Love in the Time of Trials

By Epicocity

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Ancienverse Book Five. In the wake of the battle at Heahea City, Ash and the others continue their adventure... More

Chapter 1: A Hatching
Chapter 2: A Doubt
Chapter 3: An Avenue
Chapter 4: A Problem
Chapter 5: A Tension
Chapter 6: A Partner
Chapter 7: A Shuriken
Chapter 8: A Discovery
Chapter 9: A Shadow
Chapter 10: A Darkness
Chapter 11: A Motion
Chapter 12: A Paradise
Chapter 13: A Division
Chapter 14: A Pain
Chapter 15: An Understanding
Chapter 16: An Observatory
Chapter 17: A Thread
Chapter 18: An Insecurity
Chapter 19: A Scarcity
Chapter 20: A Stalking
Chapter 21: A Bloodlust
Chapter 22: A Performance
Chapter 23: A Smile
Chapter 24: A Breaking
Chapter 25: A Rescue
Chapter 26: A Secret
Chapter 27: A Demon
Chapter 29: A Month

Chapter 28: A Cavalry

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By Epicocity

I always love stories where the feeling in the middle or the end is completely different from the one you had early on in it. I hope I've been able to recreate that with my own story. Time for Chapter 28!

Chapter 28

A Cavalry

Ash watched Serena go, running off with an exhausted and partially soot-covered Clemont, towards what he figured could only be Lusamine's office and their ultimate goal behind it. The sounds of battle were still going on outside the manor, each one indicating that those battling were giving it their all to fight off Team Skull. There was still some puzzlement about whatever Plumeria was referring to in regards to the future, but Ash chose to focus on the present. Most particularly, Guzma.

Greninja turned his head, looking directly at Ash, and he could tell that underneath his tongue cowl, the frog was smiling at him. There was certainly a warmth at being reunited with his partner Pokémon that he was so connected with. Though, they had said they would definitely meet again soon, anyway. For the moment, it wasn't important. Their connection was intact, ready to fight. Their memories were shared, unneeded to be spoken in words, but ones that they would use to fight off the leader of Team Skull that wanted to stand in their way.

"Kids like you always gotta talk tough, am I right?" Guzma said, grinning at Ash and Gladion. Ash shifted his foot, both Pikachu and Greninja gearing up for a battle. So was Null, pawing fiercely at the ground. It felt like there was a shared feeling between all three of the combatants this time, unlike the last time they'd squared off in the Battle Royal.

Gladion, who must have hated himself for what he had done to his sister at this point. Ash, who hated Guzma for what he was forcing them all to go through. And Guzma, who must have hated the world so much that he wanted to see it gone, just like Michael. Their feelings were about to collide with one another, Ash knew, and he had no idea what would be left in the rubble. It made him waver momentarily, realizing how similar they were in their core emotions. He shook his head.

"No, we're really going to take you down!" Ash proclaimed to him. "You've hurt the people of Alola, and don't care about anybody but yourself, and now you're hurting our family."

"Take yer self-righteousness somewhere else, kiddo," Guzma said to him. The grin hadn't gone away, still bearing down eerily upon him. "This world ain't done nothin'! It's beat us down and beat us down like we're pathetic trash, so why should I give a damn? Far as I'm concerned, it's got what's comin' to it! The President is the only one that knew we were more! So, go on and protect yer region. Meanwhile, we'll all have our dreams come true, and there ain't nothin' you can do to stop your boy Guzma."

"Shut up!" Gladion roared, running straight for the man. He punched forward rapidly, but Guzma quickly grabbed his arm, stopping the attempt cold before nailing him in the stomach with his own well-aimed punch. Gladion wheezed and stumbled backwards. The older man chuckled, body tensing for a real fight as his eyes settled on Ash, licking his lips.

"Come on, boys! I want passion and conviction! Not weak little hits that mean nothin'!" Guzma said. Ash narrowed his eyes, that word repeating in his brain. Nothing. But more than that, he was beginning to wonder if, perhaps, Guzma was trying to fill the passion he lacked. Ash swallowed, and he clenched his fist. This was their showdown, and he was going to make sure it ended here.

"Metal Sound, Null! Now!" Gladion wasted no time in giving the command, though he looked rather winded. Guzma's grin increased, lighting up at the thought of the battle. Null, exhausted and heaving, hunkered down and a loud sound quivered out. Ash tried to not let it bother him despite being on the same side as it. Guzma certainly didn't look concerned whatsoever by the attack on his and Golisopod's senses. Nevertheless, Ash now struck forward, punching right at Guzma. The man blocked it and aimed his own to Ash's stomach, but the raven-haired trainer raised his leg to slam it into Guzma and push him backwards.

"Iron Tail, Pikachu!" Ash called, hopping away from the man. The Skull leader raised his hand, his fingers beckoning for both Ash and Gladion to take him on at once. Pikachu ran forward.

"Chu pika"! Pikachu cried, bringing his shining tail whipping around and crashing into Golisopod's exposed chest. The Hard Scale Pokémon took it head on and Ash could almost see it grinning. Pikachu's eyes widened, but Guzma issued no order.

"Get in there with Crush Claw!" Gladion shouted. Null ran forward, slower than usual from its fatigue. Its claw glowed blood red, a sharp contrast against the white gleaming floors of the manor's foyer. It slashed upward and Golisopod moved from the force of it colliding with his body. Pikachu dropped to the ground.

"Keep it up, Pikachu! Don't give it a chance! Greninja, in there with Cut!" Ash ordered. Despite their time apart, Greninja nodded, instantly snapping into the attack. Guzma struck out for Ash but he twirled to the side, putting to use some of Serena's own performance training. As he came out, he kicked for Guzma and nailed him on the side, though the man merely flinched a little. Gladion ran forward and slammed into his stomach with a headbutt, driving him against a wall that appeared to be one of those connected to Lusamine's office.

Pikachu was back on the attack next to his trusted ally. Greninja had called his swords forth as he, Pikachu and Null all struck towards Golisopod. The bulky Bug type, however, never attacked back. It just grinned. Greninja sliced downward and Pikachu swiped upward, both attacks nailing on their opponent's head. Null moved in to slash across and Golisopod's body moved just slightly to avoid the blow, only to take a blow to the face from Pikachu. It was odd, but Ash couldn't think about it with Guzma's fist coming at him.

