Reanimation...a Yugioh Fan Fi...

By HopeJohn

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The Pharoah is gone peace within the spirit world, but that does not keep the world alone peaceful... More

[PART ONE] Issue #1...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #2...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #3...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #4...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #5...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #6...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #7...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #8....a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #9...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #10...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #11...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #12...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #13...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #14...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #15...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #16...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #17...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #18...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #19...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART TWO] Issue #21...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #22...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #23...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #24...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #25...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #26...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #27...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #28...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #29...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #30...a Yugioh Fan Fiction.
Issue #31...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #32...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #33...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #34: Reanimation's Holiday Issue...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #35: Reanimation's Holiday Issue [continued]...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
[PART THREE] Issue #36...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #37...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #38...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #39...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #40...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #41...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #42...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #43...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #44...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #45...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #46...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #47...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #48...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #49...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #50...a Yugioh Fan Fiction
Issue #51...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

Issue #20...a Yugioh Fan Fiction

1.1K 42 24
By HopeJohn

Looks like this is the beginning of the end everybody...of Part One the way, theres a video I created for the book, watch if you feel like it, and tell me what you think. Enjoy the story. :D

I followed Shadow to the City Island. It wasn’t even a city it was more abandoned than anything else. There was dank alleyways, and the moon casting shadows on the water. It was the dusk before the dawn. I swam there, as I shook out my fur—and I looked around the area sniffing the air intently. I had found the island by tracking down Shadows trail—I should have been able to sense him by now. I caught the scent of the air and I raised my head to see a large dock—a pier—that extended above me at least three stories. It was old and worn down wood, but it would support two wolves. I was counting on it.

Shadow stared down at me his large crimson eyes lowered at mine like I was some kind of deer that had been set into a corner where all he had to do was jump and make the final dive for my throat. I glared back at him—I wasn’t afraid of some possessed wolf.

I dealt with you in Entrez’s realm. Here with be different—but let’s hope it results in the same effect.I thought and turned my back on him; finding the stairs that led to the top of the pier.

I trotted up the steps and found Shadow waiting his duel disk on his back flipped open and ready.

“You’re here early,” He confirmed when I shook myself dry and stared at him; my tail swishing gently in the wind. He panted heavily, his tongue lolling and mist spilling around his fangs and into the air.

“What did you expect?” Hastily I replied as we began to circle each other. “So are we going to do this or simply chat?”

He talked anyways ignoring; my question. “I’m surprised you had your little pack of friends stay behind. Don’t want the same effect as last time when I came to visit your friends?”

I growled at him, “You know that they always say…keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Shadow. Maybe they say that so I can take you down easier.” He huffed in response the mist sinking into the lighter sky. The sun wasn’t even up yet—but the sky was growing a lighter shade.

“What is it sinking in!? You killed Seto in your own way of trying to make sure that nobody got hurt—to save one that you cared less for than Kaiba! THIS IS YOUR FAULT—so you take it out on me! I live on your anger and I thrive on your blood, so if you want to fight—bring it on.” he said darkly.

“This is hardly my fault!!” I said at him. “And there is a chance for Seto—”

“There is no chance for him—you should know that.” He said with a smug smile.

“My chance is to defeat you—don’t think I forgot that—”

“Then you better do it fast; Hope because last time I checked—he’s bleeding as we speak. I doubt that he’ll heal on his own. Even if you bring him back—who’s to say you’ll still save him—he’s a goner—remember the scent of his blood—it’s the last memory you’ll have of him.”

“I doubt that. It’s my move,” I snapped at him as I allowed my spirit to draw my first card. I reminded myself that I could only equip cards to me—I couldn’t place other monsters on the field because they’d be singled out by themselves—this was a one on one duel. I had to wait until it was right to win this—until Entrez said I’d know absolutely what to do.

Suddenly our duel disks began to glow—showing that I had 2000 attack points and so did Shadow—we were evenly matched—for now. My blue eyes white dragon was my trick and I’m sure Shadow had a few of his own. It was then I realized our Lifepoints weren’t set for 4000—they were our 2000 attack points. To make this shorter…that could be really good…or really bad.

We circled each other our mouths open as our fangs sharply edged the air around us. I almost cried when I smelt Kaiba’s blood Onyx’s scarlet fangs. My pearl fangs edged the air carefully and gracefully as his did. It was as if we were in a dance of death and the Shadow Realms were our merry-go-round.

