Love in the Time of Trials

By Epicocity

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Ancienverse Book Five. In the wake of the battle at Heahea City, Ash and the others continue their adventure... More

Chapter 1: A Hatching
Chapter 2: A Doubt
Chapter 3: An Avenue
Chapter 4: A Problem
Chapter 5: A Tension
Chapter 6: A Partner
Chapter 7: A Shuriken
Chapter 8: A Discovery
Chapter 9: A Shadow
Chapter 10: A Darkness
Chapter 11: A Motion
Chapter 12: A Paradise
Chapter 13: A Division
Chapter 14: A Pain
Chapter 15: An Understanding
Chapter 16: An Observatory
Chapter 17: A Thread
Chapter 18: An Insecurity
Chapter 19: A Scarcity
Chapter 20: A Stalking
Chapter 21: A Bloodlust
Chapter 22: A Performance
Chapter 24: A Breaking
Chapter 25: A Rescue
Chapter 26: A Secret
Chapter 27: A Demon
Chapter 28: A Cavalry
Chapter 29: A Month

Chapter 23: A Smile

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By Epicocity

The conclusion to the Ceremony and other things are in this chapter. You won't want to miss this, and get ready, because there'll be no stopping soon. Time for Chapter 23!

Chapter 23

A Smile

"Shelgon, start us off with Scary Face!" Leko called, clenching his fists as he stood there in a fighting stance. He was certainly not one to wait for very long, Serena noticed. As soon as the bell had rung for their battle to begin, he'd called out his Shelgon and Cloyster, opposite to Serena's Pancham and Sandshrew, the two brothers looking ready to battle.

"Leko starts off the battle with a quick move, though it's doubtful to earn him a flower," Maika commented. Serena didn't need her announcement to know that. Pancham and Sandshrew returned the glare, but Serena wouldn't let any loss of speed affect them. This was a Ceremony battle, after all.

"Sandshrew, use Rapid Spin!" Serena called, pointing her hand downward with a grin. The little one took energy from that grin and began to spin like a top, almost drilling in a way. She had to wonder if he was taking some inspiration from Toucannon, from back when she was a Trumbeak. Nevertheless, he raced forward across the stage for the two slow-moving Pokémon that were his opponents.

"Hydro Pump, on the ground." Serena grimaced a little. Cloyster's shell opened, and its face sent a torrent of gushing water that coated the entire stage, dripping off the edges. The crowd gasped at the move, but Serena refused to be deterred, even as Sandshrew tripped up, landing with a splash on his stomach.

"No time to falter. Pancham, knock them up into the air with Stone Edge," Serena told her trusted partner. Pancham nodded, slamming his hands onto the stage. The stones raced out, gleaming a bright blue, and he was running for them, flipping on top before they could reach their opponents. The stones erupted underneath Shelgon and Cloyster, sending their somewhat prone forms up into the air. "Now, get above them and use Arm Thrust!"

"Champan!" Pancham pushed himself upward, into the air above the two of their opponents. His arms glowed white and punched onto Shelgon's hard shell before flipping over and doing the same to Cloyster. They dropped, and soon after impacted with the surface of the stones, shattering them into a fine, glittering powder. The score was even now, one flower each. She wouldn't let herself fall behind like that again, if she could help it.

"Keep it going. Sandshrew, use Ice Ball, rapid succession!" She knew Sandshrew could do it after all of their work on the move over the last few weeks. He may have been a baby, but Sandshrew was certainly taking after Pancham, and just a little bit of Pikachu.

"Saaaaaaaand..." Sandshrew's head raised up as he began to summon all of the ice to himself before pitching forward, still acting as though he were sneezing. "Shrew! Shrew! Shrew!"

The ice chunks fired out, soaring through the air, large and gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight. Leko appeared to blink, watching them on their crash course for his Pokémon. Not that it truly mattered if they impacted or not. "Break them with Spike Cannon!"

"Cloooooy..." Cloyster breathed out. The tips of its spikes all glowed a bright gleaming white. It remained in place and fired them off, the three white-glowing spikes jettisoning towards the Ice Ball and impaling in each of them. The Bivalve Pokémon rocked back a bit from the force of firing its attack, but otherwise didn't move.

"Pancham, let's make that attack ours and use Arm Thrust!" Serena called. Pancham nodded, leaping towards Sandshrew, whose hard back made the perfect jumping up point. The little one tucked in, providing the springboard surface for his partner. Pancham leapt up, spinning like a corkscrew as his arms glowed and he slammed onto the impaled orbs of ice. They flew forward, spinning around the spikes as they broke apart and hit into the opponent that had fired them. Two chimes sounded, indicating that Serena had just jumped ahead by two points. No time to rest on her laurels, however.

"Dragon Breath!" Leko called out. He was clearly starting to realize that simply intercepting her moves with his slow-moving Pokémon wasn't going to help him earn all the flowers he needed. Shelgon tumbled forward, and from the gap in its shell, green flames came roaring forth. Pancham, who was too busy landing, was unable to avoid the attack. It struck both him and Sandshrew, sending them backwards as the air hung with green mist. Sandshrew struggled to his feet, though Pancham quickly held him up. Leko was pumping his arms, having earned another point and looking excited, even a little surprised at having been able to make it this far. It reminded Serena of Ash and she laughed a little. That emboldened her for pressing on.

"No giving up, though," she reminded herself under her breath. As she finished saying this, her Pokémon were both up and ready for more action. "Sandshrew, start using Rapid Spin, and Pancham, make Dark Pulse swirl around it!"

"Sandshrew!" Sandshrew called before quickly gyrating into a spin. Pancham set to work as well, bringing forth his nexus of black energy and firing it at Sandshrew. The Mouse Pokémon sped straight for their unmoving opponents, the dark energy pulsing around his tiny form.

"Slow it down with Icicle Crash!" Cloyster's spikes fired off yet again, but instead of streaking with a white glow to impact with Sandshrew, they instead hovered in midair, joining together to create a cloud of ice that then slammed downward. Sandshrew didn't stop from the chunks of ice exploding into glitter around him, but he did significantly slow before his Dark Spin collided with the other side, driving them back. He snapped out of his spin and quickly ran back towards Pancham.