He ducked low, rolling across the floor and making a low kick at Guzma's legs, sending the older man tumbling. Gladion backed up and punched him in the face, as promised. "That's for using me!"

"Usin' you?" Guzma cackled out. He skidded across the ground, but popped right back up with a flip to his feet, grinning. "You let yourself be used, 'cause you knew you'd be nothin' if you weren't a tool."

Gladion had no answer to that, and Ash wasn't sure what to say to him. Guzma seemed to like hurling around words like "nothing" on a consistent basis, and Ash had started to hate it. All words from his past that made him drown in failure: pathetic, nothing, loser. He had to wonder, though, if Guzma had had much the same said to him once upon a time, considering how focused he was on it. For just a moment there, battling him, Ash connected with his potential pain, even if it didn't excuse his actions.

"I'd still be me," Gladion insisted. Ash kept one eye on the two, and another on the battle between the Pokémon. Why hadn't Golisopod made a move yet?

"Yeah, and what are you?" That question made Gladion scowl, but it gave Ash pause. That was the question wasn't it? What did having a 'me' mean? What is a Pokémon Master? Golisopod's claws glinted as both Pikachu and Null moved in, Greninja soon joining the cluster.

"Pikachu, Greninja, pull back now!" Ash ordered harshly. The two stopped their attacks, Greninja finding it easier as he grabbed Pikachu and hopped away. Guzma's grin stretched.

"First Impression!" Just as expected from their opponent, Golisopod's claws glowed a sickly green, almost extending outwards. Null lunged at Golisopod but was unable to break off its attacks. The claws finally attacked, gouging into the creature, carrying it with Golisopod's strike and slamming into the wall. That very wall broke into pieces and Null was tossed into the office, slamming against the open bookcase door. There were shouts from inside, but Ash was back to focusing on the battle. Null was struggling to stand.

"Thunderbolt, and use Cut!" Ash yelled. Guzma was back on him as Pikachu called the voltage to his body and let it rip, getting the attention of Golisopod in time for Greninja to slash downward. Guzma punched out, but Ash dodged to the side, grabbing his arm. He stared into the abyss, that reflection of self, and couldn't look away, even as Guzma knocked him on the head, sending him to the floor.

"Brick Break," he called to his Pokémon. Golisopod's claw raised, glowing bright white as it collided with Greninja's white blades. It wasn't enough; not enough to fight back, and not enough of a statement to prove who they were that they could beat back Guzma.

"Greninja, full power!" Ash cried, raising his hand to the air. Water surrounded Greninja, bursting upwards and knocking Golisopod slightly backwards. Guzma's grin grew wider while Ash felt himself become more limber. He only hoped this would be enough. "Aerial Ace!"

"Hit it with Iron Head!" Gladion spat viciously. Both trainers and Pokémon ran at their opponents. Ash kicked outward as Greninja did, only for Guzma to catch his leg. Golisopod was less lucky, taking the pincer attack from the gleaming Null and Greninja's white hot limbs. Lusamine's desk was sent into splinters as Golisopod cried out, crashing through its wooden material.

"Now, use Cut!"

"Counter with X-Scissor!" Both Pokémon broke off their original attacks, Greninja siphoning water from his giant shuriken to become sharp kunai while Golisopod moved in with crossed claws. Guzma emulated his Pokémon, slashing out to try and claw at them. Ash moved like Greninja, crossing his arms to block the swipe. Gladion was less fortunate, Guzma's rough nails raking across his face and sending him careening to the side.

"Pikachu, use Electro Ball!" Pikachu, who had kept his distance, went straight into attacking. The tip of his tail crackled and sparked, the orb of electricity forming as he ran off. Guzma broke off his assault, allowing Ash and Gladion to punch forward at the same time, though only Ash had the right timing to nail their opponent in the face, with the blond's just missing seconds later. It was something the man noticed, but didn't remark upon, ordering a Razor Shell. "Pikachu, look ou-"

"Pikaaaaaa!" Pikachu cried. Golisopod had broken off X-Scissor, allowing Greninja to slice downward. It grunted loudly, but still called forth its watery blade to slice upward into the Electric Pokémon's tiny body and bring Pikachu flying upwards. His very best friend tumbled through the air and landed on the ground against the bookshelves, seeming utterly spent. Ash wasn't giving in, though. Nor, did it seem, was Null, who looked furious at the treatment that Pikachu had just endured, its body steaming. It was the first sign of that connection repairing itself. Ash wished he could run right over to his partner, but Guzma was making that an impossibility.

"Get in with Cut!" Ash yelled, crossing his arms as Greninja did. Null, too, charged back in to the battle on Gladion's orders. Ash struck out, finding his "blade" blocked by Guzma just as Greninja's was blocked by Razor Shell. They whirled and clashed with each other, intersecting and breaking apart rapidly. Gladion got involved by kicking outward, though it nearly hit Ash in the process. "Use Water Shuriken and slash upwards!"

"Ninja gren!" Greninja broke off and the Razor Shell sliced down his midsection. Ash grimaced from the pain, giving Guzma the all too giddy chance to sock him in the face. He fell to the ground, but Greninja didn't stop, grabbing the liquid shuriken like a sword and slashing upwards into Golisopod's jaw. Using his Pokémon's momentum, Ash sprang back onto his feet and made an uppercut that Guzma just barely avoided.

"Now, use Aerial Ace after breaking the water apart," Ash commanded. As Greninja's shuriken vanished to wreath his limbs in liquid, Null struck Golisopod, though it strained terribly from its exhaustion. Greninja dashed in and kicked out, nailing Golisopod in the stomach before flipping around and punching down on its head.

"Brick Break!" Guzma called. Both of Golisopod's claws glowed white and they came slamming down upon both Greninja and Null's heads. Ash winced, feeling the brunt of the pain on his head before Guzma roughly grabbed it and shoved him against the bookshelf. Gladion was on the other side in the same exact situation as Team Skull's leader began to drag them along, their faces being cut into by the wood paneling and books, themselves.

