
By SasuNaru20

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Summary: Madara's lineage did not end at the valley of the end. His legacy lived on through Minato and into N... More

Chapter 1: 01 - Author Notes
Chapter 2: 02 - Legacy
Chapter 3: 03 - Birth of a Legend
Chapter 5: 05 - Training Begins
Chapter 6: 06 - Couple of Losers
Chapter 7: 07 - Tenchiques and Dreams
Chapter 8: 08 - Joys of D-Ranks
Chapter 9: 09 - Academy Days and Graduation
Chapter 10: 10 - Problems
Chapter 11: 11 - Teams
Chapter 12: 12 - Mission to the Wave
Chapter 13: 13 - Mission to Land of the Waterfall
Chapter 14: 14 - Chunnin Exams Begin
Chapter 15: 15 - Forest of Death
Chapter 16: 16 - Preliminaries
Chapter 17: 17 - Enter the Pervert
Chapter 18: 18 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: 19 - Let the games Begin
Chapter 20: 20 - In Between Tails
Chapter 21: 21 - Sharingan vs Sharingan
Chapter 22: 22 - Round 2 - Water vs Fire
Chapter 23: 23 - Clash of Titans
Chapter 24: 24 - Invasion
Chapter 25: 25 - Aftermath
Chapter 26: 26 - Searching for the Old Hag
Chapter 27: 27 - Red Clouds and Old Hags
Chapter 28: 28 - Reunion
Chapter 29: 29 - End of a Snake
Chapter 30: 30 - Home At Last
Chapter 31: 31 - Fire Lord
Chapter 32: 32 - Fire Temple
Chapter 33: 33 - Path Set in Stone
Chapter 34: 34 - Sound Four
Chapter 35: 35 - Revelations & Farewell
Chapter 36: 36 - Special Chapter - A True God Rises
Chapter 37: 37 - Homecoming
Chapter 38: 38 - The Dragons Assemble
Chapter 39: 39 - A Turning Point
Chapter 40: 40 - God of War
Chapter 41: 41 - The Fifth Mizukage
Chapter 42: 42 - Akatsuki Strikes
Chapter 43: 43 - Power Unmatched
Chapter 44: 44 - The Real Hunter
Chapter 45: 45 - Beginnings
Chapter 46: 46 - The Choices We Make I
Chapter 47: 47 - The Choices We Make II
Chapter 48: 48 - The Death of Hyuuga Hinata
Chapter 49: 49 - The Choices We Make III
Chapter 50: 50 - Author Notes 2: STOP SOPA
Chapter 51: 51 -Two New Lights
Chapter 52: 52 - A Fated Meeting
Chapter 53: 53 - Into Kumo
Chapter 54: 54 - First Stage
Chapter 55: 55 - Just My Luck
Chapter 56: 56 - Problems Arise
Chapter 57: 57 - Quarter Finals
Chapter 58: 58 - A Long Overdue Battle
Chapter 59: 59 - A Dragon's Wrath I
Chapter 60: 60 - A Dragon's Wrath II

Chapter 4: 04 - Awakening

6.9K 153 40
By SasuNaru20


Chapter 3 : Beginning of a Legend

In every shinobi village there is a reminder of their previous leaders and heroes to honor their memory and sacrifice they did to protect and defend their homes. In Konoha there is a certain mountain that shows that shows exactly that.

The mountain was actually called the Hokage (Leader of the Leaf Village) Mountain and in it were carved the previous and current Hokages of the leaf and there it stood the faces of the legendary shinobi:

Senju Hashirama (Shodaime Hokage),leader of the senju clan, one of the founders of the leaf village and the first user of the mokuton element. He was a caring and kind person dedicated to serve his village however he ended up dying during the first shinobi war. His fight against Uchiha Madara had taken its toll and left him permanently weakened. He was at the time of his death a shell of his former self. But even now about 80 years after his death he's still remembered by everyone in the village.

The second face belonged to Senju Tobirama (Nidaime Hokage), he was Hashirama younger brother and became hokage after his brother's death. He too was a very strong shinobi, in fact each of the hokage was hailed as the strongest shinobi of their time. Tobirama was known for his extremely high water affinity that allowed him to use high rank moves in places without water by condensing the air around him. He too lost his life fighting in the second shinobi war, but before his death he appointed Hiruzen Sarutobi, one of his students as Sandaime Hokage.