"What a breathtaking exchange! The collision of moves has earned both battlers a flower, keeping them almost at an even pace with one another!" Maika called to the crowd, who were excitedly murmuring. Some cheered, however, including her friends, always looking forward to her next move.

"Let's light it up! Fire a Spike Cannon and use Flamethrower to set it ablaze!" Leko said, thumping a hand to his chest. "We might not be the most flashy, but we get the job done."

"Get ready, Pancham," Serena said. Sandshrew was still returning, but she and Pancham kept close watch on the attack that was about to be incoming, her steadfast Pokemon obviously guessing that she had a plan. She had quickly come up with the idea from Leko's counter to Ice Ball earlier, and she only hoped she could get the timing right. Pancham watched Cloyster fire off the spikes, streaking through the air, more numerous than before, like it was a Pin Missile. As soon as they were away, roaring flames rocketed for them, consuming the spikes with burning passion. All of them sailed in a burning arc for the two seemingly prone Pokémon, like streaking comets. "Now, Stone Edge! Sandshrew, I need your help!"

"Shrew!" Sandshrew agreed. Pancham was already moving, pressing down on the ground. The stones flew up high from the ground to form a quick bulwark, and the flaming spikes slammed into their surface, blocking the offensive entirely.

"Now, spin and use Ice Ball on the rocks!" Serena yelled out. The thrill of battle, one she knew was usually felt by Ash, came to her and filled her with this euphoria that brought a shining smile to her face. Sandshrew spun, the orbs of ice, glittering and hard, spun with him, like a shield of frigid fury. It made him look to be a beautiful gleaming top as he raced for the rocks. In seconds, he slammed through them, shattering the flaming spikes and sending the stones right back for their opponents.

"A brilliant move! What a display!" Maika roared to the crowd as Sandshrew kept going, the stones beating across Shelgon and Cloyster, who were protecting themselves. "Serena's masterful use of her Pokémon's moves has brought her within a single point of victory, while Leko has dropped yet another flower!"

"Not for long, Hydro Pump on the ground!" Cloyster snapped open powerfully and sent the raging torrent along the stage once more.

"Direct your Ice Ball down, and Pancham, ride Sandshrew over!" Serena said. She could feel her face heating up from the intensity of battle, but neither stopped. The orbs of ice touched the water now spewing forth, freezing its surface to provide a clear, flat surface for him to spin upon. Pancham had also made multiple flips forward, landing atop Sandshrew deftly. He took a second to regain his balance, but was otherwise fine. Leko was anything but, staring with complete awe at the difficult act that Serena was pulling off.

"Cham cham cham cham!" Pancham said, indicating he was ready for making any attack that was called for.

"Now, use Dark Pulse from both of your palms!" Serena called, throwing her hand into the air. Pancham stretched both of his hands out and the darkness coalesced on both sides. Then it fired like a sweeping beam, cutting a path with the tendrils of darkness that neither Cloyster or Shelgon could avoid. Not that it mattered; the act of the attack had been more than enough, even as it collided and cut through the two prone Pokémon.

"And it's over!" Maika cried as soon as the bell began to ring. Serena breathed outward, feeling a little sweaty as she turned and saw her face on the screen, displaying her portrait with all seven spinning flowers. She had done it. She had cleared the first battle. "Serena is the winner, and she'll move on to the very final round!"

"Pancham! Sandshrew!" Serena cried, her two little ones running up to her and jumping in her arms as she laughed wildly. "Thank you, both of you. You brothers really worked well together!"

"Sandsand!" Sandshrew squeaked out, and Serena did the best she could to rub his head as they returned to the backstage area. Leko looked disappointed, but his Pokémon (Shelgon, in particular) nudged him in order to perk him back up. He nodded down to them and certainly seemed to get fired up, screaming to the sky and running off the stage. She had to laugh at that as she returned backstage, facing the two on the stage who would now be battling it out there.

Serena returned both of her Pokémon and decided to watch her friend battle it out, steadying her breath from her own previous battle. She wasn't surprised to see that both battlers were using Oricorio in their battle, simply given the nature of the town. However, it became obvious early on just who the master of using said Oricorio really was. While Maka's opponent, Mirielle, was able to earn her fair amount of flowers in the battle, thanks to her Oricorio attacking from the air with a variety of attacks, Maka showed her particular expertise far better.

Like her performances, her battle turned into a film battle all its own. Mele and Aki all rolled around perfectly with one another, weaving in and out with their electricity and psychokinesis. It was a much more refined version of the performance that Serena had seen them put on in Heahea, only adapted for battle. It all made Serena watch her very carefully. There was no doubt that Maka was a genuine threat that would need to be stopped if she wanted her final Lei, even if there were no hard feelings. Sure enough, after an impressive combination of her Oricorio's Revelation Dances, the expertly controlled bolts of electricity slammed into the opposing dancing Oricorio to earn Maka her seventh flower and secure her place in the final round.

"Nice job, you guys! Leave the rest to Ula and Ponpon," she said, giving both of them a high five before returning them. As she straightened up, she looked at Serena and nodded. The honey blonde nodded back. No turning back for the final round.

"All right folks, the Oricorio Ceremony has come down to this! Two trainers, four Pokémon, one Lei waiting for the winner!" Maika announced. Serena could feel her heartbeat increase as she strode across the stage, facing directly opposite Maka. Their announcer didn't call for the battle to start, but Maka had already called out the last two members of her film crew: the fiery, dancing Ula and the ghostly Ponpon.

"Braixen, Brionne, let's shine!" Serena called, bringing her two Pokémon to the stage. Maika seemed to notice how ready they were to begin, because she was already backing up.

"Both of our participants are ready to go! The final battle for the Oricorio Lei begins now!" The bell rang sharply. The crowd cheered. Serena watched her friends for all of a second, soaking in their smiles. The battle was here.