"Agggggggh!" Ash screamed, the pain intensifying as Greninja took another Brick Break to the stomach. Guzma was practically cackling, though it was a low cackle as he dragged the boys along before slamming them once more against the bookcase.

"Come on, boys, yer so pathetic! Can't even work together to beat me!" he said, yanking roughly at their hair. Ash's hat fell to the ground as he winced, trying to think up a way out of the situation. "Know why Team Skull has been able to do everything? Cuz we're family, but you brats aren't. Ya don't even know yerselves, so how could ya ever know another person. Me and my boys and girls know, though. We hold the same kinda history."

"That doesn't make you family!" Ash groaned out. "Aerial Ace!"

"Greninja!" the Ninja Pokémon cried. The two moved in tandem synchronization, kicking their legs outward. Ash placed his on the bookcase and pushed, forcing Guzma back before his kick whipped around to nail the hated boss of Team Skull. Guzma grunted, sliding a bit back.

"Hit it with Crush Claw!" Gladion ordered. Null's claws were glowing again as both it and Greninja struck right at Golisopod's center. It was still grinning, not ready to go down quite yet. Ash was ready to finish this, though.

"Greninja, let's do-"

"Ah, ah, your boy Guzma doesn't think so!" Guzma taunted. Before either Ash or Gladion could move, the man raised his arms and crossed them, causing Ash's eyes to widen. As the man was grinning, his manic expression was offset by yellowish green glow that was imbued on his Z-Ring. "I don't like usin' it, cuz I think it makes me look weak, but I'm makin' an exception right now. So, ya wanna see what destruction really looks like? It's here in human form!"

Why do you want to be a Pokémon Master?

Pathetic! Ash couldn't stop the cavalcade of words from entering his head, making him freeze up for just a second and Guzma began to move.

What is a Pokémon Master?


Ya don't even know yerselves!


Then the glow from Guzma's Z-Ring exploded.


"Squishy!" Bonnie yelled, running forward to the sight of the dropping green dog. Serena had run off already, but the lemon blonde hadn't cared at the sight of her long-time companion.

"Denenene!" Dedenne cheered as well. Behind them, Team Rocket was staring around in confusion, though only for a moment as some foolish Skull grunts decided to attempt an attack on them. Bewear angrily intervened by smacking said attack away. Bonnie completed her running to the pair of dogs and instantly flung her arms around the one with the red crystal mixed in with the green.

"I missed you, Squishy! What have you been up to?"

I have been up to much, Bonnie, Squishy replied, and she could sense the warmth coming from him. That made her snuggle in further. The battle around them didn't matter; only the two of them in that moment. Well, at least until Squishy began to speak again. You've been well, I see.

"Me and Dedenne have been real great!" she said positively. Her smile dropped a little and she turned towards the site of the battle. Kahili was still duking it out with Plumeria, neither woman giving an inch in the battle. The others were in the thick of it, too. "Guess I know why you're really here..."

Yes, was Squishy's sad reply. Bonnie didn't let that affect her. She stood and patted him on the head happily. I suppose we will catch up on all our endeavors after the battle. For now, this may be the tipping point.

"Then let's work together!" Bonnie insisted. Dedenne hopped off of Bonnie's shoulder and on to Squishy's head, sitting there comfortably. He didn't seem to mind, however, letting the Antenna Pokémon simply stay there. In fact, he lowered a bit, as if telling Bonnie that she could get on his back. The lemon blonde grinned and did as asked. "All right! Into battle, Squishy! Let's beat these meanies so we can help my brother and the rest rescue Lillie!"

Of course, Bonnie!

"You, too, Bluey!" Bonnie said to the other Zygarde that was there. It looked at her almost incredulously, but the sudden chuckling from Squishy seemed to have change that fortune. Bluey relaxed, shaking its head, but growling towards the scene of battle. All of the others were working hard to take Team Skull out, and Bonnie knew she'd have to play her part. "Then let's go! Use Dragon Pulse! Dedenne, Thunder Shock!"

Yes, ma'am! Squishy's response made Bonnie giggle as the canine shot into the thick of battle. They quickly flashed past Kiawe and his Marowak, who was beating back numerous Zubat with its dancing Shadow Bone. Backed up against the dark-skinned native of Akala was Mallow, her Tsareena stomping down on the human members of Team Skull. For some weird reason, they actually seemed to like it. Squishy and Bluey opened their mouths, the purple glow forming before firing out. The beams shot over the crowd, emerging in the shape of a two-headed dragon. Then it arched downward and impacted with a cluster of their foes, exploding outward and sending their enemies scattering.

"Yeah! Yeah! You're awesome!"

"That was super sweet, Bonnie!" The cheerful tone of Hau's voice drew her attention and she grinned at the boy. Next to him was Pipi, who appeared to be using some form of Psychic to levitate her opponents and fling them towards Incineroar. "Darkest Lariat!"

"Garooo!" Incineroar blasted out, swinging around to slam the grunts and their Pokémon away with nearly pitch black flames surrounding his arms. Some of them hit the undamaged mansion walls, while others hit the floor and tried to crawl away. For those that were, a number of them suddenly collapsed, hit by a Razor Shell from Aidan's Samurott, the man nodding at Bonnie as he adjusted his glasses.

We cannot transform further here without harming the humans, Bluey suddenly pointed out. Bonnie listened in and Hau's eyes grew wide, as though he could hear their conversation, as well. His lips were flapping and flopping.

That does not mean we cannot fight. Greninja is aiding Ash in whatever course they are taking. We must do our part. Bonnie, give the command! Squishy insisted. Hau placed his hands behind his head, looking at Incineroar and Pipi batting off a horde of Golbat that was coming at them.

"Right!" Bonnie said. A whirring sound suddenly informed Bonnie that Rotom was close by, having been taking pictures of Zygarde for some time. She looked to it, as if asking the Pokédex for just what command she was supposed to be giving. The pictures on its screen showcased the move it had read, and she grinned. "Squishy, use Land's Wrath!"

