Silver Linings {A TVD Fanfic...

By xlaurynwritesx

71.5K 1.8K 148

Emmaline Flemming had an ordinary life. Well she thought it was ordinary, at least. Her mother died when she... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three


923 32 2
By xlaurynwritesx

Quick authors note~~
I noticed more people have been reading this book so thank you very much!! I hope you are enjoying it and I'd really like to know what you think of it! Comment on here or my message board so I can see what you think :)
Back to our regularly scheduled program...


I stayed in my temporary room at the Salvatore's the next day since Katherine was apparently still stuck at the apartment. Dad stayed at the bar. I wasn't glad he was drinking but I was glad he wasn't home near me. It was starting to get dark and I'd already drank two blood bags. I tried to stop the cravings with regular food but it didn't really do much.

I sat by the tv when I heard my phone buzzing from the kitchen. I got up and went to it. I almost forgot the hearing part of the deal.

I read Elena's name and I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey can you meet me at the boarding house?" She asked as I furrowed my brows. 

"I'm already here. What for?" I asked confused.

"No one told you? Damon." She started as I became worried. "He was- he was bit by Tyler." She said hesitantly. I felt my heart sink. My best friend would be the reason Damon would die.

"What?" I asked almost inaudibly.

"He's not in a good state right now but I think you should talk to him. If there's anyone he wants to see right now, it's you. There's some good though. Stefan is looking for a cure from Klaus. It could work." She sighed as I felt tears coming from my eyes. The chances were slim. "I'm heading there now. Meet me there?"

"Okay." I said as I breathed trying to sound okay. I hung up the phone and I fell down. It was so much sadness. He was gonna die, I remembered what happened with Rose and I was so worried.

I sat on the floor crying for a while. When he got here I hoped I didn't loose it. I got up and calmed myself down and when I was done, dad called me.

"Emma." He said as I answered. "Is Damon with you?" He asked almost eagerly.

"No why?" I asked worried.

"He got out. The police are after him and I think he's looking for you." He responded.

"Where do you think he's looking?" I asked worried.

"Well he's probably checking at the movie show if he's not at the house right now. Find him quick before he does something he regrets." He said before I hung up. I ran to the park. I quickly went to look for him. I stood there and put my hair behind my ears.

I heard the movie then people whispering. Then I heard panting. I quickly looked up in the direction it was coming from. I saw Elena and looked at her. I went towards her. "Go somewhere safe. He might think you're Katherine and hurt you." I instructed looking at her worried.

"Where is he?" She asked looking at me.

I listened closely. The panting was behind me now. I turned and saw him looking at us from afar. "He's right there. Go to the car. I'm gonna need you to help me take him home."

He came over and I looked at him. We were behind the movie screen. "Damon." I said looking at him to make sure he was really here.

"Emma." He breathed weakly.

"It's not safe out here. We need to go." I said as I grabbed his face looking at him.

"Okay." He replied as I put his arm around me and helped him walk.

"Where are we going?" He asked me.

"Somewhere safe." I replied as he tripped. "Hey you're okay." I assured as I bent down and looked at him. "Let's go." I urged nodding lightly to him.

He looked at me and speeded me over to a pole and looked at my neck. "I choose you Katherine." He spoke as he looked at me.

"Damon it's not Katherine." I explained as I put my hand on his cheek. "It's Emma. See what's really here." I tried to say but he was stuck in his mind. He started going towards my neck. "Damon stop." I insisted looking at him but he kept going. I tried to push him away but he was still stronger.

"I have to if we are to be together forever." He replied clearly out of it. He bit my neck and started drinking my blood. It was weird. It wasn't as painful as I thought it'd be. It almost felt... good?

"Damon you're hallucinating. This isn't Katherine it's Emma. Come back." I demanded as I grabbed the back of his head holding onto his hair. "Damon let go please. It isn't real." I felt his teeth come out of my neck and I pulled his head back. "I'm Emma." I told him looking at his eyes.

"Emma." He breathed ruggedly as he fell down.

"It's gonna be okay." I assured looking at him as he stared into nothing. His eyes started closing and he fell into my chest. I touched the side of my neck and the holes were gone. I put my hair down to cover the blood. I picked him up and put his arm over my shoulder. Thankfully he was easy to carry with my newfound super strength.

I got to the car and Elena helped me get him in the backseat. I sat there with him. He was passed out most the time. I noticed his shirt slightly lifted on his arm. I rolled his sleeve to see the bite. It spread across his arm.

We got to the boarding house and I vamped him up to his bed. I put him on it while Elena got a wet towel for me. His sweating had stopped for the time being.