"Braixen, let's use Flamethrower!" Braixen snapped to at Serena's command. Her branch flipped out into her hands and, the second it even touched her palm, sent golden red flames gushing out towards both Ula and Ponpon. Maka smiled from across the stage; the girl was going to truly make her work for that Lei.

"Ula, Revelation Dance!" Ula raised her wing like a flamenco dancer and began to gyrate rapidly, her own body soon being set ablaze as she danced rapidly into the fire. Quickly, she began to make progress towards Braixen, who tried to increase the thrust of her flames. Serena switched tactics.

"Brionne, arch over with Aqua Jet!" Brionne did just that, the torrent of water surrounding her as she shot over the clashing Braixen and Ula. The crowd gasped at the sight of the rainbow stretching overhead from the water, heat and sunlight, aiming straight for Ponpon. A chime indicated that Serena had earned a flower, but she didn't relax.

"Bring it down with Double Slap," Maka said, framing the scene of both her Oricorio. Brionne made a beeline for Ponpon, but the ghostly Oricorio was lying in wait. Soon as the Popstar Pokémon got close enough, he flapped upward and slapped hard. Brionne spiraled down to hit the ground with a cry and more chimes were heard.

"An interesting reversal of fortunes," Maika called to everyone. "Serena has lost her flower while Maka gained hers! How will this turn out?"

"I'm not the same Performer from the Kala'e Ceremony, Serena," Maka said, turning her fingers around to point forward. "Me and my film crew have gone through a lot. Even if we can't get this Lei, we're not making it easy to do!"

"I wouldn't want you to," Serena confirmed. Ula reached Braixen at that moment. "Hit it down with your branch, then launch into Psyshock! Brionne, Bubblebeam! Combine the attacks!"

"Braibrai!" Braixen called. Soon as Ula came close, she slammed her branch down upon her. It provided an ample opportunity to strike as Ula bounced across the stage. Her claws glowed purple and sent the streaks forward. At the same moment, Brionne sent the cascade of bubbles out. The Psyshock cut through the air and the bubbles, making them pop like fireworks as they slammed into the two Oricorio on the stage. Serena already knew she'd earned her flower once again, and she waited for Maka to make the next move.

"Get close to them, both of you, with Revelation Dance!" Maka rolled her hands together before bringing it up to the air powerfully. Both Ula and Ponpon began to dance, each using a rather unique style, with one moving rapidly, and the other more gracefully. It still worked; flames shot out from Ula's dancing body as she moved across the stage, while Ponpon's caused him to move as a shadow through the flames, earning Maka her second flower.

"All right, Braixen, let's remove that advantage. Fire Blast on the stage, make the flames as high as you can," Serena said with a grin. She was beginning to enjoy the battle; Maka was truly the epitome of a rival, making her work to earn that final Lei. Their grins directed at each other were like a promise to give the other their all, make each other smile no matter the outcome, and prove that they were equal or better. Braixen plunged her wand into the ground and the five-pronged star of flame shot off in lines across the stage. The fires created by Ula built upward, soon becoming a conflagration that obscured the two birds from view. Neither Braixen or Brionne had that problem, clearly visible to the entire crowd. "Brionne, get over the flames and blast it with Bubblebeam!"

"Brioooooo!" Brionne called, once more arcing upwards with her torrent of water until she was over the blaze. Once she had found her position, she followed Serena's order and sent the Bubblebeam raining down onto the field. It was a strategy she had seen so many times before, yet it was effective, and her goal in this case was entirely different.

"Into the steam with Aqua Jet!" she yelled out. Brionne angled downward and shot into the steam with force, the torrent of water back once again as it sailed into the steam. Said steam quickly gathered around her, making the air shimmer with a watery hue that nevertheless outlined Brionne as she struck against the two Oricorio; Ula was afflicted the most.

"Ula, Air Slash! Clear the steam!" Maka cried. Two chimes were heard in the distance before Ula could make the move, but Serena easily knew that it meant she had surpassed Maka in flowers earned. That was clearly about to change. Within the mist, Ula formed a sphere of compressed air that she then danced around to break apart. The air burst forward, clearing the mist and forcing both Braixen and Popplio to hold on from the tremendous force of wind. That had definitely earned Maka her flower, and the two could see each other again.

Thank you, Maka...Serena said to herself. The battle wasn't close to finished yet, but her passions had reignited. Some of the path seemed so unclear, but battling here and now, Serena felt confident in herself. She didn't know how yet, but she was convinced once more in her ability to make those around her happy. Seeing Maka grin at her across the battlefield proved that. It also told her that someday soon, at the Hope Leilani, she could do it for Jessi...Jessilie, and Keoni. She breathed in and out. "Brionne, Disarming Voice!"

"Mirror Move, Ponpon!" Maka cried. Both of the girls were fully absorbed by the battle now. They were doing their best to put on a performance that was push and pull in every way. Maka shouted an order to Ula, and Serena called for a Flamethrower counter. They didn't need to think about it, because it was all natural. Don't forget to let yourself smile. She finally was, again.

Brionne's heart shaped soundwaves rimmed almost the entire stage with pink as Ponpon sent out the exact same move. They collided, exploding into hearts around the stage as the collision of flames from the other two sent embers glittering around the same area. The crowd was cheering over the collision and Serena felt her chest heaving with excitement. They were tied at four flowers.

"Now, Hidden Power and Bubblebeam!" Serena called out, sweeping her hand out with gusto. Braixen spun, twirling her wand around as ten different silver orbs surrounded her wand and then shot out in a powerful blast. At the same time, Brionne acted, sending her bubbles out to meet with the orbs. Those silver orbs were absorbed by the bubbles, frothing and gleaming. The first half of them struck against Ula and Ponpon, sending them flipping backwards.

"Cut it with Air Slash!" Ula danced rapidly, flapping up into the air with her ball of compressed air. She then sent it ripping outwards with a swipe. As it began to collide with the remaining, incoming attack, a chime was heard. Once it finished, causing the brilliance of the attack to fade, there was another one.

"You're really keeping level, Maka," Serena said, holding a fist out to her rival. "Our first battle wasn't nearly this close."