There was a great growl and howl as both Squishy and Bluey hunkered down, their bodies glowing brightly. Hau stepped back as the glow began to spread across the area. Others seemed to take notice as well, considering that Bewear was grabbing Team Rocket and pulling them outside of the range of attack, right alongside Kiawe, who had taken Mallow and Lana back to safety. Kahili had noticed it as well, whistling sharply for Toucannon to come and grab her. She also nabbed on to Lionel, who was still in the thick of it, and pulled him out.

Then the ground exploded. Plumeria was yelling something, and some of the Skull members scrambled to put up protective shields, for all the good it was doing. Numerous stone spires and cracks appeared, exploding like building blocks that slammed into the enemy. Behind Bonnie, she thought she could hear the sound of another loud explosion going off, and some crumbling walls, though it could have easily been her imagination. Her hat was flung off her head by the blast of wind, sailing through the air upwards, where she could see Latias zipping back and forth, seemingly taking out any artillery that was stationed out there, or just guarding the perimeter of the skies.

Then, the glow finished, the rumbling ended and Bonnie could focus her attention on to the result. Hau's comment pretty much summed it all up.

"Whoa..." he breathed, looking pretty impressed. Bonnie smiled and breathed, patting Squishy on the head. "You're awesome, Bonnie!"

The battle isn't over, Bluey snapped harshly. That much was clearly obvious, since Plumeria was still standing, as were a number of Skull grunts that had managed to defend against the attack by banding close together with Protect. Kahili landed on the ground as the two Zygarde moved closer. Hau was glancing back into the mansion, clearly wanting to run in after Ash and Gladion.

"'s always the ones you least expect..." Plumeria said, leveling a glare at Bonnie. Suddenly, Kahili's golf club was at her neck, almost like it was a sword. "Or it's just the annoying ones. I so hate complications."

"Glad we could muck things up for you, then," Kahili spoke. Bonnie quickly dismounted Squishy, looking to the interior of the mansion with Hau. "Team Skull has lost. Surrender now and we may be lenient."

"Lost?" Plumeria chuckled out. Her words and tone inspired a gripping fear inside of Bonnie, making her turn to Hau with worry. The way she had said it made it seem like she knew they hadn't, or perhaps that their own group had lost before they'd ever set foot on the Aether Paradise. "I don't think so, because we were never trying to win in the first place."

"What does that-?" Lionel's demanding inquiry was cut off by the whole entire Paradise suddenly rocking. Bonnie pitched forward, though she was caught by Hau niftily.

"Aw, man! That doesn't look good!" Hau yelled out in her ear. She looked to him and saw that he was looking straight up in the sky. Bonnie's eyes widened. It was just like before, only bigger. No...not bigger, but more.

"The Ultra Space..." she breathed out. The fear gripped her utterly and entirely, and only a single thought pierced her brain. "Clemont! Lillie!"

"We gotta get to them!" Hau agreed. His Pokémon nodded, and their entire group turned to the manor, only for the Paradise to shake once more, sending them collapsing to their knees. By comparison, Plumeria stood her ground. She was speaking, too, Bonnie noticed.

"Well, there's that. I enjoyed the skirmish, if not the complication," the woman said, shaking her head. "Boss probably got carried away, but whatever; I can't save him from every stupid thing he does."

"What did you do?" Kahili and Lionel demanded simultaneously. Plumeria's lips twitched upward into a smirk and she raised her hand, the one with the Z-Ring upon it. She promptly snapped her fingers. Salazzle leapt forward, and from her mouth belched an endless amount of purple gas that consumed them. Hau grabbed Bonnie as Incineroar covered them, like a living shield, from the gas that was permeating the area for the moment.

"Toucannon, blow it away!"

"You, too, Charizard!" Kiawe roared. Both of the flying Pokémon blasted it away with a quick beating of their wings, sending the poisonous gas up into the air, where it filtered through the shattered glass and cleared out. She didn't know how long they were protecting themselves, but once it had dissipated, Incineroar got off of them and Hau stood, pulling Bonnie upwards. To the girl's surprise, they weren't the only ones near the mansion at this point. Team Rocket was there, as well.

However, Team Skull, or what was left of their undefeated forces, had vanished completely, causing Kahili to slam her golf club angrily on the ground with a snarl. Bonnie had no idea where they could have gone, but only figured it had been planned from the very beginning. It was certainly a situation, but Team Rocket said the only words that really mattered.

"The twerps!" James said. Wobbuffet was trailing behind the main three, looking worried.

"Hurry it up, James! They could be in danger, and no one puts the twerps in danger but us!" Jessie snapped. Bonnie's eyes widened and she grabbed Dedenne while Squishy and Bluey glanced around the area.

"Ain't dat da truth?"

"Wobba!" Bonnie watched the three head into the manor, her heart thumping wildly. Hau put a hand on her shoulder and he grinned.

"They'll be fine, so let's help 'em out!" he said, pumping his fist a little. Rotom even agreed, not bothering to calculate percentages. Bonnie balled her fists a little, pulling them to her chest, and then she nodded. She didn't know what had happened, but if there was any chance of her doing something, she was ready to take it.


Serena and Clemont's steps pounded along the metal floor, like a catwalk that led to Lusamine's mysterious lab. The woman hadn't even bothered concealing the door in her study, allowing them easy access. Whether it was because she expected them or genuinely didn't care anymore, Serena didn't know or worry about. What mattered right now were Nebby and Lillie. There was another door at the end of the hallway, this one actually closed, but she wasn't willing to let that stop her.

"Braixen, Sylveon, knock it down!" Serena called. Clemont flinched almost apologetically that he was unable to do much of anything other than clasping the glowing cube to his hand. "You're sure it will work?"

"Not entirely, but Faba took my theory of sound generation and he plans to use that in tandem with torture to split the space wide," Clemont explained. Braixen thrust her wand forward, mixing her raging flames with Sylveon's powerful Fairy Wind. "If we can interrupt that, we might have a shot at saving Nebby and stopping it all. You just get Lillie away."

"On it!" Serena said, her face settling into one of determination. The attacks impacted with the door and sent it flying into the bright whiteness that awaited. The two picked up their pace, and Serena was surprised by Clemont's increased stamina. Voices were reaching them now.

"Please, mother! You'll only hurt Nebby!" Lillie's voice was calling. "There has to be another way!"