“I play two cards facedown. I place myself in defense mode. You’re move Shadow.” Entrez’s knowledge let me know earlier that even in defense mode I could still be attacked—physically—I just wouldn’t loose any Lifepoints—but I would still bleed. I should be able to fend him off quicker than he’d be able to attack me and make me bleed.

Shadow smiled as his translucent spirit drew a card. His smug grin became darker as a card slammed down onto his duel disk.

“I play the card Seal of Oracalcos!! Looks like luck is on my side—I drew that on my first move!” He chuckled, the black wolf swishing his ebony tail as the six pointed star of the Seal of Oracalcos formed around us pulsing around Shadow and it swept over me. It wrapped us in a perfect circle—unison to us circling each other.

“Placing one face down; I end my turn.”

“I doubt luck is on your side—more like cheating.” I growled. His smile faded as he spoke again.

“Why my dear Entrez—it wouldn’t be any fun without the Seal of Oracalcos.”

I mentally drew my next card. It was another equips card—thank god I had taken the time when I was at Roran’s to strategize my deck—taking all of my monster cards out of my deck. Only recently did I place three monsters in my deck—and a Polymerization card.

I mentally drew my card as I foreseen what it was. It was the Polymerization card already—okay—that would come in handy.

“I place another card facedown. Your move.” I said waiting. He drew the card and smiled.

“I play the card Dark Spell!” He chuckled, “It gives a 500 point boost to me! ATTACK!”

I snarled and dodged his dive for my throat. We spun around following each other’s movements. I kept dodging him and smiled as he growled at me—like I was a little girl trying to figure out how to play the game for the first time.

“You must be attacked—my attack points are greater!” He roared as I gave a sweet soft chuckle to him. I gasped in pain as he attacked my shoulder. Blood burst from it and ran down my side. Instead of feeling like lava, it felt like a numbing ice that soaked through my body.

“I don’t think so Shadow—I played the card Defense Force! It allows me to counter your attack! I snarled and jumped as I switched to attack mode and dived for his throat. I caught his shoulder as he dodged wearily out of the way. Blood rippled down his shoulder as I pulled back. I snapped at him—my teeth not even stained with his blood as I shouted.

“That is for Seto! Take that scar to your grave!” I said and jumped off him and began circling him as he picked himself off the ground. By that attack by both of us—our points didn’t go down—it stayed the same. We were evenly matched.


To the doctors he was in a coma—to Mocuba he was already gone. His faith in Hope’s winning hadn’t faded; but he didn’t believe his brother would last any longer. His chance of surviving was almost gone.

Yugi sat with the others in the Waiting Room….. After they had waited quite a while; Yugi got up and walked out of the Room. The others had fallen asleep—too lost in their own thoughts to stop him so he left without their knowledge.

He was stopped in the hallway. “Where are you headed—King of Games—” Roran mocked; stepping out of the shadows. As his eyes hit the light—they glowed brilliantly.


“I believe it is my turn. And I choose to ATTACK!” I said and dived for him again. His facedown card flipped up into the air.

“I play Survival of the Darkest! This allows whoever is in the attacking position have Lifepoints ripped from them by an acquaintance of theirs by 500 attack points that the attacking position must face—even if their Lifepoints are greater than the acquaintance.”

I gasped as hologram of Yugi appeared on the field. He held a large Sword in his grasp. He shouted as he whipped the sword into my side. I flew onto the ground, gasping in pain as a cold fury gripped my body. My side began to shake like someone had stuffed it in an icebox. The digitized Yugi vanished; leaving my body shuddering. My Attack points were now 1500.

“You have to love the passion of your friend as he strikes you down—it’s almost as if he blames you for his grandfather’s defeat.” Shadow said as stood at the other end of the field.

“That’s hardly true—he knows who defeated Gramps.” I countered as I stared at him.

“Somehow that is very doubtful—you see—none of this happened before you showed up. He was living a normal life once more. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for Entrez’s power that had rested in that bracelet.” He mused.

“Your move,” I muttered as I pulled myself from the ground. I couldn’t believe a word he said—it was Shadow’s way of manipulating the way I thought. He knew I already blamed myself for what happened to Seto. I needed to trust Yugi more than ever. He told me to trust in the Heart of the Cards—I would.

Just don’t let Shadow get to you

; I told myself as he smiled.