The third face on the monument was Sarutobi Hiruzen, of the Sarutobi Clan, known for their monkey summoning and extreme skill in taijutsu (hand-to-hand combat). Hiruzen is currently around 55 years old, he's one of the most powerful shinobi in the village, but in his prime he was hailed as Shinobi no Kami (God of the Shinobi), mostly because of his skill in ninjutsu that allowed him to combine different elements to his attacks. Hiruzen is the current leader of the leaf village after his successor the yondaime hokage died.

The last face of the monument was Minato Namikaze, the yondaime hokage, hailed as the strongest of the Hokages. He was also the fastest shinobi to ever live in the elemental nations, not even the raikages with Lighting Armor could compete with him in speed. He was known for his use of the Hirashin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique), a S-Rank technique of his creation that allowed him to move at almost the speed of light. This technique was the reason that he was known as Yellow Flash, due to his blonde hair, the only thing that people managed to see was a Yellow Flash due to his speed. In the leaf village he was a hero that sacrificed his life to kill the Kyuubi no Yoko that attacked the village 5 years ago.

And here, 5 years later after the kyuubi attack, is where our story truly begins with a small boy that despite being mistreated his whole life will rise to become the legend he was born to be.

## KONOHA - 5 Years after Kyuubi Attack October 10th ##

It was a warm night in the leaf village, the sun was just going down, it was starting to dim. A town lights were coming up and we still could see many people going around the village doing their business. Unlike many other villages, even though Konoha was the most powerful village in the elemental nations it didn't seem militaristic or cold. Many people if they saw Konoha would say that it wasn't a shinobi village, however the mountain that surrounded the north part of village was a dead giveaway. In it were carved the faces of the most powerful shinobi to ever live.

It was October 10th, the village was covered in decorations and celebrating the defeat to the Kyuubi that attacked 5 years ago. Everyone in the village was happy, it were times of peace. The wars were long forgotten, but not the hate and pain of many that were lost. Although everyone seemed happy one particular kid was very sad and lonely.

Uzumaki Naruto was an orphan of the Kyuubi attack, he was about 120 centimeters (3'11) and had spiky blonde hair, the bluest eyes anyone ever had and in each cheek he had three whiskers marks, a birth mark. He was wearing a white shirt with short sleeves with a orange swirl in his back and black pants.

Despite begin what appeared to be a normal child Naruto was hated and despised by most of the village, he was a painful reminder of the kyuubi attack. He was expelled from the orphanage at the age of 4 and lived in the streets for about a month until the hokage's ANBU found him and took him to the Sandaime. Sandaime eventually became a grand father figure to him. He gave Naruto a small apartment and allowance to live but Naruto was constantly pursued by the villagers and constantly abused and beaten.

The stores kicked him out or sold him rotten merchandise or charged twice the price. Even in the orphanage he still received the same treatment. Growing up in this kind of life forced Naruto to mature quickly if he wanted to survive. Because of this treatment Naruto became a highly intelligent kid that could rival a Nara, he became cold and calculative to everyone except his closest people that in his case were simply the hokage himself and the owners of a rammen stand. Only three people cared for Naruto and wondered if he was eating or sleeping well. During his birthday things were even worse because the villagers and a few shinobi would gather up and hunt him down like an animal and here is where we are.

A scared kid was running through the streets of Konoha trying his best to avoid the villagers and shinobi in hot pursuit. The villagers were shouting:

"Die demon"

"Get him, finish what the yondaime started"

Naruto wondered what did he ever do to deserve such treatment and harsh life.

"Stop please, what did I ever do to any of you?" - asked Naruto, running as fast as he could, his legs starting to giveaway.

"Oh please you know very well what you did. You killed my brother and my father" - shouted one of villagers as he threw an empty bottle. "We will finish what the yondaime started and kill the demon" - the villager said as the other support him.

Naruto kept running until he looked behind to his pursuers and noticed that a couple of them appeared to be chunnin (A/N: Chunnin - Medium level shinobi).

Even thought Naruto was a stamina freak, a 5 year old couldn't compete with the speed of a chunnin. The chunnin quickly close the distance between him and Naruto, he took out a kunai and did a horizontal slash. Naruto seeing the kunai that would most likely kill him he ducked. Has he was ducking he noticed that time appeared to be slowing down. After dodging the slash he unwittingly channeled chakra to his legs trying to jump over a fence to get away.