"Stop repeating yourself, Lillie. It's unsightly," Lusamine's cold voice responded. Serena's eyes narrowed and she charged forward, the bright light of the impending lab growing more and more until, finally, Serena, Clemont and her Pokémon had broken over the threshold.

She would have gasped at the sight, but at this point, almost nothing really surprised her much. It was certainly a large lab, a great tubular structure sitting in the middle, with wires leading from it to a control panel. At that panel was the scientist Clemont had once admired, his lab coat burned, and looking disheveled. More importantly, however, were the figures closer to the tube. Lusamine was closest, her hand upon it as squeals from inside indicated that it was Nebby's prison. Lillie was a slightly further distance away. Her hat had been removed, and Serena noticed that her dress, still the same one, had been cleaned, and her shoes replaced with the ones she had been wearing when they had first met.

"Faba, what is taking so long?" Lusamine demanded. "I've been ready for you for some time now!"

"No!" Lillie shouted, but Serena could only look in shock. Lusamine stepped a little away as Lillie ran for her mother. Then the older blonde's hand snapped out, backhanding Lillie across the cheek and sending her tumbling down the stairs as she lost her balance. Serena sped forward.

"Lillie!" she cried, and at the last second felt herself pushed along by a gust of wind from Sylveon. It was just enough to close the distance and manage to grab ahold of the tumbling blonde in her arms. Lusamine's eyes widened, though they had nothing on Faba, who whipped towards Clemont.

"Chespin, use Vine Whip and stop them!" he cried, tossing forth his pokeball. Chespin emerged, vines immediately soaring out for Faba, and the small device that was held in his hands. They hadn't needed his invention yet. Lillie turned in Serena's arms.

"Why...why did you come here...?" she breathed out, clearly winded from the slap that her mother had delivered her. There was little doubt that it would bruise sometime later. Serena gripped her tighter.

"Because you're family," she breathed. There was no other reason that needed to be given. Lillie laid there, and her body began to shake, tears spilling down her face, though Serena couldn't guess if it was from relief or some other overwhelming emotion. Lusamine was watching them, Serena could tell, and when she looked up, she saw an expression of utter disdain on the woman's face. Meanwhile, Chespin had grabbed ahold of the small item in Faba's hand and was pulling it back.

"You impudent little brat!" Faba snapped, wincing with the inflicted pain of whatever battle he had had with Clemont. Chespin dropped the item into Clemont's hand as the boy grinned back.

"Looks like we win," the inventor said. Faba spluttered indignantly, like he couldn't believe the reversal of fortunes that had just occurred. Serena stood up, placing Lillie gingerly down on the ground, looking distraught. She stepped forward.

"It's over, Lusamine," Serena said. The woman paid her little mind, her eyes narrowing into near slits as she examined the area. "Whatever plans Michael had, he only used you, and now they're at an end!"

"Michael?" Lusamine asked, almost as if intrigued. Her eyes once more widened a little as she stared at Serena, glancing her up and down in examination. "Yes, you look a lot like him, now that I think about it..."

"Wait, Michael is behind this?" Clemont asked in shock. Serena didn't bother answering in the midst of the moment. It was clear enough in general.

"How fascinating...both our daughters rebelling; turning into such ugly creatures," Lusamine said. Any genial features she once had were gone, melting into the visage of a scowl. There was a flashing image superimposed over Serena's eyes. Lusamine was replaced with a creature, tentacles inching forward with the intent of smothering them. On the ground, Lillie had stopped crying and was sitting up while Serena walked forward.

"He was not my father, and the daughter that was..." Serena felt herself trembling with rage once again as she stared up at the woman they were opposing. Faba still looked unsure of what to do, as though afraid to confront Clemont at close range. There was a desperate knocking sound from the tube. "You're just like him...using your daughter for your own gains, treating her like a tool. Lillie is her own person!"

"Do children not exist to serve their parents?" Lusamine asked coldly. Serena felt sick at such a statement. She could only remember holding Reeree in her arms, having done what her father had requested, having been brushed off as nothing. Knowing that even one more person thought the same way made her ill. "If they obey, everything can be beautiful and happy. I could forgive any ugliness if they do that."

"Everything...?" Serena's fists clenched while Sylveon and Braixen braced for a fight ahead. "She was grieving...grieving for her father, and then her brother! You're just like him! He didn't let her grieve; he twisted their pain, and he twisted your pain and this is what you became! Lillie just wanted her mother!"

"What I became was of my own volition," Lusamine spoke simply. The woman reached for her belt, grabbing a pokeball from it. "My own choices brought me here. Michael may have influenced some decisions, but I made the choice to dive in. And Lillie still has her mother."

"Can you honestly say you're the same woman you were before that man twisted your life?" Serena demanded, her foot shifting a little, knowing that the fight was most certainly about to begin. Lusamine's lips twisted upwards into a smirk.

"Does it matter? I still love my daughter, so long as she remains something worthy enough to be loved, even with her current shortcomings. Those, at least, can be fixed, unlike her useless excuse of a brother," the woman said. Then her smirk flipped and became a scowl yet again, gritting her teeth angrily, her body shaking furiously. Perhaps it was a sign of her illness that Wicke had mentioned, but inside of it there was a very clear presence of mind. "But you seem rather intent on disfiguring my daughter, don't you, Serena? I won't stand for you ruining a chance at such beauty."

"I won't let you hurt my family, you monster," Serena said. It was the first time she felt she'd ever spoken such ugly words, yet she meant every one of them. Lillie was looking up at her, the tear tracks still present, even after they had dried. That burgeoning feeling of protection welled inside her being as she stared down Lusamine.

Two women: one a mother, one not. Yet Serena viewed Lillie almost like a daughter in a way that Lusamine never had. It was their source of conflict, their own reversal of identities, and Serena finally recognized the truth: she really couldn't make everyone happy...because there were people like Lusamine who never would be without making everyone else unhappy first.