He chose to attack this move so I could be destroyed. “It’s such a shame you know;” he said as he stared staring at me. “But what to do next I wonder? Think of it dear Hope—you have less Attack Points than me—and we both know that our Attack Points and Lifepoints in this special duel are the same—except now yours are less than mine. Pity; I’m going to have to attack—”

“You don’t want to do that—” I pleaded, my eyes full of tears when I spoke. His smile grew.

“I’m afraid I have to.” He said; I shook my head again, “No…” I whispered.

“ATTACK!” He shouted. In this I smiled as he lunged for my throat.

“Do you really think I’m that naïve?” I whispered and dodged out of his way, shouting. “I play the card REINFORCE STRATEGY!!! It allows me to draw three cards from the top of my deck and I must use them all as you attack me!” I shouted.

Then I closed my eyes and concentrated really, really hard, as I felt chills run down my spine….

“I draw all of them out! I place all THREE BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGONS ON THE FIELD!!!”

They roared onto the field—as they wrapped their powerful bodies around me. Their eyes glowed an electric blue…they roared loudly; ready to protect…ready to attack. And ready to save their vessel.

“What—that is cheating!! You can’t play any monsters apart from yourself during this duel!!” Shadow roared. I shape shifted to human form—the time was here and now. I held the Sword of Unity—tightly gripping with both hands as I stared at him—my own eyes glowing amongst the Blue Eyes White Dragons.

Our hearts beat as one, symmetrical, I only knew some of my back history with the dragons, but it was enough because we were one.

“It is not cheating—” I defended, “Because I am those Blue Eyes White Dragons—in each of those dragons has a piece of my strength in its heart…” I raised the sword up in defense “and together we shall take you down! I place the Polymerization Card face up on the field and I choose to bind them to form one powerful monster.” I said staring as they launched themselves into the sky. I stared back down at him and aimed the sword at him.

“I HAVE FUSED THE THREE DRAGONS AND MY SPIRIT TO FORM THE BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON ONTO THE FIELD—” A dragon lowered her head as I jumped onto it to rest—her body was as large a house—and the wings were twice as large…and her head was elegant and beautiful. Her body was inched in sparkling diamonds and her eyes were a yard in diameter as they blinked with sapphires.

Shadow laughed, “I was hoping that you would be more of a challenge Hope…and here it is…you are not the only one with secrets!!” He said and he howled loudly into the sky. The winds swirled around his body and the darkness seized him as he transformed. Leather black wings grew from him. His body turned more slender and powerful as it morphed into a black dragon and large ebony spikes ran all across his body.

“I am Onyx dragon!!!” He shouted loudly,

“Good for you,” I said mockingly, the sword now making more sense as he stared at me with his crimson eyes and fire blew from his snout.

He laughed at my ignorance as the dock began to shudder underneath his weight. It was falling apart! I gulped as I felt the large bases holding the pier together began to crumble underneath my feet.


“I’m on your side;” Roran mused; as Yugi’s arm flew up and the duel disk flashed open as he backed off cautiously.

“I am not saying that you’re not on our side—you helped Kaiba—but I’ll agree that you’ll do anything to help your sister. You’re thinking that you can swipe a few points with Shadow if I’m gone as well.” Yugi said walking along the edge of the hallway as he drew nearer to a door.

“I won’t argue that, I will do anything for my sister; Yugi—but clashing with you is not part of my plan. And apparently it isn’t yours either.” He said staring back into the Waiting Room where Yugi’s friends slept. “Where are you headed?” He questioned.

“Looking for Hope—where else?” Yugi said. After a few moments, he lowered his duel disk. He turned to walk away.

“Wait—I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you Yugi—but I think we should wait. Ditching out on your friends isn’t what you’re all about.” Yugi stopped walking, he didn’t turn around.

“I didn’t want them getting hurt; if things do not turn out as planned.” Yugi explained.

“I know—but you leaving them so you can go save the world isn’t your style.” Roran said.

“What about Hope’s style?”

“She is a wolf, there are some things she will do alone. It’s the path people like us walk.” Roran said, his hand raised as he examined the gold ring bound around his finger. The Vicinity Ring. His gaze flicked to Yugi, deciding something, “Wait until you hear any news about Kaiba—then I’ll help you track Hope down.”

“What are you doing here anyways—it’s hardly like you’re big friends with Kaiba.” Yugi commented, remembering the brawl they had on the roof.

“No; but I came here to see Amy. I was hoping there was a change in her condition. Obviously there wasn’t—if there was, do you think I’d be standing here talking to you?”


