

"Yep, seems like his shirt," she concluded, holding the shirt out to me, "Now go return it."

I quickly looked back at Katelyn. If I wasn't embarrassed enough, I sure was now.

"What?! Please no! Katelyn, I beg you don't make me!" She pleaded with her, but she shook her head.

"I helped you out this morning, now prove it to me that you don't have some secret boyfriend."

I frowned, hesitantly taking the shirt and walking over to the boy as slow as I possibly could without making Katelyn shove me over to him.

My cheeks and face were a bright pink and I nervously fidgeted with the shirt in my hands.

When I finally stopped in front of him, he was tying his shoe, and looked up at me before standing up and having a whole head over me at least. I wasn't really short, he was just really tall.

I guess that left me a little intimidated, and made me timid and shy.

"Uh, thanks for giving me your shirt earlier. It was really nice of you.." I said, holding out the shirt to him and trying my hardest not to stutter, also not to look at his athletic body.

He took the shirt from my hand, and a shiver ran up my spine as I could feel his rough and slightly calloused hand brush against mine.

I was about to turn and sprint away before he could say anything, but my heart dropped to my stomach as I heard Katelyn yelling over to us.

"SHE WANTS YOU TO HANG OUT WITH HER!" Katelyn yelled across the field, Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau giggling along next to her and nodding whilst giving a thumbs up.

I was going to die of embarrassment right then and there, but the boy's deep, yet gentle voice piercing my ears kept me living a little longer.

"We can hang out if you want," he said, and I couldn't figure out if he was happy about that or not.

"Oh no! They were just saying that to—" I paused to look over his face, seeing the look of disappointment at my explanation.

"Erm... I mean, I would like to hang out with you though, i—if that is okay.." I said, and he nodded, turning and taking a seat on the benchers a few feet behind us.

I sat down next to him, basking in my own awkwardness and not knowing what to say to him. That was until he spoke first and reminded me I didn't even known his name.

"What's your name?" He asked me plainly, though it was clear he wanted to find conversation through the small talk.

"Oh! Um, geez how could I forget I don't even know your name. My name is (Y/n)," I told him, smiling at my own stupidity.

I swear I could almost see him smile as well.

"I'm Aaron," he said, leaving a gap for me to speak, but I was at an awkward loss of words.

I didn't think I would have ended up in this position this morning, and I still didn't after Katelyn told me I had to return the shirt. I could have swore he wasn't in any of my classes.

"I didn't know you were in my gym class, I—I didn't think I'd be able to find you," I said with a slight chuckle.

His expression did change, and he didn't even shrug. "Didn't really think you would. I already knew your name," he said.

I blushed violently. I couldn't believe he had been in my gym class the whole year and I didn't even notice, how could I have been so stupid?

"Oh, um, I'm really sorry. I guess I'm just always in my own little world," I apologized, and Aaron just shook his head.

"No, I get it. Is that why you were late this morning?" He asked.

I chuckled at his assumption and shook my own head. "No! I was actually late because this morning I—"

"You two! Yeah, you two! Get off the bleachers and race!" The gym teacher yelled over to us, telling us it was our turn for the track race.

The gym teacher took tests on our speed and how many push ups we could do and stuff like that three times a year, at the beginning, middle, and end. Now, I was put up on a race against this athletic beast while half the class watched.


Thanks for reading!! If you guys want I'll make a part two to this, or maybe even a little series from this one shot.

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