"Like I said, Serena, you're my lead actress, so I have to prove I'm a director worthy of your talents, and I'll do it right here! That's all that really matters. Not winning or losing, but proving myself to you!" she said, eyes wide with her challenging grin. "Revelation Dance, both of you, on Braixen!"

It was a sudden, concentrated attack, and Serena had to quickly assess the situation. Both of the Oricorio were moving swiftly, combining their attack in the same way as before, just more fixed and focused. "Braixen, Flamethrower! Brionne, protect-"

"Corrrrrio!" Ponpon cried with a measured, sophisticated voice as it reached Braixen with its graceful and ghostly dancing through the flames. His fan-like wings sliced upward across Braixen as Ula slammed into her at the same moment, driving her back. Maka earned her sixth flower.

It was something Brionne wasn't taking lying down, she shot forth, blasting both back with Aqua Jet, though its representation of brute force, despite the grace, prevented her from earning the flower. Braixen was heaving, leaning on her wand for support while Brionne glared fiercely at the two opponents.

Time stopped. Or rather, it seemed to. Mostly, it was because every single eye was riveted upon Brionne, whose body began to glow. Even Serena was surprised, yet at the same time, wasn't. She could feel Brionne's surge of emotions, resting within the Z-Ring on her wrist and in her heart. Their love for each other, for Braixen, for performing and protecting those around them was shared; like Serena's newfound clarity, thanks to Maka, had finally allowed Brionne's own growth alongside her. Brionne's tail grew, now appearing like a blue mermaid's tail from the stories, her body turning white. The ears seemed to become like a tiara that rested on a crest of blue hair which floated outward in tresses.

"Un...unbelievable! And unprecedented!" Maika called out in shock to the crowd. The blue glow broke, and Serena's newly evolved Pokémon let out a cry like a song, turning to Serena with a graceful and royal smile. "I've never seen anything like it! Brionne has evolved into Primarina mid-battle at a Ceremony!"

"Yeah, go Primarina!" Bonnie screamed from the crowd.

"Rotom must record data! Has it learned Sparkling Aria as Rotom's data would suggest?"

"Who cares? Win it all, Serena!" Ash cried out. Primarina turned her head a little further and nodded. Whether she was confirming Rotom's observation or not was ultimately of little importance. Maika was in a tizzy, stating how the evolution hadn't earned her any flowers, but Serena was fine with that. It hadn't been her own move that caused it...

"But I can't let them down, can I?" Serena called. Braixen stood once more, nodding as she clutched to her stick. "Sorry, Maka, but Primarina, Braixen and I are giving everything we have to give! We're winning that Lei! Sparkling Aria!"

"Ah! Ula, Steel Wing! Ponpon, Double Slap!" Maka cried. She wasn't panicking, but it was obvious that she sensed the threat to her victory, one that Serena wouldn't let come to pass.

"Block them, Braixen! Let's go!" Serena called. Her hand stretched to the air, clasping in a fist as her heart soared. Ula and Ponpon moved in, both of their wings glowing white. Braixen, despite her exhaustion, intercepted them to block the attacks head on with the branch, causing them to be stopped by it, almost locked in place. The Fox Pokémon twirled them around with a cry and threw them down on to the stage, ending their attack as abruptly as Maka had ordered it.

"Primaaaa!" Primarina cried, raising her larger flippers to the sky as a giant orb of water formed. Serena yelled one last attack, a Fire Blast, and Braixen struck. As Primarina hurled her orb into the sky, the star of fire struck from below. It was like a magnificent cage of fire and water that burst into numerous watery orbs before exploding with the intensity of fire. Ula and Ponpon cried out, consumed by the cage of explosions. A judgment call was soon made before it faded.

Ding! Ding!

"And there goes the battle! It's over! The winner is decided!" Maika's voice yelled. The mist of the attack cleared, showing a passed-out Ula and Ponpon. Serena grimaced, fearing she might have overdone it just a little bit, so she ran forward towards them as Maka did the same.

"Hey, you two, we were sooo close, especially in Oricorio Town of all places," Maka said, scooping the two into her arms as she kneeled on the ground. "Guess just being the favored in the town isn't enough. But I know that by going a little further, we'll get that third Lei and show everyone how great a crew we are."

"I think you already are," Serena insisted. Maka looked up as Serena came to stand between Primarina and Braixen. The black-haired girl smiled at her, but blew upward, some of her bangs having come loose.

"You're still better." Serena shrugged. It had truly been a close victory, almost won by sheer luck alone; that was enough for Serena to have considered that Maka was her equal. "Ah well, I'm happy with this. I proved I can match you, still. Now I can go on to the Hope Leilani with no regrets. Win it all, lose it all, it doesn't matter."

"I guess not," Serena said. Maka's reasoning tickled at the back of her brain, wanting to inform her of that one major thing she was trying to get at but couldn't. Nevertheless, she reached forward to take the girl's hand. "Maka, thank you. Thanks for being my rival, and my friend, and...I promise, when you're ready, I will be too. This was more than enough. Without you, I don't think I would've..."

"Ready for what, exactly?" Serena couldn't answer right away as Maika was approaching. Instead, she shouted her answer before the presentation of the Lei could begin.

"To be your lead actress, of course!" Maka looked up in surprise, but then grinned wildly as Serena approached Maika.

"Everyone, the winner of the Oricorio Ceremony has been decided upon. Give a great round of applause to Serena!" Maika cried out and the entire crowd began to roar with genuine approval. Comfey floated forward, presenting the Oricorio Lei, which seemed to be the four birds presented as if they were flowers. Serena reached forward for it. "And so, we present to Serena, the coveted prize of our honorable Ceremony: the Oricorio Lei. May you wear it with the blessings of the Tapus."

Her fingers clasped around it, and she lifted it high for the crowd and her friends to see. "Ta-da! I got the Oricorio Lei! My third one!"

"Yes!" Lillie shouted. "You were amazing!"

"Now that Serena has obtained her third Lei, she'll be permitted to take part in the Hope Leilani, the Final Ceremony, atop Mount Lanakila in a month and a half. We hope to see you there!"