She stood with me as I watched Damon and started putting the towel on his head. He woke up and I looked at him. "You're okay. You're at home. Elena is here too." I explained to him hoping to calm his nerves.

"You both need to go. I could hurt you." He warned as I looked at him.

"I'll be fine. Elena you should-" I started as she nodded.

"Yeah. Damon I just wanted you to know, I forgive you." Elena said looking to him as she squeezed his hand before walking out.

"Emma go." He breathed before grunting and groaning in pain.

I vamp sped so that I was sitting next to him and his head was leaning on my shoulder. He kept coughing and eventually it stopped.

"I'm not going anywhere Damon." I assured as I held onto him and we sat there as I brushed my fingers through his hair gently.

I felt myself crying once again. "Why are you crying?" I heard him ask as he tilted his head lightly. I decided to lay next to him.

"I don't want to lose you." I replied as I looked at him.

"Don't cry. I deserve this Emma." He replied as I shook my head.

"I get what it is now. To want to kill any human you see. I understand why it was so hard for you." I explained looking at him. "I could see that before I even turned."

"But it doesn't change all the bad I've done." He replied.

"You may have done a lot of bad but you've made things better for me." I complimented as I wiped my eyes. "You even tried to push yourself away from me to make sure I was okay."

"I should've kept pushing. You wouldn't be turned if it wasn't for me being selfish." He admitted weakly, almost in a whisper.

"Yes I would've." I nodded. "You're not the only selfish one Damon. I wanted this, but I'm not sure if I still do if you're not here to help me through it."

"You'll make it without me. You're strong. You're better than I am. You should've started without me. " He replied as I smiled.

"You've tried. Since you met me you didn't try to change who I was. You've always been on my side. You never came close to braking me." I said to him.

"So you do remember?" He asked. "I was starting to think you didn't."

"I did. I've wanted to say something to you about it but it was never the right time." I replied.

"Well now is perfect." He replied as I smiled.

"It is." I nodded as I looked at his eyes. "And I'm not saying this because I'm drunk or because I'm emotional or even because you're dying-" I started.

"Just say it." He said as he looked at me, his eyes barely open.

"I love you Damon. I've loved you for a while. It took me remembering that memory for me to realize how long I have." I admitted as I held his face and cried.

"I've waited so long for that." He replied as I smiled. "I love you too Emma. I always have, and I probably always will."

"I wish- I wish you didn't have to leave me." I whimpered lightly.

"Thank you for helping me. You're the only one who's seen beneath me in so long that I started to think there was nothing there." He replied as I smiled lightly my lip quivering. "Tell Stefan thank you too. For trying to find a cure."

"Why don't you just thank me?" I heard as I turned to see-

"Katherine? I thought you were locked in my house?" I asked looking at her. The curls gave her away.

"And I thought you were dead." She replied as she walked over with a bottle. She motioned for me to get up and I did.

"I am." I replied as she looked at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. She hummed lightly and looked at Damon.

"What is that?" Damon asked looking to her.

"It's the cure." She replied as she gave it to him.

"Why?" I asked curiously as Damon drank it. There had to be a catch.

"I owed him." She replied simply. "Now I don't." She added as she stood up. "We're even."

"So where's Stefan then?" I asked worried.

"Busy paying for this." She replied holding the now empty bottle. "He gave himself over to Klaus. I doubt he'll be back anytime soon." She shook her head.

"Gave himself over?" I asked crossing my arms.

"He sacrificed himself for Damon." She sighed lightly. "I'll be going now. Oh and Emma, I wore some of your clothes. Hope you don't mind too much." She said as she walked out of the room.

I went over to Damon and he started to sit up. He looked at me worried. "How are you feeling?" I asked as he lifted his sleeve. It was starting to heal.

I smiled and chuckled in awe at what I was seeing. He was going to be okay. He wasn't going to leave me.

"Stefan." He took a breath.

"We'll find a way to get to him." I nodded to him as I sat on the edge of the bed. "We will." I reassured as I looked at his arm. "Go get a shower and get some rest. You need it." I nodded to him.

Before I knew it he grabbed me and we were standing up. He held the side of my face and looked at every inch of it before he pulled me closer. I leaned in and we kissed each other passionately. I had my hands on his neck and his hands were on the sides of my face. The touch of him on me sent shivers down my spine. It was nothing like being human. I felt every single thing down to my core.

We separated and I waited a second before I opened my eyes. He looked at me with love. I'd seen the look before but it was never this intense. "I needed that more." He intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled with bliss.

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