The rest of the shinobi seeing this were actually surprised but they couldn't let the demon get away so all of them threw a couple of kunai at him while saying "Kunai Kage Shuriken No Jutsu" the kunai multiplied to 15 and were going fast at Naruto.

Naruto knowing that he couldn't dodge them all in mid air started observing them and calculating the best way to avoid them. It was then that it happened, his vision suddenly became clearer and the incoming kunai seemed to almost stop, just by looking at them he could see where they would land. Reacting to his instincts Naruto quickly caught one kunai with his hand and started deflecting all of them except one that managed to pass his defenses and hit his shoulder.

He cried out in pain but managed to get over the fence and to safety. He pulled the kunai of his shoulder and noticed that the wound was already closing.

"I wonder why am the only person to heal this fast" - he asked himself while walking through the village hidden in the shadows to avoid the villagers, but he quickly noticed that his vision was different, it was black and white and he could see people with a blue flame inside of them that surrounded their body. He tried to push his eyes to see better and suddenly he passed out in the alleyway, the stress and exhaustion of running and taking a kunai to the shoulder was too much.

## Naruto's Mindscape ##

Naruto awoke in what it seemed to be a sewer. There were pipes in every wall and the floor was filled with water with about 20 centimeters in height (8 inches). He wondered through the endless corridors wondering where he was when he heard a soft male voice calling him

"Follow my voice" - the strange voice said. Naruto didn't know him but was drawn to this voice.

After walking for a couple of minutes Naruto found himself staring at a big iron doors with verticals bars. The middle of the door it was a small paper with the kanji for 'Seal'. He looked inside the cage but it seemed empty.

"Hello there Naruto" - said the voice. Naruto jumped back surprised and noticed a man leaning in the sewer wall outside of the cage.

Naruto observed the man carefully. The man was about 190 cm in height (6 feet 2),he had spiky blonde hair with two bangs that framed his face and had blue eyes. He was wearing a full body blue suit and the standard jonin (High Level Shinobi) flat jacket. He was also wearing a white cape with red flames and it had the kanji for 'Yondaime Hokage'.

"Y-Yondaime Hokage?" - asked Naruto. He knew very well what happened 5 years ago, he knew that the yondaime died to kill the kyuubi, he was a hero.

"My name is Minato Namikaze and i am the yondaime hokage" - he said looking at the kid in front of him and wondered how it happened so soon, Naruto seemed 5 at the most.

"How? You were supposed to be dead. Am I dead too?" - naruto asked. "No, you are not dead but unfortunately i am" - minato replied.

"But if you are dead, then where am i? And how do you know my name" - naruto wondered what the hell was going on.

"Naruto, i am going to explain everything to you listen closely ok?" - he asked to which naruto nodded. "We are inside your mind, this is your mindscape, its basically a representation of your mind in physical form understand?" Naruto nodded "Now the truth is that I am your father"

Naruto froze when he heard that. "No, it can't be, Jiji told me he didn't know who my parents were" - Naruto thought.

"Y-Y-Your my father? How" - naruto asked "Well about the how you will find out when your older " - Minato said chuckling "But it is true, I am your father and i'm sorry I wasnt here with you but I had to stop the kyuubi. But listen I don't have much time".

"You probably wondered why this village treats you like a monster." to which naruto slowly nodded "Well, there isn't any easy way to say this but 5 years ago when you were born the kyuubi attacked the village. Sandaime said that I killed the kyuubi but that is impossible. Kyuubi is a mass of chakra without actually a physical body so it can't die. The only way I had to stop the kyuubi was to seal it inside a newborn baby, i'm sorry to say but I had to seal into you" - he said with a bit of shame wondering how Naruto would react.

"What? What do you mean by sealed? I am the kyuubi?" - he asked , now realizing what all the names the villagers called him by.

"NO, you are neither a monster nor the kyuubi, you are my son. And by sealed I mean that the kyuubi is trapped in your gut, behind these bars. Kyuubi come forward" - Minato explained

Suddenly behind the bars of the empty cage Naruto saw two glowing red eyes with black vertical slits. As the eyes approached to doors he noticed the form a fox with tails swinging wildly in this back. There it stood behind the doors the most powerful being in the word, the most powerful of the 9 bijuu the Kyuubi no Yoko, the Nine tailed demon fox.