Serena didn't stop grinning, joining in on a hug with her Pokémon. After all the frustration and self-doubt over her dream and how to reach it, she was here. It wasn't a complete answer, just like Ash probably felt about himself, but it was a start to one. That, at least, made her smile in jubilation.


"All right! Serena's set for the Hope Leilani!" Ash cried out, raising a glass of soda to the air. The others all around clinked their glasses against his, including the recipient of the praise, herself. Once she had, she sat back and sipped on it. Clemont quickly walked over to the table at the Pokémon Center in town.

"To celebrate, I've made quite the sumptuous meal," he told them, placing down wonderful plates of food. Serena felt a little bad about not helping to make it, but from Lillie's flushed and disheveled expression, it was most obvious that she had been the one to help their resident chef.

"We really came up with a great list of foods to properly party," Lillie said, putting down a plate of malasadas. Ash grabbed for one and Serena felt it was best not to scold him. What intrigued her the most was that Lillie had seemingly been practicing how to make malasadas some time, even though she hadn't seen her in action. This was a fact not lost on Bonnie.

"Ooh, someone's trying to impress someone," she snickered out. Lillie flushed and turned her nose up in the air, like she refused to acknowledge whatever it was that Bonnie was saying. Serena laughed and decided to clear a bit of the overexuberant mood at the table.

"I really appreciate all this," she told them, making sure to look at Ash, who finished swallowing his malasada. Pikachu was currently scarfing one down, himself. In the background, all the rest of the Pokémon were enjoying their own lively dinner, particularly Primarina, who was in a conversation (she thought) with Decidueye and Toucannon. "But, you know, there was no need to do all of this for me."

"Of course, there was," Ash assured her. "You made it into the Hope Leilani. That's huge!"

"She beat me, too!" Maka said from the chair next to Serena. The aspiring filmmaker appeared to have joined them in the celebrations, though she was currently sketching the scene before her as best as she could. "I seriously thought I had you..."

"So did I," Clemont confessed. "My heart was absolutely pounding during that last battle. I can only imagine what the Hope Leilani will be like."

"Yeah..." Serena chuckled out. She'd never thought of it before, but now that she was, it made sense to wonder what kind of level she'd have to perform and battle at during the Hope Leilani. In particular, she wondered how she'd have to do against Jessilie and Keoni. The former may not have earned her final Lei, but there was no doubt she was good, fueled by their rivalry. As for the latter...well, she just didn't want to let him get inside her head.

"You'll be fine! No problem! I'll finish up my trials and then we'll get to trainin'!" Ash told her with enthusiasm. She certainly appreciated the confidence in every measure.

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed, shortly before returning to nibbling on his malasada in peace. Once Ash had finished his second one, he looked towards Maka.

"So, Maka, what're your plans from here?" he asked, leaning upon the table. Serena was already quite sure of what the girl's itinerary was, so she sat back and let her answer.

"Gonna head for Malie City and the Ceremony there. After that, who knows?" Maka told him with a shrug. Ash seemed to accept that answer easily enough, going back to eating as Clemont and Lillie seated themselves once more. "But we'll talk after the Hope Leilani, Serena. I need to focus on making my crew into top form for it! Don't know if we'll face each other again there, but that doesn't matter; gotta be prepared for the rest of the competition, too. Everyone will know the awesomeness of Maka and her film crew! Then they'll all line up for me to make a movie!"

"I totally understand," Serena agreed, but the two girls nevertheless reached across to clasp hands. It felt like a reaffirmation of the promise between each other on the stage. That done, basking in the smiles of those around them, the pair turned to the food and chose to celebrate heartily.

It certainly was a joyous celebration, one that Serena hoped to repeat when Ash finally finished all of his trials. She knew he could do it, though her attention was more focused on enjoying the very meal in front of her with great gusto and enthusiasm. Bonnie was particularly excited, even doing a little dance with Dedenne, Lillie and Komala to show how much she enjoyed the performance. Even little Nebby popped out, unafraid to watch and chime along.

Of course, that action seemed to tucker Bonnie out and Clemont quickly took the young girl to the room for bed. Lillie, too, suppressed a yawn and returned to their quarters, leaving only Ash and Serena to see Maka out of the door.

"You're sure you don't want to stay the night at the Center?" she asked of the black-haired girl. Maka quickly tied her hair back into a bun with her red ribbon and grinned.

"No way. I've gotta get on the road if I want to make that Ceremony on time, you know," she informed them both with a wink. "We'll see each other as promised, though. So, you train up, and Ash, I'm pulling for you in your trials! I'm sure you'll do awesome in that League thing."

"Thanks, Maka," Ash said, holding a fist out for the girl to bump. Those feelings of well-wishes given, Maka turned on her heel and began running on the wooden walkways into the night, whistling out a tune that the Oricorio seemed to love. "So, you really accepted her role as lead actress?"

"Why not? It sounds like a lot of fun," Serena laughed out as the two headed back inside. "Besides, wouldn't be complete without the other lead actor and costar, would it?"

"Who's that?" Ash asked, tilting his head. Pikachu seemed like he wanted to slap himself while Serena tipped her head back with a heartier laugh. "Oh, right...well, if you'd like me to."

"Just think on it, Ash," she insisted as the two got back to their room. Clemont had already fallen asleep near a resting Bonnie while Lillie was awake, but shushing them. Serena took the advice and simply moved to take a shower before falling asleep on her bed.

Rather, she tried to fall asleep, but simply couldn't. It had certainly been a recurring enough problem of late, though the reason for it tonight was less worry and more an overabundance of joy inside her. She had managed what she had sought for, and it made her very happy. Though she also felt like whatever she was looking for tickled the back of her mind, like she only had to extend her fingers a little to grasp at it. As a result, these swirling, mixing and conflicting emotions caused her to toss and turn. She was just glad Ash wasn't sleeping next to her tonight.