The pier began to crumble. Blue Eyes raised her wings and began to flap them, staring harshly at Shadow.

“Funny—you think you still have a chance.” His voice echoed as I pulled myself up onto her back. Her powerful wings flapped and began blowing cold air into my ears. I shuddered as we hovered over the large lake. My side from earlier was still dripping with blood, the wound still fresh.

“We’ll see who has the chance;” I said, my body shaking from the cold as my numb hands gripped the Sword of Unity. There was a moment of complete silence and then we both gave the orders.

“ATTACK!!!” We shouted in unison and Blue Eyes Ultimate dragon unleashed a powerful fury of White Lightning as Onyx Dragon’s inferno collided with hers. The blazes bounced back and forth between each other. We were equally matched; and that’s where the Sword of Unity came into play.

The dragon with me attached had intertwined with the Onyx Dragon, Blue Eyes burying her fangs into the flesh of the enemy. I was bound to the dragon, and so everything I had was a part of her. I buried the sword into the Onyx Dragon’s. Suddenly the intensity of her fire grew and it slammed into Onyx Dragon. The fire died away just in time as I made my second move burying it into his chest. He roared and the Seal of Oracalcos claimed him as it absorbed Shadow’s energy and his power.

The Seal of Oracalcos could only claim one soul, and I was thrown from the dragon’s body as they sought to take Shadows spirit. I shouted as I began falling…the game was over with—meaning that Blue eyes was gone, and the pier that we were dueling on earlier had broken—leaving me no where to go.

I slammed into the water…


From inside of Seto Kaiba’s room…his eyes slowly opened. He stared around the hospital room. As he raised his head it ached painfully. Funny to think after everything he’d been through only a headache could slow him down. He sat up off the bed and pulled back wearily expecting his shoulder to burn in agonizing pain. Nothing burned. He sat up—no blood across his chest…

He pulled off his shirt and walked over to the mirror in the bathroom. He examined his shoulder in the mirror—completely healed, the only thing now visible were old scars from long ago…

He stared amazed at his own reflection as he realized. Hope had done it. If she hadn’t, he’d still be in the Shadow Realm.


In the hallway Roran and Yugi both acknowledged each other as they began to walk back in the room. Yugi went past Roran and suddenly Roran’s eyes grew wide. He stopped in the middle of the hallway, his eyes flashing from side to side. Yugi stopped as well, raising his duel disk.

“What’s wrong?” He asked surprised.

“It couldn’t be…I must be sensing something else. Could I?” Roran turned around and began striding anxiously past the patients rooms. Yugi followed him and was stunned as Roran was tackled by a little girl in a hospital gown with blonde pigtails and bright eyes. She hugged him tightly.

“Roran!” She cried happily hugging him tightly around his waist. He picked her up and hugged her warmly.

“Amy—I’m so glad you’re alright.” He said gently. Closing his slightly tamed electric eyes as he hugged her tighter to him, embracing her return.

Yugi gave a small smile—Hope had defeated Shadow. He turned and ran back to the waiting room where a doctor entered the room at the same time.

“Kaiba—” Yugi began

“Mr. Kaiba—” The doctor cut in.

“Is alright.” They finished in unison in stared at each other in awe.

“That means my grandfather is okay too!” Yugi said cheerfully.

“How did you—” The doctor asked and Taiya cut her off then.

“Which room is he in?” She asked, distracting Dr. Lang from the question.

She blinked in surprise, “Actually it’s amazing—he’s completely healed. It’s the closest thing to a miracle I’ve ever seen. Once we went in to check up on him he demanded to be released and claimed he’d spent enough time in here.”

She said that; the sliding doors opened and Kaiba walked out and pushed the filled out release papers into her face. “Ummm…” She began and Mocuba tackled his brother into a tight hug.

“Oh big brother—I never thought I’d see you again! Hope was right she could do it!” Mocuba said and hugged his brother tightly.

Embarrassed, but not reluctant to pull his brother away; Seto said, “That’s what I’m afraid of. Where did she go?”

Everyone grew quiet; not knowing what to say. “What happened!?” He demanded and Tristan spoke.

“She went off to track down Shadow—that’s the last time we’ve seen her.”

His eyes widened, “And you just let her go off?”

“She wouldn’t let us come with her,” Taiya said softly. Seto grew quiet again as he stared down at his brother.

“It’s not over yet Kaiba. Roran told us he’d come to help us track down where they met. Maybe something can tell us from that where she is.”