Naruto seeing this jumped back scared to see the monster that attacked the village and was responsible for many deaths.

"No need to fear me kit" - the kyuubi said watching the poor kid. He knew too well what the villagers did to him.

"Naruto" - Minato said getting Naruto's attention "This is the kyuubi and he's not the demon everyone thinks he is. The attack 5 years ago was not his fault" - Minato said and started explaining what happened in that fateful night 5 years ago. From when Naruto was born, to the masked man unleashing the kyuubi and controlling it to attack the village to Minato sealing him into him.

Naruto was still frozen absorbing what happened, everything his father was saying. Naruto didn't know what to say it was just too much.

"Naruto" Minato continued "I'm sorry that I had to seal that kyuubi into you. You had a harsh life until now but I trust with this it will be slightly better" Minato said and touched Naruto stomach effectively transferring the seal key to Naruto and opening the cage.

"What are you doing? " - Naruto asked worried that he's father opened the cage and let the kyuubi out.

"Naruto, I told you that I wasn't that kyuubi's fault that night. The kyuubi will help you grow up and he'll be at your side to help you in your battle and provide advice. The only thing I ask of you is when your close to your death that you release the kyuubi. He didn't deserve to trapped in a cage to be used as a weapon" - Minato said.

"Will you really be my friend?" - Naruto asked still bit fearful of the fox.

"Of course, I will take care you and make you strong so you can protect your home and friends" - the kyuubi replied and what happened next surprised everyone in the mindscape. Naruto suddenly left his father's side and jumped into the paw of the kyuubi.

"So soft and warm" - he said getting chuckles from both Kyuubi and Minato. "Now Naruto there is more that I need to tell you, I don't know if you realized it but doesn't your vision seem different?" - Minato asked

"Actually it's all black and white with you being blue and kyuubi red" - Naruto replied.

"Naruto, do you know who Uchiha Madara is?" - Minato asked getting a disgusted growl from the kyuubi clearly showing no love to the Uchiha Leader.

"Yup, I know he was one of the founders of the leaf and the was leader of Uchiha clan, that is supposed to be one of the strongest in the world." - Naruto said surprising his father. Naruto even though was 5 year old was very smart and did like to read but going into the library was impossible as he was always expelled.

"Exactly but what you and anyone doesn't know is that Madara was in fact my father. I never said anything to anyone because I decided to keep it a secret" - he said. Naruto's eyes widened when he discovered that the legendary Uchiha Madara was his grandfather. "I am the son of the Yondaime Hokage Konoha's Yellow Flash and the great Uchiha Madara, eh eh there is no way i'm not becoming hokage" - Naruto thought

"Ah ah, with my you begin my tou-san (father) and Madara being my oji-san (grandfather) there is no way i'm not becoming hokage, believe it" - Naruto yelled pumping his fist to the air and getting a smile from Minato.

"I have no doubt you will Naruto" - Minato said ruffling Naruto's hair "Now you know that the Uchiha Clan have a bloodline, more specifically a doujutsu right?" Naruto nodded "This bloodline is called the sharingan and you activated its first level, look at the floor" Naruto looked down and saw his reflection in the water, his eyes were blood red with a black tomoe in each eye "The Sharingan will evolve until it's fully matured getting 3 tomoes in each eye" - Minato concluded he didn't want to go any further into the mangekyou. His time was ending and the kyuubi could explain it if he ever unlocked it. "God, i hope he never has to go through that" - Minato thought.

"OH, I knew I was awesome" - Naruto said happy about knowing everything about his family and finding he had a bloodline.

"Now Naruto, pay attention to what i'm going to say" Minato started "I know that you always wanted a family but you can't go to the Uchiha Clan, besides having the kyuubi in you which if they find out that you are an Uchiha they will use it for their own gain, I want you to be a good person and not an arrogant, power hungry like the Uchiha's are. Never rely too much on the Sharingan, remember that the Sharingan is only a tool, having it doesn't make you all powerful ok?" - Minato asked getting a nod

"OK, my time is ending. Everything I have including my clan's techniques and weapons are in the Namikaze Compound and only you can enter since there's a blood seal around it. Be careful so that no one finds out. I have many enemies as did Madara. If you ever wish to reveal your true heritage I ask you to reveal when you are strong enough to protect yourself and anyone you care about. There are people that would stop at nothing to kill you or your friends to get revenge at me" Minato said with a bit of regret, after all during the third shinobi war he was responsible for slaughtering Iwa's forces.