After the fourth of fifth time of trying to get to sleep, Serena finally flopped on to her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her hand placed itself over her head as she stared at the blank paint, illuminated by a faint, soft glow. It only struck her that the glow wasn't quite natural a few moments later, and she sat up, looking around the room. Bonnie and Dedenne were snoring while Rotom was deactivated on top of her head. Clemont, Ash and Pikachu also seemed to appear like the dead, which left Serena wondering, until she saw the faint brightness from underneath Lillie's sheets and heard the muttered cheers as well.

"Lillie?" Serena whispered softly over to her. The girl jerked under her covers but didn't make any further movement, like she was pretending to be asleep, despite the glow from underneath. Serena shook her head and shifted herself out of bed, walking over to her companion's. "Lillie, I know you're awake."

"No, I'm not," Lillie squeaked, though it pretty much defeated the purpose of the denial. Serena stood at the foot of the bed, lips pursed as she watched Lillie. Something brushed past her leg, but she paid it no real mind.

"Lillie..." she said now, a little more sternly. The girl finally complied, throwing the sheets off her and revealing the communications device that was Clemont's in her hands. On it seemed to be footage of her performance.

"I...I just wanted to watch it again," the younger girl said sheepishly. The blonde almost looked like she felt she'd be punished for staying up so late and watching it. After all this time together, the girl still seemed perennially worried about being scolded by some invisible force. Wanting to reassure her that this wasn't the case, Serena sat on the bed next to her. She reached over and took her hands.

"It's okay, Lillie, it's not like I'm mad," Serena laughed out a little. She squeezed her hand and Lillie relaxed, nodding. Somehow, Serena felt almost like a mother, despite the girl being only a year younger than her. In the spirit of that, she spoke her next words. "I don't have a problem with you enjoying my performances, but make sure you get some sleep. We want to be extra ready to cheer for Ash when we reach Po Town tomorrow, right?"

"Oh, definitely," Lillie assured her. Her hand removed itself from Serena's and she drew her legs in towards herself, chin resting upon her knees. "I just...I've never done something so rebellious before. It was always a very strict bedtime for me, you know?"

"Well, there certainly isn't one here. The number of times I've had to scold Ash for staying up too late training..." Serena said, leaning back a bit. "If it wasn't for his love of sleep, I'd worry. But I guess that's one of the things you grow accustomed to on a journey."

"Most assu-" Lillie's voice cut off, and it was no surprise as to why. The door had creaked open, and both of the girls turned to it. There was no one entering inside, which made the culprit all too clear. They looked to the floor and saw the unmistakable form of Nebby slipping out. "Where is he going this time?"

"Hmm..." Serena mused. She waited a moment, wondering if Nebby would come back. When he didn't, Serena got an idea. To prove it, she grabbed Lillie's hands. "Let's follow him, quietly."

"O-okay..." Lillie said. She appeared to be apprehensive about the whole ordeal, but also curious. The two girls spent no time getting dressed, though Serena really just threw some shoes on so as to not go through the whole process of changing. Checking back and seeing the others were still asleep, the two slipped out the door.

Oricorio Town, as they discovered when stepping out of the Pokémon Center, was much quieter at night. The eponymous Pokémon were likely sleeping, and the lights were off in all the houses at the late hour. Yet even without that, there were still sounds, like the swaying of the wind through the flowers, and the creaking of the wooden walkway. Serena cast her gaze outward and managed to lock on to the bounding Nebby, heading off towards the path from town...towards the Lake of the Moone.

"Come on," she said to Lillie. The girl nodded and stuck close, obviously trusting her to know the way. Not that she did, but following Nebby's trail and guessing at his destination made it easy enough.

The wooden pathway eventually gave way to a dirt path, sloping upwards. The sounds of Oricorio Town began to fade a little in the distance as they continued their trek over fallen leaves and stones. In fact, the closer they got, the more Serena could see the state of ruin that affected the area. There was some rustling in the woods, and Serena peered in towards the trees, almost feeling watched, but not quite. Nor was it the same feeling as so long ago by Brooklet Hill. Shaking her head to clear the feeling, she kept on forward.

"Well, there's a sight," Lillie breathed. Serena, now looking upwards, had to agree. Stretching out before them was a large lake, glistening in the moonlight. It was an impressive sight to behold, though perhaps more impressive was the large structure atop it, closer to their edge of the body of water. "The Lake of the Moone...rumor had it that once upon a time, rituals were performed at an altar here, until it fell to ruin."

"It certainly looks like one," Serena agreed, walking forward on to the stone surface that rimmed the lake. There was a giant staircase, part of it seemingly broken off, but still in good condition. That actually seemed to describe most of the ruins as a whole, given the quick examination. It looked like a place that once upon a time could be reached from any direction for these rituals, making Serena wonder just what kind they really were. There looked to be firelight on the other side of the lake, however it was just as easily snuffed out...though, thinking on it, she realized it was likely some kind of reflection.

"Some of these seem recent," Lillie observed as she walked up the steps. She kneeled down for a second and felt the edge of the broken walkway. "Yeah, this chunk looks to have broken off a while ago."

"You're an expert on ruins now?" Serena laughed, making Lillie flush. She answered with a rather predictable response.

"I like to read." That was true enough, and Serena joined her on the steps, hooking their arms together to head deeper into the ruins, towards the altar. There was no doubt that Nebby was inside.

Silence fell upon them, like an extra veil of night was drawn overhead. It made Serena shiver a little, like there was this darkness there. More accurately, she felt like saying, it was akin to an eclipse that was above them, reflecting light back as a space of nothingness. They could still see inside the ruins, but it was drawing closer around them, almost suffocating them. There were scratches on the sides of the walls, signs of a battle having been fought there. To Serena's eyes, they almost looked like symbols, if odd ones, including those of letters.

"Nebby!" Lillie's voice called. Serena wrenched her gaze away from the horrible visage and proceeded up the last, long flight of stairs. The blonde had stopped at the top and Serena nearly ran into her, looking beyond. Sure enough, Nebby was there...along with...another?

"What is going on?" Serena breathed out.