"Milotic, Ice Beam!" The wicked blonde had moved faster. Before Serena had a chance to issue her own commands, the Tender Pokémon had emerged and sent the chilling rays sweeping across the area. Serena and her Pokémon flipped back, avoiding the blow, though Clemont wasn't so lucky. His entire bottom half was frozen, the hand with the cube stuck inside the ice while the other with Faba's device was outside it. Chespin was a complete block of ice. Even Lillie was locked into place on the ground, stuck halfway between sitting and standing. "Faba, finish what you were ordered to!"

"Yes, ma'am. Oh, and..." Serena whipped her gaze to Faba in order to see him toss a small device that looked like a collar. Milotic slithered close to Lusamine, allowing the woman to place the collar on. An orange aura suddenly flared to life around Milotic, exactly like those with the Totem Pokémon. The battle just got harder.

"Braixen, use Psyshock!" Serena ordered, having flipped into a crouch. She drew herself up as Braixen swiped with her claws. The purple streaks flashed outward, one of them splitting off to aim for Faba, who swiped his device from Clemont's half-frozen hand. He quickly started running away, only to be slammed into from behind. The other two, meanwhile, pierced right through Milotic. It seemed to do little due to the orange aura and the rings of water swirling around it. Lusamine smirked. "Sylveon, use Swift!"

"Sylvie!" Sylveon cried furiously. Sylveon's feelers snapped outward, sending the golden stars outward to collide with Milotic's long body. They did so, but Milotic blasted out from them.

"Water Pulse," was the nonchalant command that followed. Milotic's head rose, a large sphere of water forming before being flung right through the stars towards Sylveon. "Ice Beam!"

"Sylveon, dodge!" Her command did little. Milotic was extraordinarily quick, no doubt aided from the aura that was surrounding it. The sphere sailed through the air, only to be flash frozen, and then collided with Sylveon. Her beloved Pokémon cried out, flying back and slamming against the wall. Without even thinking, Serena returned her and went to grab another pokeball.

"Brai brai!" Braixen called out in warning. Serena glanced back to see Lusamine and Milotic were striking yet again, aiming an Ice Beam right for her. Wrenching her body to the side, Serena spun into a cartwheel that avoided it.

"Hidden Power!" Serena cried. It was down to her and Braixen, a fact that the Fox Pokémon knew. Faba was up and walking again, or crawling, towards the console. Braixen brandished her wand, summoning a dozen projectiles that swirled around her stick and then fired off in a slew of silvery streaked orbs.

"Freeze it," Lusamine ordered. She wasn't even taking the battle seriously, just buying time, it seemed. Milotic's original Ice Beam attack moved upwards, freezing across the orbs. Serena's eyes widened as the orbs suddenly fell, dropping to the ground with a slight tinkle. "Dragon Pulse."

"Get closer and counter with Flamethrower!" Serena yelled. She could feel the chill in the air from all the ice, but Braixen still dodged to the side and began running at Milotic. The draconic beam fired out at her, the maw of the dragon opening up wide. Braixen aimed her wand and fired a spurt of flame straight at the Dragon Pulse. It collided, creating a slight explosion that obscured Clemont and Lillie from view. Another one seemed to fire out, which Braixen aimed a Flamethrower at once again to get close. "Now, Psyshock!"

"Sen!" Braixen agreed. She launched herself up into the air, spinning around with a warping purple glow. The streaks flew out, five in all, and battered themselves relentlessly into Milotic. Lusamine's lips became pursed, her eyes upon Serena with utmost disdain. Braixen landed right on Milotic's slithering back, and without a command, she plunged her wand down and sent out the star of flame that surrounded the Water type, causing it to writhe.

"Capture it." Serena ran forward, only as the smoke cleared, and she could see that Milotic's tail had whipped out, capturing her Pokémon. Its head was rearing back, a sphere of water formed by its mouth before crashing into Braixen. The result was a large explosion of water that burst outward, leaving the Fox Pokémon slumped over. "Now, Ice Beam."

"Braixen, return!" Serena called. Her pokeball had barely called back her defeated ace Pokémon when a new sound joined the fray. It was a cracking noise. Her body turned.

The wall suddenly broke open, bricks and metal blasting all over the place. Serena's eyes widened, but she found herself freezing and unable to move. The simple momentary distraction had allowed Lusamine to easily capture her within a frozen prison. At the same time, she couldn't look away. There were figures flying through the broken wall, slamming upon the ground as a blur swiped through them, making them all cry out.

"Ash!" Serena and Clemont yelled out at the same time.

"" Ash groaned out. Sure enough, he and Gladion were there, along with Null, Greninja and Pikachu. However, none of them seemed to be in a position to move when Golisopod, the blur from earlier, was back on top of their Pokémon, slamming their heads down, water dissipating from around Greninja's figure. Then there was Guzma.

"Yo, Madam President! I took some of the trash out!" the man called, striding through the large hole in the wall casually. He had walked over to Ash and Gladion and quickly placed a foot on each one of their heads in victory.

"Thank you, Guzma. I knew I could count on your strength," the woman said. It caused Serena's attention to return to her. Wiggling in the ice, Serena couldn't move her lower body at all, most of her pokeballs frozen up. The only one that was free was the one that had unconsciously been in her hands the entire time: the one that belonged to Lillie, who was still frozen herself. "Faba, are we ready?"

"Yes, at last Madam President!" Faba chuckled out gleefully. Serena strained, hoping she could break the ice that was surrounding her. She wasn't alone in this endeavor, every one of them trying to break free from their own respective situations. Her hands were growing numb, hurting from the biting cold. Lusamine called Milotic back, looking almost smug.

"No! Please!" Lillie screamed in utmost desperation. Lusamine ignored her, walking to the tube and peering inside. "Nebby! Hold on! I'll save you! I promise! It's the reason I agreed to come along!"

"Stop talking foolishness, Lillie," Lusamine chided her. Lillie seemed to be silenced, almost afraid of her mother's words. Serena wasn't sure what to do. She could only see Lusamine's smirk, Guzma's grin, and the look of glee on Faba's face as he pressed a button.

"PEEEEEEEEEEEW!" Nebby's sharp screams pierced the air, causing Serena to flinch and a tear to roll from her eyes. There was a bright blue light of energy from the tube, like shocks that were emitted. It was torturing the little one. Lusamine leaned closer.