They found Roran watching his sister play quietly in her hospital room. He looked up when he sensed them come. He walked out and stared at them—his eyes had shifted from a tame yellow to almost a golden brown.

They explained what they wanted and he nodded in acceptance. “Are you sure you want to go and look for her? She might—”

“She might be alive.” Seto Kaiba finished. Roran looked at him as if he understood.

“Alright—but you’ll need to travel in the air. You’ll need to get a large view of the surrounding city if you want to find her—if she has a chance. I’ll fly below—that shouldn’t be too much for Kaiba Corp.”

“Her fate wasn’t sealed,” Yugi said looking at Amy, “why should Hope’s be?” Roran’s eyes flicked protectively to his sister as he stood, rising to leave the room.

“I will be back for you Amy, I promise.” Roran vowed and his sister smiled, giving a nod with a bob of her head.

They got a chopper and they flew it from above—the sunrise radiant as it reflected brilliant off the helicopter. They flew over City Island; searching for any signs of life.

Roran flew below the chopper—he had a headset as he flew—his raven wings sweeping the air powerfully as they flew around the city.

“Nothing yet Kaiba—” He said in the mouthpiece.

“Do you even think she’s out here?” Joey asked. Seto ignored him and looked to Mocuba—Kaiba already had years of pilot training.

“Of course she’s around here somewhere—” Roran snapped loudly through the headpiece, “I’ve followed her trail from Kaiba Corporation—what more do you expect!?”

“Hey—I see her down there!!!” Kaiba cried out over the microphone. Roran grunted in acknowledgement—his ears pounding from Seto’s irritable yelling. They looked out the right side of the window where there was an outline of a body. It was laying on the edge of the shore. Roran frowned his wing muscles beating powerfully as he slowly descended.

They turned and began to circle around for a landing spot on City Island.


I lifted my head to the roaring sounds of an engine. Rubbing the back of my head I pulled my right hand away to see my bracelet glowing again. It didn’t burn this time—it only dulled as I stood up. All my muscles ached…it felt like I had just stretched all my muscles to its extent.

How did I even get here?—Last time I recalled I was crashing into the bottom of a lake…

I looked up to see a helicopter flying above me as it circled around to land. I saw the initials K.C. embroidered into the tail of the chopper.

Entrez appeared in a transclucent spirit next to me. I helped you, so we could survive.

So she had taken over my body to get us ashore? Well that made sense I suppose, at least I trusted Entrez. “Thank you,” I replied softly. She closed her eyes and nodded.

Roran landed next to me…his black wings shimmering slightly purple against the sunrise that glowed in the east.

“Good thing you’re alive—you gave them quite a scare.” He said.

“But not you?” I commented.

“Eh, not really…mostly because I almost had my ear blown off by Kaiba to land.”

He’s alive…I smiled brightly. “Well you know he could’ve run you over with the chopper.”

“Sure…” He said unenthused and I was suddenly being tackled in a hug. I looked down and saw the ebony colored hair and the soft purple colored eyes.

“Mocuba,” I said softly and hugged him in return.

I looked up to see Seto, who offered me his hand, looking away, unsure on how he should respond. I clasped his hand tightly, quickly hugging him.

His eyes widened, I don’t’ think he would ever get used to my hugs. “I’m glad you’re safe.” I said happily.

“I’m saying the same about you…” He said warmly. I hadn’t seen this side of Kaiba.

“Since when were you in town; Romeo?” Joey smirked.

“Oh shut up; Joey!” Taiya said and punched Joey on the shoulder.

“Hey—don’t kill me! I’m asking!” He said and I laughed.

The sun gleamed off the water in the east. It was one of the most beautiful sunrises I had ever witnessed. The sun reflected against Seto’s hair and against his warm skin. His eyes were so dazzling and brilliant—like mine. Like the Blue Eyes Blue eyes white dragon…

Then I remembered, “Oh yeah;” my disk flew open and I pressed the cards lightly against his chest.

“Here—I don’t think I’ll be needing these anymore.” I said jokingly with a laugh. Warmly he grabbed the cards gently from my hand and quickly placed them in his pocket. Then he wrapped me closer to him and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened in shock, my heart flipping against my ribcage. Impressed I kissed him back our lips fusing into one. I heard a gag from Joey, and heard Tristan mutter…

Man she could do so much better.” They were silenced by Taiya and I heard Yugi chuckle warmly.