"Pew! Peeeeeeeew!" Nebby was screaming, as if calling out for someone. Serena breathed in and out, trying to steady herself at the sight before the both of them. It was like a pulsing portal, phasing in and out of existence, anchored to a spot in the middle of the altar, where the four stairways appeared to meet. Like someone had taken a doorstopper and wedged it in a crack. There was darkness eking from it, or so it felt, and what looked like another Nebby inside, calling out but restrained. Then there were the claws, like something searching for entrance...or exit.

"No!" Lillie cried. Nebby had started to move forward as Serena blinked. This was beyond insane, and she felt she had to have slipped inside of a dream. Lillie dove forward and a howling formed, as though the, not quite darkness, but an absence of light, was sucking in towards the portal. There were whispers in it, as though it was calling Nebby. Lillie wouldn't allow that, and Serena wouldn't either.

"Hold on!" she cried, gripping the back of Lillie's dress as the blonde snatched up Nebby in her arms. She pulled backwards, away from the phasing portal and back down the steps. There was a loud cracking noise...and then nothing. Lillie was on the ground, panting. In her recovery, Serena walked back up the stairs and looked. It was completely gone, just like all the other portals. Had removing Nebby's presence caused it to close? Or had it been something else? Peering beyond the mist of the night, Serena thought she could see someone there, but it proved to be a trick of her eyes.

"Are you all right, Nebby?" Lillie asked. Nebby just drooped sadly. "It's like the day we left..."

"You mean, the day you rescued Nebby?" Serena asked. Lillie nodded, and her gaze became wistful, thinking. "You saw something like that?"

"I think? Maybe...not quite the same. But I know I saw another Nebby in the sky at twilight," Lillie stated. It certainly hadn't been twilight now, but that hardly seemed to matter. Lillie held her little companion up, smiling at him. "Probably my imagination, but maybe there are things attracted to Nebby. Like he can't control the power he puts out or something."

"That would not surprise me. He can barely even control his urge to leave the bag!" Serena said. Lillie let out a full-on giggle at that. Even Nebby seemed to be amused, smiling and jingling in Lillie's arms. Feeling better about the mood, and forgetting about the strangeness of the now vanished portal, Serena leaned down to pat the little one. "Maybe it's a friend of his..."

"Friend or not, Nebby should know by now what happens when he just leaves!" Lillie scolded the little one. Nebby just wore a look of innocence and jingled away. His blonde caretaker continued to glare at him before playfully poking him in the cheek. "Don't worry, Nebby. If you're worried about something, we'll figure it out, but this place isn't safe for you. That sudden occurrence just now should show you that. And I'll always try to protect you, because I love you!"

"Pew pew!" Nebby sounded most happy to hear her say that, almost bouncing up and down in her arms as Lillie chose to pet him.

"We all do," Serena said, resting on her knees with a smile. "You cause us a lot of trouble, but we're still there for you. That's what love is, in a way."

"Sort of like you in general!" Lillie said, smiling happily. Serena glanced at her, not quite understanding what her friend was saying. "You always keep moving forward, never giving up on doing whatever you need to do, because that means everything for your dream, right?"

"My dream..." Serena spoke, almost like a whisper. It was true that she never gave up, same with Ash and all the others. It had been their guiding light through everything, pushing them forward in the best of ways. Maybe it was a form of love, what she did: she brought love through her smile to those who had none. "You're right..."

"Yeah." The statement was so simple, and seeing Lillie smile now, that itch in her brain started to scratch itself out. "Can I ask, Serena...why did you choose this dream to follow?"

"Because I made a promise," she answered. It was the easiest thing to answer, because they were moments that would never leave her. How she'd gone from the daughter of a Rhyhorn racer to a Performer wanting to just have fun. Now, though, she knew what she was truly doing; had known since she held herself in the rain and promised to bring back all the smiles. "That promise is something I want to keep, to bring smiles to everyone."

"It's a nice dream. I like it," Lillie said cheerily. Her own voice sounded distant now, lost in reverie, but she still began to speak of her own accord. "I was never able to have a dream. For me, it was always whatever my mother wanted."

"Your mother?" She had heard the blonde speak of her mother before, but this was the first time that she seemed to outright say anything regarding the woman in actual relation to herself. Serena wondered if Lillie would realize this and stop talking, but she didn't.

"My mother made all my decisions for me: what clothes to wear, what books to read, what foods to eat, things to say...I loved her, so I did all of it, thinking it would help her with the grief after what happened with father and my brother," Lillie said, turning her gaze back downwards. "I don't think it did, though...Eventually, I just became what she wanted me to be. I knew I had to leave, though. I...I wasn't growing."

She wasn't blooming...Serena realized. It sounded so much like Reeree and all the members of DARC. So many people who experienced pain, yet were held back from their own grief, or turned their grief into rage because of others who didn't allow them to think or be bereaved. Lillie, though, had managed to turn everything around. It still made sense, though, why Lillie would flinch every time she changed her clothing, thought she would be scolded, and all the other things. She had to have spent years constantly living in fear of being punished for disobeying her mother. It was likely she still did so, even after so much time with them; still held in thrall by that command and thought of presence.

"Sometimes, I wish I could have saved her, but I think she just saw me as a reminder of it all," Lillie finally admitted with a sigh, clutching Nebby to her on those stone steps. "I guess acting as the perfect, beautiful daughter she wanted was my attempt at that, for all the good it did. She just got more and more obsessed. I stopped being 'Lillie'." much like Reeree...Serena concluded in her mind. She reached forward, and enclosed her arms around Lillie, smiling and hugging her close. Lillie froze a second, letting go of Nebby. But then, she hugged back, and it all felt like home. I wonder if this is what hugging your child would feel like...

"But then I met all of you!" Lillie said. Serena now pulled back, bringing herself into a standing position. Lillie once more grabbed ahold of Nebby and stood, smiling so brightly, it was like the sun was piercing through the darkness of that place. "You made me so very happy! I felt like I had a real family again! Maybe mother can still be saved some day, but these last few months, I felt...I felt free! Alive! I love this adventure, and each day I wake up excited about what's to come!"

"Pew!" Nebby agreed.