"Come now, Cosmog, I need you to release all of your energy! Sing your song so that they know where you are!" she cried, her grin ever-widening.

"Stop it now, mother or I'll...I'll..."

"Stay out of things, Lillie. I'm doing this for our family. For our beautiful world," she spoke, nodding to Faba. Once more, Faba pressed the button and the blue shocks increased. Serena didn't want to look, but stuck in that position she was forced to listen to the tortured screams of Nebby. There was a bright light inside the tube, like energy blasting out, soon filtering like purple gas.

"Yes! These energy readings are incredible!" Faba explained. "Far greater than even Heahea. I'm quite certain they're aware of its presence!"

"At last," Lusamine said. Her head raised up, looking at the ceiling with a smile. Then Serena heard the notes. They were strangled, as if forced out, but they were clear in the air. Serena's eyes widened greatly: they were like a less jumbled version of the sound Nebby made when it moved or cried out. Further than that, part of it was the song she'd heard when Tapu Lele had given her the Z-Ring. Ash and Gladion seemed to recognize it as well, though Guzma pushed them further downward.

"The device is working properly, and I'm reading spikes in energy all over Alola, Madam President! We've succeeded! We've opened the door!" Faba cried. Serena strained once more, gritting her teeth painfully when she saw it: the ripple that was being created in the center of the room from the coalescing gas. It was the same sort of rift that had appeared over Heahea City. Her numb hand released itself in the pure shock, the pokeball there rolling on to the ground and over to Lillie.

"It's been a long time...Nihilego." Serena's eyes could not have widened any further, yet she was completely speechless at what was emerging through the portal. It was a beast, likely one similar to that which Ash had fought, with tentacles that swayed back and forth. In particular, it looked just like Lillie; or perhaps Lillie looked just like it. Lusamine reached forward, touching the tentacles calmly. "Yes, I know you were in Heahea, but I'm afraid we could not meet. Just a light experiment at the time, I'm sad to say, all for this moment."

"I thought..." Clemont groaned out angrily. "I thought that a portal to the Ultra Space had never been opened before!"

"Of course, it has!" Faba said, cackling as he did so. "Perhaps not one on the scale of Heahea City or now, of course, but this was only possible because of Nihilego itself! Isn't that right, Madam Lusamine?"

"Yes..." Lusamine purred sycophantically. She turned around, a rather frightening smirk on her face, the creature known as Nihilego floating behind her. It all became clear to Serena, though her head was pounding with the numbness spreading through her body. The sight of the tentacle, Lusamine's "sickness", everything to do with Cosmog; it appeared to stem from this creature behind her. "It came through with Cosmog, it seemed, or so Michael said. But it was such a transient creature, fading in and out until it could no longer be sustained and faded back into its own reality."

"So...that's why you've been trying to open it all this time?" Clemont continued to lash out. "But Heahea...there was no need to hurt Nebby."

"I'm well aware there were more peaceful methods, but this was the only way that I deemed appropriate," Lusamine said. She was looking down at them all, like she regarded them as nothing. Her hand raised up. "You see, this is the only way to ensure this filthy world will not encroach upon the one of beauty we will all be going to. Where we can all be happy."

The sound of Nebby was still crying out, Faba having switched the device to keep the process of sucking Nebby dry, going. Serena felt like she was about to pass out, and neither Ash nor Gladion were saying anything, either knocked unconscious, or simply shocked into speechlessness. Lusamine's hands raised to the air.

"At long last, six years of work have borne fruit!" she declared. "Now the Ultra Beasts will eliminate this world, take it into theirs. They will cleanse it and make it all so beautiful, where myself and the things I love can live once more when order is restored!"

"Indeed, we've finally achieved what that spineless Mohn never would," Faba cackled out, approaching the tube where Cosmog was. "It wouldn't be possible without this little one's power and song. Your theories, as always Madam President, were spot on. Who needs the alignment of stars when we could create this? ! Though I suppose it will last until this one gets sucked dry...but Michael mentioned a second one we could always use, didn't he?"

"He did." Lusamine's voice was less manic now, more precise as her head lowered, and she smiled at Faba, who had made his way around the device that was killing Nebby inside. "Thank you, Faba. You've served your role rather well."

"Ah, it's been my pleasure, Madam President! Without your backing, I would never be able to observe such a phenom-"

It was sudden, but Serena received a jolt to her brain from the sight. One second, Faba was speaking, and the next, he was jabbed in the stomach with one of Nihilego's tentacles. It hadn't acted on its own either, given Lusamine's leering face. The mad scientist looked up at his employer, reaching his hand forward and blood spurted all about him. Serena's eyes traveled back to the rain-drenched fields again.

"However, I have no need of you in my beautiful world," she spoke simply. "I plan on only taking that which I find beautiful. Such as Guzma, and my daughter."

"" Faba groaned. Then, with a sudden snapping and wrenching noise, Serena was forced to watch as Nihilego wrapped Faba up in its tentacles, and with extraordinary strength, snapped him in half. Lusamine laughed, piercingly. Chillingly. Faba's body was lowered, bent at an impossible angle. Serena shook, and it wasn't from the cold. Clemont almost sounded like he had let out a whimper.

She really was just like him, tossing away that which she didn't need.

"Now, Nihilego, your brethren should have enough time until Cosmog runs out of energy, and by then it should be prepared enough for its return, yes?" Lusamine asked of the beast. It spoke no words, though the blonde woman appeared to understand it utterly and fully. Serena's head was swimming at Faba's blank eyes and broken body, though she could only imagine how Clemont was feeling. "Very well, I'll just need to grab a few things, which are conveniently in this room."

"Well, it's about time, Madam President," Guzma spoke, finally raising his feet from Ash and Gladion's heads as he walked forward. "All the others are probably on their way elsewhere. Want me to grab your daughter?"

"No, Lillie will come of her own volition. After all, together, we'd be able to bring her precious 'Nebby' back to what it should be."

"No." One word. One word that had tumbled from Lillie's mouth, yet it spoke to so many emotions: defiance, anger, injustice, sadness...hope. Her hand was scrabbling on the ground, grabbing to her pokeball. "I won't go with you, mother."