"Do you know how to use chakra to deactivate your eyes?" - He asked getting a nod from Naruto.

"I'm fading, my chakra is almost over. Remember Naruto, me and your mother loved you very much and i'm sorry that you had to live this life and growing up without love." - Minato said sad on how everything turned out. He asked the Sandaime so that the village saw Naruto as their Hero but he was to naive.

"Don't worry tou-san I got to meet you after all you did what you needed to protect our home" - Naruto said getting a smile from Minato as he said to fade away until he was no longer standing in front of him.

Naruto woke up in the alleyway wondering if it was all a dream until he heard a voice in his head.

"No kit, it wasn't a dream. I'm here after all. You should deactivate your eyes for now and start training. I will help you in every way I can and when you are old enough I will train to use my powers" - kyuubi said

"Thank you, at least I have you with me. I could use the company" - Naruto replied happy with everything it happened. Who knew that this night would turn out to be his best birthday.

"You don't need to speak out loud or people will think you are crazy. Just think and I will hear it. Also now that the cage is open you gained my second ability. You are able to sense people around you and in time with training you will be able to sense their feelings. You should tell the hokage what happened, he will help you, but keep him in the dark about my help for now" - the kyuubi said getting a nod from Naruto as he got up, deactivated his Sharingan and started to make his way to the Hokage Tower.

## 15 Minutes Later Hokage Tower ##

Naruto made his way into the hokage office after arguing with the secretary and threatening her to tell the hokage that she called him a demon. The reason Naruto never found out about the kyuubi is that apparently the Hokage place and S-Rank law that prohibited anyone from telling him he had the Kyuubi in him, and anyone who broke it was subjected to immediate execution.

"Old man" - Naruto said earning a smile from the old hokage happy to see Naruto and getting a break from the Hokages number one enemy, paperwork.

"Naruto-kun, how are you? Do you need anything?" - the hokage asked. Even thought the hokage wasn't actually related to Naruto he has grown quite close to him in the last couple of years treating him like a grandson.

"I wanted to ask you if you could tell me who my parents are?" - Naruto asked messing up with the hokage a bit before he tell him what happened. "I wonder how he will react, eheh" he thought.

"I already told you Naruto, i'm sorry but I don't know you your parents are, all I know is that they are heroes that died fighting the kyuubi" - the hokage replied. He couldn't tell naruto who his parents are he was too young.

"Jiji, before I tell what I came here for can you tell your ANBU to leave. I only want to tell you this." - Naruto said getting a surprised face from the hokage.

"How do you know that there are ANBU in the room?" - he asked to which Naruto replied saying "I can sense them above the ceiling" - Naruto replied.

"Very well" - the hokage said and with the flick of a hand he signaled his 4 ANBU bodyguards to leave the room. "Now Naruto want do you want to tell me?" - he asked

"Jiji, are you sure you sent them all away I can still sense another person there" - Naruto said pointing behind that bookcase. Once Naruto said that the 4 ANBU quickly returned and dashed towards the intruder and quickly immobilizing it.

The intruder had normal ANBU gear, black pants and steel plate in the chest for protection, but his mask was completely white with the kanji for 'ROOT'. "Damn that Danzou, sticking his nose where he shouldn't" - hokage thought.

"Naruto, you are indeed a skilled sensor, you actually caught a intruder that was in here" - hokage said "Oh I knew that I was awesome"- Naruto replied getting a chuckled from the old hokage. After the room was empty Naruto approached the pictures of the previous hokages and stopping in front of the picture of the fourth, turning to the hokage he said "Anything you want to tell me?"

The hokage paled when Naruto asked him. "H-How did you find out?" - the hokage asked wondering how did Naruto find out. Very few people knew that Minato was his father.

"Now that I think about it, I could almost be his twin. I wonder how I anyone never noticed" - naruto said and started explaining everything that happened leaving the kyuubi helping him, he being Madara's grandson and him having the Sharingan.

"Minato really was a genius, to think even dead he gives me headache" - the hokage thought. "Now that you know, what are you going to do? You know you can't tell anyone" - the hokage asked.

"I'm going to train to become strong like my father was and then I'm going to take that hat of yours" - Naruto replied getting a chuckle from the old hokage to which he said

"I have no doubt you will"

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