And that was when it all hit Serena. That was when the ray of light broke through, when that beautifully blooming flower began skipping down the steps gaily. She had made Lillie smile. She had made at least one person smile. Not just that, all of them had. Everything she had been struggling with didn't matter all that much because she'd come to understand: she didn't need to do it all alone. Serena had struggled so long with how to make everyone happy on her own, thinking only herself could do it.

Yet it wasn't the case at all. She was just that small part of a much larger puzzle. If she worked with everyone around her, then maybe...

A smile blossomed on her own face at her revelation. Her heart felt free again from what had been weighing her down so long. It was just like her battle with Maka; it hadn't been just herself bringing smiles, but the two of them battling together doing so. It was refreshing and liberating, and Serena smiled further, running after Lillie.

For the first time in weeks, she finally had her head in order. And that was something no darkness could break.


If there was one thing that surprised Ash the next morning after he had awoken, it was how positively happy Serena and Lillie seemed. Not that his girlfriend wasn't always positive; she was like sunshine in human form, he felt. This was more than that, though. They seemed to laugh like they were made of air. He couldn't figure it out, even after staring at the both of them conversing through breakfast.

"What is Ash thinking of?" Rotom decided to ask when his stare hadn't broken for a good ten minutes. It was hanging upside down as it asked, but Ash decided to not make himself seem totally creepy.

"Nothing much. Just my Grand Trial," Ash said.

"Jang jang!" Jangmo-o cried out from behind him as Lycanroc howled, both of them showing how excited they were for that very trial. Ash's thoughts managed to break away from Serena to move towards that upcoming battle later today. They had been training a lot on the road to Oricorio Town, trying to really get themselves stronger together in mind and body. He felt he might have formulated some sort of answer to Nanu's question, too: his understanding of all the Pokémon having their own place in nature was getting him closer to understanding Pokémon...or he thought so, at least. It felt like an answer, even if it was one he wasn't quite satisfied with.

Plus, there was the thought that it brought him no closer to figuring out how that or battling in Leagues (or even battling in general) could make him a Pokémon Master. That was an issue to shelve for later, though.

Regardless of everything, his whole entire team was ready to battle, especially the particularly rambunctious Jangmo-o, who was a little too excited to battle once more. Not wanting to make him wait too long, the whole entire group finished their meal and set off through the northern exit of Oricorio Town: an exit relatively void of people near it, making their departure as smooth as could be, to Ash's general surprise.

"If we keep going straight," Serena informed them once they were back on the road, "we'll reach Po Town by midday, I think."

"Let's just hope we can outrun the storm clouds," Lillie pointed out. Now that she stated it, Ash noticed the rolling clouds that seemed to be approaching from the distance, rolling in quickly. That made him pick up the pace.

"Rotom does not want it to rain! Rotom is waterproof, but Rotom still does not like water," the Pokédex claimed, the closer they got to Po Town. The storm clouds were growing equally close, nearly on top of them, rumbles of thunder being heard approaching the further they progressed.

"Really? I love the rain!" Bonnie exclaimed. She and Dedenne threw their hands up high as they ran ahead, up a hill that was the only barrier to seeing Po Town and the police station below it: the site of the next Grand Trial. Ash choose to try and join her, as did the others.

"I'd prefer a nice place to just sit and relax," Clemont countered his sister. Rotom nodded sagely, agreeing with the lemon blond. "A police station might not do it, but it may be the best choice we have."

"Rain or sun doesn't matter to me!" Ash called, pumping his fist with enthusiasm. Serena and Lillie both laughed at that. "What matters is having a great heated battle against Nanu! Right, buddy?"

"Kachu!" Pikachu cried, smacking his cheeks to generate electricity.

"That's just like you," Serena said. Droplets of rain could now be felt on Ash's skin, but they were so close that he didn't let it perturb him in the slightest. "Always looking for the next challenge."

"I like it," Lillie insisted. "I always hated Pokémon battles, because I thought they only hurt the Pokémon, but seeing the way you all do it, and the way I connect with Komala, really makes me enjoy them. Especially seeing such a skilled trainer as Ash do it."

"Ha ha, thanks," Ash said with some embarrassment, rubbing under his nose. They were quickly trekking up the hill as the rain really began to fall and thunder crashed near to them. Bonnie had stopped at the top, likely staring out over their destination, and Ash figured it had to have been one heck of a site.

It certainly was...but not in the way Ash expected.

As he came to a stop on the hill, he froze, staring at the scene of Po Town before him. The police station was there, lights on and everything. Yet next to it was a walled off town with houses that were shattered and broken, tags of graffiti sprawled everywhere one looked. There didn't seem to be people, and the entire place looked ramshackle and desolate from entrance to exit. Po Town could hardly be called a town to begin with, because it was absolutely and utterly destroyed.

Once more, the thunder rumbled, and the heavens opened up to unleash a torrent upon them.

Author's Note: Yes, we've arrived at Po Town, which isn't quite what our heroes were expecting at all. How will this go from here? Beyond that, Serena has her third Lei! And Brionne evolved! Maka also took her leave, disappearing like Serena's other rival, but I wanted this to be a major point for the two of them. Also, I didn't include a Z-Move this time around to keep focus on the evolution. This was a pretty jampacked chapter, so I hope you thought I handled it well enough with all the big things, including Serena and Lillie's bonding moment that led to some major revelations. Next chapter, though, should be the start of something grand. I hope you'll enjoy!

Of course, no note would be complete without nothing those who deserve my thanks, and that big thanks goes to RWBYSanctum, Tenzalucard123, Cottonmouth25, thatsmybusiness43, FantasyLover88, Armorshipping, aliensinnoh, AdvancedAlto, micro0951, ChE clarinetist, Omegaz, ultimateCCC, Alexandria Prime, PokeGirlPG21, Nega Mewtwo, potat lasaro, jlogan2748, AmourshippingCanon, David Wilsberg and 1 guest. Trials has been moving along quite swimmingly here, so I'm glad you've all supported me, and I hope you'll continue to do so into the future. So, until next time, please do Review and Dare to Be Silly.

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