"What?" Lusamine asked flatly. There was a bright burst of light, and Komala emerged from the pokeball, automatically leaping for Lillie to embrace her. The blonde only briefly shared the hug as Nebby's screeching music continued to fill the room. Then, Komala broke free, his wood chunk glowing green as he smashed the ice around his trainer's legs. Shakily, Lillie stood, her whole body trembling.

"You may be my mother," the girl said, looking up so that she could stare straight at her mother. Komala was moving as Lillie pointed to the side, coming to free both Serena and Clemont. "But I am not your puppet! I am me!"

Lusamine said nothing, not even as Komala smashed the ice surrounding all of them. Serena fell to the floor, unable to move her legs as she practically collapsed on its surface. Clemont was the same, his cubed device tumbling from his hands. "Lillie, you don't even know what having a 'me' means to begin with."

"That's not true!" Lillie yelled. "You want me to be the daughter you want me to be! But I can't! I can't be the daughter of a murderer! Someone who would hurt my friends!"

"They're disposable," Lusamine scolded her, but this time, Lillie wasn't backing down. This time, she looked like a girl who would do anything to stand against this woman, fighting off the tentacles of her mother that threatened to strangle her. "You can have all sorts of beautiful memories in the world we're going to."

"But I love these memories!" Lillie screamed, slamming her hand against her chest. "I love Serena! And I love Ash! I love Komala, Clemont, Bonnie and Hau! I loved traveling with them and being free! Choosing what I wanted to eat! Doing things you never allowed me to do! You can take your world, but I won't let you hurt anyone I care about to do it! Not even Nebby!

"If you can't accept that...then you're no mother of mine!"

As Lillie screamed this, she grabbed ahold of her dress, and with tremendous force, ripped it apart. It tore at the, the seam that Serena had sewed up what felt like ages ago. Left standing there in her undershirt and modesty shorts, the tattered dress fell from her figure, utterly destroyed, the same as whatever lingering bond there may have been between mother and daughter. Lusamine's eyes widened, her face contorted in rage. Guzma was just plain surprised, looking between the two females with an expression of confusion.

"'ve become so...ugly!" she shouted. Lillie was heaving, sweat falling from her face with tears in her eyes at confronting her mother. Serena's heart went out to her.

"No, mother. You have." Lusamine continued to reel from the shock, but Lillie was not. She ran forward, swiping Clemont's device from the ground and running straight for Nebby's tube. Nihilego turned, but Lillie was faster, jamming the cube suddenly onto the tube. It short circuited, smoke rising in puffs, and the portal behind Lusamine flickered.

"Yo, Lusamine!" Guzma called with a warble of fear in his voice, but the woman still seemed to be in her state of shock. Lillie stepped back, heaving as little explosions surrounded the tube. The sound cut off and the torturous shocks seemed to cease. Clemont's device had done its work, opening the tube and depositing Nebby out. He looked different, though. Inert. Nevertheless, Lillie grabbed him.

"I'm so, so sorry..." she said softly, but let it last for only a moment, holding the now golden rimmed Pokémon, shaped like an eye, to her chest. She faced her mother, who had started to shake.

"Well then," the woman finally spoke. The mechanical island had begun to rumble, shaking from all the portals that had likely opened up. "It would seem I have no family remaining. You can stay in this rotting world for all I care, Lillie. Your flower has withered."

She whipped around, stalking towards the portal with her own purpose, and Guzma followed straight after. Nihilego screeched, its own body phasing in and out precariously. To that, Lusamine stopped at the edge of the portal.

"Worry not, sweet Nihilego," she spoke, now oblivious to those around her, including her own daughter and Guzma. "This isn't the end. The time will come very soon, on the Day of Stars, for things to open wide. I always knew that even if this failed, it would cause enough instability to make our dream have no possibility of failing then. After all, Cosmog's power comes from the stars and the celestial beings. Nature will work in our favor once more, just as it did back then. Until that time, we'll simply watch this adorable, crumbling world from afar."

"Sounds good to me..." Guzma smirked out. Lusamine nodded back at him, and Nihilego seemed to agree, for it floated back in to the portal. A final scoff later and both Lusamine and Guzma stepped in, before the portal flickered one more time and vanished entirely, losing the energy needed to stay stable.

Serena felt herself collapsing, the same as Lillie and all those around her. They had failed. Lusamine had won. Not even freeing Nebby was had only bought them time. Hearing the shrill voices of Team Rocket, Rotom, Bonnie and Hau, Serena felt herself collapse from heaving exhaustion and numbness.

All her smiles were gone.

Author's Note: There's a reason I claimed in my mind that this was like my "Empire Strikes Back" story (despite likely not being that level). Why? Because they lost. They lost really badly. Like so badly that Lusamine is pretty much about to succeed or already has. Lillie's actions in freeing Nebby only bought them some time before the Ultra Wormholes can be fully stabilized on...the Day of Stars. Boy, sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? I couldn't have possibly mentioned it earlier, could I? That said, this ended up tying off quite a few loose ends about the past and some of the present. If it was at all confusing, I'm sure I could explain it for you if you just ask.

Now, as for the more important stuff, this is the low point for the characters. Serena can't make everyone happy. Clemont is weak in spite of his victory against Faba. And Ash just got so brutally thrashed by a character that has been taunting him the whole story and made him feel like nothing. It's pretty rough for all of them, and that's the point. Except for Lillie. I hope her scene of standing up to her mother was done well, since it was something I'd been envisioning for such a long time...which is what the scene in Chapter 2 was for. And you all thought it was comic relief!

And, that said, I need to thank you all for all your kind and helpful words that these people have shared in a review: Armorshippingfan, FantasyLover88, RWBYSanctum, Tenzalucard123, Cottonmouth25, The Aura Gardian, ultimateCCC, Shining Aura, Gehatik, Alexandria Prime, AdvancedAlto, Omegaz, Nega Mewtwo, potat lasaro, PokeGrilPG21, David Wilsberg, aliensinnoh, ChE clarinetist, jlogan2748 and Leaflame!. Next chapter is the final chapter of Trials, so I hope you'll stick around for it. In the meantime, please Review and Dare to Be Silly.

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