I pulled back grinning. “I’m glad you’re willing to deal with me.” He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He added, “You’ve saved my life countless times—finding you on the beach should make up for it; I hope.”

“Of course it does; Seto,” I said softly. My smile faded when I saw my bracelet glowing again. He pulled back when he saw it too. He wrapped his hand around my wrist. Suddenly it began glowing and it beamed into the sand. A large glowing door appeared in front of us.

“Impossible,” Seto said, staring at the doorway in shock.

Entrez appeared again, looking at the door and back at me. Swishing her tail, softy she said, Come, there is more than one world that needs saving. I think its time we went home.

I stared at her in shock, going home? Was it that easy…that simple? I looked at my friends, my Seto, and suddenly realized all the complications that had just occurred.

She wanted me to leave this world…to leave him…all by choice.

“What—” Yugi began, but stopped when he saw tears begin to start down my face…I held them back.

“I think its time for me to go…” I whispered softly, pulling away from Seto. My heart sank. It felt as if someone had just ripped it out of me.

His eyes widened and I saw the pain in them. “Stay…” Kaiba said and grabbed my hand firmly.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered. “But before all of this I thought I would stay here forever…Entrez says we need to go back, my home is in as much danger as yours—I couldn’t do that to my family back home. I can’t just leave them behind to die. Do you understand?” I asked.

Seto Kaiba looked at me, the emotion in them struggling on what to do. Eventually I saw the sadness in them, and he looked down away from me.

He lessened his grip on my wrist but he didn’t let go. Slowly he gave me a nod. I pulled him tightly into a hug. I didn’t hold my tears back this time.

“Don’t forget me.” I whispered in his ear.

He gently kissed my neck speaking softly so no one else would hear, “I won’t...”

I pulled back to be tightly hugged by Taiya. “This is so unfair!” She protested; more tears streaming down her face than mine, “You shouldn’t have to choose.”

“My home needs me.” I said softly, even reluctant to go, “I’ll miss you Taiya…” Then I whispered to her, “Give Joey and the other two guys a good wailing for me if they’re ever too harsh on Seto.”

“It’ll be my pleasure—” Taiya said and gave Joey a look. Joey’s face grew worried.

“Bye Tristan I’ll miss you—same to you Joey, I suppose…” I said and shook their hands.

I looked at Roran and he nodded at me calmly, “See ya,” He said and I nodded and acknowledged him with a calm respect.

“See ya; Roran. Take good care of your sis—she’s going want it after the Shadow Realm.” He nodded in thanks.

I hugged little Mocuba and he hugged me back tightly; “I’ll miss you so…o much!” He said with his tear stricken eyes.

I hugged him comfortingly, patting his soft black hair, and hating myself for making him so sad. “Watch over your big bro for me. Okay?”

“Okay.” He said with a sniffle.

I turned to Yugi and I shook his hand. “I can’t help but give you my thanks—Yugi. You helped me believe in myself…and the Heart of the Cards.” I said and he shook my hand back saying…

“It was nice to meet you, Hope Young.” He said and smiled. I turned and walked towards the light…

“I hope to see you again, guys…” I said and I walked through the golden light. The light washed over my body.

I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Seto Kaiba one last time. He watched me, taking a step forward uncertainly, but then stopping himself from coming any further. He looked away with regret. My heart pained and I wondered if I would ever see him again.

Then I was absorbed in the light…and that was when I left my new friends, Kaiba Corp, and Battle City behind me…


I pulled myself off the ground back home. I was wearing the same clothes as when I left Battle City. I still had my duel disk wrapped tightly around my left arm and my right wrist still had the bracelet.

At least I know it wasn’t a dream…I thought standing up and wiping my hands clean of dirt. There was something different about home though—besides the fact that I'd later discover it was only a few minutes since I had originally left the place. The rain gently dripped around me, the storm had finished. My eyes widened when I realized what had happened.

My world is now in animation? I questioned looking at the detailed and beautifully drawn woods around me.

Oh well; at least I had grown used to it back in Battle City.

I turned and walked away from the woods…headed home. My side throbbed bitterly and the blood dripped onto the ground. That wound would leave, a small plain white scar on me, never vanishing. The wind blew gently against my face,—as if to tell me it wasn’t over with…yet.

(End of Part One.....)

Okay everybody...don't worry because this isnt the end of the series. I promise! Hope and Entrez aren't done yet, and neither is Yugi and the gang. So I'm busy editing away Part Two, so just stay tuned. Please vote or comment.  


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